Blood-Red Riding Hood

By Kateln99

50.1K 1K 191

"Licking my pale and chapped lips, I tried to wet my bone-dry mouth so I could speak. Between cold shivers, I... More

Blood-Red Riding Hood
Blood-Red Craze
Blood-Red Insanity
Blood-Red Pianist
Blood-Red Demon
Blood-Red Infection
Blood-Red Rousing
Blood-Red Pan-sexuality
Blood-Red Hatred
Blood-Red Tutoring
Blood-Red Possession
Blood-Red Terror
Blood-Red Realisation
Blood-Red Stranger
Blood-Red Punishment
Blood-Red Escape
Blood-Red Idea
Blood-Red Wolf
Blood-Red Wolf (Part Two- Carrie's P.O.V)
Blood-Red Emotion
Blood-Red Friendship
Blood-Red Acceptance
Blood-Red Sister
Blood-Red Death

Blood-Red Family

1.3K 30 4
By Kateln99

"Honey!" Mum whimpered, clearly trying to hold in floods of tears, as did I.

"Mum," I sniffed, pulling away, and I grabbed Carrie's hand. "This is Carrie... We met at the.." I can't call it 'mental institution' "hospital, and we've been there for eachother. That's why I couldn't just leave her there. Please Mum?" I held my breath, waiting for a solid no, and I started thinking of excuses and a sob story.

"Of course!" Mum exhaled, and as did I. I choked on an unexpected cry of happiness, and Mum pulled us both inside. "Gerard, put the kettle on and get the special buscuits. Come with me, girls, I'll sort your room out." Mum smiled, truly, for what seemed like the first time in years. Most likely a decade. I glanced at Carrie, and she grinned back, and it felt like my heart was opening up.

Holding hands, I showed Carrie to my room whilst Mum got the spare bed out. Carrie was staring at the new surroundings that seemed way distant to me, much like any thoughts of the woods.
"Destery?" Carrie tweeted, her voice high and lyrical.

"Carrie." I replied, trying to put more effort in, but the thought of the woods was soon dwelling on me.

"Thanks." She chirped again, yet failed to drag me out of mourning over my own normality.

"No... problem." I droaned, and hadn't realised we were entering my room. I heard Carrie gasp, maybe at the size, maybe at the layout... yet I just sat at my piano like I did at any other time in which I was upset.

"Are you okay? Five minutes ago, you were laughing?" She asked, sitting on my bed, and touching the red cloak on the bar at the end. Huh, I would of thought that Mum would have put that away...

"Err..." I was about to explain, but Mum reversed in while dragging a bed. Carrie got up to help, so instead i turned and started playing whatever my mind was feeling. It sounded sorrowful.

"Honey?" Mum asked, hunching over in exhaustion before coming to lean over my shoulder and whispering: "If you want me to leave, just ask." She kissed my cheek, and I stretched a smile.

"I'm fine, thanks Mum. What covers is Carrie having?" I asked, trying my best to brighten my eyes and voice. I stopped playing, and turned sluggishly waiting for an answer. Why was the ten second trail of thought of woodland so depressing for me? Oh yes, because something, somewhere inside of me, is the demon that haunts my dreams.

"The one of the robin. Do you girls want to go downstairs, while I sort the bed out? Watch some TV, I don't suppose they put on the good channels at the hospital." She laughed, but I didn't find it funny. I nodded, and Carrie followed me out the door. I stormed down the corridoor and trotted down the steps, 
I was fuming! Does she really think that we were allowed privilages such as televisions? Does she have any idea where she even sent me?

"Destery!" Carrie grabbed my shoulder and forced me to a holt. I turned sharply, a stern look solid in my jaw. But Carrie's look of confusion and horror snapped me out of it. What was I doing? My Mum hasn't done anything?

"Oh Carrie... I'm so sorry. This happens..." I started, but I heard Dad's faint singing from the kitchen as the clink of spoon in cup sounded. "I'll tell you in a bit. Let's go into the living room, and watch something American and light-hearted." I exhaled, and took the next left to the kitchen, where Dad was shuffling in a dancing manner and sipping his coffee. Niall was in the chair with a banana at the table, half heating and half ripping it apart. 

"Here's your tea girls." Dad smiled at us both, and I was glad he was so acceptant of Carrie, as everyone was.

"Thank you Mr Meadows. Is this your brother, Des?" She asked, lightheartedly. I can't help but wonder how she could act so jolly. 

"Yeah, that's Niall. He's five, and going up to school next September." I smiled, and kissed Dad's cheek in thanks of the tea. Carrie went to Niall and crouched to his hight. She was cooing something about how cute he is. He is cute...

"Des-des, glag to have you home Des-nut." He grinned, and I couldn't help but smile back. I've always been a Daddy's girl. 

"Glad to be home. How long was I there, again?" I asked, curious.

"A week and a bit." He hugged me from the side, and was off to somewhere. I tried to shrug it off, these worries often came before sleep. I shan't witter now.
Carrie walked over towards me, and grabbed her tea. Niall was done with his banana (ish...) and ran/toddled to his room. Me and Carrie were alone.

"Spill." Carrie stated, quite simply, and pulled a wooden chair for both of us.

"The woods... I can feel it, the power pulling me in. Carrie..." My voice broke, and tears welled up, "I'm scared for my life." Tears trickled down my cheeks in a steady flow, and Carrie pulled a sympathetic face.

"Des, you can fight this." She offered me a kitchen cloth that she got off the counter.

"I know, that's not what scares me. The woods, to me, is like a second home. That's what's scary. The feeling of belonging, like I am supposed to be part of that evil." I explain, sniffing to let it all back out. My body shook and my nose crinkled. Carrie came over and hugged me.

"Destery. I've known you for a week, you've known me for less than that. Even in that time, you've shown me how much of a good person you are. Stop doubting yourself, because if you were to list the good points to the bad points, you would still be the greatest and most kind person on this Earth. Des, you pulled me under your wing for no reason, yet with no regret. You hardly know me, yet it seems like we've been friends forever. You're so acceptant, you even trust me under your own house, in your own room. I'm here for you, okay? Don't ever give into the evil that's making you doubt yourself." Carrie spoke. I'd stopped crying, and was only smiling. She's right.

"Carrie, I don't know how I could have ever coped without you." I laughed, and gave her a hug.

"You didn't. Neither of us did..." She whispered softley into my black ringlets.

"That's why we need to stick together." I spoke with so much certainty, I don't know how anyone could ever flaw the determination.

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