Finding Love with the Heir

By thebookenchantress

9.3K 217 23

[ON HIATUS](Previously named Finding Love)Seventeen year old Stella Miller is an ordinary girl whose family d... More

Finding Love with the Heir
[1] How the Heck did I Get into this School?!
[2] Welcome to this Filthy Rich School that You'll be Attending
[3] Ewww the first day of school
[5] Carnival Fun!..or not
[6]Getting Ready For the Auction
[7] Being Bidded by an Ass
[8:Prt. 1] Being Kidnapped by a Black Masked Freak
[8: Prt. 2] Date Night with Him
[9] The Tickle Monster
[10] The Very Eventful Pool Party
Author's Note
[11] Damn These Late Night Raves
[12: Prt. 1]Hangovers Aren't the Only Annoying Things
[12: Prt. 2] Damn you, Wesley Richardson!
[13] A Girls' Sleepover Disaster
[14] Excuse Me, You Have the Nerve to Call me Cute!
[15] Hooray! It's the Beginning of Spirit Week!
Author's Note & Character Cast
[16] Scavenger Hunts and Surprises
Valentine's Day Special: Cupcake Wars!

[4]Skateboarding Tryouts

450 12 1
By thebookenchantress

[4] Skateboarding Tryouts

Stella Miller's POV

I actually woke up at the right time today. Last night I set my alarm on my phone so Destiny and Charlotte didn't have to bust out their chaotic pillows again. I woke up at seven so I could actually look decent. I really have to put an effort this time because now, I go to Westville Academy. The Westville Academy. Not only does this lead to my future, but also my mom's future... the future she has left. I seriously need to double time, no slacking, no procrastination, all 100% effort.

I thought about straightening my hair a bit so I could look presentable for the skateboarding tryouts. I asked Bridgette, because she straighten my hair for the first day, if she could lend me her straightener and she gladly replied with a yes. She taught me how to do it with her hair, and after a few hours I accomplished the arts of straightening your hair. My fringe was off to the side giving me that rocker look that I wanted. I always wanted my hair to be straight, but God decided to give me most of my father's genes which was wavy hair. Bridgette wanted to give me her straightener, I refused, but she had to shoot back by saying her father could get her another one. So right now it's 7am, I'm sitting on the vanity Charlotte and Destiny stashed with many hair products, ironing tools, make-up squashed inside it's drawers.

I showered first then styled my hair the rocker way I liked. I straightened my hair into layers, because Bridgette suggested to straighten it like that since my hair is in layers, then I moved on to the fringe on my face. When I finished the masterpiece I did on my hair, I looked at the mirror in shock. I actually thought I looked beautiful, I touched my brown reddish hair, and I smiled at myself, I was satisfied with my work. I changed into my uniform next, I button on my button down white thin short sleeve shirt with a collar around the neck. I put on my blue plaid skirt, I adjusted the skirt to be above my knees, but not too short. I zipped up the side, and wore shorts so no perverted boys would see my underwear. I slipped into my blue sweater that had the West Ville Academy logo, and pulled my black knee high socks to my knees. I squeezed my feet into my black converse high tops. I realized I first, and it was 8:30 and I woke up Destiny and Charlotte with pillows like they did with me.

"Destiny," *smack*, "Charlotte," *smack*, "wake up!!" I shouted.

"We're awake now Stella, you could stop now," Destiny smiled at me knowing this is my revenge from yesterday.

"I'm going to go early and eat breakfast, so I'll see you later," I waved and grabbed my backpack and skateboard and went inside the elevator. I pressed the button to direct me to first floor leading to the exit door of the dorm building. While I waited for the doors to open, I positioned my earbuds in my ears, and pressed shuffle, then the elevator doors opened. I walked out the doors and I saw Mrs. Patterson wave at me.

"Good morning Mrs. Patterson!" I greeted her which made a smile grow on her face.

"Good morning sweeetie," she responded sweetly.

I turned my gaze on her to the dorm exit and opened the doors, I thought today was a good day, the birds were chirping, the sun was on the edge of the horizon wanting to go up more to the sky, making beautiful orange and yellow blend together causing it to be a tequila sunrise. The temperature was alright today, not too hot, not too cold, which was great for skateboarding. I grinned, I set my skateboard on the cement, placed my left foot first for balance, and the right foot for pushing me forward. I still had my earbuds planted in my ears while the air hit me when I glided. I finally reached the cafeteria, I held on to my skateboard tightly. I walked to the breakfast line and grabbed my food, which was a bowl of frosted flakes. This caused me to think about my little sister and how I miss her. How I want to do the best I could because I could help her get a better life.

I found an empty table to sit on near the window, I sat down comfortably set my bowl and dug in. I put my backpack down on the chair next to me. I didn't have the best of sleep last night, I studied ahead in most of my subjects. I went to bed late and I hope to not disappoint the teacher's liking to me by sleeping in one of their classes. I finished my cereal, and read a book I borrowed from the library, It was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I absolutely love that book, I always read it again and again. I was finished the fifth chapter until a blonde guy sat in front of me. I know I just joined this school,but I already know who it is.

Wesley Richardson.

"Good morning Stell bell," he greeted with a smirk.

"What the hell do you want Wesley, and don't call me that stupid name," I responded, still focusing on my book.

"Oh I just wanted to tell you, you might get your ass kicked in the skateboarding tryouts today," he informed me, showing me another smirk. I literally think that he'll be showing that face to me multiple times when I'm attending this school.

"Why might you think that?"

"My opinion personally," he touched his chest, "I think Terrence is the best skateboarder I've seen, and he could beat Tony Hawk any day," he admitted.

I scoffed, I grasped my fingers on my Jansport backpack, and held my skateboard tightly. I placed my feet on the floor, "make sure you tell Terrence to get ready for what I'm going to give," I warned leaving Wesley speechless. But that didn't last long before he changed his mouth to another smirk.

"Okay Stell bell," he grinned before heading off.

I escalated on the steps leading me to my locker dropping off my skateboard and picking up my Humanities textbook. I sat on my seat and sighed. Bridgette tapped my arm repeatedly and smiled showing me her teeth.

"Oh my gosh, your hair, I love it! I knew it was a good choice to give you my straightener," she complimented and slapped my arm.

"Oh about that, thanks for letting me have it," I replied.

"Oh no prob, bob," she joked and back to texting Lindy and Alyssa. She was wearing glasses that brought out her beautiful eyes. In my opinion, I think Bridgette is beautiful. No wonder Luke loves her.

The sound of the bell filled our ears, which led Mr. Steller to the room.

"Good morning students, even though it is the second day of school. We will be starting a project that will last for the entire quarter, you will need to have a partner," the entire class groaned.

"Okay, okay, the good news is that I will let you pick your partners," the class looked pleased, "but the partners will be boy girl," the class' pleased faces turned into frowns.

"Okay pick your partners, 1,2,3!" all the students ran quickly to the partners they decided. I noticed Bridgette went with Luke. I felt someone's presence next to me, I looked at the tall person that wanted to be my partner. It was Wesley.

"You got to be fucking serious," crossed my arms and raised my eyes at him. "Why don't you go to one of your sluts?"

"I'm tired of them right now," I made the 'oh really' face. "Oh come on Stell bell, let's just do the project and get it over with,I know you aren't familiar with most guys here," he reasoned.

"Fine," I grumbled, I caught a few of Wesley's sluts glaring at me. I wanted to shout 'IT IS NOT MY FUCKING FAULT! HE CHOSE TO BE MY FUCKING PARTNER!"

"Okay students, you will be sitting next to your partner for the rest of the quarter," he announced. Could this get any worse? "You will need to be reading How to Kill a Mocking Bird together. When you finish the book you will need to do a PowerPoint. I will pass out the rubrics and the books." Yes it can get worse.

I plopped down on my desk, while Wesley sat on Bridgette's desk. He crossed his legs like a proper woman. Wesley's fingers were in a fist and his head was held by them, he was examining me.

"Umm, can you stop looking at me like that?" I snapped. he shook his head in reply.

"Just to let you know Wesley, we are not partners for you to get in my pants. If you do, then I will kick your balls like I did with Terrence," I informed crossing my arms.

"Whatever," he smirked, "Stell bell," he teased.

"Okay I'm done," I hit my head on the desk. I jumped out of my seat when the teacher dismissed us. I dropped by my locker, and quickly grabbed my books for Biology.

Today Mrs. Gray wanted us to watch a video and write notes for the test that is coming up. Oh I forgot to mention, the womanizing perverted stalker is in every class I have. Does he try to make me hate him?

In this class I have Lindy as my lab partner. I actually can relate to her in some cases. We both love hightops, she isn't a girly girl, and she likes keeping a low profile. She absolutely loves her boyfriend. While she was describing all his wonderful qualities, I simply rolled my eyes. I only picture Terrence balled up in the ground, clutching his you know where, groaning after I kicked him on the balls.

She snapped out of her trance, and looked up. "Why is the whore man looking at you?" Lindy whispered. I chuckled at the name we invented.

I didn't even bother to look back at him. "I don't know," I wrote down another note in my spiral. "Maybe I'm just another one of his targets," I lifted my head and looked at her, "but I'm not giving in."

The bell rang signaling for us to leave second period, before I left Lindy shouted, "never give in!"

The next class was Spanish, I only read the textbook. We were reviewing the colors in Spanish. That was way to simple, I mastered that when I was in kindergarten. I dozed off for a bit, but was woken up by Mrs. Gonzalez scolding Wesley.

"Mr. Richardson, stop talking in class!"

"But Mrs. Gonzalez, I already know this already," he whined.

"Alright Wesley," she spoke in her deep Spanish accent, "let's have a conversation in Spanish."

"Okay let's," he challenged, and walked to the front of the room.

Mrs. Gonzalez: Buenas días Wesley!

Wesley: Buenas dias Señora!

Mrs. Gonzalez:¿Tomaste tu desayuno todavía?(Did you eat breakfast yet?)

Wesley:Sí lo hice, y estaba delicioso(Yes, and it was delicious)

Mrs. Gonzalez: ¡Oh, qué comiste?(Oh, what did you eat?)

Wesley:Comí gofres, tortitas, salchichas y una huevos. (I ate waffles, pancakes, sausage, and an omlete).

Mrs. Gonzalez grumbled, "And if you want to have a conversation in Italian, Chinese, Portugese, Latin, Filipino, Korean, and Thai, then I would happily do it!" Wesley pointed out, which made Mrs. Gonzalez drop her mouth.

The class laughed at her embarrassment, and I've got to say, that was a bit funny. Everyone applauded, and I applauded myself. I love it when a student proves a teacher wrong.

Just then the bell rang and finally this time it was lunch!

I got myself a tray, and chose the foods I decided. I found the table with Destiny, Lindy, Bridgette, Charlotte, and Alyssa. We discussed about the skateboarding tryouts and who's doing it. I heard Terrence,Trevor, and many guys

I never even know trying out. I told them I needed to go so I could practice a bit. I threw out my trash and gave my tray to the lunch lady.

I went by my locker to gather my helmet, kneepads, elbowpads, and of course the skateboard. I pushed the glass doors and skateboarded

my way to West Ville's skatepark.

I reached the skatepark, I smiled. It was empty. I took my phone out, and played Pumped Up Kicks so I could have the skateboarding mode in my system. I buckled my gray helmet, kneepads, and my elbow pads, so I won't get hurt when I fall. I left my phone on the bench, and set the song to the highest volume.

I set my skateboard on the edge of the ramp. I placed my foot to balance and with the push of my right foot I went down the ramp. I heard the wheels roll on the ramp. The feel of the wind touching my neck satisfied me. I flipped the skateboard a few times. I practiced for fifteen more minutes until I checked the time on my watch. I stepped off my skateboard, inserted my phone inside my backpack and sprinted to the doors of the senior high school building.

I passed by my locker to get my Health books and I approached Mrs. Bell's classroom. When I entered the classroom, I noticed Mrs. Bell wasn't here. The substitute teacher smiled at me.

"I'm Mrs. Torres," she shook my hand, "today Mrs. Bell didn't tell me instructions to teach the class, so I just let the students talk, read, or finish homework," she explained.

"Oh thanks for telling me," I returned the smile.

I sat far from the front since the people that sit on the front are 'the popular people.' I didn't want to mess with them. Alyssa, Charlotte, and Destiny were in this class, so I took a seat next to Charlotte.

"Hey Charlotte," I waved.

"Hey," she returned.

"Are you going to watch the skateboarding tryouts today?" I questioned.

"It's at 6 right?" I nodded. "Yeah, everyone is coming, I wish you good luck," she mentioned and smiled.

"Thanks I think I'll need it," I sighed. I entered my own world, when I plopped my earphones in my ears. Enjoying the sound of Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, The Smiths, and many more classic rock artists. But obviously someone has to ruin my happiness.

Wesley's body was cowering over me.

I took off my earphones looking frustrated, "what do you want asshat?" I snapped.

"Whoa, whoa, calm down a bit Stell bell," I glared at him even more, "I just wanted to tell you is tomorrow we'll start the Humanities project tomorrow at the library, after school" he informed.

"Okay, I have time," I answered.

"Great," he smirked, and I returned a smile that didn't look have a happy look.

Alyssa squatted next it my desk and asked, "what's up between you and Wesley? Oh no she didn't! She thinks we have something going on? She thinks I'm one of the people he's playing with? She did not just go there!

"Me and Wesley? Pffffft, no way," I denied. Destiny, Charlotte, and Alyssa looking plainly at me not believing it. "We are together for the humanities project," I explained, and they gasped.

"What?! Did you pick each other?!" Destiny looked at me and Wesley that was sitting in the front row.

"No way in hell I would pick him! I would even choose a freak over him!!" I burst out.

"Anyways," Alyssa closed the argument, "good luck in tryouts today, we'll be cheering you on, on the bleachers," she jumped up and down in her seat excitedly.

"Thanks guys, that means so much!" I thanked them, I really think I'll be good friends with these people

The ring if the bell was forced inside my ears. Destiny, Charlotte, Alyssa, and I walked together into the gym for PE.


I sprinted to West Ville's skatepark, carrying my skateboard, and holding my helmet, elbowpads, and kneepads in a bag. The bag was going up and down while I was running. I wore my new gray vans, skinny jeans, and a striped shirt today for the occasion. I rushed out finally pushing the doors leading to the skatepark. I was late because Frank called me about my mother, and I had to pay for the bills quickly.

When I reached the skatepark, the whole entire senior high school was sitting on the bleachers. Just to let you know, this is ONLY TRYOUTS! There was a coach sitting on the fold-up table and chair writing if the person was in or not. I found Destiny, Alyssa, and the others sitting on the top of the bleachers waving to me. I climbed up the steps sitting next to them.

"Just in time! You're the one after Terrence," Charlotte informed.

"Okay thanks," I smiled and drank a bottle of water.

"Good luck Stell! I know I haven't seen you skateboard yet, but I know you'll do amazing!" Bridgette exclaimed.

"Thanks," I grinned knowing that their encouragement will help me out. I buckled my helmet, elbowpads,and kneepads. I heard some whispers going on next to me and behind me, 'is she the girl that will try out?' 'She must be good.' 'I bet that she'll not even pass, she is just a girl." That statement enraged me, making me try even better in my audition.

The coach hollered, "Terrence Blanchard!"

This caused the crowd to roar, Terrence must have that much fans meaning he is good at this. Terrence gave a wink to Lindy before he set off doing his routine. I've gotta say he did impressive, but he is still not better than Tony Hawk, no one is. Terrence's routine was going through the ramp, and doing many flips and flops. I decided my routine to be a variety, which is the goofyfoot, grind, carve, fakie, kickflips, railslides, and many more tricks.

Terrence finally finished, and the coach hollered, "Stella Miller!"

The whole entire crowd silenced, I stood up and walked stepped down the stairs, leading to the ramps, which was amy first part of the routine. I was on the top of the ramp, I positioned my board. I breathed in and out, releasing my nervousness. I took out my earphones and shoved them in my ears, and played Pumped Up Kicks on repeat. My full attention was on the ramp. I am going to show that girls could actually do something guys can do.

I pushed myself down the ramp with my right foot, I balanced myself and just as I reached the edge I did a flip. Then I heard the crowd screamed, I could mostly hear Alyssa and Bridgette screaming my name. That made me smile a bit. After that I only heard the sound of Pumped Up Kicks going through my head. I approached the railing and grinded it against my skateboard and did a flip. Then I did a kickflip, and I smiled. When I finished my last flip, I stopped my board showing that I was finished. I could see the other skateboarders mouths open, Terrence and Wesley's too, and the guy that underestimated me. All I did was smirk.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>TO THE SIDE- A VIDEO OF STELLA' S TRICKS

The crowd screamed so loud I could grow deaf. The coach wrote many things on his clipboard. I smiled, I realized finally found out what my talent was.


Author's Note:

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>A PICTURE OF STELLA

I hope you enjoyed it!!

Remember to Vote, Share, Follow, and Comment!!

Comment for any mistakes and errors, I'll fix them!

Sorry for my proofreading mistakes!:(

I'll try to update soon.

Signing out!!


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