Three's a Crowd...or is it? (...

By FluffyBunny

1.7M 32K 5.9K

Tyler and Alex have been together for years, just the two of them...that is until they decide to add best fri... More

Three's a Crowd...or is it? (BoyxBoy)
chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16 pt. 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24---LAST CHAPTER---

Chapter 20

48.5K 921 256
By FluffyBunny

Tyler’s POV

“Sleep. More.” I half mumbled and half hissed at whoever was currently in the process of poking me in the shoulder.

“Up Tyler! You’re going to be late for school.” The voice belonged to Ryan which means that must be his finger that won’t stop being annoying! Can’t a person get some beauty rest?! No, I’m forced to get up at this ungodly hour of, I don’t know, seven? UGH!

“Go away before I eat your brains.”

“Somebody’s cranky.” Ryan laughed and pulled the covers off of my body. That’s it! Somebody is so going to die! DIE RYAN! DIE!

“No school. Weekend. Sunday.” I squeezed my eyes shut tighter when the curtain at my window was thrown open. “Why do you hate me?” I whined.

“Tyler if you get up then I’ll carry you downstairs where there is coffee waiting.” At the sound of Alex’s voice, I opened my eyes slightly to see him smirking from the doorway.


“Yes, lots and lots of coffee.” I ignored the way his words came out sounding like they were meant for a two year old and grudgingly sat up, putting my arms out with a pout.


“You’re so cute in the morning.” Ryan leaned over and kissed my cheek, ruffling my hair up before leaning back up.

I raised one eyebrow and looked him over, noticing how well he looked in those black jeans and white muscle shirt. Damn…I wonder if I give him puppy dog eyes, will he forget about school and get back in bed with me so that I can rip those clothes off of his body.

“Did I black out and wake up on a Monday?”

Alex groaned and laid his head against the door jam. “Ask your boyfriend about why we are going to school on Sunday.” He shook his head and smiled a little.

“I thought it would be something fun for us to do together.” Ryan pouted and crossed his arms.

“I can think of so many more things that would have been much more fun than this.”

“Well sorry but we can’t just have sex all day, every day.” At this I snorted, looking at Ryan in disbelief. The boy must be delusional if he thinks that…

“In Tyler and Alex’s world, theirs sex twenty four seven…now do you want to hop on the train and come take a tour?” I winked at him and motioned to the spot next to me.

Ryan rolled his eyes, “Come on, I promise you will have fun, ok?”

I sighed and nodded my head, “Ok, ok. I’m getting ready.” I mumbled cutting off any other argument Alex was prepared to have. Ryan smiled gratefully and just seeing that almost made it worth having to get out of my nice and comfortable bed.

Alex threw some clothes at me and I jumped up from the bed, taking them into the bathroom to change. By the time I was finished brushing my teeth I practically felt like a whole new person. Not one that wanted to leave the house and melt from the hot sun but one that wouldn’t be biting anyone’s head off if they breathed in my direction.

“Coffee! Coffee! Coffee!” I chanted as I skipped down the hall, eyeing the doorway that would take me into the place that held the magical black drink. Yum…six more steps…I could already smell the aroma or at least I think I can. I might just want it so desperately that I can smell it from memory. Whatever. Yum!

“No time!” Ryan yelled out, grabbing my arm and steering me out of my house and away from my beautiful mouthwatering hot liquid. What? Why?


“Tyler! No! We’re going to be late. It took forever to wake you up, you know.” He shook his head firmly and I growled. A growl that surprised even me.

“ALEX!” I screamed out and attempted to stomp my foot, only to stumble instead from the force of Ryan dragging me down the street. “Aleeeeex! Make him stop!” I turned my head around, already sticking my bottom lip out.

“Sorry babe.” He shrugged and looked away, hiding a smile. Sorry babe! I mimicked in my head. Whatever, loser! I hate him. I hate Ryan and today is going to SUCK!

Two minutes! Two little tiny minutes! That’s all it would have taken for me to grab a cup, grab the pot of coffee, pour the coffee and then down it in three gulps! I couldn’t have two minutes? The world was going to end if I took those few seconds to DRINK MY DAMN COFFEE?!

“Did you know you have been growling the entire walk to school?” I bared my teeth at Ryan and yanked my arm out of his grasp. Jerk.

I looked up and noticed that we had indeed walked all the way to school already. Man time flies when you’re pissed! A few other people were walking into the building as we headed for the entrance. “What a bunch of nerds! Who goes to school on the weekend?” I huffed and glared at a few people as we passed them in the hall.

“Um, Tyler. We are in school.” Alex said with a chuckle.

I ignored him, not ready to forgive him for not at least thinking to grab the damn pot of coffee and bring it with us!

“I think we’re supposed to go to Mr. Andrew’s class…” Ryan mumbled and my head shot up.

“Jake?” I squeaked and coughed a little, hiding my excitement. My eyes widened slightly as I realized that I had called our hot teacher by his first name. “Uh, I mean-“

“Since when are we on a first name basis with Mr. Andrews?” Alex cut me off and glared along with Ryan. 

“I was just thinking about my pet snail. His name is Jake so yeah, I got confused?” I glanced at them, hoping to find that they somewhat believed me or at least decided to ignore my craziness for once.

After a few moments of Alex and Ryan sharing a look, Alex rolled his eyes. “I don’t know how you figured out our teachers first name and I should be jealous but as long as you’re not eye killing everyone anymore than I guess I can over look the fact that your practically in love with our teacher.”

“I’m not practically in love with him!” I scoffed and shook my head, “I just happen to think he’s a great teacher and I respect him for that.” Yeah, even to my own ears that sounded kinda lame. Right, time to change the subject…”What exactly are we doing here again?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“Is it going to make me happy?”

“Maybe.” Ryan shrugged his shoulders, turning his head to the side to give me a half smile.

“Is it glittery?”


“Is it made of glue?”


“Is it something I can wear?”

“Are we playing twenty questions?” Ryan sighed and I’m not sure if it’s from frustration or love. Probably love. What am I saying? Of course it’s love!

“Do you want to play twenty questions?”

“Tyler! Shut up! We’re here.” Alex pointed to Jake’s class. “Thank god.” He mumbled under his breath as we followed Ryan into the classroom. I’m at school on a weekend. Somebody freaking kill me now!

I looked around after taking my usual seat in the back and noticed about ten other people sitting around. Some looked as if they were about to pass out any second now, some looked bored and then there was the group of girls giggling to each other in the corner. How they are so happy, I don’t know! It’s just not right to be that freaking bright early in the morning!

I’m sure if anyone had taken a good look at my face right at this moment they would assume that I was patiently awaiting my death sentence. Because let’s face it, school on a weekend has to equal death! Why am I even here?! There’s only one reason to be in school on a weekend and I’m not in detention this week so I should still be in my bed! Damn cute Ryan! I would never inflict this torture on him! Well at least not before. Now, I’m going to have to think up something completely awful to get back at him for this. Normally, I’d pick extra school but apparently the little freak likes that.

After sitting for a few minutes, I could tell exactly when Jake walked in by the way those girls in the corner giggled even louder, loud enough to have the guys cringing and rolling their eyes, me included. Sure the man is hot but come on; you can't show how desperate you are right from the start! Sheesh! Girls are so weird…

“Good Morning, boys and girls.” He smiled brightly as he addressed the class. “I hope you all got plenty of rest because I’m going to have you working hard today.”

I groaned loudly at his words and dropped my head down to the desk, starring at Ryan. “I hate you right now. Did you know?”

Ryan nodded, “I kinda figured but you still love me to though right?” She smiled sheepishly, making him look even more adorable.

“Yeah, yeah.” I grunted and turned my attention back to the teacher.

“So, are we ready to do this?” Jake asked. A few of the students voiced their agreement and I raised my hand. “Tyler?”

“What are we doing?”

“You came to school today not knowing what you would be doing? Did you miss me that much?” He laughed at his teasing comment and I blushed a little, avoiding the twin glares I was getting from my boyfriends.

“What? No. I mean uh, I just figured out twenty minutes ago that today wasn’t even Monday. I’m pretty sure I’m still in shock over the fact that I’m sitting in your classroom on a weekend. Hell must have frozen last night while I was getting my sex on.” I snapped my mouth shut and causally shrugged my shoulders to the shocked looks I was getting. Can’t believe I told my teacher, my very hot teacher that I was getting my sex on! I didn’t even have sex last night! What the hell? My parent’s we’re right, there is something seriously wrong with me!

“Okay.” Jake mumbled while turning to his desk and attempting to hide his smile.

“Did you just say-“ Ryan whispered.


“Did you mean to say-“


“That must have been embarrassing.” Alex laughed.

“Yep.” I sighed, “When I open my mouth, that’s what comes out.” Alex patted me on the shoulder, still chuckling. I started to tell him that he can stop laughing at anytime now but quickly decided against it. Too much of a risk. With the way this morning is going, I’d probably just end up telling him to rape my butt or something!

“Alright everyone if you’re all ready then you can follow me and we’ll get started.” Jake motioned for everyone to get up and we all followed him down the hall, coming to a stop at one of the old Art classrooms that never got used anymore. He took out some keys and opened the door. We all piled in after him. “Now I know it looks like a lot of work but with all of us I’m sure it won’t take long to get this place cleaned up.”

I looked at the mess in front of me in disbelief. He wants us to clean this? Half the room was filled almost to the ceiling with different sized boxes while the other half was covered with old desks and chairs.

“This is what you call fun?” Alex groaned loudly at Ryan. He glared around the room and shook his head. “I could be in bed.”

“It’s not that bad.”

“Yes it is.” I mumbled and took a step forward, almost tripping over a text book lying on the floor. I glanced down and rolled my eyes at the book before kicking it a few feet into a chair. “You are so going to owe us after this.”

Ryan bit his lip, “Yeah, I know.”

“I’m thinking something along the lines of you worshipping us for forty eight hours.” Alex put his arm around Ryan’s shoulder, giving him a wink. “I think I might even be able to find one of those naughty nurses outfits that you would fit in.” He eyed Ryan’s body up and down.

“That’d be hot.” I agreed, “Your body would look good in a see through one.” I put my arm around his other shoulder and blew him a kiss.

“I really don’t think I would look good in that…” Ryan trailed off, a fearful look overcoming his features. “You would definitely hate it.”

“Hmmm, maybe.” I pretended to think, “We could always just keep you naked the whole time.”

“That does sound even better.” Alex moaned a little, whispering in Ryan’s ear.

“Boys are you going to help or stand their talking inappropriately to each other the entire time?” The voice coming from behind had me, along with Alex and Ryan jumping in fright and turning quickly to see Jake standing less than a foot away.

“We’re going to help?” Ryan blushed.

“Good answer. Why don’t you start on dragging all of those desks out to the hall?” Jake smirked, “and keep your clothes on.” He said over his shoulder as he walked to the other side of the class room.

We looked at each other for a moment before laughing, “Wow. Let’s just get this over with.” Alex chuckled as he started to drag a desk from the pile.

I took a minute before spotting one desk that looked like it would be the easiest to get out and I grabbed the leg and gave it a hard tug. It came lose easily, along with the one behind it and the one behind that one. Before I knew what was happening four of the desks were coming down and I barely leaped out of the way as they crashed to the floor, the sound of metal and wood echoing around the room. “Did you see that?! I almost died!” I yelled at Alex and Ryan, pointing to the stuff that tried to kill me.

“Why are you pulling from that spot? Their all tangled up.” A guy who I think was named Nathan asked, one of his brows rising up.

“Why are you all up in my business?” I countered with a pout.

“Tyler. Be nice.” Alex pushed my shoulder. “He doesn’t know that you’re special.”

Ryan laughed lightly and pulled his own desk from the side of the pile, taking it out the door. “Whatever.” I huffed and made my way over to the other side of the room. Screw this, I’ll just take small, light boxes out and then pretend that I did a lot of work once we’re done. Yeah, that sounds more my style.

“Tyler.” Mr. Andrews addressed me when I stopped near him.

“Jake.” I answered back. Oh yes, I remember your name you sexy man! He was so sweet the other night. I could never forget that. Oh yeah, and the fact that he’s freaking GAY! Damn, I should tell Alex and Ryan this but if I do then I’d have to tell them how I know and for some odd reason that I don’t want to figure out right now, I want to keep us a secret. Whoa, my dirty little secret.

I laughed lightly at my thoughts and shook my head. “What?” I asked when I noticed Jake giving me an amused look.

“Why are you laughing?”

“Nothing,” I laughed again, “Just my dirty little secret.”

“Right.” He rolled his eyes and looked away for a moment before looking back suddenly serious. “Is everything better?” He whispered.

“Oh um, yeah.” I mumbled, feeling embarrassed over my drama. “Thanks for talking to me and walking me home and admitting that I’m your most favorite person in this school and also the cutest.” I told him in one breath, trying to lighten the mood a bit.

He laughed and rolled his eyes again, “Your welcome, I guess.” Sweet! He didn’t deny it! THIS MAN SO WANTS ME!

“Can I talk to you in the hall for a minute?” He bit his lip and lowered his voice. “I don’t want anyone else to overhear.” He didn’t wait for an answer before heading for the door. I hesitated for only a second before following him out.

Maybe he wants to tell me that he’s been secretly attracted to me for years now and is finally able to confess his feelings or maybe he wants to come up with some kind of plan to steal me away from Ryan and Alex but then why would he tell me? He should just do it! Wait no, no he shouldn’t. I love Alex. I love Ryan. I can’t run away with my teacher! Damn these thoughts that enter my head when this sexy man is around!

“I’m sure you know what I’m going to say already.” Jake said the moment I shut the door behind me causing my nervousness to sky rocket.  

“Uh yeah and you should probably know I don’t come cheap!” What the hell am I talking about?!

“What?” Jake shook his head and waved me off. “I don’t wanna know. I just wanted to make sure that you knew not to tell anyone about me.” He looked up and down the hallway before continuing. “I’m open about my sexuality but I just don’t want the school to find out. They might not like having a gay teacher. Some of the parents especially might have a problem with it.” He smiled sadly.

Oh. That’s what the whole private talk was about? Great. I knew that. I mean, psh, of course I didn’t think he wanted me. I would have said no anyways. I’m sure, I would have…

“No worries Jake.” I assured him, giving him a pat on the shoulder. “I would never out anyone. I won’t even tell Alex or Ryan.” I smiled to let him know that I was serious.

“Thanks Tyler.” He smiled back and let out a breath of relief.

“Yeah, so you can tell your boyfriend that everything is all good.”

Jake scrunched up his eyebrows in confusion, “Boyfriend?”

“Yeah, Danny, you know your boyfriend. You went to the movies with him.”

Jake laughed, “No, no. He’s not my boyfriend. I was on a blind date. I just met him like five minutes before we went to the movies. My sister set me up.”

“Blind date? Why would you of all people have to go on one of those?”

“What do you mean me of all people?” Jake asked and I had to stop the blush from coming. How do I get myself into these awkward conversations? I can’t just say, oh your hot and you should have millions of sexy gay men begging for you to fu-yeah, can’t say that.

“I just meant that you should already have someone like that in your life because of the way your uh, face is shaped?” I laughed nervously, looking away. I am such a dork. Why did no one tell me this before?! Wait, I think my dad did tell me that. I should have listened better!

“Are you trying to say that I’m very handsome?” He asked, amused.

“Uh yeah, sure that.” I blushed a darker red.

“So you think I’m undeniably the sexiest man alive?”

“Sure.” I mumbled. “What? No! I didn’t say that! In fact your really ugly, kinda look like my dogs butt. Well what I would assume my dogs butt would look like if I had one. Do you hear my boyfriends calling? Because you know I have a boyfriend, right. Two of them in fact. So I can’t think you’re sexy. Well I can but then I have to mentally smack myself when I do think that-NOT THAT I THINK THAT EVER!” I shouted loudly before groaning in frustration. “Fuck me!” I yelled to myself, cringing at Jakes laughter. “Shit. I didn’t mean that! I was just telling myself to fuck me, not you. I would never tell a teacher to do that to me.” I snapped my mouth closed and took a few steps backwards. Oh my god. I’m going to die! He’s going to kill me for practically sexually harassing him or I’m going to die the normal way, in total embarrassment.

I closed my eyes and took a few breaths, “I’m going to go die now.” I told him while I turned, ready to run.

“You’re really cute Tyler. Too bad you’re underage.” Jake winked at me, still laughing as he walked back though the door into the classroom.

I starred at the closed door. Did that just happen? HELL YEAH IT DID! MY SEXY AND SMOKING HOT TEACHER JUST TOLD ME THAT I WAS CUTE! He thinks I’m cute! Wow, and I can’t even tell anyone because I’m sure it’s illegal for a teacher to tell his student that. And what did that mean, to bad you’re under age? So what if I wasn’t? He’d actually want to date me? Wow.

I walked back into the classroom, dazed and didn’t even realize that I had stopped right next to Ryan until he snapped his fingers in my face.

“Why are you grinning like you just won a million dollars?” He asked, giving me a weird look.

“I can’t be happy?”

“Not when you were just PMSing thirty minutes ago.” Alex laughed, coming up from behind. He looked me over and shrugged his shoulders. “Now that we’re done here, what are we going to do today?” He asked.

My eyes widened considerably as I looked around at the clean classroom. No more boxes and no more desks lined the floors. When did this happen? I must have been in that hallway longer than I had thought. “Cool, we’re done.”

“Yeah, thanks for all the help.” Alex rolled his eyes and I grinned innocently back at him.

“I actually have to go over to Alice’s house now.” Ryan avoided eye contact and starred at the wall. “I have something to talk with her about.”

“Going to try and find out what she has planned with that video?” I asked.

“Video? Oh, video, yeah that’s what I’m doing.” He smiled, somewhat guiltily and sprinted from the room.

“Did that seem weird to you?” I turned to Alex. He nodded a little.

“Yeah, I guess. We’ll ask him about it later.” He didn’t seem too concerned about it so I told myself that it wasn’t a big deal.

“Thanks for the help boys and by boys I mean Alex.” Jake smirked as he walked up to us. “I’d thank you Tyler but I don’t think you did anything.”

“I made four chairs fall from the top of the pile! I clearly was helping out the weaker boys who don’t have as much muscle as I do.”

“Sure baby.” I pouted at Alex’s laugh.

“Whatever hater. I’m going home to my cold coffee! And you can’t have any!” I stuck my tongue out at Alex. He stuck his bottom lip out for a moment before leaning over and giving me a kiss. He pulled back slightly. “I know how to make you change your mind.” He winked.

I blushed when I heard a throat being cleared, “I think that’s my cue to leave.” Jake smiled. “Thanks again.” He looked at me for a moment, his eyes locking with mine and I couldn’t help but to blush a little from the intenseness of it.

“See you tomorrow, Mr. Andrews.” Alex said, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door. It took a lot for me not to turn my head to see if Jake was still starring at me. The look confused me. And if I’m being honest it kinda excited me a little to. I have got to stop having these feelings for him! He’s my teacher and it’s not like it would ever work between the two of us anyways. I’m sure he’s not even thinking like that. I probably just had some dirt on my nose or something. Besides, I love Alex. I could never leave him or Ryan. I just needed to figure out how to keep that in my mind whenever I’m around Jake. Damn him for screwing up my perfect life!

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