Cracked Butterfly

By neonblonde1

134K 5.1K 1.7K

Ivy Glenn was a small town girl, ready to embark on a new career thousands of miles from the home and ideal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Cracked Butterfly Soundtrack
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note

Chapter 6

4.8K 204 49
By neonblonde1

You have been so patient that I feel like it's time for your you go!

(I am re-editing the portion of Aiden's interaction with the waitress)

"Well?" The deep voice from the dark corner demanded.

"You're going to have your hands full with her, I know that much" Jensen mused. "She's witty, quick and at the same time, in my humble opinion, a natural born submissive."

The dark voice chuckled. "Is that so?" Rubbing his chin thoughtfully he contemplated his next move. "I think for now I'll just observe from a distance. I want to see how she interacts with you, and the others as well. When I feel the time is right I will reveal myself to her, and go from there."

Jensen responded in kind. "I think that's wise. There's something about this girl; I can't quite put my finger on it, but I believe she will mold and conform to your desires and wishes."

Jensen and the man continued to talk until their table was approached by a tall woman; her hair was braided in a single long design that hung down her naked back. She wore a collar, black lace panties, black thigh highs and black high heels.

She wouldn't look them in the eyes and kept her head bowed in submission. "May I get Sirs another drink?" She asked demurely and politely.

Jensen waved her aside but the mystery man beside him took his time examining the delicate beauty. She was his for the taking, and he wanted to pluck this beautiful flower. Tie her hands behind her back, and ride her until she begged him to let her cum.

Rising to his feet, he towered above the petite girl but she had been doing this long enough and she knew not to make a sound or try to move without his consent.

Putting his finger under her chin, he raised her head but she had been trained to not lift her eyes until instructed.

"You may look at me" his cold and detached voice called out clearly. The woman lifted her cerulean eyes to meet his dark and demanding ones.

"Do you know who I am?" He asked. She nodded slowly, and spoke softly. "Yes Sir."

"Good girl. Then you know what it will mean for you if you agree to spend the night with me, don't you?" Again she nodded and her lower lip trembled. "Yes sir."

"Then tell me what you want" the man demanded. "I would like to go with you Sir" the brave woman answered.

Her response seemed to please the mysterious man as he took a leash from the pocket of his dress pants. Hooking it to the server's collar he gave a slight tug indicating that she was to move forward and follow him.

The scent of sex floated in the air. To the man it was like a gentle breeze mixed with moans of pleasure. The occasional flogger, or whip, coming down on the exposed skin of a submissive could be heard; this was music to his ears.

Leading the woman down a dark, dimly lit hallway they eventually came to a stop in front of the last doorway. The man withdrew a key card from the pocket of his dress shirt and swiped it on the pad affixed next to the door.

As soon as he pushed on the door the opaque glass became crystal clear and see through, but the moment the door made contact with the frame it transformed back and made it nearly impossible for anyone to see in.

Dropping the leash he turned to face the woman, and noticed her eyes looking down at the floor, he was pleased that she knew her place. He began working on the cuffs of his shirt as he delivered clear and concise instructions.

"Take off your panties and give them to me" he said. Quickly doing so the woman handed him her panties, her breath hitched as he brought them to his nose and inhaled slowly.

"Your left heel, remove it and hand it to me." Again she complied with his simple request. "Good girl" he murmured as he started to unbutton his dress shirt; his muscled chest and chiseled abs were breathtakingly handsome and oh so erotic.

"Now the other shoe." After she handed him the other heel he took her by the leash and led her to a massive king sized bed that seemed to be the only piece of furniture in the room.

Standing at the foot of said bed he commanded her "Crawl to the middle of the bed and lower the upper part of your body to the mattress, I want those beautiful tits smashed against the mattress."

"Yes sir" she answered softly.

He watched with dark, hooded eyes as she made her way to the appointed place; his gaze firmly latched onto her ass and sex, which was already glistening with her excitement.

"Are you wet?" He asked a direct question but the girl hesitated for a split second which annoyed him heavily.

"I do NOT like to repeat myself so I will ask one more time. Are. You. Wet?"

"Yes" she closed her eyes and whispered but the only sound in the room was the clanking of his belt buckle and the the zipper of his pants.

The bed dipped down as he made his way to the submissive and placed his body directly behind hers. He bent his head to her ass cheek, licking softly at first and then he bit down just hard enough for her to gasp and moan her acceptance of the pleasure he was giving her.

She didn't know the first hit was coming, and wasn't prepared when his large open palm smacked her ass swiftly and harshly making her cry out.

Smack! Another hit. "Do you know why you're being punished?" He asked, his breathing changing already indicating that he was turned on but still very much in control.

"Yes sir!" The girl cried out again as he hit her two more times, her ass a blazing red color and covered with his hand prints.

"Tell me!" He gritted as he smacked her butt cheek again and again. Five more times to be exact, before sliding his hand down between her legs and into the place she needed him to be. She was dripping, strung tight like a piano string, and he was Pollini.

"Because" her breath hitching " I hesitated in answering when Sir asked me a question" she moaned as he toyed with her swollen pearl.

"Good girl" he praised as he continued to tease her to the point of orgasm. "You are not to cum. If you do you will be punished and I will enjoy it but you will not." His words hung in the air, heavy with sinful meaning.

She groaned in frustration when he removed his hand from her body and demanded that she turn around.

Aiden was a man that knew what he wanted and what he desired most was to have this little sub exhausted, wrung out and completely at his mercy.

She was suspended, tied up, blindfolded, gagged and finally when she had taken all she could take and given all she could give, Aiden gave her the reward she so richly deserved.

Rising to his knees he palmed his large erection, slowly stroking it and watching her chest rise and fall quickly from her excitement.

"Are you ready for your reward my little sub?"  He commanded her to look at him.  "Yes sir" she answered tiredly.  He loved how completely whipped she looked and chuckled inwardly at his observation.

"Open your mouth" he demanded. She did so immediately as he wound his fingers through her hair and pushed her forward. She gagged as the saliva poured from her mouth and ran down his shaft, balls, and then onto the mattress.

She worked him well with her eager mouth and he would reward her for the excellent job she did pleasing him by allowing her to cum.

"That's right! Don't fucking stop!" His jaw was locked as he issued that final command before exploding into the back of her throat. "Fuck!" He hissed as his orgasm rocketed through his body. The woman kneeling in front of him was moaning as if she had orgasmed as well.

He pulled back on her hair roughly. "Did you cum after I told you not to?"

She shook her head vigorously. "No Sir, I did not cum Sir."

"Lay on your back." He commanded, and when she had done as he asked he looked at her swollen pussy and knew she was telling the truth. She hadn't orgasmed so she would definitely be rewarded.

"Good girl, would you like your reward now?" He asked stroking her face softly.

"Yes Sir" her voice was breathy and raspy.

"Spread your legs as wide as you can" he said, while lowering his head to her sex. She was so responsive, her arousal made the outside of her folds slick and glistening with it.

The man brought her to the brink several times before he yanked her back; her eyes filled with tears from his denial of her much needed release. When he issued his final command, "Cum for me" the orgasm that wracked her body was earth shattering.

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