Thunder Storms (#1 - Semper F...

By caffrey1974

72.7K 2.6K 194

Renee Alexander is a Veteran Army Medic now working as a surgical nurse. A huge storm knocks her power out, a... More

Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part IX
Part X
Part XI
Part XII
Part XIV
Part XV
Part XVI
Part XIX
Part XX
Part XXI

Part VII

2.9K 120 3
By caffrey1974

Pulling into the garage, she mechanically opened the trunk and took out her bags. Renee was so put out by the morning’s events, she wanted to scream. How dare he? How dare they not do anything about it? Ugh! This is not going well! She had a sense of foreboding doom. It was drowning her. She suddenly wished for Adam’s arms. Why she found comfort in them, she didn’t know, but she did nonetheless. She needed to tell him about Jaden so he’d understand why she was scared, but she wasn’t ready. Unfortunately, the Ex was not giving her much choice. She’d have to tell him soon, so he’d know how unsafe he really was just talking to her.

As if he sensed her thoughts, Adam was behind her. But, instead of being comforted, she was startled.  “It’s okay! It’s just me. Adam. Remember? Your friendly neighbor? I saw you speed past and thought you seemed a bit unnerved, so I came over. Here, lemme help you with your groceries.” He took the last two bags from the trunk, closed it, and walked inside behind Renee. She was afraid of turning around, for fear he’d see the emotions and crazed fear that ran through her. She was furiously putting her items away, and avoiding talking at all!

He stopped her mid-stride, and turned her around to face him. The look of terror in her eyes was almost more than he could handle. He hugged her close to him and stroked her hair, calming her with soothing words. She started crying, and the sobs intensely shook her body. He pulled his arms tighter around her shoulders. “Renee, it’s alright. It’s okay. You’re going to be okay. I don’t even know what’s wrong, but I can promise, it will be okay.”

“You can’t promise that, Adam. You’re right. You don’t know. If you knew, you might be ready to walk, no, run away from me and never speak to me again. You can’t protect me from him, and you probably can’t even protect yourself. I don’t know what I was thinking, getting close to you. I thought I was safe. This morning proves I wasn’t, I’m not now, nor will I ever be again.”

“Tell me what happened.” He said in a low, secure tone.

“If I tell you, I will risk losing the best thing that has happened to me since Jaden d...” She couldn’t say it. It would all come flooding back, threatening to suffocate her once again.

“Okay, okay! I will make some coffee, and some food. Go sit down in the living room.” Looking in her freshly-stocked cupboards, he found bread, and made a turkey and cheese sandwich, with pickles, tomato and lettuce. He found a bag of chips, and opened it and put some on a plate. He started the coffee, but took the food and a glass of water in to Renee. “Eat. You look exhausted. Whatever made you this upset must’ve happened at the end of your shift, which means you are past weary. If you want to go rest, I can come back later.”

“Don’t leave me. Please.” Fright took Renee’s voice to a whisper. She was sitting on the floor in front of the couch, almost as if she was too tired to sit on the couch. Adam sat behind her, on the couch. He placed his hands on her shoulders and rubbed them gently. She found herself relaxing into his massage, and closing her eyes. She started to nod off to sleep, so he stopped, picked her up, and carried her to her bed. Quietly, he shut the door, but resolved to stay until she was awake.

. . . . .

He placed her food in the refrigerator and sat back down. He was going to stay. He’d promised. A Marine is only as good as his word, and his honor was at stake if not kept.

He found the remote control and turned on the television. He would tune in to the semi-local news, as their town was too small for its own news channel, and catch up on the events of the day.

The anchor was broadcasting a story: “The suspect was acquitted in the shooting death of SGT Jaden Michelson three years ago at Mt. Rainier in Washington State. He is wanted for questioning in the shooting of a local man, Mark Whitmore, who is recovering from the wound inflicted to his shoulder.  If you see this man, Benjamin Jenkins, please do not approach him. Immediately call 911. He is considered armed and dangerous.” A picture of Jenkins showed on the screen. Short dark hair, a heavy brow with inset blue eyes, high cheek bones and an eerie stare pinned him to his seat from the display.

Why did Jaden’s name ring a bell to Adam? Wasn’t this the name of the man she’d mentioned a little while ago? He stood and went to the mantle over the fire place. A picture of a soldier in ACU’s (Advance Combat Uniform) with a medal pinned to his chest was smiling back, and Renee was in uniform next to him. She looked so happy; almost blissfully happy. The name on his chest said “Michelson.”

A disconcerting feeling threatened to choke Adam. The pieces were fitting together like a strange and creepy puzzle. Adam did not want to draw conclusions until Renee was ready to tell him the whole story. He hated assuming. He’d rather hear the whole story first.

Now he had a name to her unknown tormentor: Benjamin Jenkins.

He turned on his smart phone and did a quick person search. Jenkins was living in Marketville in a trailer park known for its miscreants. Great! He is nearby. He probably knows where she works. He probably knows where she lives.

Adam decided to push the subject with Renee, once she’d had enough sleep. He was willing to drive her to and from work. He was willing to sleep on her sofa, if it meant keeping her safe. If this guy knows where she lives, he will stop at nothing. He tried to recall bits and pieces of information Renee had given him over the last several days. He knew Benjamin was dangerous. He knew Renee was terrified of him. He knew they were serious once. He also knew Renee was afraid that Benjamin would harm him. That’s the part where it became a terror to her.

He decided to look up the shooting victim’s name as well. Mark Whitmore was twenty-one years of age. He was married a year ago to Melissa Damien, and lived in Marketville... in the same trailer park as Jenkins. This was getting more disturbing and too close for comfort. He thought to call and talk to Mr. and Mrs. Whitmore, but then decided against it. If they were dealing with this maniac, they were probably as terrified as Renee.

. . . . .

A few hours later, Renee roused from sleep in her room. She’d slept better today than in a little while. She went to her bathroom, washed her face, and then changed clothes. She remembered how she managed to wind up in her own bed, and the thought brought a smile to her lips. Adam. He must’ve put me to sleep. The thought of him being in her room gave her a strange feeling, but not an unsettling one. In fact, it stirred new emotions in her core she was not ready to think on just yet.

Walking out to the living room, Renee was touched by what she saw: Adam was curled up asleep on her couch. Did he ever work? Really work? She was amused at the thought and giggled out loud. He blinked his eyes open. He’s a light sleeper! “Hey, sleepy head! Did you rest well?” He smiled and rubbed his face in his hands a few times.

“I should ask you the same thing. Thanks for sticking around. I appreciate it! How long was I out?”

Adam responded, “About four and a half hours, I’d guess. I watched the news and did some research on my phone. There’s something I need to ask you.”

“Before you do, can I get my food? I’m suddenly starving.”

“It’s in the refrigerator. The coffee’s probably done by now, too!”          

“Adam, you’re a darling! Thank you!” Her thank you was whispered with a grin.

“Anytime, beautiful! Come sit.”

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