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QJ's mind was all over the place as he pulled up outside of his dad's house

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QJ's mind was all over the place as he pulled up outside of his dad's house. He was dreading going inside, only because he didn't want to see Benita, but he knew he was going to have to face his dad since he hadn't done so since he helped Santana and Christina escape. Then, Santana popped into his mind and he instantly felt an ache in his chest. Ending things with her was the hardest thing he has ever done, but he knew he'd never have her full heart until she ending things with Tony.

Speaking of the green eyed devil, QJ saw Tony's car speeding into the driveway as the tires screeched when his car came to a complete stop. 

"What the fuck?" QJ murmured, easing down in the driver's seat

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"What the fuck?" QJ murmured, easing down in the driver's seat. He watched as Tony hopped out of his car, with a gun in his hand, as he stormed towards the front door. He scrambled to grab his phone so he could call and warn his dad, but Quincy Sr.'s phone was going straight to voicemail.  "Fuck!" He was about to climb out of the car and go to his father's rescue, but when he saw another car pull into the driveway he stopped.

  "Fuck!" He was about to climb out of the car and go to his father's rescue, but when he saw another car pull into the driveway he stopped

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Twan put the car in park while Saint tucked his gun into his waistband.

"Is a gun really necessary? We're just going in here to talk to Benita." Twan said, looking over at Saint.

"A gun is always necessary, little brother. You're a cop right? You should know."

"Yeah whatever."

"Hold up...ain't that Tony's car?" Saint asked, pointing at the car. They didn't even notice that QJ was watching them from his car, that was parked directly across the driveway.

"Yeah, but what the hell is he doing here? He was supposed to be with Santana." Twan grumbled.

"Yeah I know." Saint dialed Santana's number and waited for her to answer, but she never did. "I guess we're going in without her."

"No...let's wait for her. Besides...I need to get my mind right before I see our mom." Twan said, feeling himself getting nervous.

"Look Twan...don't go all mama's boy in there, aight? I know you're the main one who hasn't seen Benita since she disappeared, but she don't love us man. All she care about is Quincy's ass and I swear to god if she got any other kids in there then I'm killing they ass dead."

 "Saint chill. Even if we did have any half siblings, they aren't to blame for our mother abandoning us."

"Quit calling her mom! That bitch ain't our damn mama!" Saint snapped.

"Like it or not, Benita is our damn mom and you won't go in there disrespect her!" Twan snapped back. 

"Who won't? me!" Saint retorted, climbing out of the car. He stomped his way towards the front door, with Twan running right behind him. He didn't even know why he provoked Saint, knowing how is is, but there was no turning back for them now. 


Quincy had his hands up as Tony backed him into the living room, with the gun still pointed directly at his face

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Quincy had his hands up as Tony backed him into the living room, with the gun still pointed directly at his face.

"What's this about man?" Quincy asked, glaring at Tony.

"Where the hell is that son of yours?"

"QJ? Shit I don't know. I don't keep tabs on him and even if I did, what the fuck does my son have to do with you?" He asked.

"He been speaking on what we got going on and now my girl knows way too much! I'm just here to give him a warning to stay the fuck away from her." Quincy wanted to break Tony's neck for coming into his house and practically threatening his son. 

"QJ ain't interested in your little hoe ass bi-" Quincy began, but Tony hit him in the face before he could finish his disrespectful sentence.  

"Don't you dare disrespect my fucking girl!" 

Saint and Twan both froze when they heard Tony's voice echoing throughout the house. The front door was still left opened, but only just a little bit. Saint slowly push the door opened and step inside, with his hand on his gun, while Twan stood next to him with his work gun in his hands.

"Now I'm not gon ask you again! Where the fuck is your son at?" Tony shouted. 

"Baby...what's going-" POW! The sound of Benita's voice, followed my a single gunshot put both Saint and Twan in an immediate panic. Running into the room, a wave of relief came over them when they saw that their mother wasn't hurt, but they were still shocked at what Tony had going on. 

"Well, well, well...look who decided to join us." Tony said, aiming the gun at them. 

"Tony what the fuck!" Twan hissed,  glaring at his work partner. This was a new side to Tony that Twan has never seen before and he still couldn't wrap his head around what he had to do with Quincy. 


Santana had finally arrived at Benita and Quincy's house, parking her car behind Twan's car

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Santana had finally arrived at Benita and Quincy's house, parking her car behind Twan's car. She huffed loudly when she noticed that neither him or Saint were in the car, which told her that they had already went inside of the house.

"Impatient ass niggas." She grumbled. She checked her red, puffy, tear stained face in the mirror and added some makeup; in hopes that she'd run into QJ while she was here. Once she got herself together, she climbed out of the car and made her way towards the porch. Noticing that the door was semi opened, Santana was about to walk into the house until she was grabbed from behind with her mouth being covered; getting carried off of the porch.

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