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"Sup y'all. Am I interrupting something?" Tony questioned, walking into Twan house. Santana held her breath as she nervously glanced at Saint, who was glaring at Tony.

"Nah we were just talking about how we're going to get Christina back." Twan said. Tony just nodded and looked over at Santana, who looked nervous as hell. He then glanced at Saint who was still glaring at him.

"Do we got a problem?" He questioned. Saint chuckled as he looked over at Santana.

"As a matter of fact...we do." Saint walked towards Tony, but Santana quickly stopped him.

"Saint stop! Now is not the time for this!"

"Nah let his ass through so I can lock his ass up for assaulting an officer." Tony snapped.

"Hey, hey! Y'all need to keep it down and tell me what the hell is going on here!" Twan shouted.

"Your lil partner over there is messing with Santana!" Saint spat.

"Say what?"

"Yeah you heard me right! They been fucking on the low!" Tony glanced at Santana and sighed, giving him an apologetic look.

"Hold up...Tony tell me this nigga is lying. You ain't really fucking with my sister are you?" Twan questioned. Tony sighed and nodded his head.

"Yeah I really am. We've been together for two years and I'm in love with her." He admitted. Before Tony could even blink, Twan snatched him up and slammed him against the wall.

"Nigga are you fucking serious? That's my fucking sister!"

"Twany Stop!" Santana yelled, pulling her brother off of her man. "You two are completely out of line and I'm not about to sit around and let you both dictate my life! Tony and I are in love and he makes me really, really happy. Just like you two don't want nothing to happen to me, neither does he." At this point, Yolanda was awake and standing in the doorway watching everything unfold. She had just fallen asleep and now she was back awake and trying to figure out why no one was looking for her daughter.

"What is going on?" She asked, putting her hands on her hips.

"Nothing baby. Go back to bed." Twan said.

"Who can sleep with all this unnecessary yelling going on? Instead of taking it out on each other, y'all should use this anger and energy to find Christina!"

"Exactly! Can y'all please just let this go and let me be happy? Please?" Santana asked her brothers, while wrapping her arms around Tony's torso.

"I really am sorry Twan. I didn't want you to find out like this and I didn't want to betray your trust, but I do love her." Tony said, wrapping his arm around his girlfriend's waist. That set both Saint and Santwan off.


"Wow! Unbelievable!" Yolanda said, shaking her head and storming back to the bedroom. She knew that waiting for her man and his siblings would be useless. She decided to go out and look for her daughter by herself.

"You know what? Fine. I don't need this and I definitely don't need y'all. Come on baby let's go." Santana said, grabbing Tony's hand and pulling him out of the house.

"Santana!" Saint snapped.

"Just let her go. We got more important things to worry about, like finding my daughter. Which, I was trying to tell you earlier that I may can track down Quincy by using my work computer. He's been arrested a few times so finding his home address would be a piece of cake." Twan said.

"Shit say no more. Go get dressed and let's get on it."


"I can't believe they really reacted like that." Santana sighed. "I mean you'd think they'd want to see me happy, but nooooo! If they can't run my life then all my decisions are poor and stupid!"

"Baby they just need time to process this and I'm sure once they do, everything will go back to normal." Tony assured her.

"Tuh...I highly doubt it. God...this wasn't something I was prepared to handle today. First Christina, now this."

"You just need some sleep and once you wake up, you'll feel a lot better." He said, pulling up to the hotel.

"I'd feel even better if you came up and took a shower with me, and rubbed my scalp until I fall asleep." She smirked.

"Hm. As tempting as that sounds, I have to get to work. I'll come by and check on you when I go on break." She pouted and nodded her head, as she leaned over and kissed him. "I love you and promise me you'll try to get some sleep and not worry about your brothers."

"I'll try, but I can't promise you anything. Have a good day at work, love you too babe." She climbed out of the car and Tony waited until she walked into the hotel before he pulled off and headed to work.

Santana slid her heels off and made her way towards the elevators, exhausted and flustered about what happened between her and her brothers. The last thing she wanted to do was disappoint them, but they disappointed her by not considering her happiness.

"Ma'am? The elevator is down due to the maintenance man working on it." A woman said.

"Are you serious right now? Ugh!" Santana rolled her eyes and walked towards the stairwell, only to be ambushed in by two men who tried to get ahold of her. Santana elbowed one man in the face while throwing her arm back and hitting the other man in the face. She then kneed one man in the nuts and banged their heads together before taking off up the stairs.

"Shit!" She dialed Saint's number as she continued to run up two stairs at a time, trying to make it to the top floor. "Pick up Saint! Pick up!" As soon as she looked up, Santana's face connected with the bottom of someone's size fourteen Timberland boot, sending her flying back down the stairs. Hitting her head against the concrete floor knocked her out instantly, while the man stood there laughing.

"How the fuck y'all get y'all ass whooped by this girl? She little as fuck!" He laughed.

"She stronger than she looks man." One of the ambushed men said, holding his bloody nose.

"Yeah whatever. Take her to the van and let's get going." He instructed, pulling his cell phone out and dialing someone's number. "Aye we got her man. We're taking her to the spot."

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