Cracked Butterfly

By neonblonde1

134K 5.1K 1.7K

Ivy Glenn was a small town girl, ready to embark on a new career thousands of miles from the home and ideal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Cracked Butterfly Soundtrack
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note

Chapter 13

3.9K 190 145
By neonblonde1

Ivy had been standing in the women's restroom for ten minutes now, hiding in the last stall. Her shaking hands were making it difficult to text but she needed Krista now.

Me: Oh my god Krista! You won't believe what I've done! Jesus I'm going to hell in a hand basket!

KT: What the hell Bells? What did you do?

Me. I just let Jensen eat me out against my office door! I'm such a slut puppy!

KT: Well shit on a stick! You broke your orgasm cherry! You go girl!

What? Krista wasn't supposed to be happy about this! What the hell? Ivy felt sick, she wanted to throw up.

Me: Krista Marie! I feel really sick...

KT: Look Bells, sit down and put your head between your knees and take slow, deep breaths

A couple of minutes went by and Ivy started feeling better.

Me: Oh my gosh! Thank you! Geez that was horrible

KT: Okay sweetie tell me what happened.

Ivy told Krista everything, held nothing back. And when it was all said and done she asked Ivy a very poignant question.

KT: What does Jensen want sweetie. You already seem to know what you want but before you start picking out the china patterns, make sure you're on the same page; it'll hurt a lot less that way

She knew Krista was right, she just needed to hear it vocalized. She was going to find him and talk this out. She had to know because...well just because.

Making it to his office in record time she slowed down, smoothed out her dress and took a deep breath, releasing it a few moments later. She felt a lot steadier as she approached his door.

She stopped just short of the cracked door; she could hear voices, male voices, and they belonged to Aiden and Jensen.

"She's definitely ready for you" Jensen said. "She's compliant, obedient and already feels comfortable and natural with using Sir. She's perfect like you wanted."

It was quiet for a moment before Aiden spoke.

"Is she perfect because that's what you want for yourself? I know you have feelings for her already Jensen; a blind man could see it." Aiden was being cruel in grinding away at Jensen.

Ivy heard Jensen scoff at Aiden's assessment. "Hardly" Jensen said. "She was an assignment, it's complete and the ball's in your court."

She had always wondered what it felt like to get 'stabbed in the back' she knew. She had never experienced such an immense pain. It was indescribable.

Slipping her shoes off she ran for the elevator. Numbly she stepped on as soon as it opened. He nor Aiden would ever know she was there or that she heard the conversation.

As soon as she got to her floor and she made it into her office she slammed the door and slid down until her butt was on the floor.

How she made no sound is beyond her but her entire body shook as she wept. Crawling to her desk she grabbed her cell phone and called Daryl.

She instructed him to pick her up right away which meant only a five minute wait. There was a car park where all the drivers met and waited to be summoned.

Ivy was thankful that Daryl didn't question her state but she could see him peering through the rear view mirror, concerned eyes connecting with hers.

A shower first, no doubt about it. She had to wash Jensen Woods from her body. Her voice hitched as she scrubbed her thighs red with a wash cloth; wailing the entire time, her heart beyond broken.

Dragging herself from the shower she barely dried herself before pulling on her white silk robe and throwing her hair up on top of her head. She was all out of fucks to give at the moment. Her brain felt foggy and her mind distant from all the crying.

Ivy was on her way to becoming acquainted with a bottle of Apothic Dark when there was frantic knocking on her door. She knew immediately who it was, Jensen fucking Woods.

"Ivy!" He shouted, continuing to knock. "I know you're home! Open the damn door!" The only reason she did was because she didn't need a scene because of this asshole.

Slinging it open she stared daggers at him until he stomped inside. Not to let him upstage her she slammed the door with all her might making items on the walls rattle in anticipation of landing on the floor.

"" Ivy gritted out. Jensen reminded her of Aiden with his pacing only Jensen's was anything but calm and contemplative, it was frenzied and panicked.

"How much did you hear?" He was not in control, he was worried.

Ivy scoffed, the nerve of him asking her that! She'd heard enough to last her a lifetime.

"I heard enough Mr. Woods. I have never hated anyone in my life, until now that is. I hate you so damn much for what you made me feel! I hate you so much for being so sickeningly sweet! It was ALL lies! I hate you for the things you made me feel and for making me actually love myself for the first time ever!" Ivy was screaming and the tears were beginning to mar her beautiful face.

Standing in front of him, her right hand clinched a handful of his dress shirt while the other was balled into a fist and coming down once and hard on his chest; her body bringing her to her knees with Jensen still firmly holding her.

Vaguely aware that her head was now resting in his lap, what stood out more was his gentle tracing of the outside of her ear with his index finger.

Her crying had ceased, finally, and she was feeling exhaustion like she'd never known before.

"Jensen?" She croaked her throat raw and sore from the screaming and crying.

"Yeah little girl?" His reply was soft and almost resolved that there was no other way this could've ended other than the way it did.

"I'm so tired" she whispered, her eyes getting heavier by the minute. She felt her body being lifted off the floor.

Ivy automatically laid her head against his chest and closed her eyes. She would never know that Jensen stayed with her all night, watching from a chair that he pulled up next to the bed.

When she woke in the morning she found a simple piece of paper with two words scribbled.

I'm sorry

Don't be mad at me!  It's gettin ready to heat up with a confrontation at Club Deviant....

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