Who you used to be - [p.jm]

By Yoonginyaan

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"I'll do anything it takes to bring him back to his old self again. I know he's still in there, even if he's... More

1. "I missed you so much"
2. "Crying won't help"
3. "I'm Park Jimin"
4. "Welcome to the family"
5. "Say what you have to say and die"
6. "I want to meet him"
7. "I was too weak"
8. "Do you really still love me?"
9. "I don't think we can get him back"
10. "Fire"
11. "Jagiya"
12. "You killed them"
13. "I don't want to leave him"
14. "I'll save you"
15. Begin
16. "I hate you."
17. "Leave Jimin behind?"
18. "I love you"
19. Stigma
20. "I want you" [r15]
22. "We have to kill him"
23. "Teamwork makes the dream work"
25. "I can't do this anymore"
26. "They're running"
27. "Promise you won't ever leave me"
28. "I'm sorry"
29. "I hope they make it"
30. "We'll figure this out together"
31. Lie
32. "Let your mistakes remain in the past"
33 - "It's not the right time yet."
34 - "Hyung"
35 - "Because I love them"
36. - "Why him of all people?"
37. - "You left me with no other choice."
38. - "I want him dead"
39. - "How can I believe you?"
40. - "We're leaving"
41. "Kill me"
42. Reflection
43. "We'll avenge him"
44. "Rest well"
45. "This feels like a family reunion"
46. "You'll just have to trust me"
47. "He'll catch up"
48. "You chose your fate, boy."
49. "Such cold eyes"

24. "Our contract is over"

661 33 8
By Yoonginyaan

Jimin had been avoiding you for the next few days.
You thought it had something to do with the question you had asked him about Bangtan and actually not wanting to kill them.

He seemed so lost and confused that time, that you actually hoped he might change his mind.
Was there a possibility that he saw no point in revenge anymore?

You wanted to leave him some space, but ended up missing him all the time. He had the nerve to sleep with you after 2 years and then just not talk to you for the next days.

You noticed your stomach growling and realized it was far past lunchtime so you decided to make some food.
Jimin usually cooked food for you himself or would occasionally call in the maids which normally weren't in the house anymore.

Today you thought it would be best to leave him alone to his thoughts.
You really wanted him to sort things out already and decide what he wanted. For you, it didn't matter anymore. You had left Bangtan for a reason and didn't want to feel guilty again because of them. You were finally with Jimin now, with no regrets.

Jin normally cooked at the dorm so you had no idea how to do it or what to make.
Helplessly, you started searching for Jimin after all.

You needed food.

Not looking for him much, you saw him in the training room. He was literally just standing there in front of the torn punching bag with a piece of paper in his hands. You couldn't help but wonder why he was staring at it like that.

"Jimin?", you asked cautiously as you leaned on the doorframe.


"Will we eat something?", you asked, surprising him.

"What's the time?", he questioned without really looking up.

"About 2 o'clock."
Your stomach made another growling sound.

Jimin covered his face.
"I'm sorry, Y/N... I totally lost track of time. We'll go out to eat today."

The thought made you excited. You would finally get to go outside again and go to another place apart from around the house.


You got into Jimin's car with him. It had the familiar scent of mint, just like him. Jimin sat down, making the leather seat give a pleasing sound.

He avoided your look before starting the engine and then driving off.

"Are you avoiding me?", you dared to ask.
It wasn't a question, it was obvious. You just wanted to know what was on his mind.

"Sorry, I just need time to think about some things", he admitted.
"It doesn't have to do with you, don't worry", he then added.

"Was it because of what I asked you a few days ago? About Bangtan?"

The car swayed for a second.
He wanted to tell you to not mention them, but just didn't have the energy.
They had been appearing in his thoughts too often lately.

"I guess", he just said before taking a turn.

You knew something was wrong. And even if he thought you hadn't noticed, he had been having nightmares lately, even more than usual.

You moved a little in your seat.
It was best to not say anything else just yet, so you admired the landscape from your window.
Jimin placed a hand on yours while driving with his other.

It was his injured hand.

Somehow, it made you sad just looking at it. The wound was Jungkoom's doing, but he hadn't really meant it that way.

His words to Jimin must have left a scar on him.
"I'm sorry Jimin-hyung. It's nothing personal... I just have to protect my friend. I don't really want to hurt you."

You took his hand gently to not hurt him more. Ever since that day, Jimin had been different.

The only logical explanation to you was that nearly killing Jungkook gave him a taste of what his revenge would be like.
He would have to kill 5 more people with whom he shared memories and brotherly relationships. With Jungkook, he realized how hard it would eventually hit him.


The restaurant he took you to, was indeed special as it was located high up in one of the highest skyscrapers in town. It was one of the business district buildings, but it had a restaurant at the top.

The walls were actually perfectly scrubbed windows from bottom to top, completely engulfing the room in daylight.
The prices here would probably be too high for you to even be able to count.

"You don't have to worry, lots of professional killers, agents, mafia bosses and such come here", Jimin whispered over to you.

So you were actually in the midst of what would normally have been your enemies.

Looking around you, you saw lots of men and women, decorated in all sorts of jewlery and accessoires.
Compared to them, you and Jimin looked more like commoners.

Jimin told you to order anything you wanted. Everything was totally overpriced so you took the cheapest dish you could find.

Jimin used to have very rich parents, but they died and left him alone. He inherited all the money.

Just as he wanted to say something after a while of silence, another presence at your table drew your attention.

"Park Jimin, well I'll be damned", the man smiled intimidatingly.

The man wasn't very tall, but you could tell he was one of those influential, high positioned jerks. Judging by the rings and scars on his hands, you could only guess he was involved in shady businesses.

He spoke in a very harsh satoori accent, making the sentence sound more dramatic than it actually was.

Jimin's gaze fell on the man, seeming unpleasantly surprised.
"What do you want Hongbin?"

The man chuckled.
"You can't greet an old friend?"

"You're no friend of mine", Jimin snapped and pretended to be busy with something else.

Hongbin faked a sad face.
"Oh? But I thought we parted on good terms. I did save your ass, didn't I?"

A rich man like him using the word ass really didn't fit the picture. Jimin hissed, his gaze meeting yours. He obviously didn't like you hearing this.

Hongbin's eyes travelled to you as well.
"Oh, is that her...?"

You gulped. Something about his gaze disguisted you. He had this greedy and selfish aura radiating from him as he admired you from head to toe, your body feeling like it was made of thin ice.

Jimin shot up from the table, knocking over a glass.

Everyone in the room stared at your table for a moment.

Jimin was only a little shorter than Hongbin, but seemed a lot weaker even though he had much muscle.

Hongbin let out a sarcastic laugh.
"Fine... I'll contact you again later, since you didn't reply to my request yet."

His face turned serious and you felt as if you were in danger. Something about it just made you shiver.

"I'm not working for you anymore. Our contract is over", Jimin reminded firmly.

"But you haven't quite achieved your goal yet, have you?"
Hongbin raised an eyebrow.

What did that man have to do with Jimin and how come he used to work for him?

Jimin fell silent.
You sensed his helplessness and felt pity for him. As much as you wanted to say something to protect him, you were the black sheep around here.
You would only cause trouble if you misbehaved.

"I'll contact you", Hongbin repeated before turning to leave.
"Miss Y/N", he bowed and left.

"How does he know my name?", you whispered as soon as Jimin had sat down again and began cleaning the mess with napkins.

Jimin seemed pale. He leaned against his palm with his forehead.
"That was Ki Hongbin, one of the filthiest mafia bosses in the country. Of course he would know everything about everyone."

The name did ring a bell for you.
His name was on the paper you had found in Jimin's room upon finding out about the fire at Bangtan's dorm
It was also on the wanted list of your organization, but was ranked S++ and up. That kind of mission had always been out of your reach.

That guy was dangerous.

"What do you have to do with him?", you asked wearily.

Jimin sighed before answering. He seemed really unwilling to tell you, but he saw that he had no choice.

"You remember me telling you that, 2 years ago, I escaped from the enemy once I had gotten stronger and swore to get my revenge on Bangtan and everyone else?"

You nodded.

"Well, I met Hongbin soon after I got out of there and he promised to help me achieve my goals", Jimin explained.

You knew where this was going. Hongbin seemed too foul to have honestly wanted to help him.

"We made a contract. I work for him and in exchange, he helps me get my revenge."

It suddenly felt as if a light went on in your head.
"Wait, so the casino robbing, that gang in the warehouse.... was that you working for Hongbin?"

Jimin nodded.

Your jaw dropped. Everything was his doing?

"Hongbin is a guy you can't say no to. If you have a contract, then you have to keep by it otherwise you die", Jimin said sadly.
He was stuck under this contract and basically had no choice but to kill Bangtan, even if he did end up changing his mind about it.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?", you questioned.

Jimin stayed quiet while a waitress brought you the food you had ordered. She cleaned up the stain Jimin had made while knocking over the glass.

"I thought I could get out of it somehow... he hadn't been giving me missions anymore. But now he needs something again", Jimin muttered as soon as the waitress had left.

Jimin had to do some dirty work again and make his name as a criminal while Hongbin just sat around and used his power.

"Don't worry about me", he assured you.
You couldn't believe him.
Maybe this was the reason why he had gotten so cold as well. Commiting crimes wasn't something a normal person did.

"What if he asks you to do something dangerous?", you questioned.

"I've already done enough dangerous things for Hongbin. That's how I managed to get so strong in such a short time", he explained.
That was probably also part of the deal between them.

"So the contract is broken once you've killed Bangtan?", your repeated.

Jimin nodded.
"But it has nothing to do with the contract. It's something I have to do anyways."

You couldn't avoid the feeling of disappointment. Somehow you had been hoping that he had changed his mind.

"But to be honest... I've had enough of that guy's shit", Jimin admitted.
"He keeps dragging it out on purpose. I bet you anything he set that fire in the dorm so that they could escape easily."

That had caught your attention too. A fire could have easily been set so that everyone would die of it. But then, all of Bangtan was still alive?
A logical explanation could have been that the fire wasn't set up properly - on purpose.

However, you were actually thankful to Hongbin for that. Otherwise, Bangtan would have really been dead now.

"Wouldn't it be better to get rid of the contract and kill Bangtan yourself then? Without that man's help?", you wanted to know.

Jimin leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.
"Yeah... but how?"

"Kill him."
You meant Hongbin, of course.

Jimin stared at you for a moment but then broke out in uncontrollable laughter. You thought about what you had said and you didn't understand why he was laughing.

Once he had calmed down again, he wiped a tear away from his eye.

"Kill Hongbin? Are you crazy?", he whispered.
"He is the nation's number 1 mafia leader whith a record of over thousands of S++ kills, known for being the best sniper ever to walk planet earth back in his day."

You hadn't known all of this and suddenly felt so small, knowing that a legend had just stood next to your table.

Jimin leaned over the table. His face was serious again.
"I don't know if it's true, but Namjoon used to be his student."

Your eyes widened.
Namjoon had a teacher like that? No wonder that he was a sniping monster.

You knew that Namjoon had been in the underground for some time, but had no idea that he had been taught by a mafia leader known as the best sniper in the world.

"Yeah... it's only a rumor though. I don't know if it's actually true since Hongbin didn't want to tell me", Jimin told you.

He then suddenly realized that he had talked about Namjoon in such a casual way and felt bad. They were enemies and he and Taehyung needed to be punished most.

"Okay but... who says we can't kill him, the both of us?", you questioned.

Jimin almost automatically replied.
"No. This is something I've gotten myself into. You have nothing to do with it."


"No", he strictly said, starting to eat his food.

You saw no point in arguing with him further so you started eating as well, remembering how hungry you actually were.

Jimin ignored the fact that he actually thought your idea wasn't as bad.
You and him were both good assassins and might have actually had a chance against Hongbin.
But, he didn't even think about getting you into trouble. He would have rather sacrificed himself before letting you do assassin work again.

He just couldn't bare to lose you again.


Happy (late) birthday Park Chiminie💕💕💕

I hope he ate well for his birthday and got love and hugs from all the other members😂 This boy deserves to be loved so god damn much ugh~ I hope all his hyungs and his two dongsaengs gave him cuddles (probably not lolz) and expensive-ass presents - cuz they can. I hope he got spoiled and keeps being loved so much by BTS and ARMY:)) He deserves it.

Btw I'm working on a new fanfic, news about it are coming soon
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Thanks for reading this chapter♡

[Yoonginyaan] -Author💜

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