Favoring The Bold {Drarry}

By Xx_drarry_rebelle_xX

225K 10.4K 4.1K

{A Family of Favors book 1} Harry always felt like families were just a fickle idea, so when Malfoy wanted to... More

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11.3K 521 232
By Xx_drarry_rebelle_xX

Harry had done everything he could to not think about it. James was early to school every day for the next week and a half. He cleaned and recleaned and deep cleaned the house almost 13 times. His yard was garden gnome free. Even his floo sparkled as if it had never been used.

The day of James' birthday he screamed into his pillow before getting up, making breakfast and placing those evil tickets on the counter-island beside his son's plate.

The ebony haired man walked into James' room with a stack of frosted pancakes with 8 candles proudly sticking out the top. He waved his hand, using magic to lift his son off the bed a bit before dropping him back down. When the boy his the bed his eyes peeped open and Harry smiled at him.

"Happy Birthday, Jamesie!"

The small boy was up in a flash. He snatched the plate of pancakes and ran to the kitchen.

"Dad, come on! It's my birthday. I absolutely have to be to school on time today or...or...well I don't know what'll happen, but it can't be good." The boy climbed into his seat and started tucking into his food. Harry stood back and prepared for the moment of truth. As the hazel eyes boy swallowed a gulp of his orange juice he noticed the paper on the counter. He set the glass down slowly before really looking at the papers. He picked his glasses from beside his plate and shoved them onto his face before snatching the papers from the counter.

Harry covered his ears but smiled just as James turned around and screeched happily and threw himself onto his dad for a hug.

"Really? I can really go? You're the best dad in the whole world! Wait 'til I tell Teddy that we're going...wait- Teddy can go too right?" His voice fell as he thought about not having his older brother (Harry never bothered to explain the difference) there with him.

"Of course Teddy's going."

"Brilliant!" The boy shouted before rushing upstairs to get dressed.

Hermione wand-called him almost seconds later.

"I can't drop Teddy and James off today. I'm going to pick up the cake then we're going to start decorating so you need to take them out all day and just bring them back after the concert. Okay?"

"'Mione I don't think this is a good idea, I mean-"

"Okay?" she spoke a bit more harshly this time and Harry knew there was no arguing with that tone.

"Fine. I'll pick them up today."

"Great. I just know you're going to have a good time, all things considered." She hung up before he could respond and he set his wand back on the counter.

"You ready yet Jamesie?"

"I think I'm too old for that nickname, don't you, Dad?" James said as he literally attempted to swagger down the steps towards his father. Harry nodded while trying to hide his blooming smile.

His son had attempted to slick his hair back, but it was still sticking up in places. He was wearing a green tshirt with a mini leather jacket adorned with assorted dragon pins & buttons from his Uncle Charlie, and pair of khakis.

"Oh yeah, of course, James Lucius. Too old to be called Jamesie. That is definitely a baby name, if I've ever heard one. I will make sure everyone knows." Harry snorted a laugh to himself.

"Brilliant," he said nodding resolutely as if he had just closed a huge deal. "Now we have to get to school and I want to walk to the apparation point without holding your hand."

"Alright," shrugged Harry with a grin before ruffling his sons hair. "It's your day, big man."

His son narrowed his eyes at him before fixing his hair and Harry was shocked at how much he looked like Draco in that one moment. The real Draco.

The trip to school was faster than he expected and he doesn't remember saying much, but James spoke enough for the both of them.

"Don't forget I'm picking you and Teddy up this afternoon, okay? Taking you guys on a secret birthday trip."

James' eyes were huge as a grin split his face while he ran off, waving a happy "see ya later, dad!" and rushing into the classroom just before the bell rang.

That afternoon Harry sat just outside the school doors, tapping his foot absently and mucking up his already messy hair. When he looked up both of his boots were grinning impishly at him.

"Something wrong, Dad?" asked Teddy as they walked to a nearby muggle ice cream parlor.

"No, just thinking..." he responded while running a hand through his hair.

"'Bout what?" asked James as he bounced slightly ahead.

"Nothing you need to worry about, birthday boy." Harry made a goofy face at his son before throwing an arm over Teddy's small shoulders. They had reached the parlor but decided they had no time to waste sitting inside. "Now c'mon you two. We have big plans tonight, right?"

"Right!" They both cheered as Harry ordered the three cones and steered the kids towards a nearby park.

Harry sat with his back against a tree and watched from the shade as they played easily with the muggle kids. He had decided to relax as much as possible, because he knew that today would change everything.

Even if he didn't tell Draco the truth about James, he would be seeing the blonde in person again for the first time in years. Sure they had ended on a rough note, but he still loved the paler man in a way he had only loved him since they were finishing school.

He took a deep breath and stood. He couldn't keep putting it off.

"James! Teddy! Time to go!" He smiled as they rushed up to him with red faces and dirty clothes. "Okay, one more stop then we're off. You guys ready to see DL Black in concert?" They both cheered and he took that as a yes as he led them to an apparation point on the sidewalk and headed to Andromeda's house for a change of clothes.

When they walked in Andromeda greeted them all with a smile and then bent over to give James a kiss on the cheek.

"Happy birthday, James."

"Thanks Gam," he said blushing through his lopsided grin.

"And Teddy here, tells me you guys are going to see this DL character?" When he nodded she smiled at him fondly. "Have a good time for me, okay?"

They both nodded so she set a hard stare at Harry.

"Come with me to the garden for s moment, won't you, dear?" He gulped but nodded and followed her out the door while the two boys starting rummaging through her candy jar. "And you two go get cleaned up." When they ran off again she turned back to the emerald eyed man she thought of as a son. "So I suppose you're going to tell my nephew he has a son, now?"

"Well- I..." Harry stuttered out a partial answer and she smacked him on the back of the head with her gardening gloves.

"He deserves to know, Harry." She gave him a tender look before patting his cheek lovingly. "Make sure the boys have fun. I'm going to finish up a few things here then head to your place for the party." She turned back to look at him once more while pulling on her gloves. "Enjoy yourself too, dear."

He nodded and turned to go inside. He gathered up the boys who were clean and dressed again.

"Ready to go?" he asked the boys who looked like they were going to burst from excitement.

"I'm so ready I could puke!" yelped James and it broke the tension that was holding Harry's shoulders so tightly and he burst into laughter.

"Okay, well let's not keep you waiting any longer, James Lucius. It's your day."

They headed off to the concert. The two boys with grins that could blind the sun and their guardian with a smile that was only a few steps from being a grimace.


tuesdays & thursdays? maybe.
much love

-- angel janeé xoxo 💋

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