Little Black Dress (A Harry S...

By t4cosandnandos

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Audrina Foster is a nineteen year old brunette bomb shell who is proclaimed as the ideal 'It Girl' everywhere... More

Little Black Dress (A Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11

Chapter 10

154 3 0
By t4cosandnandos

Chapter Ten : Safety 

Harry's P.O.V

I arrived at Ariana and I's appartment shortly after I walked Audrina home. I had to admit to myself I was feeling extremely disappointed with myself for even considering cheating but it felt right to me at the time. My mind was whirling with possibilities of what I might say to Ariana as I waited in the elevator to arrive at my floor. The ride was quick and I hardly had enough time to process my thoughts and accumulate a good explanation of why I might leave her but I knew if I took anymore more time thinking about what I might say, I'd never do it. I nervously unlocked the door to our apartment and gazed at Ariana who was wrapped up in a blanket watching TV on our couch. I crept towards her and sat beside her on the without saying any words, I knew she was already infuriated just by looking into her eyes. 

"Hey" I said casually as she glanced over at me, her face was expressionless. 

"Hi" she says coldy, not even bothering to smile like she usually would. I was beginning to question whether or not she was aware of the what I was about to say and judging by her icy tone I assumed so. 

"Can we please talk?" I pleaded as her eyes fluttered shut, she pressed her lips into a firm line obviously not wanting to hear what I had to say. 

"Not tonight, please Harry." She sounded so vulnerable as she gazed at me with her bright blue orbs twinkling with sincerity. 

"Yes tonight, this isn't fair." I say honestly as a muffled laugh escapes her lips, I knew she couldn't take anything I had to say seriously. 

"Fair? You're talking about fair with me?" She shouts arising from the couch looking down at me with her hands on her slim hips. "Says you the guy who fucking leaves his own girlfriend to go to a tattoo shop with some dumb broad." Her words cut through me like a sharp blade, how did she even find out about Audrina and I?

"If you were in my position you'd do the same thing." I challenge, my tone still soft yet still filled with anger, I promised myself I wouldn't yell, not tonight.

"Oh please, enlighten me."

"You're so controlling Ariana! I can't even leave the fucking house to go out with friends because you don't trust me. I'm twenty years old and I  have the life of a forty year old married man! It's not fair." 

"Well maybe if you didn't act so immature all the time and make me not trust you shit would be different." She barks back, immaturity was one subject Ariana could never bitch at me about considering how inexperienced she was when it came to relationships. I was her first boyfriend, she didn't have any prior knowledge on relationships so she couldn't differentiate between a good one and a bad one to save her life.

"Do you know what your problem is Ariana? You live in some fantasy where I'm your husband and everything's perfect and you're the ideal wife and like there's no one else on this planet asides from us. I'm not your fucking doll Ariana so stop trying to change me into somebody I don't want to be." I growl as I stand up from the couch and make my way into the kitchen and begin to pour myself a glass of water. She follows behind me inspecting every movement I make and once I'm done taking a sip she's back into full on bitch mode. 

"Well then get the fuck out if I'm so controlling." She pleads, the tears starting to brim her eyes. I felt so incredibly horrible for treating her so badly and using such words to make her cry but I needed to stand my guard for once and not let her win. I wanted to wrap her up and kiss her and tell her she was too beautiful to cry but I knew that would only make things worse. I turned my back to her and began to throw some clothes into my black backpack and exited the house without a single word from the both of us. 

"Harry?" Ariana weakly called standing in the doorway as I slowly made my way down the hall. I stopped in my tracks and turned to look at her, fuck this was harder then I thought. 


"Come back when you're ready to talk." She says softly as I half smile, nod to her and walk to the elevator. 

I climbed into my black Range Rover and cranked the radio up to the highest volume to drown out the sound of my crying as I drove around town for a few hours trying to figure out where to go. I felt like I had nothing at this point, like I was back at stage one with nothing to my name. I didn't like expressing my feelings to very many people which eliminated the chances of me going to most of my friends house in such a terrible state. Although one face popped up in the back of my mind, I had to see Audrina, she was the only one that could possibly restore my happiness. 

I pulled up into the parking lot of her dorm and slowly padded through the hallway searching for her dorm number. I nervously knocked on her door and prayed to God she would answer. I was just about to leave and go back to my truck when her door opened a little bit. She popped her head out and rubbed her eyes sleepily and gazed at me. It took her a moment to process everything but soon a smile formed on her plump lips.

"Harry" she chimed as she held the door open for me and I walked into her dorm. It was a very well decorated dorm and it was neat and tidy compared to most dorms I had been into. "What's up?" She asked as she slid a hot pink silk robe over her back concealing her barely clothed body. I was almost too caught up gawking at how nice her dorm was that I didn't notice she was wearing a tank top and yoga shorts. 

"I kind of just needed a place to stay" I admit shyly as she warmly smiles at me. 

"My house is your house, Payton won't be here until tomorrow night anyways, she's at Gatlins or something so you can sleep in her bed." 

"Sounds good" I say back casually, ecstatic that she actually agreed. She pads back over to her bed and throws herself onto the bed flopping onto her back as she types something on her laptop and then redirects her attention back to me. 

"So what happened to your house?" She jokes sweetly, her eyes glimmering with curiosity. 

"Ariana and I got in a fight so she kicked me out." 

"Kicked you out? That's harsh."

"Well I mean she said I could come back when I was ready to talk but I need some space." I murmur truthfully as Audrina nods her head and half smiles at me trying to cheer me up. That's something I always admired about her, no matter what you had to say she always was so understanding and welcoming, something Ariana would never be.

"If you don't mind me asking, what did you say that pissed her off so badly?"

"I told her I didn't want to be with her anymore." 

She shifts in her spot and places her laptop back onto the ground and wiggles her lips between her teeth before saying anything. "Why's that?"

"It doesn't feel right anymore, nothing's the same." I croak as a hot tear rolls down my cheek, fuck, so much for not crying in front of Audrina. My cheeks flushed in embarrassment for seeming so weak in front of the beautiful captivating girl sitting right before my tear filled eyes.

"Awe don't cry" she chimed as she pushed herself off off her bed and sat beside me and wrapped her arms around my waist. Her touch was enough to put a stop to the tears and I rested my head against hers. 

"I'm sorry, I'm usually not this... Emotional?" I chuckle as she unwraps her arms from around me and I frown at the loss of contact. 

"I don't mind." She says as she pads back to her bed and turns on the TV placed in the corner of the room. "How about we pig out and watch movies to get your mind off of she who shall not be named."

I smile and nod my head in thank fullness at how much of an effort Audrina is making just to relieve me of my pain. "Yeah, I'd really like that" I say truthfully as she digs out a couple bags of chips from beneath her bed. 

Author's Note: You guys are amazinnggg! How are you liking the story so far? Make sure to check out the playlists I made for you guys to listen to while reading the story! My 8tracks is @littleblxckdress 

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