Pure Blood Female Shifter ☆

By bclulu

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☆ Pillar Jasmine ☆

1K 36 2
By bclulu

Pillar Jasmine

Pure Blood Female Shifter

Considering she turned 18 on the pack lands, Pillar was really unknown to the pack. She kept to herself all throughout high school and when she attended her graduation, she surprised them all.

For someone that went through school with them, no one noticed her until she walked in dressed very unlike the other females. She wore a very elegant and simple dress, it was knee length and slimming which she wore with heels.

All other females wore either skimpy barely there apparel or fancy expensive grad dresses. Pillar's hair was done up in a very simple but stylish twisted roll. Her makeup was flawless, unlike others that were overdone and in your face.

Those females that had gone through school with her being in very high demand by males for sex. Compared to Pillar, all the others looked like trolling tramps. They were instantly jealous when they eventually caught sight of her.

Pillar did not attend the Prom dance, instead she was dressed for a high classed dinner party but no one knew. As soon as the unmated males caught sight of her, they went on high alert, stirring, lusting after her. They stiffened and tried to catch her scent and all they smelled were her alluring soaps, and a perfume that drew them to her.

Every female noticed the effect on the unmated males and had to work extra hard to keep them away. It did not go unnoticed as the fathers of the graduates watching were all mumbling to their significant others about how classy she looked unlike the others.

One father in particular noticed his son's reaction. Alpha Holden noticed his son Craig's reaction but his date for the night, slipped her hands out of sight which caused Craig to flinch.

He mind linked Craig and asked what was going on? Craig turned his head and said my wolf is reacting to a scent, very alluring one. His girlfriend then did something else, causing Craig to break the link.

Alpha Holden then mind linked Randy who was sitting by Craig and asked what was Sasha doing to his son? Randy looked over and sniffed before clearing his throat and saying Sasha has her hands all over him, unzipped his pants and is...

Alpha Holden grunted and bore through Sasha's shield into her mind and ordered her to stop being such a slut before he has her dragged away and drugged. Sasha's grin wasn't seen by him but Randy looked and told the Alpha what he saw.

Alpha Holden then ordered Sasha to come to him right that minute. Sasha took too long so he bore back into her mind and said so be it Sasha, you not coming to me as ordered leaves me with no other option.

Sasha smuggly pulled her hands out of Craig's pants and stood. She fought the order but in the end she came to him. He was not happy at all and had a pack warrior restrain and take Sasha back to the pack house. He ordered her to be knocked out for an interrogation, and to have the pack doctor examine her fully immediately on her arrival and give her all her injections as if she previously had none including wolfsbane.

At the end of the graduation ceremony, Alpha Holden ordered his son to accompany him instead of heading to the Prom dance.

An hour later, Alpha Holden, son Craig and Beta Roy were at a sit down dinner with two Councilmen and in walked Pillar. She was holding onto the arm of Councilman Taber.

Pillar was a complete surprise to see. Even Alpha Holden who was puzzled as Councilman Taber asked Pillar to shield them from being heard. He never had thought Pillar was any stronger than others.

She was not an initiated member of his pack, just a visitor on the pack lands with the rest of her close family. The pack was protecting them and the family stayed out of sight.

Pillar sighed and took her seat as she erected a dome around them for secrecy. Then Councilman Taber said Pillar, unblock your scent for a minute, I'm curious. She looked at him, who nodded and smiled.

She unblocked her scent, not fully but leaked it out or it would be overpowering. Craig immediately scented a very alluring scent that he and his wolf immediately wanted more of.

Pillar pulled back her scent and seeing how Craig was reacting to her scent messed with his memory so he would forget her scent gave him such a reaction.

Alpha Holden was reading his son at the time when he sensed Craig's memories were being messed with. He looked at Pillar and once Craig eased down and Pillar pulled back, he gave his son back the memory.

Pillar huffed as Craig moved around the table and took a seat beside Pillar. He leaned in and said that wasn't very nice. She huffed again and said I'm not your true mate Craig. He took her hand, lifted it to his nose and scented it saying maybe not my true mate, but I and my wolf feel very, very strongly towards you Pillar.

She said well, I have a true mate somewhere and that isn't you, it works two ways. Sasha has you twisted around her little finger. I smell her scent all over you as yours is all over her. How distasteful Craig, having to watch the two of you in school.

She leaned over as she slipped her hand away and said did you know that Sasha's perfumed scent is covering the fact that she is fertile? Did you know she has plans for your sperm to impregnate her tonight?

He pulled back and said no she's not, my wolf and I would know. She snorted and said fine, I'm not going to argue with you Craig. I'll just say that my wolf and I can scent it. She took a look at Alpha Holden who said to her Sasha is being examined by the pack doctor. If she's been lying he will find out.

She bowed her head and said Sasha has a mate that isn't Craig. I don't know if she has met him or not, but if she is still with Craig when she meets him, she will reject him without a care. She believes she is the strongest female in the pack, dating the Alpha's son who she plans on breeding the next heir with.

She looked at the second in command and said Beta Roy, the scent of your mate. He stiffened and asked what about her Pillar? She shook her head and said I would advise you to take her to Council. Their infirmary and Doctors have the best medical staff available.

He paused and asked what are you saying? She sighed and said I hear things at school, one thing was from Donnie that his mother wasn't feeling well. So I am just saying, take her there for a full examination. You looked stressed out.

Councilman Taber grunted and said yes Roy, bring your mate by all means and since Pillar mentioned it I would suggest as soon as possible since she brought it up.

Pillar smiled and said yes, I think that would be best. For the best of the pack, that the leaders be in top condition at all times. She sighed and said I'll make a call to my Cousin Reynalda, she works in the European Council infirmary.

Councilman Taber grunted and said are you sure she is needed? Pillar sighed and said I don't know, it depends on what's wrong. I believe it wouldn't hurt as Reynalda is planning a trip to America anyway. She looked at Beta Roy and said my cousin is a top notch healer, trained in all species' healing.

A little overkill if your mate isn't that sick, but I would feel better. I will owe Reynalda but we are family. Beta Roy calmed and said my thanks Pillar. She bowed her head and said no thanks necessary, you have kept my family and I safe while we live on the pack lands.

Alpha Holden frowned and asked If you had family elsewhere, why did you not all stay together? Pillar said the whole family scattered, it was best this way. Not everyone would have been taken out this way if we aren't all found together.


It took a week for Beta Roy to bring his mate Opal to the Council infirmary. He had been contacted by Reynalda personally, and they had set up an appointment.

What shocked him was that Pillar was there in the Council's infirmary when they got there. He hadn't even known she had left the pack lands. When Reynalda took Opal away, Pillar took Beta Roy's elbow and led him back up to the dining room.

Roy was worried seeing Reynalda's face when she led Opal off. For Pillar to be taking him from the infirmary, really worried him now.

Pillar ordered them food as he mind linked his mate asking if she was okay. Opal opened the bond to him so he felt she was just fine. He eased down, feeling his mate's emotions of calmness.

Pillar sighed and said calm down Beta Roy, your mate is in the best hands possible. My Cousin Reynalda is even stronger than ever after finding her true mate.

He smiled and asked she found her mate? Pillar chuckled and said yes, this will be the last trip to America Reynalda takes for a while seeing as her mate is the King's second son Monroe.

Beta Roy nearly freaked and said the Prince? That means she is a Princess and will be stopped from healing others. Pillar sighed and said her healing others will no longer be from the European Council Infirmary, more like the Palace Infirmary. She won't be making any trips from home either.

After eating, Pillar took Beta Roy back down to the infirmary where she took him straight to Opal and Reynalda. Opal was smiling, her cheeks were flush with health again, making Roy rush to his mate.

Reynalda moved in front of him stopping him and took Beta Roy's hand in hers and soon he gasped. Pillar smiled and approached Opal, took her hands in hers and said you look much better Opal. I feel you are back to full health and if I may? Pillar immediately boosted Opal's wolf to full health as well as she hugged the Beta's mate.

Opal soon gasped and fell to her knees as her wolf wanted out. She shifted and let out a howl. Pillar dropped to her knees and said there, no worries, you probably feel twenty years younger.

As soon as Reynalda was finished with Beta Roy, Pillar took his hands as Opal stood by her side to make sure that was all. Pillar boosted his wolf to full health and said you better move it Rey, he's gonna shift. Reynalda huffed and said whatever as she exited the room quickly to Pillar's chuckles.

Pillar left as Roy shifted into his wolf. Pillar then said if I were you both, I would renew those mate marks. She pulled the door closed smiling. Reynalda grabbed her into a hug and fully healed Pillar, in return Pillar fully boosted her Cousin's wolf to full health as Reynalda sometimes forgets to keep her wolf healthy as she doesn't shift often.

When Prince Monroe felt his mate was done, he quickly rushed down to get her. He came upon his mate hugging and healing her Cousin Pillar. He groaned as his wolf felt his mate's wolf grow in extreme health. He scented the air and groaned.

He rushed to his mate as Pillar stepped aside. He snatched his mate in his arms, thanked Pillar for whatever she did. Pillar smiled and said just returning the gesture. Rey can heal the human of us while I can heal the wolf.

Prince Monroe said you need to come to the Palace and meet my father. Pillar shrugged and said maybe one day. Right now I believe your mate is going into her first heat.

He sniffed Reynalda his mate and groaned you're right. He whisked her Cousin away, then not an hour later they packed up and left America, without saying goodbye.

Head Councilman Gregor headed down to the Infirmary and took Pillar by the hand, she in turn boosted his wolf to full health. He laughed and said I guess the Prince was right, you are special Pillar.

She said sorry, Reynalda healed me fully and my wolf is giddy and wants to heal every wolf. He said well stop it, you will be putting a target on your head if others learn what you can do.

She said well, I do agree but then what I can give, I can also take away too. He grunted and said lethal then too? She said yup, so don't piss off my wolf. He chuckled and laughed all the way to the dining room with her.


Two years later, Pillar sighed with relief parking her car in front of the Council Headquarters. She wearily got out grabbing her bag and headed to the door limping.

The Warriors rushed to her, one Warrior picked her up and ran back inside, the other reporting they had an incoming, a she-wolf scenting hurt and bleeding.

Four hours later, the Doctors did all they could to stabilize Pillar. Then she was prepped for a trip, by being put into a medicated coma first. Head Councilman Gregory had to bite Pillar, inject her with his blood and venom before he could read her memories.

Gregor waited until she was evacuated before he made a massive amount of Council Elite Warriors get ready as they were about to kick some ass.

As they were leaving, the pack Alphas there noticed and followed them outside asking what was wrong? Gregory yelled for them to shut up, then said we have a rogue infested pack that needs putting down. The soon to be Alpha claimed a rogue bitch, infecting him with her tainted dna.

They tried to murder his true mate, but she got away and came here. She was shipped away for her safety and now it's time to go in there and see that they both suffer for what they have done.

He was asked who it was and Gregory growled and said not saying, but if I find out any of you have been working alongside of him, your pack will be next.

They boarded Council vehicles and left in a hurry, not saying where they were going, even to the rest of Council. They boarded the jet that the Head Councilman ordered to be made ready and they left immediately.

Mid flight, Head Councilman Gregory mind linked his Elite Warriors and shared the memories that he saw from reading Pillar's mind so they were all prepared with the same information needed to take down the rogue pack.

The Elite Council Warriors were all pumped and raring to kick some ass. The computer techs in the group went online and soon collected other data on getting inside the pack lands and house.

It was over 24 hours later, the pack Alpha and son were both restrained. The rogue bitch who was heavy with his child, Gregory took care of in front of the whole pack, including her bitten mate, a now very weakened male.

Gregory pulled out his gun and shot her between the eyes and screamed in her face that she was redundant. He then turned to the rest of the pack leaders and had the Elite warriors inject them with a lethal dose of wolfsbane and silver, taking their wolves.

In front of the whole pack, Gregory grinned in front of Ian and bore into his mind before his memories were read and he sentenced him to death. He then severed the mate bond he had with Pillar, making Ian suffer.

Every rogue and marked mate were then put to death. Each remaining pack member and there were few as the majority marked rogues and mates were killed. They were read first and assessed if they were threats.

With the females, he had them knocked out. They were to be sterilized for being pack sluts by the reek of them having slept with rogues. Their wolves were to be taken and memories wiped before shipping to human cities and towns across the country.

The pack was no more. Each allie of the pack would be evaluated by Council as they were deemed threats since they willingly participated in illegal activities.

America was taking back their packs and lands as the allies were heavy with corruption Gregory learned by reading Ian's memories.

Even into Council as he had two Councilmen, that were in charge of the area of the states who had known and they never once alerted the rest of Council to what was happening.

He alerted a few other Councilmen, and the tainted Councilmen, their mates and family members who needing taking down, were being injected and held for Gregory's return.


Reynalda was called as soon as Pillar arrived. Pillar was still in a coma as Reynalda took her time healing her cousin's wounds, then later the King slipped down and he fully healed her wolf.

Reynalda used her ability and stepped back, her mate took her home before the King slipped into Pillar's room without being seen and assessed her first, then bit her wrist. He shared his blood and venom, then he repeated it to the other wrist and read her memories.

He severed the remaining mate bond seeing she had been rejected horribly. Cruelly as Ian made sure that Pillar had to watch as he mated his rogue bitch in front of her. It was supposed to weaken and kill her wolf once the massive injection of wolfsbane was given to her.

Her wolf was stronger than that though as she held on strong. She was weakened enough that she couldn't shift by the wolfsbane, but that was reversed once she was injected with the antidote in America.

He went back a few times as they kept Pillar sedated. The King injected more of his strong blood and venom and read more memories. Each time he had to pull away to deal with what he found.

He sent out Royal Warriors to investigate undercover, not calling ahead to alert anyone. If the threat still existed, he had the European Head of Council deal with the matter. But only if it stemmed from Europe.

He personally contacted Gregory, while he was in the middle of dealing with the rogue pack situation. He gave approval for punishments laid down, harsh but necessary seeing as all the rogues needed to die, period.

Then closer to when the Doctors would be bringing Pillar back out of the coma, he had two Elite Warriors collect Craig. To inject him and bring him and collect Sasha as well, no questions asked, just to inject them both and bring them to him. He already knew Craig had not claimed a mate.

In Craig's empty bed, the Elite Warriors left a card, one that when Alpha Holden held it, he would know his son was taken on orders of the King. The King knew by then that both Alpha Holden and Beta Roy had both their wolves at full health and quite capable of still leading the pack.

In the Palace Infirmary, they woke Craig first, had the doctor give him a full exam, taking blood first. When he was cleared as not being tainted, Craig was given a Warrior's outfit to wear. One that he could shift in and back without shredding.

Craig was totally calm but puzzled why he was taken and brought there. He was well fed and then lead out to meet the Elite Palace Warriors. That was to him the highlight as they trained with him.

He trained, ate and slept in a room provided near the Elite Warriors for two days. While that happened, Sasha was as soon as she arrived, given an injection to rid her of the scent blocker and her scent came out, then because of her scent, she was injected to rid her of her wolf.

The King walked in her room first and growled see it done. Once he read her for only a few minutes, he ordered her sterilized. With the rest of her memories read, he put a call into Gregory and gave him information he learned from Sasha.

Then they called in Craig. Craig walked in and growled and said I have nothing to do with Sasha, not for years as I was told I could not trust her. The King showed himself and said I know, we are just observing what your reaction is like seeing her.

Craig got on his bended knee and bowed. The King nodded and said rise Craig, I was wondering what you would do with her if you were in charge? Craig sighed and said strip her of not only her wolf but the ability to have children, she is so determined to trap others with. Then take her memories because she will never change and since she is such a slut, drop her off in a whorehouse, somewhere far away from America.

The King nodded and said I'd agree. Sasha is already being dealt with harshly, her wolf is gone and she was sterilized. We are about to ship her off after her memories are wiped.

He led Craig to another room and asked have you met your mate yet Craig? Craig shook his head and said no. The King grunted and asked if his mate had claimed another? Craig said not as far as I know.

So the King took Craig's hand and bit his wrist, injected his blood and venom before he read Craig's thoughts and memories, then used the mate bond to find his true mate.

With the jolt of royal blood, his wolf was interested and went with the King to see where his true mate was. With an awareness of her wolf, his true mate felt a presence and yelled at him to get out.

The King snorted and said I see you haven't waited for your true mate before you started procreating. She snorted back and said whatever and it's none of your business, get out of my head.

The King snorted again and said so you're on your fourth child? You're a slut for humans and werewolves alike, three different fathers. Do you not know how to use birth control?

She screamed get out of my head. When they sensed she wasn't alone, the female looked up and they could see where she was and who she was with. The King said so you even cross lines and take fully mated males to your bed?

She growled in her head and said shut up and leave me alone. The King as soon as he could, took over her body and said I will see to your mate severing that mate bond you have with her. I see your face, see the mark on your neck, smell your lust and will make sure your mate is well aware that you betray her with this stupid slut.

The mated male scrambled away in terror, so the King took the time to read her memories to learn who that was and much more.

They pulled out of her mind as Craig stiffened and paced until the King opened his eyes and Craig said I don't want her sire. The King nodded and said rightly so Craig, I don't blame you.

He took Craig to one more room after he severed the mate bond, making her feel all the pain, took him to the room where Pillar was laid out in. Craig gasped and said Pillar, my god is she okay. Craig went straight to the bed and groaned as her scent was fully out for him to smell.

The King said she is now Craig. Pillar was sent here from America. She escaped a terrorizing ordeal finding her true mate. Craig pulled the collar away from her neck and said she's not marked and scents pure as she did years ago.

The King nodded and said her true mate rejected her, but not before he injected her with wolfsbane and mated his rogue slut in front of her. He had already claimed the rogue bitch a year before and wanted Pillar and her wolf to die. But she is stronger than he thought as she never let him know she had the ability to shield herself from him.

He had the Doctor wake Pillar. Then moved Craig aside and the King bit Pillar once again. She woke to the King linking her and telling her she was safe and where she was.

Pillar opened her eyes and smiled. The King grinned and said I see you now Pillar. I know you now too as I read all your memories and have others dealing with the ones you and the rest of your family hides from, no worries honey.

He whispered your ex-true mate and everyone associated with the rogues and pack's allies have been dealt with Pillar. Head Councilman Gregory took an oath after reading you that he was getting rid of the rogue trash.

She smiled and asked so the mate bond? He grunted and said severed not only on your end, but his too. She said good, hope they died a horrible death. The King grunted and said the rogues were the first to die on my order. Even that pregnant rogue slut your ex-true mate claimed.

She huffed and said seems you brought someone else to Europe. The King grinned and winked before saying after I read your memories. I had Sasha brought too.

Pillar said sterilized her I hope. The King chuckled and said I read your mind, so of course she was. I removed her wolf as she was suffering because Sasha would never stop until she got a title. Craig nodded and the King said her memories will be taken and soon shipped to a unknown location where she can ply her trade as a well used slut.

As for why I had Craig brought, I needed to hear for myself what he thought of Sasha and needed to see his reaction to her. Craig said I have had nothing to do with Sasha since after that meeting Pillar.

The King nodded and said I read his memories too, found out that the connection you both felt is mutual. Craig grinned and said good to know as she was hiding it from me.

The King said now I order the two of you to spend time with each other. I severed Craig's mate bond seeing as his true mate did not wait for him and has already delivered four kids fathered by three separate males, both human and werewolves. She was not so pleasing to read as she was also sleeping with fully mated males. One that I will be contacting Gregory regarding so he can track him down and sever the mate bond.

Pillar grunted and said that is sick, can you not have Head Councilman Gregory deal with her too? The King said I plan to inform him about her and you are right, she is not worthy of a wolf. Pillar sighed and said the four kids, poor things having to watch their mother being a slut. Her wolf must be very weak and hate her human.

The King sighed and said she grew up watching her mother do the same thing. Guess they know no better. Pillar sighed and said but still, she is raising kids that way and it will continue with her children doing the same. It has to be stopped. The King kissed her forehead and said I will have Gregory deal with her, no worries. The kids will be removed from her care and adopted out.

After the King left the two of them together, she sat up. Craig was very on edge, he sat on the side of the bed, just taking in her scent. He touched the side of her face feeling tingles that made him take her lips with his in need.

Before her wolf woke Craig's wolf took over and nipped to find her sweet spot before biting, mate marking Pillar. He feeling the overwhelming need to mark their second mate.

Maybe with a little help from the King who slipped into his mind and nudged his wolf.


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