I Ride For You, You Ride For...

De QueenBianca_

86.1K 3.8K 1K

Siblings: The only enemy that you can't live without. Triplet siblings Saint, Santwan, and Santana live three... Mais

Book 2


2.8K 133 32
De QueenBianca_

"You have a collect call from...Juan." Saint huffed as he accepted the call and waited to be connected.

"Yo fool what's up?" Saint answered.

"They dropping like flies in this bitch man. I need you to bail me out asap!" Saint smirked as he spun around in his chair. He knew Juan was in jail catching bodies, but considering the fact that Santwan has evidence on him...Juan probably won't be getting out anytime soon.

"I'll call your lawyer in the morning and send him your way. Just sit tight and don't get in any trouble." Saint told him.

"Aight but check this out...Twan is on your case big time."

"So what else is new?" Saint sighed. He was sick and tired of hearing about Twan trying to come for him and he was going to confront him at their dinner this weekend.

"I'm just saying fool. You need to watch your back." Juan told him. Saint ran his fingers through his hair and sighed. As much as he didn't want to...it was probably best if he laid low for a while. At least until Twan finds a new target which will probably never happen.




"Daddy higher!" Twan's daughter, Christina, squealed. Twan was having quality time with his daughter while his girlfriend made them all some dinner. Twan rarely had any time to spend with his baby girl, but he was going to make a better effort on spending more time with his little family.

Yolanda & Christina

"Hold on baby. Daddy's getting a phone call." Twan said, grabbing his vibrating cell phone from his pocket.

"Alvarez here." He answered.

"Hey man...we need you to get to 3644 Lincoln Road asap." Tony said. Why did that address sound so familiar? Twan thought to himself.

"I'll be right there."


Ten minutes later, Twan was pulling up to the scene that was surrounded by police officers, ambulances, and firetrucks. He automatically realized that this was his father's home which made his stomach turn almost instantly. He quickly hopped out of the car and hurried towards the front door, but he was stopped by Tony.

"Twan...I don't think you should go in there man."

"Why? What happened? Is my dad alright?" Twan asked, frantically. Tony was hesitant before he spoke because he knew what he was about to tell his best friend would crush him completely.

"Tony tell me my dad is alright!"

"Twan...he's gone man." Tony said. Twan shook his head and pushed pass Tony, hurrying into the house. He ran upstairs and burst into his dad's bedroom where he saw blood everywhere and his father's dead body lying lifeless on the floor. Twan's eyes filled with tears as he slowly backed out of the room.

"Dad." He whispered. Tony grabbed him and pulled him farther away from the room, until they were back downstairs.

"I can't...I can't believe..."

"I know man. I know." Tony sighed. Twan shakily pulled his cellphone out and called his sister to tell her the news. He knew Santana would be extremely hurt considering the fact that she was the closest with their dad.

"Hello?" Santana answered. Twan took a deep breath before speaking.

"Hey...can you meet me over here at dad's house? And tell Saint to come too. I-I don't know how to tell ya'll this but... dad...he's dead."


Santana was screaming and crying hysterically to the top of her lungs as Saint held her in his arms. They were all watching in disbelief as their dad was being carried out in a body bag. Tony just stood by and watched as the family grieved over their loss. He really wanted to go over and comfort Santana while she cried hysterically, but he knew he couldn't. Not while her brothers were present anyways.

"Did they say how he died?" Saint asked, looking over at Santwan.

"They're saying it was a homicide."

"A homicide? Are you saying someone killed our fucking father?" Santana snapped. Twan sighed and nodded his head, while Saint stood there bewildered. Who would want to kill our fucking dad? He thought to himself.

"Maybe you guys should go home while we finish investigating the crime scene." Tony said. Santana's head shot up quick as she glared at Tony.

"Nigga are you fucking serious right now? Our fucking father was just murdered and you trying to send us home? Fuck no! We're staying right here until ya'll dumb fucks figure out who killed him!" She yelled. Tony matched Santana's glare and took a few deep breaths. He almost slipped up once again and put her in her place, but he restrained himself because he knew she was hurting.

"Santana chill. He's just doing his job." Twan said, coming to Tony's defense.

"Well he needs to do his damn job and find out who killed our fucking dad!" Saint hissed, chiming into the conversation. Twan sent a cold glare towards his brother and Saint matched his glare.

"Nigga do you really wanna go there?" Twan asked, walking towards Saint.

"Yeah fool let's go there." Santana sucked in her teeth and stood in between her brothers.

"Are you both fucking serious right now? Our dad was just fucking murdered and instead of going at each other's throats, you should use some of that hostility to find his killer! Grow the fuck up and stop all this bitch ass fighting!" Santana snapped. She stormed off and headed outside, while Saint and Santwan stood there staring each other down. Tony looked back and forth from both the brothers before conveniently slipping away to go check on his girl.

"Santana's right man. We need to stop all this fighting and come together to find out who murdered our dad." Saint said. Twan sighed and nodded his head. This was the first time they had agreed on something in years and it felt weird to the both of them.

"Truce?" Saint asked, holding his hand out. Santwan looked down at Saint's hand and back up at his face. His eyes read sincerity, but his demeanor said something different and though Twan was willing to call a truce...he was going to be sure to keep a close eye on his brother.

"Truce." He said, grabbing his hand.

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