Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper F...


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Renee Alexander is a Veteran Army Medic now working as a surgical nurse. A huge storm knocks her power out, a... Еще

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Part XIX
Part XX
Part XXI

Part XII

2.9K 104 6


After Joe called Matt, Terry, and Will, he called Al Mackson, “Max” for short, still working in Washington. He explained the situation with Adam.

His friend had alarming news. “This guy is wanted in several States. He’s actually on the Bureau’s List of the Most Wanted. If you can catch him down there, you’ll be doing the entire Nation a huge favor. He’s bad news. It all started with a woman in Kentucky. Apparently he held her captive for four days, repeatedly raping and beating her. He did fourteen months jail time for it. It just angered him more, and he has been after her ever since. He shot her fiancé at Mt. Rainier National Park three years ago. His trial was ruled a mistrial. She has disappeared from radar for now, but we’ve been looking for her. Her life is in danger, and anyone who tries to help her is in danger too!”

“Max, I think this is the very person Hart is trying to help. He said some things in his e-mail that are eerily similar to the things you’ve told me. How do we get this guy? This means Hart’s in danger too, man.”

Max said, “I’ll report it to the chief and let him know you’ve found her. Call Terry, Will and Matt and see if they’re willing to help you. You’ll have to go commando on this guy: guns drawn, Kevlar vests; the whole nine yards. You have to be willing to surround the place like a S.W.A.T. team and not be afraid to pull the trigger, because he’s not. He’s proven he will do it without hesitation. First, get the Sheriff and Police Chief to expedite a restraining order, and provide security for her home. This is crazy serious. Your lives will be on the line.”

“The town is Marketville, Georgia. I’ve already talked to the team, and they’re on board. We’re Marines. Semper Fi! We’ll help her just because Hart cares about her. OORAH! Thanks Max. I’ll keep you posted.” They said their goodbyes and Joe took a deep breath. What had they just agreed to do? Protect and serve was the police motto. They would do just that. He called the Chief of Police and filled him in, and then shot an e-mail to Adam. He would call Adam, too, after he filled the Sheriff in and called GBI.

. . . . .

Adam’s phone rang while Renee was talking to Stella at the hospital.

“This is Adam.”

“Hey, buddy! It’s Joe. I have information for you. I sent a detailed e-mail. Terry, Max, Will, and Matt are all behind us. This guy is not a joke. He’s killed several people since he shot SGT Michelson three years ago, and shot others who survived. It seems every time your girl moves, he leaves a wake of destruction trying to get to her. You’ve got yourself a swarm of wasps, lemme tell ya! First thing: you need to have her fill out a restraining order, and I will get it expedited.”

“She filled it out yesterday. This guy’s been coming to her job and making enough trouble, she is in danger of losing it. She’s an amazing surge nurse. They’d be hard pressed to find another like her, for sure.”

“Glad she filled it out, Hart. We’re going to have to do some backwoods-type protection here. We’re going to have to find a way to secure the perimeter of her house and even the road to it. Max said this guy’s on the Most Wanted list. I recommend you take her to another town and keep her there. That’s the safest thing. You sure know how to pick ‘em, don’tcha?”

“Hey, Joe, this girl’s worth it! She’s almost too good to be true. When you meet her, you’ll know what I mean.”

“Alright, man. I’ll be in touch!”

“Thanks buddy! Semper Fi!”

“You betcha.”

As they hung up, Renee came away from Stella’s desk. “I have to go see the Nursing Administrator, and the Hospital Administrator. Apparently, Ben’s been making serious threats. They have a guard watching Stella for safety. I’m probably going to be suspended without permanent action until this is over, but I’m okay with it! I can’t do my job very well while looking over my shoulder.” She laughed. “Not a good idea in surgery, ya know?”

“Well, I don’t want that to happen, but I want you safe, and I think if you’re distracted, you won’t do your job well. Joe is going to expedite your restraining order, and we’re going to surround the street and woods behind the house to protect you.”

“We, Adam?” She raised an inquiring brow.

“We includes Terry, Matt, Joe, and Will. My Corps buddy I was telling you about got with the rest of our little team. We are going to get this guy once and for all. He also talked to our buddy on the team who’s in Washington. Ben’s a fugitive, and he’s wanted by the Bureau as well as in four States. Go meet with who you need to, and I will be watching the door until you come out” Adam kissed her as she walked out of the Nursing Office. She was crying. She didn’t say what had happened, and he didn’t ask. They had to go see the Hospital Administrator.

Five minutes later, she walked out. “Well, what’d they say?” Adam had to ask.

“I’m unofficially suspended until this is resolved, but they will tell him I was fired and that they don’t know my whereabouts. They fully understand that I have nothing to do with this creep, and security is being beefed up until he’s behind bars.”

“Do you want to get out of town until we catch him? We can arrange any travel needs.”

“No. I’m staying. I am not running anymore! I need to look the devil in the face and send him back to where he came from. I know who’s got my back.” She smiled and hugged Adam as they walked down the hall.

. . . . .

Ben watched them walk back to the black truck. Now was not the time to act, but to watch. He’d follow them until he found where she lived. He’d surprise her soon with an offer she wouldn’t be able to refuse. Or else. She’d sacrifice herself just to make sure her new man survived. She’d done it before, but ran off, and he’d killed the guy anyway. Sooner or later, he’d catch up to her again, and finish what they started over seven years ago. Time to head out. They weren’t expecting the red pickup, so he knew he was safe until they were further out.

Taking the highway, he listened to the radio, all the while keeping an eye on them. “This just in: Be on the lookout for Benjamin Jenkins. Wanted for murder in four States, as well as assault. He has blue eyes, brown hair, approximately 25-35 years old, 5 ft. 10 in. tall. He is considered armed and dangerous. If you see him, call 911 or your local emergency number.”

Ben just laughed. They were looking for him again. Well, this time he was going to get his girl before they found him. He’d make sure of it. It didn’t matter who he had to kill, law enforcement or civilian, he would get her once and for all. He turned the radio up louder and listened to the song coming on.

. . . . .

“Don’t get alarmed yet, but there’s a red pickup following us. I’m calling the Sheriff.” Renee said. Adam had been tracking the truck for thirty minutes now, though he didn’t tell her. Very few people travelled this highway this far out unless they knew exactly where they were going. He knew both neighbors vehicles, and they knew his. The nice thing about a dead end dirt road was familiarity. “The Sheriff said they had a patrol three minutes from the house, and they’d set up a road block to keep any ‘unwanted visitors’ out. Identification and proof of address would be necessary to pass through, and if he is following us home, he will be stopped and arrested.” She breathed a sigh of relief.

“The guys are coming tonight to check out the surrounding areas and perimeter of your house. If you’ve never been, you are about to be in protective custody. The good kind, though. OKAY?” He smiled, trying to comfort her. He knew the guys were trustworthy.

“Thank you Adam, for everything. This has been a whirlwind of a day. I think I’ve felt the entire gamut of emotions today.” She took his hand, and smiled.

“You sure have. I hope most of them were good. I will probably camp out on your sofa until we catch this guy. I want to be there to protect you. You make sure when you get inside to lock and load and don’t be afraid to have it out in the open. Don’t go to the bathroom without it.” He reassured her as they turned off the highway onto the main road towards the house. The red truck, though further behind, turned off too. Five minutes later, they were at their street, and he was still behind them. He did a rapid U-turn when he saw the road block.

Joe met them at the corner where the Sheriff’s car was parked. “Hey! I’m Joe Holbrook.” He said and offered her his hand.

“Renee Alexander. It’s a pleasure to meet a friend of Adam’s.”

“The pleasures all mine, ma’am. Hart’s a good man. Take care of him, okay?”

She smiled, and said, “I plan on it! Nice meeting you!”

They were passed through the road block. Two men and one woman were standing in front of Adam’s shop when he parked the truck. Renee felt a lump rising in her throat. This was real, and they were here to help, but it felt like a bad dream. It felt like every dream she’d had since Jaden’s shooting was coming true right here in front of her eyes. None of them ended well. She didn’t want any more people to die because of her. All of the training from Medic school came rushing back, and she was glad she kept several trauma kits handy. One was in the bathroom, the other one was in the kitchen. She had one in the garage as well.

The woman was a petite blonde who didn’t look like she was older than twenty. The other two men were of a strong build, though one was taller and a little broader in the shoulders than the other. Renee’s nerves were suddenly on end.

“Ren, you okay?” Adam asked as he parked the truck.

“Yeah, it just got real, that’s all. This is part of every bad dream I’ve had for the last three years. I have a reason to be on edge. I don’t want anyone to die. Not any of your friends or our neighbors, not any policemen, and especially not you. I’ve already done this once. Now that I have you, I don’t want to lose you, Adam.”

He kissed her hand. “You’re not going to!” He gave her a quick kiss and climbed out of the truck.

“Gentlemen, Lady: This is Renee!” Adam introduced Renee to his friends who in turn introduced themselves. The men shook her hand, but Terry gave her a long hug.

“It’s nice to meet all of you!” Renee smiled. “I appreciate you trying to help me. It means alot to me. I want you all to be careful. Don’t get hurt because of me, okay?”

Joe walked up behind them, and heard her say that. He responded with, “Don’t you worry your pretty little head ‘bout us. We’re Marines! We got your back, and you are going to get rid of this guy once and for all.”

“Thanks, Joe. I need to get inside and relax for a few. It’s been a rough day. You’re all welcome to come in. I’ll put on some coffee. We can talk strategy, firearms, football, or whatever.” Renee offered.

Terry decided to go with Renee. The guys were going to be at Adam’s for a little while before heading to Renee’s house. They’d already done a “recon” around the house and surrounding area, and were going to decide how to proceed.

“So, Terry, what’d you do in the Corps?” Renee asked trying to be cordial. She wasn’t in the mood to entertain company.

“I was a nurse. Still am.”

“Yeah? I’m a surge nurse. I was a medic in the Army. Did a tour in Afghanistan. How’d you wind up hanging with that bunch?”

“They’re a crazy bunch. Some of us were in Basic and Advanced Training together at Camp Lejeune, and we’ve always hung out together. We deployed together. None of us live more than two hours away, except for Max, who’s in D.C. We somehow all wound up on the same Base together the last time. I’m married to Matt, so I see him all the time obviously. Will and Adam are like the brothers I never had. We all have each other’s backs. Coming here to help you is helping Adam. I’m glad he’s happy. It’s obvious he’s crazy about you. It’s about time.”

“So, Adam was a nurse?” Renee asked.

“No, he’s a mechanic, but every company needs mechanics and nurses. Everybody has a job to do. We weren’t always deployed together. I’ve deployed with everyone but Matt, and only because we’re married. The Corps wouldn’t deploy us to the same place at the same time. Army’s the same way, from what I understand. He did his job and several others, too. He’s been on missions where some of his closest buddies came back in body bags. We’re down to six now. We had twelve people in our little band of buddies when we first started. It hit him hard. That was tough on all of us.”

“I understand that. I worked in the Field Hospital. I saw some pretty gruesome things. Watched men lose their minds, their body parts, and their lives. I do surgery now because I have always liked the idea of helping folks out of a bad situation. Did you come along because Matt was, or because you’re part of the group? That sounded rude. I was just curious. I like having another female around when there’s a group of guys.”

“I came, Renee, because Adam asked me to. I’ve been through some things and I know how hard it can be to move on. And, a girl always needs backup, right?”

“Thanks for being here. It does me a world of good to have people who know what they’re doing and who care enough about Adam to help his friend without ever having met me.” Renee filled two mugs and handed one to Terry. “Cream or sugar?”

“Nope, black is perfect.”

Adam and the other guys walked in and Renee filled four more mugs, then made more coffee. Adam went straight to her, and put his arms around her, kissing her hair. Renee smiled. “Thank you, Adam, for doing this.” She turned around and kissed him, not caring that his friends were witness to it. She was going to love him no matter who was standing around. She knew the very real danger they were facing and was not willing to take even another second for granted. The guys were cracking smiles, but walked into the living room.

“You’re worth it Renee.” He smiled and kissed her one more time before taking two of the four mugs and walking into the living room. Joe was building a fire in the fireplace. “Thanks Joe. I don’t care what season it is, a fire is always nice.” Adam sat on the floor in front of it. Renee sat in front of him, and leaned against him. His arms protectively went around her shoulders. She felt herself relaxing again. He was comfortable. “Do you wanna know the game plan, Ren?” The guys snickered again at her shortened name.

“Yes! Please.”

Joe jumped in. “Matt and Terry are going to sleep here, so you have people in the house. Will and I are going to take turns walking the perimeter and checking the road. You are going to sleep with a shotgun, a 9 mil, and Adam.”

“Um, no.” Renee interrupted. “Adam can’t sleep in my room. I have my reasons. He knows what they are.” She squeezed his hand, and he squeezed back.

“Fair enough. He will sleep in the room across from you, but you will have a walkie-talkie next to your head. All you have to do is push the call button. You don’t have to say anything. If you push that button, five people will converge on your room faster than you can blink. Okay? Tomorrow, you and Terry will do whatever you need to do. Just treat Terry like you would a friend or relative visiting. We’ll take care of the rest. Terry: You are to check every door and window every hour. The garage door stays closed, as does the front door. Come in and out of the back door. The neighbors are keeping watch at the top of the road, also. Any unusual car or truck comes this way with even a wrong turn, we’ll know it. Matt and Adam will have daytime perimeter so Will and I can get some sleep. If anything suspicious or out of place happens, key the call button. That goes for everyone. That’s the signal. If, and I don’t think this will happen, he manages to get down the road, press the S.O.S. code. That’s it. We’re here for the long haul. All jobs are okay with our leave, right?”

“OORAH!” They all said together. Renee smiled, but tears brimmed in her eyes. She felt so safe just then.

Suddenly, Will, who hadn’t said anything yet, bounced out of his seat, and said, “Pizza’s at da top o’ da road. I be back in a few.” Adam laughed. Will Harris seemed like the type who never missed a meal. At 6 ft. 2 in. and 230 lbs. he was all stock and no fat, with toffee colored skin and a smile to beat the band.

Matt Thompson was pretty good sized too, at 6 ft. even and probably the same weight. He had sandy brown hair cut in a military style “high and tight”, green eyes, and a quiet voice. He was walking intimidation.

Joe was slightly shorter than Adam at 5 ft. 10 in. but carried himself like he was 7 ft. 11 in. He had a bald head (not naturally, but shaven) and blue eyes. His goatee suggested his hair was dark brown. He seemed like the take charge kind of guy. That’s exactly why Adam had called him.

“So, I have armed guards all of the time. Anything else I need to know? What if I need to go into town for anything? At work, I’m on suspension without action until this is solved, but I may still get called into surgery if I’m needed.” Renee wondered.

“Terry or Matt will go with you, or Adam,” Renee smiled. “You will never be left alone. Period. While you’re in surgery, someone will be guarding the door, and another will be guarding the doors to the floor. The hospital is on board with the plan and security is in place there, too. You, pretty lady, have no worries. You are protected.” Joe finished and stood up.

“Can I get you more coffee, Joe?” Renee asked.
“No ma’am. Enjoy sitting against your, um, pillow and I will get it!” She leaned into Adam, and Joe laughed a little. He kissed the back of her head.

“I have to tell you about Ben. You need to know what he’s capable of. He’s relentless, underhanded, and nearly unstoppable. He can escape from a crowd of people without anyone seeing where he goes. He doesn’t look like your “average” serial killer. He’s friendly and even a little charming before you get to know him. I fell for him at one point in my life, so obviously he is not going to turn shades of green and have tentacles coming out of his shirt. He will kill you if he thinks you are standing in his way or keeping me from him. He won’t hesitate. I don’t ever want anyone to die, but if it’s you or him, pick him. No one else needs to die for me. Jesus did it, Jaden did it, and from what I have learned, he’s killed others to get to me as well. No more! I plan on fighting this time. He’s stolen so much of my life that until a week ago, I thought I’d never really have one again. Adam here has been my hero.” Renee finished, and Adam kissed her.

With a “canary that ate the cat” grin, Matt piped in: “Get a room.” And Adam threw a pillow at him. Then Matt said, “We have bullet proof gear, and you are welcome to wear one. I venture to say, you need to wear one: end of discussion. You are no stranger to combat, so I know you can protect yourself. Treat this like a trip outside the wire. We had a concealed weapon permit expedited for you. You are allowed to carry any small firearm that you have. If you feel like you need to brush up on your hand-to-hand skills, Terry said she’d help you, that way you are not at a disadvantage with one of us. Adam will probably volunteer too.” Raucous laughter erupted, and Adam turned three different shades of red, as did Renee. Truthfully, he’d never even tried. He didn’t want to upset her or bring back trauma that had surfaced as a result of her attacks. They didn’t need to know that. He just hugged her closer to him, and whispered something no one else heard which made her giggle, smile bigger and turn a deeper shade of red.

The telephone rang, and Renee stood up to grab it. “Hello?” She wondered who would be calling her.

“Hi, Sweetie! How’s it going? I’m sorry we didn’t get to talk today.” Ben said in a creepy tone.
Fear froze her, and terror replaced the relaxed expression on her face. “H-how did you g-get this n-number? I told you not to call me. Quit following me. Quit harassing me. You are not my fiancé, and you are not going to intimidate me anymore. It’s on, buddy!” She hung the phone up!

It rang again. She answered it, but put it on speaker for the others to hear. Adam stood and encircled her in an embrace. She was shaking, and breathing shallow. “Hello?”

“Renee, don’t hang up.”


“I want my girl back.” Ben said, with a depth in his voice that hinted of a threat.

“I AM NOT YOUR GIRL! I have a restraining order against you, and if you come within five hundred feet of me, my property, my job, or anywhere else I might show up, you will be arrested. Do you understand ME!? Do not call this number again. This counts as harassment, and the police can be at your door in less than a minute. AM I CLEAR?” Renee let her anger and contempt take over where she had been afraid before. She was done with him. Adam stood ready to dial if he said anything more.

“This isn’t over, Renee. You will be mine again, even if it means your pretty boy with a truck has to be taken out of the way! Am I clear? You know what I will do to him, and to you, when I finally get face to face with you.” The threat to Adam made her hold her breath, and she nodded to him to call the police.

“Goodbye! Forever, Ben. Goodbye!” She hung up and Adam handed the phone to Joe, who looked like he was ready to shoot Ben right then and there. Adam turned her to him and hugged her close.

She didn’t want to cry in front of the guys. She shrugged out of his embrace and went down the hall towards her room. With Joe on the phone to the chief, and Matt calling the Sheriff at the same time, Adam went after her.

He followed her into her room, daring to invade her privacy and break a rule she’d been adamant about. He found her on her bed, sobs racking her body. He went to her, and held her tight while she cried, not caring that he was in her bed with her. That was the furthest thing from his mind at the moment.

After more than five minutes, the crying began to decrease to sniffles. “Every time I try to relax, he has to ruin my peace. He is shattering every single thing I have worked so hard for. I was tough until he threatened you. I can’t do this, Adam. I can’t,” she broke into sobs, “ you...get hurt...over me...” She started bawling again. He just held her close. What could he say? Her fears were valid. Ben had proven that. He did not know how to comfort her, and did not want to say empty words or make promises he couldn’t keep.

 Suddenly, marrying her was the only thing he could think about. Was she even close to ready for that? Who gets married after knowing someone for five days? Sure, people do, but the marriages are often horrible and divorce inevitable. Still, if they didn’t have much time, he wanted to spend it with her and love her the way she deserved to be loved; she needed that much in her life. He wasn’t thinking about the romance, though that would be a perk. He wanted her to feel secure and free for once in her life. A strong desire to be with her for the rest of his life, even if it was only a few days or weeks, was not going away. Renee had calmed down quite a bit, but was still curled up in a ball with her hands covering her face. Every few seconds, a hiccup would escape as a result of intense crying. Adam smoothed her hair, and whispered, “I love you. No matter what happens to us, knowing you has made me complete, Renee. Don’t answer me now,” he drew a deep breath. This was right. He felt it in his core, knew it in his heart, and wanted to bring her love and joy in her life: “but, I wanna know if you’d marry me? I want to spend my life right here, holding you.”

Renee rolled over and just stared at Adam. Was he serious? She’d only known him five days. Well, longer, but really started to know him, his heart, his mind, the last few days. The look on his face revealed everything she felt in her being. He was as scared as she was, but the love coming from his eyes revealed depths that she didn’t know existed. What if we did live through it? We’d still be married. Would it work? Do I love him, or is this the fear talking? She wanted to kiss him just for his gentleness to her while she cried. Only one word would do, and if it was a mistake, they’d deal with the consequences as they presented themselves.

Renee took a ragged breath, attempting to calm her nerves. “Yes. I will marry you. If we make it through this, and come out alive, and you decide you’ve made a mistake, we’ll walk away with no regrets.”

He smiled. With tears in his eyes, he said, “Being your husband would never be a mistake and I won’t walk away. Come on. Let’s go tell the team. They’ll need to harass us a little before any plans are made.” They stood and hugged before heading down the hallway towards her living room.

Before they were in view of the others, Adam stopped her, pulled her into his arms, smiled with all the love he felt for her, and kissed her. “Adam, I’m scared. I’m scared of what life would be like without this threat. I’m scared we’re not gonna survive.” She took another deep breath, and put her head against his shoulder.

“We’ll do it together, sweetheart. Together. Okay?” He lifted her eyes to meet his gaze. Tears greeted him. She nodded and gave him a quick kiss. Then, wiping her tears, she took his hand and they walked into the living room.

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