Cracked Butterfly

By neonblonde1

134K 5.1K 1.7K

Ivy Glenn was a small town girl, ready to embark on a new career thousands of miles from the home and ideal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Cracked Butterfly Soundtrack
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note

Chapter 15

4.8K 184 64
By neonblonde1

Ivy knew the minute she crossed the threshold that she was in all kinds of trouble with Aiden Wallace.

There was a huge bed that sat smack dab in the middle of the room but that's not what made Ivy want to run for the hills and never look back.

There were ropes, different lengths and widths, affixed to each post of the giant canopy bed. Chains with fabric lined cuffs hung from the railings of the canopy.

Everything in the room was black; the silk sheets on the bed, the light weight fabric hanging from the canopy and even the candles-black.

Along one wall was a dresser and it took up the length of the wall it sat against. Sitting on top of this dresser were lubes, all different kinds, vibrators, butt plugs, eye masks, nipple clamps, etc; everything for the discriminating taste of a Dominant.

Ivy felt her face flush bright red at all of the toys and sundry other items. Had he intended to use these things on her?

She hadn't even begun to process what she was looking at when she was drawn to the other side of the room, at the wall. It was adorned with floggers of all kinds: leather and soft suede, various thicknesses and lengths, riding crops, spreader bars, handcuffs, ball gags and paddles.

What in the fuckity fuck had she gotten herself into? Agreeing to come in here with Aiden Wallace, well she must have taken leave of her senses but at the same time she felt a familiar tug south of the border.

She could feel Aiden's eyes burning a hole through her sensitized body as she continued to satisfy her curiosity and when she had nowhere else to look, her gaze fell back to his.

Looking every inch the sexual god he was, his body leaning up against the door and arms folded against his chest, just waiting for her to speak.

Not wanting to push her luck since she was already going to get punished for being disrespectful, a sobered up Ivy decided to play it smart.

While keeping her eyes on him, she dug into the zippered compartment of her clutch and retrieved a hair tie. Getting her hair into a messy bun on top of her head Ivy stepped out of her shoes.

She had his attention now as her hands crossed her body and slid the small straps of her dress down causing the garment to effortlessly slide the rest of the way and pool at her feet.

Kicking it away from her spot, Ivy gracefully went down to her knees, spread them apart and rested her forearms on her thighs and with palms up; obviously she lowered her head and remained stock still waiting for Aiden to make the next move.

He moved with the grace of a panther and before she knew what had happened he was standing in front of her; his expensive Italian dress shoes reflecting the soft glow of the candles in the room.

Flux Pavilion "I Can't Stop" was playing on the I Pod system that sat at the end of the dresser; the hypnotic beat full of the promise of what was to come.

Ivy watched his finger as he moved it under her chin and gently raised her head but she kept her eyes down until instructed otherwise.

"Look at me" his voice still cold but held a softer tone as she raised her eyes to his.

"Ivy you are an extremely beautiful woman but you lack discipline and passion. I want to introduce you to both tonight.

The Dom/sub has a very important trust dynamic to it. Not only do you need to be able to trust your Dom, me, but your Dom needs to be able to trust his sub, you.

I want to drive you to the furthest point you've ever been and hold you there. I want control over your body and over your orgasms.

My pleasure will be your pleasure. Everyone at some point has said they wished someone else would make the decisions; they just want to be directed on what to do. I will do all of that for you my sweet sub; you just have to decide if you want to obey and be rewarded or if you want to be disciplined.

The punishment is for my pleasure because you will certainly not enjoy it. I want to break that Southern will of yours. I want you to no longer hesitate when you're asked to do something. Let me have control Ivy. I promise it will be fulfilling and you will enjoy it as much as I will.

Jensen was right; you are perfect but I want to build on that perfection. Will you trust me little sub?"

Ivy could already feel her resolve slipping at Aiden's words. How could she want to be someone's slave? Why would she want to submit to his will, to let him have total control over her and yet have those delicious words mean so much to her?

Everything that she had been holding onto was escaping her body in the form of tears slipping slowly down her face.

She didn't feel weak; just the opposite. She felt like a cleansing was taking place and was it from the fact that she wanted to be whipped or spanked? She couldn't answer that just yet because her brain was still frying over what was taking place in Aiden's dungeon of pain.

Before she could think anymore, Aiden reached out for her hand, helping her stand to her feet. Her gaze still locked on his as she watched him remove his suit jacket and cuff links.

"The first step into establishing trust between us is when I ask you a question don't even think about lying to me. I will know. Please tell me the truth. Nothing of what you tell me leaves the confines of this room. Trust is going to be an integral part of us Ivy. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir" Ivy's response was soft and gentle. Aiden's countenance softened a bit at her quick and concise answer. "Good girl" he praised.

Stepping closer to Ivy he closed the distance and was now standing in front of her. Taking her hands he put them on his belt. "Loosen my belt." "Yes sir" Ivy responded, her fingers shaking as she worked his belt.

After completing her first task she let her hands drop to her side, just waiting for his next set of instructions; her body betraying her circumstances by becoming aroused and she was helpless to stop it.

Moving to behind her, she stiffened as his hands crept around her waist, his fingers tracing the much hated scars that road mapped her young skin.

Heated lips and breath caressed her shoulder as Aiden began to speak again.

"Tell me about these little sub."

Ivy's lower lip trembled as she tried so hard to find her voice but it just wouldn't come; would he be tolerant of her troubles?

"Your body is trembling my little sub. Conquer your fear and tell me truthfully about your scars."

"My father sir, he was not a nice man. Everything that happened was my fault and he would whip me with whatever he could find. Sometimes it would be his belt; sometimes a thin switch from the tree and sometimes it would be a two by four piece of wood."

Ivy had never told another soul, other than Krista, and that's because they had seen her to the emergency room on more than one occasion.

"Good girl" Aiden praised her being forthcoming. "How long did this go on for?"

"It began when I was seven and stopped when I turned seventeen sir. We were no longer able to hide the injuries due to the fact that I had visited every ER and clinic for forty miles. They knew my face. He had to stop the physical abuse but the verbal went on until he passed away last year sir."

Moving back around in front of her, Aiden issued another set of instructions.

"Unbutton and unzip my pants. After that, pull my shirt out and unbutton it" came Aiden's next set of instructions.

"Yes sir" Ivy responded obediently.

Her hands were shaking slightly as she worked the buttons on his expensive dress shirt and when she got to the top button she was about to move her hands away when Aiden grabbed both of them, slid them inside his shirt and said "Touch me."

Ivy couldn't figure out, inside her head, how to describe what it felt like to have her hands on his bare skin.

It was smooth but at the same time hard and chiseled. But what surprised her most were the scars that decorated his chest and some of them were pretty deep.

She felt empathy for the man that stood in front of her and it caused her tears to start again.

"Look at me little sub" he said a little gruffly. Raising her eyes she wondered how he kept his emotions so well in check; she didn't know if she would be able to be what he wanted.

"They do not define me, just as yours do not define who you are. I felt anger at first but then I learned to control my emotions, turn that anger into something else. Do you know what that something else was little Ivy?"

Ivy shook her head. "No sir." Aiden smiled a little, loving how easy Sir rolled from her delectable little mouth.

"Pain first and then pleasure; pure pleasure like I had never known. My Mistress taught me how to deal with the emotional and mental pain and then when the physical started to heal she showed me so much pleasure while allowing her to mold me into what she wanted."

Ivy blinked her wide eyes at him; trying to comprehend what he was talking about but she had no idea and up until yesterday she had never had an orgasm. Her mind was on overload and she was going to crash hard she just knew it.

Aiden kicked off his shoes and then instructed Ivy to lower herself to her knees and remove his socks, putting them inside his shoes.

When she finished that task he issued one more and this one would challenge her resolve like never before.

"Pull down my dress pants and underwear." Ivy didn't hesitate as her fingers curled around the waistband of his garments and she slowly started pulling them down all the while she continued looking at her Dom.

His eyes burned at her, like they had earlier only this time it was not rage that filled them but hooded desire and she throbbed for him.

Sitting back on her heels she awaited further instructions. And they came soon enough.

"Wrap your right hand around my cock and kiss me, go up my shaft and then back down."

Holy sin on a stick! She could do this right? Of course she could! How hard is it to kiss someone's cock?

Moistening her lips she pressed them to the base of his erection and proceeded to move slowly up like directed, her mouth loving the satiny/steel sensation she received.

She had never thought that a man's penis could be beautiful but she would proudly stand corrected where Aiden's was concerned. He was damn beautiful and big!

When she made it back down to the base, he took her hand and stood her to her feet.

Caressing her cheek he said softly "Good girl" and then pressed his lips to hers. Her imagination could only get her so far when she had thought about Aiden's lips before the reality of it hit her.

They were amazing! Soft and moist and he knew what he was doing, the way he moved his mouth against hers.

Getting deeper into the kiss by the minute Aiden took her hands and wrapped them around his neck which caused Ivy to stand on the tips of her toes, this position thrusting her naked front to his, her nipples slightly rubbing against his skin, exciting her even more at what was to come.

Ivy moaned into his mouth as his hands cupped her ass, squeezing gently at first and then hard enough for the afterthought to sting but she was so caught up in their kiss it didn't faze her but what he did next most assuredly did.

He smacked her with great force, enough that it propelled her body into his but instead of crying out in pain she moaned as his cock twitched against her belly.

Aiden broke the kiss before she was ready for it to end and thankfully she didn't pout or say something disrespectful; she didn't need to add more punishment than what she was already bound to get.

She watched his amazing body walk over to where the crops and floggers hung on the wall, her blood pressure and heart rate racing exponentially. Moving back to where she stood, Aiden had two in one hand and two in the other hand.

Ivy couldn't help but stare at the monstrosity between his legs. There was no way he would ever fit inside her! He was too big!

She blushed at the smirk on his beautiful face, knowing full well he'd just caught her eyefucking the shit out of his cock.

"Hold out your hand little sub" Aiden said. Ivy held out her right hand. "Turn it palm facing up" Aiden instructed. She did as he asked.

"This is a flogger" he said holding the black leathered strap concoction in his hand. "They vary in material, length of the fronds, the width; some will be braided and some will be smooth."

She watched him take thicker, wider flogger and flick it to the palm of her hand. It bit and stung but it wasn't unbearable and then he did the same with the braided one and when it hit the palm of her hand she flinched and cried out.

"Ouch!" Biting her lip was the only way she knew not to say anything else that might get her into trouble.

"We'll be using this one" Aiden said regarding the first flogger. And then he took a riding crop, the one that had a smooth end and before she could blink he flicked it across her nipple.

Fuck! That stung! She wanted to yell that so badly but kept quiet. She knew he could see the lone tear run down her cheek and it bothered her that there was no comforting on his part.

But she was wrong. She felt the pad of his thumb brush under her eye and whisk the tear away. She was confounded and confused by his actions, thinking him only as a man who got off on inflicting pain.

Aiden flicked her again but this time it was against the lips of her sex. This time she cried out.

"Christ!" But that was all she said and it must have been okay because he didn't whither her with a look or say anything.

"I think we'll use this one" he said not even bothering to try out the other one.

"Turn around" Aiden said indicating at the foot of the bed to Ivy. She did so and then she watched him gather one of the ropes that were hanging from the canopy.

He tied it so quickly and expertly it made her head swim. She wondered why he had left so much play in it but she was sure she would find out soon enough.

When the other wrist was tide he grabbed a wedge that was covered in the softest of suede material and black of course. He sat it on the bed in front of her and commanded her to lie across it, thus putting her ass straight in the air.

Taking the flogger he let the ends of it tease the fleshly part of her ass causing Ivy to moan a little.

"You like how that feels little sub?" Aiden asked. "Yes sir" was Ivy's breathy reply.

"You are going to feel sensations that you are not used to experiencing; you are going to want to cum but if you do, before I tell you to, you will be severely punished and I guarantee you won't like it Ms. Glenn. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir" Ivy said swallowing hard.

"Good girl. Now I am going to punish you. Do you know why you are being punished my little Ivy?" God what was with him and these pet names? He was soaking her with these terms of endearment.

"Because I was disrespectful in my tone sir." Ivy wasn't stupid. She knew she was in trouble the minute she saw his face.

"Too right" Aiden responded. "You may cry out, you may scream, you may curse if you would like but if you try to stand up before I am finished it will be bad for you. Do you understand me?"

"I understand sir" Ivy simply replied.

She did cry out and she even screamed out but she refused to curse. She had wondered if he wanted her to and if he did well too bad for him. He wasn't going to get it this time.

Ivy managed to take five strikes against her virgin flesh; it hurt like hell and she cried. She didn't sob uncontrollably but just plain old cried and it felt cathartic, a release like she had needed but didn't know it.

Aiden stepped away for a moment and then she felt a cooling, soothing balm being applied to her ass cheeks.

"So beautifully red and stunning" Aiden murmured as he helped take away her pain with the cream. When he had finished he untied both hands and helped Ivy stand.

"And now my little sub" he said caressing her cheek and removing the silent tears.

"Now it's time for pleasure and pain."

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