Welcome to Crystal Lake (ENG)

By itachiuchihaforever

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A girl, her parents, her dog, and a new home. A lake, a forest, and an unfortunate campsite. Some teens, a sm... More

Chapter 1 - The arrival
Chapter 2 - Dinning together and unexpected visits
Chapter 4 - Sightings
Chapter 5 - Night thoughts
Chapter 6 - Shopping and kills
Chapter 7 - Spared again
Chapter 8 - The paper plane
Chapter 9 - Nightmares and fears
Chapter 10 - Concerns and doubts
Chapter 11 - Buying ingredients
Chapter 12 (Part One) - Roses of Understanding
Chapter 12 (Part Two) - Preparations
Chapter 13 - Friday the 13th
Chapter 14 - Drunk
Chapter 15 (Part One) - Slaughter Party
Chapter 15 (Part Two) - Slaughter Party
Chapter 16 - New friends
Chapter 17 - A little Father-Daughter chitchat
Chapter 18 - Introspection
Chapter 19 - Area under video surveillance
Chapter 20 - Choices
Chapter 21 - Decisions
Chapter 22 - Confession

Chapter 3 - New information

416 23 0
By itachiuchihaforever

Jasmine was rummaging for a while in the basement, looking for something interesting. Until that moment only an old rocking chair, in very good conditions, had been the most worthy of her attention. She had found mostly dusty stuff, ornaments, various pots, even spare parts of some cars. Finally, however, between a box of old clothes and a toolbox, she found a pretty heavy wooden trunk. The metal parts were a bit rusty and the blue paint that covered it was scratched or discolored in various points. She managed to open it without problems, it was not locked luckily for her. Inside, she found several books with crumpled covers. And being a kind of bookworm she was convinced she had found the treasure chest.

There were thriller books of some collection, some kitchen books and some on hunting, fishing, and on local plants. Her father would probably be interested in those, he liked to go fishing occasionally and take excursions. Often they went together when she was younger and she could not stop smiling at the thought. There were also fiction books of various genres, including an old edition of "Shining" and "Alice in Wonderland", which she immediately put aside, determined to add them to the most "vintage pieces" of her collection. There were also old Spiderman comics and even if he was not her favorite superhero, she was satisfied by what she got. At the bottom she also found old movie magazines and a large number of newspapers. She had really found the treasure chest. She carefully pulled out the delicate sheets of paper that had been yellowed by time. Newspapers were mostly local and not full. Only black pages were kept. They concerned all the murders in the area and each article cited at least once Jason.

She picked up a box and emptied it of its contents - were those ice-skate? She wondered if the lake was glaze in winter... - filling it instead with newspapers, magazines, comics and the books that seemed more interesting to her. Then she climbed up the stairs, returning to her room. She made space on the desk and placed above the box, and then picked up a red briefcases from one of the drawers of the dresser. She sat down and pulled out from some of the plastic cover pages other newspaper sheets.

That binder was a bit her little personal archive. She had collected all the articles on Jason and Crystal Lake that she was able to find on the internet and in the newspapers, but putting her hands on the Crystal Lake journals was not easy before. And now she had quite a bit of material on her hands. She felt like one of those film detectives who did a long search to succeed in resolving the mystery. But she did not have any mystery to solve, she was absolutely certain that in the forest around her home, somewhere, a masked big man was wandering.

She took all the items collected over time, arranged in chronological order, and quickly reread them to remember, even if practically she knew them by heart. There was the first massacre carried out by Jason's mother, the one of the class in cruise in New York, which was practically exterminated, and most of those who aroused more attention, of course everyone in the Crystal Lake area. Then she read the articles she had found in the cellar, concentrating. The massacres were far more than those reported in the newspapers that were not of the zone. Her fingers became black because of the dust and ink and the smell of old paper filled her nostrils. She liked that smell. She annotated on a sheet all the dates of all events. A percentage had not occurred in the summer nor even on Friday 13th. As she reflected on this, she got an idea, so took her phone and searched for the Crystal Lake library on google maps, then calculated the route and saved the screen. She would go there to find out more information that same afternoon. She had searched with her PC comfortably from her home several times already, but she had now finished all the information available there.

Meanwhile lunch time came and she went to the kitchen to eat with the family.

"Did you find something interesting in the cellar?" Her mother asked.

Jasmine didn't mentioned the newspapers. "I found a trunk of old books and some magazines. There is a beautiful rocking chair, we could put it in one of the empty rooms or in the living room near the fireplace. "

"Later I'll go to see it, maybe we can find a nice place" said her father.

"There is also a beautiful blue trunk, can I keep it?" She asks hopefully.

"Don't get into your heads to keep and bear on all that stuff, I just finished arranging the rooms." Anna intervened.

After lunch, it turned out that Robert would have to go to the hospital for almost all the afternoon, he would start working seriously the following day. Jasmine asked him to accompany her to the library, with the excuse of wanting to go take a look and that she finished reading everything she had.

"Didn't you say you found books?" Robert asked.

"Yes, but books I've already read, I want to keep them because they are old well-kept editions"

So they agreed that Robert would have left Jasmine to the library and would go back to get her back home once he finished at the hospital. She had all the afternoon available for her research.

When they finished eating, she helped her mother clean and then went out with Finn for the usual walk after lunch. That day the air was a little cooler, it was pulling a light breeze that was a pleasure to feel on the skin. Finn was on the leash this time, however well trained they did not know that area yet and if there were really traps around she preferred to keep him close and under control. They walked through a small path plunged into the greenery, disappearing soon to the sight of Anna who was watching them from the window.

Jason had continued his patrol without stopping. Now that summer began, he would have had more to do, he was sure. He was coming back to his home when a rustle caught his attention. A noise of steps to his left, just ahead. He approached the trail, perfectly hidden between the thick vegetation, almost forgetting the dead rabbit in his left hand. Before him, not noticing his presence, passed the girl with long black hair who had moved into the house not far away, with a leashed dog following her quietly, without straying more than half a meter from her. His free hand went immediately to look for the handle of his trusted machete, ready to use it at any time. He had no intention of exterminating the family, for the moment. Unless they had given him a valid reason. They were not the only people who lived in the area, after all. Most of the houses were empty fortunately, thanks to him, but some people particularly calm had been spared from the massacre.

The girl and the dog arrived shortly by the lake.

Jasmine was astonished by the beauty of that place. She was really on the shore of the Crystal Lake!

She took a few more steps until she was almost with her feet in the water, being careful not to wet her shoes and admiring the wonderful spectacle that nature was offering her. Everything was lit by the sunlight, the water's reflections almost dazzled her. She could see a wooden jetty not too far and some other even further. The shape of a house on the opposite shore was peeping through the green that dominated everywhere.

She leaned against a tree, completely abducted by the scene, forgetting of the possible danger she was running and of Finn, who now had the gaze fixed toward the path they had come from. Something had attracted his attention, but there was nothing there, right now.

Jason had slightly moved away. Moving a branch to see better he had caused a rustling, attracting the dog's attention. Continuing to look at the girl, still unaware of his presence, he was relieved that she was not going to undress and jump into the water as most of the girls, and the boys, who came there did. Jason could not help but confront her with them. She was quiet, leaning against a tree, watching the lake. His lake. She was quite pale to be summer, the tan had not yet arrived on her skin, perhaps she did not go out much. She was not as thin as his typical teenage victims, but he was sure she was a little higher than the norm. Not as him obviously, he had always been the highest of all after the "accident"... and after what they had done to his mother. To the remembrance of the happening, Jason felt within himself a powerful anger that never completely abandoned him. The urgency to vent it violently against someone became stronger, especially after that the little dog looked back at him without seeing him, barking at him, and awakening from her hypnosis the girl, making her jolt.

"Finn? Finn what's going on?" Jasmine tried to figure out what he was barking at, but seeing only trees and shrubs a shudder ran along her back. Could it be...? No, surely it was her imagination that played bad jokes. Or so she hoped: she was not ready for a possible meeting at the moment. "There's nothing there, be good" she said more to herself than to the dog. She approached him, stroking him to calm down him and herself, and went back on their steps to retourn home.

Jason followed them until they both went home. Before closing the door, the girl glanced at the forest. He went around the house to see her from the windows still lacking in curtains, but without success. Then he returned to a position where he could see the entrance well. Soon the door opened again and the father and the girl came out. The man greeted his wife with a kiss and slipped into the car, maneuvering. With a little surprise, Jason noticed that the girl had changed her jeans shorts with long black trousers, but a little more tight than the previous ones. She also had a purple shoulder bag with round pins attached above.

"Please, be careful Jas" he heard her mother. Jas? Was that the name of the girl? Curious name, he thought.

"Don't worry mom, I will not go around much" said Jas. So she was leaving, who knows where they were going. The two greeted and the girl reached her father's car.

Jason watched them leave, together with the lady whom he still did not know the name. When everyone went away and he was alone, he decided to go home too. To get there, he took the shortcut that passed through the old "Camp Blood". Once at his destination he went straight to the kitchen, through the back door. With only one movement of the arm he cleared part of the counter to skin the poor rabbit, invading all the remaining space, though already heavily occupied with garbage resulting from his previous meals. Some empty tin cans fell on the floor, also covered with filth, but he didn't care. That kitchen, indeed the whole house, had seen better times when hir mother was still alive and could still clean and cook for him. She was an excellent cook. It was for this reason that Jason was still eating, even though he did not need it. Feeling the flavors of the food reminded him of her, calmed him and saddled him at the same time. And after sadness, as always, anger came. But until he got someone to punish, he would focus on the new family. It would have been better for them to move elsewhere. One fake step and they would all found themselves in the other world. After he finished skinning the rabbit, he turned on the fireplace in the living room to cook it. Not that raw meat or cooked meat did make a lot of difference to him, but if he had free time, he preferred to use it by doing something. As his meal was cooking, he walked around in the cottage, not too big, looking for something to do. Maybe it was time to throw some trash away. In  all that confusion he still managed to find a black plastic bag, but it had not be even filled up to half when he got bored and preferred to go clean his various weapons. The machete was his favorite, but he did not disdain other methods. And while a cleaver returned to shine, he found himself thinking about how he would have kill his next victims. He liked to find new methods and scare the stupid teens with the corpses of their friends.

Arriving in town Robert stopped in front of a hardware store and came in with his daughter. He would leave a copies of the keys to make a bunch for Jasmine and in addition he had to order the nameplate to hang on the front door. After that he accompanied Jasmine to the library, recommending her to be careful and to wait for him to pick her up, and then he left.

Jasmine went into the library, where to welcome her to the counter there was a lady with long and very curly dark blond hair that fell on a shirt in blue and white vertical stripes. Without losing too much time, Jasmine made the card to use computers, borrow books and access the archive. She entered the reading room, whose walls were filled with shelves of vocabularies and encyclopedias of all kinds. It was not very big, but fine for her needs. There were only a couple of guys sitting at a table, submerged in books, perhaps studying for admission to college. Four desks at the bottom of the room were dedicated to PCs. Sitting down at one of these, the girl began searching the computer archive, where there were also the newspapers of the area. She threw out of her bag the paper where she'd written dates and places of the homicides and every time she found a new one she wrote down that too. Between the articles she found also some interviews of some people that managed to escape death. Some attached photos were almost incredible, they seemed set of movies. Going further back in time, she found some articles she had never seen before, perhaps because they only appeared on the city daily. There was the one of when Jason drowned, with lots of photos and interviews, the one of the murder committed by his mother Pamela and her death and the first "unresolved" murders that were then attributed to Jason. She printed the latter with the printer available for the cardholders and began to read carefully.

She discovered that Pamela sued the camp's responsible, she wanted justice for her son. But they were all acquitted for lack of evidence and the event was attributed to the physical and mental condition of Jason and defined as a tragic accident. In addition to this, the body was not found despite research. A funeral was celebrated, but with no coffin. Jasmine felt bad for Mrs. Voorhees. No mother should face such a thing, no wonder if she did what she did then. Before she continued reading she paused to look at a picture of Jason as a child. And seeing him smile, she could only smile back. He seemed really happy.

The campsite was closed after the murder of the two counselors responsible for the children on the day of the accident. It was re-opened in the following summer in 1958, but during the last preparations for the inauguration, a mysterious fire was set off, by Pamela, and such an accident occurs the next year when she herself poisoned water supplies. Twenty-three years later, on June 13th, a Friday of the 1980, Jason's birthday, it opened again. Making a quick calculation, Jason should have been 34 years old. Then Jasmine had an illumination. It was June 9th. She checked on the PC calendar. The 13th would have again been a Friday.

She was taken by a strange agitation and thought about the episode occurred a few hours before. Was it really a good idea to move there, especially at that time? She tried not to think about it, resuming to read.

Pamela killed all those who where involved in the reopening of the camp, except for a girl, who decapitated her. From there she knew the story by heart, but she was aware only now that there was no funeral for her. She knew that the head of the woman was never found, but not that detail. She was buried in the Crystal Lake cemetery, but no one wept for her death.

Except for her son obviously. Somehow he escaped death, avenged his mother, and not allowed anyone to disturb them.

The girl thought of an idea she had never thought before. She did not want to disturb either Jason or her mother, but after what they both passed, they deserved a bit of compassion, she thought. She searched across the internet various maps of the area and printed the ones that might be more useful to her. She marked with a circle the area of her home, the old campsite, the cemetery and the hypothetical Voorhees home on all. The first was the tourist map of the town, one was that of the streets and the paths of the woods and the other was basically the view from the Google's satellite.

After finishing the information available at the library, it had become almost 17, she made an exploratory tour of the library, borrowing at the end one of Coelho's book.

Finally came the time to go home. Her father came to her in perfect time and delivered her bunch of keys. They came home shortly, chatting about impressions on the library and the hospital.

After a carbonara for dinner, Jasmine went to settle down in one of the guest rooms, the one with the sand-colored sofa bed, on her comfortable blue pouf. The walls of the room had been left white, waiting to receive some picture or some shelf. A low gray cabinet with wheels housed a TV not too big and her Xbox 360. She inserted the disk of the third season of "The Walking Dead - A new frontier" ready to play the third episode, but not before she had texted her friends, waiting for her on whatsapp, telling them everything she had discovered that afternoon. In just over an hour and a half she managed to complete that part of the game, just in time to get herself semt in her room by her mother. She washed, changed and went to bed, with Finn next to her, and soon they both fell asleep.

The first two days at Crystal Lake were more than good.

Would it continue to be like that?


Hello everyone!

Here I came back with the third chapter. Here Jason makes a more significant appearance than the previous one and we will continue to see him more and more often. How does it look?

On the cover, a picture that i found on frankie.the.13th 's instagram profile.

I want to say a big "THANK YOU" to  @Unknown_Kei  for the comment and  @CamsterHale  for the vote on the previous chapter.

That said, I greet you. Vote and let me know what you think of the story and if you have any advice.


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