Lady Cupid (BTS)

By BellaReen

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"I wanna date you." He said. Both of us just stopped and stared at each other. Everything went slow mo for a... More

Lady Cupid (BTS)
Chapter 1: Blast from the Past
Chapter 2: Mistaken
Chapter 3: Splash
Chapter 4: Past things
Chapter 5: Ghost
Chapter 6: Keeping it in
Chapter 7: Double life
Chapter 8: Okay
Chapter 9: Things Happen
Chapter 10: Rose
Chapter 11: Star
Chapter 12: Surprises
Chapter 13: Changes
Chapter 14: Kings
Chapter 16: Family 💝
Chapter 17: To Love is to Lose
Chapter 18: New
Chapter 19: Acceptance
Chapter 20: I like you
Chapter 21: Unexpectedly
Chapter 22: Jealous
Chapter 23: Redemption
Chapter 24: I'll miss you
Chapter 25: Perfect

Chapter 15: Brothers

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By BellaReen

Daniel Kim

It's been a few days since Valentine is doing training again. I think she's doing good since she started hitting me again with her injured hand but I noticed something weird. She's acting a bit strange around Vince and Troy. I mean, I'm glad that she's not hanging around them like she used to but it already went to the point that she's even cold to Joy, Mark, and me.

"Hey guys, did you know..." Joy said starting off with her usual pitch again.

"Joy, do we always have to eat lunch and listen to your gossip segment?" Val seemed annoyed.

"You have to, this is something big...We know Vince and Troy right? Heartthrob transferees, Sports Gods, the newly crowned Worthington Princes---" Joy was a bit shocked when Val snapped.

"We get it, now what is it?" Val glared at her.

"Apparently our dainty flower boys are corporate heirs." She said.
All three of us had the same shook expression.

"Well they used to be, I mean, I just heard that their dad's company has a new owner and they will only have shares from their brother's company now." She said. After all the gibberish stuff I've heard from her before, this is actually the most intriguing one.

"That's so cool." Mark said,

"W-where do you get these rumors from?" Val said as if she wouldn't believe her.

"Duh, they're not rumors. It's all over the news and everything. And do you know what's more interesting?" Joy said. Mark and I are actually listening.

"What, that they're actually vampires?" Val didn't even bother to look at us.

"Seriously Val, No. It turns out, they have another family member that's gonna take over. I mean, come on, talk about plot twist. What do you think will happen?" She said.
To be honest, I'm not that into knowing what happens with other people's lives especially about those two but since they're so mysterious, suddenly popping in school, and being so close to us, I'm beginning to get curious.

"VAL!" Joys said as Val spaced out again.

"Huh?" Val said.

"What is wrong with you? It's like you entered a different universe or something, SNAP OUT OF IT. Have you heard anything from Vince or Troy?" Joy asked.

" I haven't." She said.
I don't know anything but I hope she opens up to me. I don't wanna ask her because she might find it annoying for something, I'll just wait for her to open up to me.
- - - - - -
Valentine Hart

I'm really worried about what Joy said earlier. It's not that I wasn't expecting it, it was bound to happen anyway.
I just got really scared when Rose called me and asked me how I was, I didn't noticed it then but I quickly went over to their house when she sounded sick.

I know I already said I didn't want to see Vince, Troy or even Adam, but I can't do that to Rose. She never had a mom, and I know how that felt, I'm just thankful that I have my Omma with me.

"Now, go to sleep. I'll be back soon to bring you dinner." I said.
I was relieved when she was just tired and a bit feverish. I called Daniel's mom which she told me to give her lots of fluids and let her rest.

I tucked her in slowly and turned off the lights. As I walked out of her hello kitty room, I saw Vince waiting outside.
"Just so you know, I'm only here because Rose wanted me to." I said while avoiding his stare.

"I didn't say anything." He said, still standing beside the door.

"What do you want?" I snapped.

"I wanna show you something." He said and carefully took my hand. He took me to a room not far from Rose's room.

He opened it and both of us went inside. It's a little girl's room.

"Who's room is this? Do we have a cousin that stays here or something?" I asked.

"No... It's supposed to be your room." He calmly said.
I stopped...and just looked around. This was supposed to be mine? I smiled while looking at the pictures.

"It's so weird... I feel like I've been here a bunch of times before." I said. The room's so comfy. They even had the toys that I like when I was a kid. There were games and stuff, I really loved it.
"Gosh, mom and dad. They look so happy together." I said as I saw a picture of them on a table by the bed.

Then when I saw a picture of them when they were still kids, I cracked up.
"Are these you guys? Wow, you look EXACTLY the same. This is hilarious."

"At least I'm adorable." He grinned.

"Hey don't push it." I pointed a finer at him.

When I was still looking around, I saw a photo album labeled 'VALENTINE'. I opened it and saw pictures of me.
"This is---this is did you---"

"Adam couldn't bear not seeing you grow up. With the help of Omma, we got these pictures." He smiled.

I couldn't help but smile. He did care.
"Gosh, I do look weird... I've never even seen most of these. But there are so many of them, why?"

"Even though we couldn't be a part of your life then, you're still our little sister. From a family of Kings, literally, you were our princess. We watched you grow up...and we're happy and proud that you've become strong, lovable and sincere person that you are." He said. Why do they always say things that make me tear up?

"Why do you suddenly sound like Omma?" I wiped my eyes.
"It's just so sad. You know a lot about me but I don't even know a thing about you guys." I looked down.

"We'll get there." He pat my head.
To be honest, I feel a bit...complete. The wounds are there I'm not denying it, but knowing things about my past like, having siblings and everything, and finally understand why dad was so mysterious.

I watched Rose the whole night. I couldn't sleep. I've never felt his nervous before. I really did my best to somehow lower her temperature.
"Yes, aunt Angela, she was a bit feverish last night but her temperature went back to normal this morning." I called Daniel's mom to make sure I didn't missed anything. I went down to the loving and looked for Vince since he promised Rose that we'd make her breakfast. He wasn't there so I decided to check what's in the fridge. I was so pre-occupied with my phone though since Joy kept sending me pictures of what outfits she thinks that'll look best on her.

When I grabbed the handle of the fridge, I noticed that there was another hand who reached for it. I slowly looked up and saw a shirtless guy who I think just dipped in the pool.

(------------ info on jungkookie)
"AAAAAAHHHHHHH!" Both of us screamed at each other.

I ran outside to the pool and saw more shirtless guys! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!
"What the---VIIIIINNNCE! Where is he---did I wake up in the wrong house?" I yelled and all of them seemed amused.

"Val, what's all this noise?" Troy said. He was just sitting by the pool chair and scratching his head.

"What is---why is there---WHAT'S GOING ON?!" I yelled. I couldn't contain my curiosity. I mean, WE ARE in Adam's house right? Why does it suddenly look like a freaking frat house?! They were all wearing shorts. Some of them were even shirtless and swimming in the pool. Why is the deity punishing me? I've been through guy troubles already and then I wake up seeing this?! It's just cruel.

"Oh, right. Sorry I forgot. These are my childhood friends.______________________"

"I never knew you had friends." I said and they just laughed.

"Funny... Their parents are shareholders in dad's company." Troy replied.

"Ah, I see." I nodded. Based on my observation, I was right about something.

"What do you mean?" The guy who I screamed at in the kitchen said, I believe his name is Jungkook.

"I don't know, it just fits you guys..'RICH PEOPLE'S KIDS' is written all over your faces." I grinned.

"Yup, they ARE siblings." Jungkook said.

After looking at them for a while, I knew I've seen their face somewhere.
"Actually, you guys look familiar, like I saw you in TV or something." I said and turned to Troy.

"Oh yeah, they are the faces of King Corp." he said.
I just gave them a discontented expression.

"She's like the female version of Troy, only a little more sarcastic and more in your face kind of attitude." Taehyung a.k.a V, said.

"Okay what-EVER. Where's Vince? We're supposed to cook breakfast for Rose." I said to Troy. All of them just continued whatever they were doing.

"He's by the piano...doing whatever he's doing.." He didn't even want to look at me. He's busy looking at magazines.

"So artistic as always, as expected of him. See, this is why having siblings is so much fun. We have Adam whose the obedient one, Vince whose the responsible and charming one, and then there's you..." I exclaimed.

"What about me?" He seemed amused.

"Nothing, just you." I said in monotone.

"Aish..." He rolled the magazine and was about to hit me.

"That was just less than 10 seconds and you're already annoyed, imagine 18 years that I'm doing this to you, wouldn't it be fun?" I said and left. This is a bit rude even for me, I know, but let's just call it payback.

It was really a new to me having brothers. I'm actually quite tired since after we made breakfast for Rose, they also asked me to help cook lunch. Imagine cooking for these guys. They asked for so many things to be made and I'm just thankful that I didn't do it alone. I'm beginning to think why some people don't want siblings.

When we finished cooking, I decide to help set up the table outside since it's such a nice day. They were just playing ping pong and some were still swimming.

I'm just trying my best not to cause any trouble between them, because let's face it, I'll be dead. Though I tried everything to avoid them, Jungkook, who was playing ping pong with Jin, 'accidentally' hit me with the ball.
"What the---" I turned to him. He had this sarcastic apologetic face and the rest of the guys were just smiling.

"Sorry Val, can't help it, I was just too fired up." He shrugged.

"Seriously? For real? Do you even know how to play?" I said.

"Is that even a question? They didn't call me KINGPONG for nothing. Let's find out, shall we?" He challenged me. Oh he's gonna regret this.

"Are you serious?" I asked him. He still has a chance to back out.

"Dead serious." He grinned.
"Why don't we make this more interesting...if I win, you'll go on 5 dates with me, and if you win, I'll give you my phone number." He said and made high-fives with his friends.

"I don't see how's that beneficial for me.." I crossed my arms.

"Okay, fine, what do you want." He said. Now, we're talking.

"Dude, don't go there." Vince warned him.

He started it, and I'll be the one who'll finish it.
"It's okay Vince. If you win, I'll go on 5 dates with you." I said.
"But if I win..I'll give a kiss." I said and his eye hot wide. All of the guys shouted 'OOOHHH!' His face was priceless. Ill say, I didn't quite plan this through.

"You're serious?" He asked me.

"Dead...serious. Either way, you won't lose anything." I imitated him.

"Oh bring it on.." He said and positioned himself.
This'll be fun.

10 points for VALENTINE later. 😂

"Not...possible." He said but he had this relaxed face on. He wasn't really trying too hard. The game ended faster than I thought. So considering that I said I'll give a kiss when I win, he chose to lose.

"Just as I thought, you'd let me win on purpose." I smiled.

"I DID NOT.. But you did promise." He smiled.

"Of course, I never back down on my word... But..." I said which caught everyone's attention.

"But what?" He said.

"I never said, who I'm gonna kiss." I grinned and slowly walked over to V who was just sitting beside the ping pong table.

As embarrassing as this is, I kissed him on the cheek. He was gushing red when I did it. J-hope was next, he was quite jolly when I pecked his cheeks. Jin just smiled and gave a 'IN YOUR FACE' expression to Jungkook. Suga fell asleep on the chair so I just kissed him on the cheek quietly.

"There sure are a lot of you." I said.
Rap monster approached me himself and even gave me a hug after. Then lastly Jimin who was adorably smiling, I pinched his cheeks first then pecked his cheeks.

"I thought---" Jungkook said. He though that he was the one who's gonna get kissed.

"She's so cool." Jin said.

"Whoa, I wasn't breathing for a second or two." Jimin said who was constantly patting his chest.

"You messed up...big time." Rap monster told Jungkook.

"I've never seen him like this before. He looks...paralyzed." Jimin laughed at how blank Jungkook's expression is.

I just left them like that.
"Rosey, it's time for lunch, come down." I yelled as I went back inside the house.

We had lunch beside the pool and it was really nice. Though it was a bit awkward because I just kissed the guys on the cheek and as embarrassed as I am right now, I just don't know what to do but stuff my face with food.

"Val.." Vince finally broke the silence.

"Yeah?" I said.

"If you're asking me why I'm not wearing my glasses, it keeps falling off when I eat." I said and I just continued eating.

"No that's not it, but thanks for the info..actually I was gonna tell you that Adam wants you to go our annual get-together." He smiled.

"Annual what now?"

"It was dad who came up with the idea that we should get to know more and spend time with the kids of his close friends, that's why every year before each shareholder's meeting, all of us would go to the beach, waterpark, or the like." He said and the rest of the guys got excited.

"So you want me to go with you guys?" I asked. Wow, I'm---I'm flattered that they actually thought of me.

"It's not just us, each of our families are gonna be there too." Jimin said.

"Are you serious? This isn't some kind of prank to get back at me, right? Is it Jungkook? If it is I'm gonna throw this shoe right at your---" I said as I was about to remove my shoe.

"Val, we're serious." Troy said.


"Yes, it is.." Vince assured me.

"Okay, Vince said it, I believe you." I said and everyone laughed. It's not that I don't trust him, it's just that I like teasing him.

"When's the trip?" I asked. I'm definitely going, there's no doubt about that, I mean this is my first family vacation with my siblings and Rose I gotta go.

"We're leaving after lunch.." Vince said. I hit a bit confused.

"Okay, after lunch tomorrow? This weekend?" I tried to clarify.

"No, after lunch today. Like, right after this." He said.

"W-what? N-No I can't go. I have voice practice tomorrow morning and archery training in the afternoon. You of all people know how horrifying Worthington professors are." I said. I can't be absent, I just can't. I missed so many days now, I don't know what they'll do If I don't show up.

"Yup, been there" Troy said.

"Wait, you can sing?" Jungkook said which hurt my feelings a bit.

"Why does everybody say that?" I rolled my eyes and threw my hands up.

"Don't worry, it's all been taken care of." Vince said,

"What do you mean?" I said as it sounded a bit suspicious.

"Anything's possible with a phone call." Troy grinned.

"W-what?! WHAT DID YOU DO? I'm going to school right now." I quickly got up. Who knows what they said to my professors. I'll die before even graduating college.

Then the four of them, Jungkok, V, Jimin, and Jin stopped me. I don't know what they're doing to stop me, but it's working.
"Guys, I'm serious. If I don't show up for tomorrow, I'll be dead, like I'm not even kidding. I experienced being on lockdown and IT IS no joke." I said trying to shake them off me.

"Val, really. It's okay." Vince tried to calm me down.

"You, I trust. Troy? Not so much." I said and I just noticed Jimin bring out a rope. ARE THEY INSANE?
"Really? For real? Are you guys serious? I'm just one girl, and there's four of you holding me." I said,

"Okay fine.. We lied a bit." Vince finally admit it. Oh god please tell me they didn't say something stupid.

"WHAT?! What did you tell them?"

"Troy told the principal that you got admitted to the hospital last night." Vince said and my heart just sank. 😱

"UNBELIEVABLE. You couldn't think of something...less dramatic?" I said.

"Of course Omma got mad at us. But she took care of everything, so don't worry." He said.

"Ugh, I'm gonna die. I'M GONNA DIE. I'm not going, I'm gonna stay and you can't make me---- OOOW! Is this necessary?" Jimin tied the rope around my wrist and around my ankles. I'm seriously getting worried about these guys, do they have mental issues or something?

"Better safe than sorry." Jungkook grinned. I'm getting the feeling that this is more personal.

"Then how am I gonna pack my stuff? You said it yourself, we're leaving after lunch." I said so they'd let me go.

"It's okay, Mr. Ron dropped off your luggage when you were cooking lunch with Nana." Troy said and I'm shook. They even dragged Mr. Ron in their stupidity.

"Guys, seriously...Rose! ROSEY! Call your dad right now and tell him---"

"He already said it's okay." Rose said. Aish, even Rose? Who's side is she on?

"W-what? THIS is what I'm talking about. We guys really are siblings, I can tell by the way you force me to do something that I'm not sure I want to. Siblings 101." I said. They just kept me tied and let me sit in the living room while they finish preparing the things to bring. I'm legit crying real tears right now, I'm scared for my future. I may be finishing school in a coffin.

But above all, even though they broke the law by tying me up against my will, I find this really sweet. I'm not a sadist or anything it's just that...they went though all of that just so I could go on a vacation with them. Ay, these guys.

To make sure I don't make a run for it, they didn't take off the rope around my ankles so Jungkook volunteered himself to carry me to the car. I'm getting to believe that 'princess' thing Troy talked about.

I'm just a bit sad though that they didn't let me sit with Rose in the same van. In the first car, Troy, suga, rap monster, J-hope and Rose were in there along with the driver. The second one, Jungkook, Jimin, V, Jin, myself and Vince was driving.

When we were a bit far, Jungkook took the rope off me and let me rest. I didn't even notice that I already dozed off.
- - - - -
Vince King

When Val fell asleep, her head rested on Jungkook's shoulder. He looked at me to know if he should wake her up.
"It's okay, let her sleep. She was up all night looking after Rose. The moment she noticed that something was off with Rose's voice, she quickly came over. She knew right then that Rose wasn't feeling well. She was really worried, even when Rose was just shifting in her bed, Valentine would quickly wake up." I said.

"That's why you didn't want Rose to sit with her right now." Jungkook said.

"Yes, because I doubt that she'd take her eyes even for one second from her. Let her rest for now." The van became quiet. It wasn't that long ago when I told them about Valentine. Even they couldn't believe that I have a sister. As curious as they were to know what kind of person she is, I wasn't even sure if she wanted to be a part of our family. I don't lame her, we've hid so much from her.

"Is she---is she really going to be a King?" Jimin cautiously asked.

"It's been tough since we're basically trying to force it on her. All her life she's been carrying the Hart surname, knowing that she has siblings, has a niece, has a company waiting for her, It's just too much for an 18 year old." I said and I noticed them looking carefully at Valentine.

"What's gonna happen? I mean, there's no guarantee that she'll agree to it. What about uncle Thomas' company? The Connors family will demolish it" Jin said. He has a point though, when Val will relinquish all responsibility from the company, we have no right in taking it.

"That's what we thought at first. Dad worked all his life for it, and we're not just gonna let somebody have it...but now, now that it's fate is gonna be in the hands of our little sister, we're a bit worried...worried that we'll lose both." I said.

"That doesn't have to be the case, Adam can convince Valentine to---" Jimin said but I cut him off.

"He's done that already...he really wanted to save dad's company but when he looks at Valentine, he couldn't bear having the thought of her going through all that dad protected her from." I said. My brother has been thinking about it lately and it's been hard for him too.

"So he's gonna---" Jungkook said.

"Exactly." I already know what he was gonna say. My brother's gonna give up on the company. If the board sees him as unfit to be the CEO, he can't do anything.

"What about your dad's company? What's gonna happen?" Jimin asked. This could affect everything.

"We don't think that's the important thing right now." I said. The only thing that matters to us right now is what Valentine wants. We won't force it on her anymore. It's okay, she's here. That's all that matter.

- - - - - - -

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