Through The Dark

By NathanJamesHoran

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What happens when Zayn the new kid in town goes to college and meets Niall and his gang and what happens when... More

Through The Dark
Chapter 1 First Day Of School
The In Crowd (Stupid Girls)
You're Not A Bad Person Bad Things Just Happened To You
I'm Giving Up On You
Moving On
Going Back To School
The School Talent Show
I Don't Know What I wan't
Dethroning The Queen Bitch
Events Leading Up To Prom
The Other Side
To Stay Or Go

Meeting The Queen Bitch

57 6 0
By NathanJamesHoran

OK guys new chapter hope you enjoy :) 

Zayn's pov

 My eyes open to light flooding into my bedroom, what time is it I check my phone 7:15am oh my god I slept for 13 hours straight I get up slowly and go to the mirror there is a post it note from Harry it says.

Hey Zayn came back last night but you was asleep catch you in school love H x x 

I begin getting ready and remember the weird incident with Niall yesterday but the Question I am wondering deep down is why I feel something towards him in the first place 

I opt to wear a leather coat black skinny jeans and black converse after my shower I Quiff my hair to perfection sort out my school bag and I'm all set I head downstairs and I'm home alone again by myself mum gone to work at a gas company and the shifts are long days

I head outside and begin walking to school maybe its because I usually walk with Harry or maybe it's because of what happened yesterday with Niall but I feel really nervous going to school today.

I arrive at school on time a first for me. I head to class and take the first seat which is usually next to Niall towards the back I wonder for a moment if I should say anything about last night when he arrives but I decide not to mention it unless he does. 

As the class fills up people take there seats its now 9:40am and mostly everyone is hear except Eleanor or Niall I wonder to myself if he has told Elanor whatever it was that was troubling him yesterday Then the door swings open and in perfect runway model style Eleanor arrives in the shortest skirt and a Orange blazer with high heels Bang goes that theory then.

She struts over to where she normally sits until the teacher says " Nice of you to join us today Eleanor late again" the teacher says annoyed

Eleanor removes her big black sunglasses and says " Oh I'm sorry my Manicure ran late" and the class giggles

"Take a seat " the teacher says and I can tell she might be a bit intimidated by Eleanor and her gang.

Eleanor goes to sit next to Kai but the teacher says " Not there Mrs Calder take Nialls seat " 

" Why would I take Nialls seat he will be here soon " she says oozing attitude

" Because I told you too that's why and unless you want a month detention you will do as I say" the teacher says showing her authority.

"Fine" Eleanor snaps strutting to the back and throwing her bag on the seat next to me she looks me up and down "Urghh" she mutters as If I have a disease and takes a seat putting her big black sunglasses back on.

"Sunglasses off Eleanor this is school not a holiday and while you are at it Give me your cell phone NOW ELEANOR" Eleanor hands over her cellphone to the teacher and gives a bitch smirk 

As the class settles in Eleanor turns to me and says.

"You know normally I wouldn't be with in thirty feet of you without getting a Tetanus shot" god she is such a bitch.

"And you know normally I'm allergic to bitches too" I say back

"Well you got it I am a Bitch I'm the Bitch the Queen Bitch and don't you forget it watch this Stacey?" she says to the girl sitting in front who is wearing Orange blazer also she turns around.

"Yes Eleanor" she replies looking scared

"Babe why are you wearing Orange it's really not you're colour you should take it off I mean this is Gucci and yours is?" she replies bullying the girl showing her the power she has.

"Just high street and you know I never really liked it anyway " Stacey says taking off the blazer trying not to further anger the Queen.

"Well that's pretty impressive oh wait no its not so you are a bitch to everyone good for you but really the truth is no one likes you so"   I reply sarcastically

"I don't care the fact is I have the power and I use it to my Advantage" she snaps back then she looks around as if looking for something or someone.

"Kai wheres Niall " Eleanor whispers 

"Haven't seen him and he is not answering his phone" Kai reply before the teacher says 


And Eleanor gives her the bitchiest look I have ever seen

Before long the lesson is over I had been so wrapped up in the Queen bitch and her bullshit that I hadn't noticed Harry staring at me from the front with a smile A smile flashes across my face the bell goes to signal the end of first lesson and Eleanor stands up as the teacher leaves and most of the other student she grabs Stacey by the wrist.

"Hold on Stacey " And like a pack of wolfs Kai Perrie and Eleanor surround Stacey.

"Are you that stupid and dumb that you would even think to wear the same colour as the Queen don't you check the colour chart in the toilets everyday" Perrie snaps

OMG she has her own chart to say what colours she will wear everyday I think.

"I i'm sorry I didn't read it" Stacey answers

"Well you know you really should read it Stacey Eleanor says walking around Stacey I mean to wear the same colour as me you really have to be thin and beautiful and you are none of those things isn't that right Kai" Eleanor looks at Kai for support who does actually look uncomfortable with the situation but hides it for fear of upsetting the Queen "Totally" Kai replies

Stacey begins to cry and I can't let this happen "STOP" I say 

The stupid girls or as Me and Harry call them turn to look at me.

"Who asked you" Perrie snaps

"Have you heard yourselves bullying a girl because she wore the same colour as you do you know how pathetic that is2 I say

Eleanor walks up to my face and says 

"This is the second time you have spoke back to me don't make it a third " then she and the  stupid girls leave the room fashion runway style.

"Thank you " Stacey says I just smile at her 

"That boy needs to learn respect for you Eleanor I mean"

"Shut up Perrie He will be dealt with no one speaks to me like that no go get me some Orange Juice I'm thirsty" Eleanor snaps back

"But I didn't bring any money" Perrie says

"Well go take it off someone NOW" Eleanor snaps and Perrie Quickly follows orders as Perrie goes in search of money or Orange juice Eleanor looks at Kai.

"You know there is two people On my list after today Stacey and Zayn "

Kai gives a evil smirk to Eleanor "Well you know what they say babe revenge is a dish best served Bitch cold" 

"Yes Yes it is" Eleanor smirks back.

Authours Note.

OK guys new chapter I will go back to Nialls pov soon but just introducing the Queen Bitch because later on in the story it will all tie in anyway song at the side Bitch by Plastiscines Perfect song for this chapter comment vote etc love you guys now excuse me while I go get ready for school :) xxx 

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