By _strawberrytae

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Scientists have discovered a way to turn your average human being into any supernatural creature of their cho... More

Prologue (NEW!!)
Chapter 1 *edited!*
Chapter 2 *edited!*
Chapter 3 *edited*
Chapter 4 *edited!*
Chapter 5 *edited!*
Chapter 6 *edited!*
Chapter 7 *edited!*
Chapter 8 * edited!*
Chapter 9 *edited!*
Chapter 10 *edited!"
Chapter 11 *under editing*
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Author's Note
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 13

156 9 23
By _strawberrytae

A.n Hello my precious Beauties!!!:D Over 1000 reads?? Can you believe how far this story's come??!! I am crying tears of joy right now!  my goal was to get at least 1000, and i have 1016!  thanks for all the support, it means so much!  So I am rewarding you beautiful creatures with an update:-). Enjoy loves!  The gif is Lisa!

Zoe's P.O.V.

Darkness everywhere. The icy wind shakes the trees, painting goose bumps on my already cold arms.

The chilly air bites at my exposed skin that isn't covered by my thin black nightgown as I continued to stare ahead of me.

Mist swirls around cracked gravestones, as I push blindly through the mysterious fog. Where am I?

I see a figure ahead of me, and unwillingly my body starts in the direction of it. I can see and feel what's going on, like I'm still there, but I have no control over my body or actions.

Eventually I get close enough where the figure is no longer a shadow, and I see the person wearing a black cloak set something on the ground before me. I scoop it up and peer down at the bundle. No, I peer down at the face of Lisa.

Before I can question or even thank the figure, it vanishes with a swish of its cloak and a fit of black, swirling smoke. But not before smirking at me first.

I gape at the blackness it just disappeared into, and then turn to the child that lay sleeping in my arms. Or so I thought. When I looked close enough, I saw her chest wasn't moving up and down, and there was no heartbeat. She looked fragile and pale, like, well death. She even smelled like it.

I gently set her back down on the ground in front of me and kneeled down behind her. Fresh tears coated my face as I waited- For what? I didn't know.

Only the fake me did.

I moved the blankets aside. Only when I saw her eyes shoot open did I realize my mistake.

Her eyes were red- not bloodshot red. A murderous red. And I was the victim.

She stood, or rather floated to her feet, and grew about 13 sizes. Her strawberry blonde hair turned black and the cloak turned to ashes. Her ripped nightdress floated spookily beside her as she opened her mouth and let out a blood-curdling scream.

She lifted her arms in the air, and screamed again. This time, black snake-like vines flew from her dress as she thrust her arms out towards my direction. Wait- they were snakes.

The snake-thingies wrapped around me, choking the life out of me. And what did I do? Not cry, or scream, or freak out. I laughed.


I awoke with scream, cold sweat coating my body and sticking my hair to my tear-stained face.

I frantically looked around, desparately trying to make out anything in the darkness. I felt a hand on my arm, and someone gently shaking me out of my near panic attack.

"Zoe? Zoe can you hear me? It's just, me, it's just Brady. Everything's okay, don't cry!" I heard the familiar voice soothe me. I was literally ready to throw myself in his arms. I had definitely had it with these nightmares.

Only then did I realize I was only in my underclothes, with only my blankets/comforter as protection.

I began blushing a deep shade of red and yanked the covers farther up to my chin. I nervously waited for his reaction.

Brady made a tisking sound and cupped his hands around my cheeks. "Babe, stop covering yourself. You are way too beautiful to be insecure." I blushed even more, if that was possible. Seriously by now I think the blush is a constant stain on my cheeks.

I teared up as Brady pulled me into a gentle hug.

"T-thank you." He grinned. "No problem."

My face continued to bloom red (I guess you could say) as he observed me, or whatever the heck he was doing.

Finally, after one extremely long moment of continuous  blushing and observation, Brady spoke.

"Do you want to talk about it?"  He asked softly.  I whimpered, remembering the horrors of what had roused me awake.  "I-I d-don't-t know-w."  I stuttered.  I closed my eyes a moment, as if that would make me forget the horrid dream and relieve me of my troubles.  "Brady, it wasn't like the others."  I whisper.  He raised his eyebrows in surprise.  "No?"  I shook my head weakly.  "It was much worse."


I sighed in annoyance as I slammed yet another book to the endless pile that was growing on the table.  Few people were at the library this early, except the occasional nerd here and there, but the ones that apparently found my hisses of frustration distracting hushed me with a single "SHHH!"

I groaned and walked over to the librarian's desk, to tell her I was through the third pile with no luck. 

Let me explain to you what happened after my second little 'episode' last night.  When Brady found out I was having trouble sleeping after my second nightmare, he supposedly used some 'sleeping spell' on me.  Needless to say, I woke up in an empty bed with only a plump lazy kitten purring beside me.  Let me tell you, I was LIVID.

No one but Brady would comfort their 'best friend' (exaggerated air quotes), put her to sleep suddenly without a goodnight, then just disappear sometime early in the morning.  What does he expect after all that we went through, or I went through, I should say, that my life would return to normal and be all sunshine and rainbows?  With unicorns pooping cupcakes?  Ohhhh NO!!!!  Zoe's life is never normal!  Not after this anyways....

So woke up cold, hungry, and frustrated.  I got ready and went to school, not even caring that my aunt and mom weren't home.  My aunt probably was dealing with my sleeping mother at some bar for all I knew.

I am currently at the library trying to figure out the meaning of my newest dream.  Yeah, the old one scared the shiz out of and interested me too, but this one seemed more significant somehow.  And I was determined to find out why- and why all of the sudden my nightmares changed.

"No luck again sweetie?"  The librarian looked at me with weary eyes.  I felt bad doing this to her, especially this early in the morning.

"Not yet."  I confirmed with a tight smile.  She nodded her head in the direction of another endless set of bookshelves.  I sighed and before I made my way over she grabbed my arm.

"Wait- there's one more section I haven't showed you yet..."  She got up from her desk and walked over to a plain white wall.  "Really?  What makes this so special from the gazillion other white walls in the room?"  I spat. 

After seeing the hurt look on her face, I realized how mean that sounded and I hadn't intended for it to come out that way.  "I'm sorry."  I admitted sheepishly.  "Sarcasm just comes naturally to me and sometimes I take it a bit to far."  She nodded and looked around nervously, as if to see if anyone was watching.  I glanced around the library too, trying to see what she was looking for. 

A few nerds scattered here and there glued to their textbooks, a couple hiding in the corner, covering their make-out session with a large book in front of their faces, a creepy guy snoozing in the corner, some kids playing Minecraft on the computers.  Nope, I think we're good.

I narrowed my eyes at creepy guy, who had momentarily woken up from dreamland and was now squinting at me suspiciously.  He made some sort of pig-like grunting noise under my burning stare, and then feel right back to sleep.

The librarian nodded her head approvingly at my actions, before looking around one last time.  In case some secret ninja floated down from the air vent in the minute she turned her back.

I watched curiously as she knocked softly on the wall in a few different places, a couple times.  Like a knocking password or something.  Then she gently pushed on part of the wall, and it slid aside to reveal some secret passage way.  Yet, I'm not surprised.  After the past few days, it could start raining tacos and I wouldn't care.

She motioned for me to follow her and stepped inside.

As I stepped into the passage, the door closed behind me. 

If it wasn't for the slimy rusted railing I grabbed just in time, I would have fallen face-first down the random staircase.

I quickly wiped my hands on my jeans to rid them of the gross sensation I got when I touched the handle.  Ick.

Eventually, we end up in a room that looks like my dad's old man cave.  Except, yah know, with more important stuff.  There were bookshelves with weird, colorful, old-looking books, and other smaller shelves with weird potion bottles on them.  "This,"  She said, gesturing around her,  "Is the room where all the important stuff is.  Not school related, because let's face it, who even uses that stuff anyways?  This is the real deal- the ADSS."    I really love this lady.  My eyes widened.  Other than looking like a witch's room, the place was really cool.  I won't bore you with all the details, because there was much more cramped into the small room then I listed.

"Whoa."  I breathed and ran my hands over the dusty book bindings.  I looked over to her and she beamed at me.  "So glad you like it!  Hopefully you can find something in here-"  A ringing noise cut her off.  "Ohhh!  I'm needed elsewhere, you can stay here and explore a bit.  Just open the latch when you are done, okay?"  I smile and nod.  A bit nervous about being here alone, but let's face it.  Chucky isn't gonna come crawling in with a chainsaw...  Though I wouldn't be surprised.  Before I can change my mind, the door slams shut, and it's just me in the Wicked Witch of the West's layer. 

Or so I thought.


After a few hours, I learned that if you eat fairy dust and blue berries together, your skin will turn blue. 

I also learned that I can't go on any longer until I ease the pain of my empty stomach.  Seriously, I think it's starting to digest itself.

I sighed heavily and put down the large book I was holding.  I walked curiously over to the potion shelf and began examining its contents. 

"I wonder if I can eat this."  I said and picked up a bottle filled with red liquid.  "Please be fruit punch, please be fruit punch..."  My stomach suddenly clenched as I read the label.  "OP BLD"  I suddenly gagged.  "EWWWWWW GROSS GROSSS GROSSS!!!!"  The label stood for 'O+ blood!! 

I shoved the container back on the shelf.  "Forget this!  I'm going to McDonald's.  I'd rather increase my chances of being fat then touch that again."  I shuddered involuntarily.

I walked over to the door and climbes the steps, still shuddering.  I pulled on the latch.




"Oh God."

It was locked.

A.n. how'd i do?  ik the main character here is zoe, but i think i will finish this with a little dash of alice.  sound okay?  read on, loves!

Quick P.O.V: Alice...

"GET AWAY FROM ME!!!"  I scream at the guards.  I curled up in a corner and sobbed. 

Ever since Austin took me, my life has been a train wreck.    The ADSS LAB.  Tests, tests, and more tests.  I refused to eat, talk, and get any more injections.  They are testing me before they "create the new me!"  Fake enthusiasm.  What does that even mean?

Currently, two guards are trying to get me to agree to more blood work.  Since cooing to me didn't work, they have now resorted to force, a.k.a. violence.

I screamed as they stepped towards me.  "EVERY STEP YOU TAKE NEAR ME I SCREAM!"  I warned.  Suddenly a door slid open to reveal a few scientists.

All I got were looks of discust.  "We almost have enough test results.  I think we may soon be ready for the big injection."  One says excitedly to the guards.  The other nods just as eagerly. 

I clench my teeth as they haul me to my feet.  "You just wait until Zoe gets here.  She is gonna kick your-"  I screamed as a pain shot through my arm.  "Sweet dreams."  He said, smiling creepily down at me.

"You guys are lunatics..."  I managed to mutter before I welcomed the blackness.

Zoe's P.O.V.



Unfortunately, I didn't get to think practically for long, because a bang interrupted my thoughts.  I spun around, and all the book shelves were knocked over.  I didn't do it.  It wasn't me.


"Hello darling, remember me?"








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