18th Floor Balcony (Frerard)

By asotmGee

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Shortly before losing his father to cancer, Frank develops a change of heart and becomes a caregiver. Getting... More

Chapter One: The Past Isn't Through With You
Chapter Two: It Was A Lie When They Said You Won't Feel A Thing
Chapter Three: So Close I Can Taste It
Chapter Four: More Than You Bargained For
Chapter Five: Clean Me Off. I'm So Dirty, Babe
Chapter Six: Betrayed For So Long
Chapter 7: Something's On My Mind
Chapter Eight: A Seizure Dims The Lights
Chapter Nine: Life Long Hospital Stay
Chapter Ten: Seasons Change, But People Don't
Chapter 11: Stuck On A Little Hot Mess
Chapter Thirteen: Turn Away, Cause I'm Awful Just To See
Chapter Fourteen: Take My Hand And Never Be Afraid Again
Chapter Fifteen: I Will Not Kiss You
Chapter Sixteen: The Hardest Part Of This Is Leaving You
Epilogue: So Long And Goodnight

Chapter Twelve: Well I Find It Hard To Stay With The Words You Say

280 16 9
By asotmGee

"Man, one day after October and it's cold as fuck!" Frank exclaimed. He finished his cigarette quickly and then stubbed it out. He closed the sliding glass door to the balcony and wrapped his arms around himself, trying to warm up quickly. "You should stay wrapped up today too, Gee. I'm gonna turn up the heat a bit,"

"You poor thing, shaking like a leaf!" Gerard frowned.

"Yeah, I'm gonna throw on a sweater and reheat some soup,"

"How's Mikey? Have you talked to him at all recently?"

"Not since this morning," Frank yelled from the kitchen, turning on the stove and pouring some leftover soup in a pot.

"You think I can call him? I wanna make sure he's okay,"

"Yeah, I can do that for you, just let me finish up with the stove,"

"Okay," Gerard said. He really missed Mikey, even though it's only been a day. He just wished he's okay.

"All done," Frank said to himself. He turned off the stove and then grabbed his phone. He dialed Mikey's number, but it went right to voicemail. "Hmm. That's weird,"

"What's wrong, Frankie?"

"Mikey isn't picking up and it's going straight to voicemail,"

"That is weird...," Gerard felt a pang in his chest, already feeling worried for his baby brother.

"Yeah...hey, do you guys have a GPS on your phones?"

"I'm not sure,"

"I'm gonna guess yes, because no offense...but with you guys being...ya know, financially loaded, you can afford the best,"

"No offense taken, baby. I'm sure we can track him,"

"Okay, so let me get you settled for the night just in case I have to leave, but we can stay in contact with my phone," Frank said as he got himself dressed, thinking of everything.

"If I'm gonna be alone...who's gonna take care of me?" Gerard asked.

"Gee, you know I will always take care of you. I will make sure you are a hundred percent okay before I leave...unless you don't want me to find him,"

"I do want you to find him. I'm worried for him. I wanna make sure my brother is safe!"

"Trust me baby, okay? I would never let anything happen to you,"

_ _ _

"Frankie, I'm here," Rosalie knocked on the door. Frank opened it up and greeted her.

"Thank you for coming, Nonna. I will be back as soon as I can," he said.

"I know you will, bambino...but what will you do then?"


"They both like you...,"

Frank stilled and then thought about everything in the last 24 hours. He was so blinded by his duty to his best friend and then his declaration to him that he failed to notice Mikey's own non-verbal one.

"Oh, Nonna...I'm in a fool's paradise,"

"Yes, but my son didn't raise a fool, so you will do what's right,"

"I will. Take care of Gee for me please,"

"I will, bambino. Now go,"

"Will do," Frank kissed Rosalie and then walked out the door.

"Gerard?" Rosalie called out.

"Yes, Frankie?" Gerard looked up from a book he was reading on his device, sitting in his wheelchair.

"Sorry, sweetie. It's me," Rosalie said, shuffling into Gerard's bedroom. "Frankie asked me to keep you company while he finds your brother,"

"Oh, right...sorry,"

"No need to apologize, dear," the older woman came in and sat in the chair. "So, how was your night?"

"I couldn't sleep very well...," Gerard frowned, looking back at the night spent constantly waking up in a cold sweat, worrying over his absent brother.

"According to my grandson, you were pretty well taken care of...and so was your heart,"

"He always knows how to take care of me. I don't know how he does it. I'm just worried about my baby brother. He's never been gone for this long,"

"He is a bit of a mess, isn't he? But then again, he doesn't have Frank like you, does he?"


"It's nice, isn't it?" Rosalie asked as she got up and headed to the balcony. She opened up door, letting the cold evening breeze in and lit up her cigarette. "Knowing that someone is always there for you; that you can turn to them when you are feeling sad and they will give you a shoulder to cry on,"

"I know. I'm very thankful knowing that," Gerard wheeled himself out on the balcony. "I really am,"

"Mmm, so you have Frankie...," Rosalie takes another drag and leans on the railing, looking at the night sky. "...who does your brother have?"

"Well...I know he has Frank to depend on. They always seemed to have good chemistry with each other,"

"They do, don't they?" She took a last drag and finished off the cigarette, dropping it into the ash can.

"I swear they're like two peas in a pod, Ro. They get along so well. It's like they're more of brothers than friends...," Gerard stopped, taking in what he just said. It is true. It's like Mikey and Frank were meant for each other, he thought. It's almost like...they're meant to be...

"You forgot that your brother has you too, sweetie. I just worry about when you are gone. He seems strong, but the strong can also have a glass jaw, and one shot is all it takes for them to fall," Rosalie stepped off the balcony. "I'm gonna make myself some tea. Would you like to watch a movie with me, Gerard?"

"Sure, that would be great,"

"Wonderful, I will see you out there then," Rosalie said as she left Gerard's room, leaving Gerard alone with his thoughts. It hasn't even been two hours since Frank has been gone, and he already misses him dearly, as well as his baby brother.

_ _ _

Frank knocked on the door and stood in front of the room that Mikey was staying in. He waited for an answer, but none came. Frank was clever though. He had managed to get another key card by using Mikey's old ID card. The guy hardly glanced at it and back to Frank, and Mikey had the same hair style. After waiting a few more minutes he opened the door and went in.
"Mikes?" Frank called out.

It was a nice hotel room as expected of the Ways. It had a sunken living room with a fireplace and the bedroom was closed off by a door through the bathroom. Frank crossed through and knocked on the bedroom door.
Still no answer. He opened the door and gasped at the sight. There were empty wine bottles everywhere. Enough for a small party. Mikey was on the bed passed out with what looked like a full bottle spilled out over him along with whatever else he had ingested. The room reeked of vomit.
"Jesus, Mikey!"
Frank walked over and tapped his face lightly. Mikey groaned, but didn't open his eyes. Frank collected the bottles and moved them so he wouldn't trip. He then went into the bathroom and started to fill the large tub with warm water. Once that was done he stripped down to his boxers and then went back to Mikey. Frank had gotten stronger carrying patients around, so lifting Mikey was nothing. He stripped him and then put him back on the bed. He went back to the bathroom and turned the water off. He then carried Mikey into the bathroom and placed him in the tub. He got in behind him and started to rinse him off.
"Come on Mikes, wake up for me." Frank called to him. Mikey started to stir a bit. "That's it, come on Mikes."
Frank had moved the trash can to the edge of the tub knowing that Mikey might have to throw up again or most likely pee from the warmth of the water. Sure enough as he came to, he started to tighten his stomach. Frank grabbed the can and Mikey emptied himself into it. He then maneuvered Mikey to kneel up more, and like clockwork, Mikey relieved himself into the same can. When he was done Frank laid a towel over it to contain the smell slightly. He then went back to helping Mikey wake up fully.
"W-Where am I?"
"You are in a hotel with that famous Way stupidity that you and your brother inherited in spades,"
"Yup, I'm here."
"W-Where's Gee, why aren't you with h-him?"
"Cause I need to be here. Gee is being taken care of, and now you need to be,"
"No, he needs you, he loves you, you should be with him and..."
Frank pours water over Mikey's mouth and then kisses him to quiet him. Just a simple peck.
"Shut up, you need love too."
"I don't, I don't deserve it, Gee needs you more and..."
"Mikey, stop it. You have both of us. I can be your friend and be your brother's boyfriend. I don't have to choose between you."
"Right...sure, I was being silly again."
"Now, let's get you cleaned up and dressed and get home, cause he is worried about you."
Frank gets out of the tub and grabs a towel. He helps Mikey out and dries him off. He gets dressed and runs down to the car and grabs the emergency pair of scrubs that he keeps in the trunk. He helps Mikey dress in them and then they head home.

_ _ _

"Mikey! Where the hell have you been?!" Gerard's machine exclaimed in that computerized and monotone voice, Gerard's face full of worry. "I was worried sick about you!"

"Sorry, Gee. I'm back now," Mikey sighed, walking through the front door with Frank.

"I missed you, big brother...don't you ever scare me like that again!" the computerized voice yelled again.

"Okay, I'm sorry," Mikey replied. He kissed Gerard's cheek and then headed to his room.

"Where are you going?" Gerard asked, wheeling behind him.

"I'm tired. I had a rough day. I just wanna sleep,"

"Oh...alright, Mikey," Gerard replied. "I just really missed you,"

"I know. I missed you too," Mikey said as he disappeared into his room. Frank walked beside Gerard after he shut and locked the front door.

"You alright, Gee?" Frank asked, walking up to Gerard.

"Yeah...I'm fine," Gerard frowned.

"You don't seem fine. Come on baby, let's get you to bed. We can snuggle and I'll read to you,"

"Okay," Gerard smiled a bit, despite the concern for his brother that's been missing for far too long.

"Well, you two seem to be alright, so I will take my leave then," Rosalie said, shuffling up to Frank.

"Grazie, Nonna," Frank replied, smiling.

"Anytime, bambino," Rosalie said, then turned to Gerard. "Gerard, you keep in mind what we spoke of,"

"Okay. See you later,"

"Bye, guys," Rosalie said as she kissed both Frank and Gerard, then left out the door. Frank turned to Gerard, curious.

"What was she talking about, Gee?" he asked, following Gerard into his bedroom. He stripped off his clothing, revealing he had no boxers on.

"Oh...nothing," Gerard replied hesitantly. "Just...how she was worried for Mikey,"

"I am too. Maybe now that he knows you are taken care of, he will think it is okay to go out and find someone to be with," Frank said as he helped Gerard into bed. He grabbed a fresh pair of boxers and slipped them on. Then he remembered his wet ones and Mikey's soiled clothing. "I'll be right back, baby. I have to start a quick load of laundry," he said as he kissed Gerard and left.

"Okay, Frankie," Gerard blushed, watching Frank leave. He thought long and hard about what he and Rosalie talked about while Frank and Mikey were gone. In a way, they're like brothers, like best friends. They have both worked so hard to take care of someone as difficult as Gerard with ease...at least, almost with ease. On top of that, they've always been there for each other, just like how they've been there for him. It's like they're more than friends. It's like they were meant for each other.

"Hey, baby," Frank said, walking back in Gerard's room after finishing laundry.

"Hey, Frank,"

"How is Gee doing?" Frank asked, crawling into bed with Gerard and kissing him lightly. "Did you miss me?"

"I sure did,"

"Good," Frank said, pulling out a copy of The Shining by Stephen King from the bookshelf next to Gerard's bed. He opened up the book to the chapter where they left off at. "Let's see...we were on chapter seven,"

_ _ _

"Sorry guys, but you have fun! Bye!" Mikey said as he left out the front door. Frank sighed deeply. It was the third time this week Mikey made other plans and blew off Frank and Gerard.

"Again?" Gerard sighed. He knew something was up. "Mikey has never been one to leave this often,"

"I know, it's just...he's been like this since two weeks ago, and I think it's getting out of hand. I'm waiting to see if he blows us off for Christmas next,"

"I hope he doesn't. I feel like we need to sit down and talk to him. This is getting ridiculous,"

"How about we just sit and listen to Christmas music and look at the lights, Gee," Frank sighed. He had no interest in watching a family movie now.

"Okay, Frankie,"

Frank sat with his boyfriend trying to relax, but it was not working. He was worried about Mikey. He wondered if it was more than he should, but quickly dismissed it. Mikey was Gerard's brother, so of course he was worried about him. Frank sighed again and began to sing along some Rosemary Clooney to Gerard as he carded his fingers through Gerard's hair. Gerard soon shut his eyes and fell asleep, and Frank left a kiss on his forehead.

_ _ _

"Shh, you have me! Fuck me!" Mikey cursed as he stumbled drunkenly over the coffee table. The guy with him laughed.

"Clumsy fuck," he said.

"I'll show you a clumsy fuck!" Mikey yelled. The guy with him laughed as Mikey dragged him into his room.

"Where are we going?" the equally as drunk man asked.

"You, my friend, are a one way ticket to paradise," Mikey laughed with the man, shutting the door.

_ _ _

Gerard opened his eyes, hearing a commotion going on in the other room as Frank snored lightly next to him. Heard it coming from Mikey's room. He already knew what was happening when he heard a series of moans and bangs against the wall from the headboard. Gerard wished he could get his ass outta bed and call out Mikey for his behavior, and embarrass the hell out of his partner, but all he could do was sit and listen to everything take place. He couldn't even scream to tell him to pipe down. He sighed deeply in his head, hoping that the commotion doesn't keep him out throughout the night.

_ _ _

Frank woke up with a bad taste in his mouth and a headache. He got up carefully to not disturb Gerard and made his way to the bathroom. He cracked the door and peeked through it, hearing a commotion from beyond it.

"Hey, buddy. Take a picture. It lasts longer," he heard a strange man say. Frank closed the door and went back to the bedroom.

"Hey, Gee...there's a strange guy in the bathroom,"

"I know...Mikey brought him back," Gerard said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh...so that pounding wasn't just in my head, huh?"

"No...it wasn't,"

"Ugh....He needs to get out of there so I can piss and get something for my head,"

"Go yell at him, why don't you?"

At that point, the front door slammed. Frank looked out of the room toward the front door, then back to Gerard and shrugged.

"Guess he was just a fuck and run,"

"I knew it was that all along,"

"Do you think Mikey knows he is gone yet?" Frank asked.

"I'm not sure,"

"I'll go check...after I piss," Frank sighed, getting up again.

"Okay, Frankie,"

Frank kissed Gerard and left the bedroom. He hit the bathroom quickly, popped a couple painkillers, and then went to Mikey's room. He knocked on the door. Hearing no answer, he opened it up.

"Hey, Mikes...uh...,"

The bedroom was a mess and so was the bed. Mikey was sprawled out of bed naked with his ass exposed. Something was written on it.

Call me

Love, Cal

A phone number was under the words. Frank had the urge to grab a cloth and scrub it away. He left the room and returned to Gerard.

"Well? What happened?"

"Uh...Mikey is still asleep," Frank said reluctantly. He didn't wanna mention the asshole's calling card written on his brother's ass.

"Oh...okay then,"

"Come on, baby. You need a bath today and I have to get your meds this morning," Frank said after he looked at the time on Gerard's alarm clock--it was past nine, which was around the time Gerard normally gets up to start his day. Even if Gerard's medications were all intravenous now, Frank still tried to treat them the same as pills, due to Gerard's intense fear of needles.

"Okay, honey. You know my medications are not pills, right?" Gerard asked, to which Frank rolled his eyes.

"You know, you're lucky I love you, cause no one else would get your cheesy sense of humor,"

"I know, Frankie. I know," Gerard laughed.

Frank went to grab what he needed for Gerard's bath. He heard a groan come from Mikey's bedroom, but chose to ignore it. He returned to his boyfriend in the bedroom.

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