Lady Cupid (BTS)

By BellaReen

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"I wanna date you." He said. Both of us just stopped and stared at each other. Everything went slow mo for a... More

Lady Cupid (BTS)
Chapter 1: Blast from the Past
Chapter 2: Mistaken
Chapter 3: Splash
Chapter 4: Past things
Chapter 5: Ghost
Chapter 6: Keeping it in
Chapter 7: Double life
Chapter 8: Okay
Chapter 9: Things Happen
Chapter 10: Rose
Chapter 11: Star
Chapter 12: Surprises
Chapter 13: Changes
Chapter 14: Kings
Chapter 15: Brothers
Chapter 16: Family 💝
Chapter 17: To Love is to Lose
Chapter 19: Acceptance
Chapter 20: I like you
Chapter 21: Unexpectedly
Chapter 22: Jealous
Chapter 23: Redemption
Chapter 24: I'll miss you
Chapter 25: Perfect

Chapter 18: New

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By BellaReen

Valentine Hart

I know that I'd get in trouble again for not going back to the dorm, it just don't feel like facing the reality that everything's not the same.

"I'm...sorry about what happened earlier. I didn't mean for you to get caught in between." I told Jungkook who still insisted on walking me home though I told him that its okay for him to go.

"It's fine. Did you guys fight or something?" He asked.

"He's just...mad at me, and I get that but he doesn't have to be such a jerk about it." I looked away. I admit that I did something wrong but I've never seen him like this before.

"I see.."

"What do you see? Exactly." I became curious.

"I think I'm just starting to understand how things are." He grinned.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said.

"Never mind. Just go in." He started pushing me to go inside the front door.

"Wait, no---I wanna know what you were talking---" I didn't even said goodbye properly.

Though I'm having a bucket load of emotions pouring inside me, all I could do was lay on my bed and stare at the ceiling. With all of this happening, things at school got affected. We're gonna have this charity concert with all the colleges and universities taking part in it, and for the first time I really want to perform since its for a good cause but to my surprise, our principal told me herself that it's best if I sit this one out.

I got used to being told what I'm supposed to do and now that I actually want to do it, they won't let me. When I thought about it, it would be really burdensome on the school's part. After all, the event is going to be broadcasted live and I think it wouldn't be ideal if I cause some confusion because of this 'hidden daughter' thing.


It's just the usual day at school, I say usual since people still talk behind my back or stare at me while I walk by but today though, I feel like there's something different.

I walked passed the bulletin boards and saw my name. The first thing that went through my mind is that maybe I got in trouble or something but then It said, 'VALENTINE HART, NEW FACE OF WORTHINGTON UNIVERSITY and REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE LA 2017 CHARITY CONCERT'

I went to the cafeteria for lunch.
"Joy, what's this new face thing for tomorrow's charity concert. I don't get it." I said to Joy who was running from somewhere.

"I was just looking for you to talk about it. Apparently, the students voted for you to be the new face of the school" she seemed pretty pumped about it.

"Wait, what?! I'm not even allowed to perform tomorrow." I argued.

"No duh, the school's new face represents the school in advertisements and brochures and stuff, and in this case, you'll be one of the hosts from each school who'll be joining the event tomorrow. Every year the school lets the students vote on whoever that person might be, and they chose you." She smiled.

"For real? why? I mean, I don't think the principal's gonna be okay with that, she's the one who suggested that I shouldn't perform tomorrow so it won't cause any fuss." I said.

I'm not sure what to make of this right now, besides the fact that I have no experience in hosting or whatsoever, I'm not sure how I'm supposed to deal with people who'll constantly ask me about my parents.

It was all okay for a minute when suddenly Rachel walked up to us. Obviously she's pissed about something.

She just stood there beside the table and put her hands on her hips.
"WHAT is your problem?" I said. Everyone's attention focused on us.

"Do I really have to spell it out for you? Y.O.U! I'm supposed to be the school's new face!" She yelled.

"How's that my problem?" I calmly said.

"You know, since you got here, everything went wrong. The school's a mess because of you." She slammed her fist on the table.

"Funny, you should say that, wasn't it you who told reporters who I am? It was, wasn't it? I don't know what your problem is with me but we're grown ups now. I'm not sure, maybe it's because of your dad who's the vice chairman, or maybe you're just insecure or better yet...jealous?" I raised my eyebrow which probably got on her nerves. Joy cautiously tried to shut me up.

"How dare you---" Rachel was about to yell at me informs of the entire school but then a joy stood up.

"You know Joy, everyone knows now that Valentine decided to hide this part of herself, but have you ever thought about the fact that besides that, we like her more than you. Even if it's the other way around, but if Val is still Val, we'd never change our mind about her. So stop being such a jerk and walk away." She said.

I don't know about anything else, but I think it's probably a good idea if I switch roommates. This could be really messy since both of us just established that we don't like each other.

As soon as I went back to my dorm room, she was also there. When is this gonna End? 😔
"The shareholders' meeting is next week, after that, you won't be able to do anything." She said.

"What're you even talking about anyway? It's not like YOU'RE gonna be CEO 🙄. You're just the vice chairman's daughter." I said.

"You're such an idiot. You really have no idea what's gonna happen do you? 😆" She laughed.

"Enlighten me."

"Since you're not willing to take over King Corp, it belongs to the people in the company themselves, with my dad being the new CEO, basically it's gonna belong to the Connors family. Everything that should have been yours, will belong to us. In short, you just sold your coward dad's company." She said and I think I literally stopped breathing.

"My dad is NOT a COWARD!" I snapped.

"Of course he is, he was cowardly enough to lie to his beloved daughter and now he's basically throwing all this problems to you. Tell me, do you even know your own parents? Are you sure you're even a King?" She grinned. She's really getting in my nerves now, I've never felt this feeling of wanting to strangle someone before.


"Whoa Valentine, this is the first time I've seen this side of yours. So this is your weakness." She said.

"You don't know me." My voiced cracked.

I know she's mean and annoying AND a handful but, I can't help but think those words are somehow true. I admit, she really got to me. Before anything else, I skipped the afternoon training and went home. It feels so painful to think about it to the point that I felt numb.

I went home and just sat on my bed, staring at the floor.

Who...who am I?

My thoughts were disturbed when I got a call. I expected that the coach would call me or maybe Joy, but it was Jungkook who called. Somehow I felt at ease hearing a friendly voice. He reminded me of their show later tonight.
"Yeah, yeah I'll be there of course. I promised Jin and Jimin I'd bring them food." I said cheerfully.

"Aish, that's the only reason why you'd go? It's fine, stay there." I could sense that he's somewhat disappointed. I must be crazy for laughing right now.

"No no no! I was just kidding. Of course I'm gonna watch all of you perform your show, I just gotta do something first. Are you sure you're gonna be fine for tomorrow's charity concert?" I said. Right, I almost forgot. Their school is also part of the event tomorrow. Apparently, they're one of the students from their school to perform.

As fun as I think this will be tomorrow, I...I don't know what to do. I feel...lost 😞

- - - - - -
Jeon Jung gook

Few minutes till our show starts. I swear I told her to be here at least half an hour before we go onstage. She never listens 😒.

"You said she'd be here." Jimin kept complaining for the past 20 minutes, and for the same amount of time, I also kept saying YES I DID.

"Yeah, I know I said that. I'm getting worried." I said.
I know she's kind of unpredictable, but she's also not someone to suddenly just disappear without a trace. We ended up getting worried while being onstage. I felt uneasy and distracted that I actually made a few mistakes.

The show ended and I expected her to at least show up late but she never really came.

"She's not here yet?" Rapmon said.

"She just probably dozed off or something, but it's not like her to be like this." Jin added.

It's getting pretty late, I'm a bit tired as well but I can't have the assurance that she's okay, I'm not sure what I'll do. We called Mr. Ron but he said she's staying in school. Now's the tricky part since there's no way for us to confirm she's really there. The school can't just let us in especially at this hour. Even with Mr. Ron's words, I still felt worried.

I couldn't sleep. I feel restless. I wanna see her.

Then I remembered what she said when I called.

It's probably 3 in the morning, it's raining, it's cold, and I hate it. It was just a hunch and I went to the place where I think she'd be there.

"Thank god!" I literally sat down on the ground when I saw a familiar pale hooded girl sitting in front of her parents' tomb.

This is ridiculous, I don't know what's going on with her right now but I couldn't bring myself to yell at her.

"The rain." She said.


It was obvious that she was tired, but she smiled.
"It feels nice." She said softly.

"Everyone's worried about you. Do you know what time it is? Do you have any idea how worried I am? I even forgot some of the lyrics while singing, and THAT does NOT happen believe me. What's going on? You could've called me. It's raining AND you're soaking wet." I said as I sat down beside her.

"I just---" she kept blinking her eyes and avoiding me.

"What, what's wrong?"

She sobbed 😪
"Is it wrong...if I just don't wanna be a part of this." She looked at me with teary eyes.

What's wrong with me. My heart suddenly ached.
"Val, of course not." I wiped her tears and fixed her hair. I tried to smile so she'd cheer up a bit.

"But why do I feel guilty. Like a part of me thinks that...I don't deserve to be their daughter." She said.

"Don't say that." I replied.

"It's true. They've kept me hidden from the world, and now that they're giving me the chance to be known, I...I avoid it." She really thinks that all of this is happening because of her, and it's tearing her apart.

"Well what do you want to do?...and before you answer, you know we're always here to support you." I managed to smile. We all know that the company is really important not only to his brother but to their family but right now, if it's in exchange for her happiness, I don't think we'd want that.

Finally I saw the boys backstage. I missed the opening ceremony but I think I just made it in time.
"Jungkook! Where the hell have you been?! The opening ceremony was finished like 10 minutes ago, we'll be performing in 20 minutes." Rapmon said.

"I've been looking for Valentine. Don't worry everything's fine." I said and they all gave me mixed expressions.

"Define FINE, is she okay?" Jin asked. Ay, what do they take me for? Of course I took care of her.

"Let's just say it's gonna be really interesting 😏" I grinned.


"Well what do you want to do?...and before you answer, you know we're always here to support you."

"I've been really confused lately. I couldn't find the right answers to any of my questions. I wanted to talk to someone, but I don't know who to talk to." She said.

"Earlier, I wandered and I found myself standing in front of my dad's office at home. I just stared at the door for a while before I entered the room. It was quite. I remembered he used to play classical music while he works. Then I wondered. . . Do I really know my dad?. . . Is Thomas King, my dad?" She said. I never knew she's actually going through all this.


"I smiled while looking at pictures of myself on his desk. I found myself looking at his things. Ha 😁, he used to scold me for playing on his computer. That's when I opened his drawer, I found a familiar video camera."

"I played the videos that were saved in it." She said.

"What videos?"

"Videos of. . .the birthdays I had with my mom and dad." Though she cried again but she was somewhat happy. My heart ached.

"For the little time we had to be together, I realized now that they were just trying to let me have what my brothers couldn't."

"What's that?"

"A normal childhood." She smiled as tears fell down her face.
End of flashback

"Poor Val." Jimin said.

"You should've called us when you found her. We already feel bad for not helping you go look for her." V said and everyone seemed to agree.

"By the way, is she okay now? We can go visit her after the concert right?" Jimin said.

"I don't think that's necessary." I confidently said which by now they'd think I'm a complete asshole for not wanting to check up on her.

"What do you mean?" Jin looked serious.

I wanted to tell them right away, but where's the fun in that. I even though I really didn't know Valentine that much for me to suddenly say this, but I can tell that she's changed and it's the good kind.

"HELLO LOS ANGELES! Are we having fun?" A familiar I voice echoed that came from the stage. Oh, the first part of the event is starting.

All of us turned our heads to the stage and saw our sweet Valentine waving at the crowd.

"WHAT IS SHE---Jungkook!" V yelled at me. We all knew that she wasn't gonna be here since Rachel took her place as school representative.

"Ay, let's just say she has her own ways." I said.

This time, she wasn't thinking about what people would think of he, right now, she's determined to show the world that she's really a King and she's not afraid of it.

"Don't be so hard on yourself lyrics"

"WHAT is going on? She's not in the program and ---oh god." J-hope said and we were worried as well.

"Oh god what?" Jimin asked.

"Seems like not everyone's happy about this. Ice queen on your 12 o'clock." J-hope said who was staring at Rachel from the other side of the stage. She really seems angry while watching Val perform.

"Damn, she's actually pissed. What do we do? She'll sabotage Valentine for sure." Jimin said.

"As much as I want to help Valentine out, but this is her fight now and she really wants this more than anything." I said. I'll do anything for her but right now, I think she's more than capable enough tho handle things.

When she finished performing she still remained on stage.
"WHAT A BEAUTIFUL DAY IT IS HERE, I'm so glad I get to spend my day with you guys. I am Valentine Hart King of Worthington University for Sports and Arts, and I will be one of your on-scene hosts." She said and everyone cheered. Gosh, to think that she was the one who was crying a few hours earlier.

"Whoa, she finally said it." Jimin looked amazed.

"There's no going back now." I said.

All of us paid attention to her.

"Everyone's gathered here today from colleges and universities in Los Angeles for this amazing cause. Make sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram, and use the hashtag #2017lacharityconcert, and before I go..." She said and suddenly glanced at us.

"What was that? She just glanced at us." Rapmon said.

"I'd like to say thank you to Rachel Conners who willingly filled up for me for the opening ceremony earlier, I'll see you guys later. Again this is Valentine Hart King, Worthington University." She said and gave a bow.

I'm ...I'm actually scared of her now 😱

After she waved at the crowd and left, she went to us. Honestly, we were all just quiet as she approached us.

"Well, how'd I go?" She smiled and waited for our reactions.

"That was---it was---" Jimin said. Lol, is he still breathing? 😂

"I sucked didn't I? 🙁" She looked disappointed.

"No no, it's seem...different." Jimin said and I just smiled. Everyone kept staring at her, still making sure if she wasn't an evil twin or something.

"Different how? I'm not wearing glasses but yes I'm still human. It must be the---"

"It's not just stood up to Rachel Conners." Jimin added.

"I--I guess so." She wasn't even sure if it was real.

The fact that she's actually different when she's in front of other people, makes me wonder, how is she taking all, of this by herself.
"W-what did you do to our sweet Valentine?!" Jimin overreacted.

All of us just laughed it out. We made jokes and had fun while waiting for our turn to perform.
"Valentine! Your phone's been ringing for the past 10 minutes now, where have you been?" Alex came over and gave Val her phone.

"Oh, Alex, right I'm so sorry. By the way, these are my friends." Val introduced us to Alex who was by the way really pretty. She has golden brown hair and dark blue eyes.mi can literally see the guys drool over her.

"Right, yeah I've heard about them." She smiled.

While we were just casually talking to Alex, avail was having a hard time talking over the phone. I'm guessing it's either Adam or her Omma.

"THERE YOU ARE!" We heard a loud commanding voice from afar.

Valentine's principal dashed toward us and she suddenly haunt up on her phone.
"Back then you never wanted to sing, to perform, or even be known, you wanted to reject being the school's new face, but're here singing, performing and representing the school without any permission whatsoever. I'm so---" she started babbling at poor Val.

"M-Madame principal I can explain---" Val said.

"Happy for you." Her voiced calmed down and all of us shot our eyes wide open with a 'SAY WHAT?' expression.

"W-what? But I broke like, less than a dozen rules." She said. It's not like we're not happy she's not getting yelled at, we're just confused.

"Yes, and maybe even more but...I can see that you've quite changed Valentine. Now you're putting others before yourself."

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