Cracked Butterfly

By neonblonde1

133K 5.1K 1.7K

Ivy Glenn was a small town girl, ready to embark on a new career thousands of miles from the home and ideal... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Cracked Butterfly Soundtrack
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Author's Note

Chapter 4

5.5K 241 53
By neonblonde1

Friday had finally rolled around and Krista had been after Ivy to try out the nightclub that had been listed in her Welcome binder. She had to admit it did sound like fun, going out, and she did have new clothes so why not?

Ivy hadn't said anything to Krista yet but there was something that she found bone chilling about the name of the club. Club Deviant. She had all kinds of images running through her mind and when they looked the club up on the internet it looked like a normal place to drink, dance, and let loose. But was it really?

Krista dug through Ivy's closet trying to help her choose an outfit for the club and they had narrowed it down to two; stonewashed skinny jeans with a red satin blouse and black heels or a little black dress that showed a tad bit of cleavage and black heels.

Ivy tried on the first outfit and when she emerged from her bathroom Krista giggled and clapped furiously at how hot her friend looked.

"Holy cow, Bells you look smoldering! Now the black dress please and if you look half as good in that as you do in this then it's going to be hard to choose!" Ivy rolled her eyes as she retreated to the bathroom to try on the dress.

She stopped for a moment and let her fingers trace the light scars that looked like a road map across her belly and then her eyes dropped to her thighs. She had a few there as well and the memories that she had tried so hard to repress came surging through and she was powerless to stop them.

She hadn't heard Krista knocking on the door but when she looked up her friend was standing behind her, tears glistening in her eyes as well.

"Ivy they don't define you girl. They don't make you any less of a human being; if anything they are a testament to what you endured. You are strong and you are fierce! There's nothing or person that can take that away from you Bells."

Ivy turned to her friend and just this once she allowed herself to exercise the demons that constantly tried to play with her mind. They wouldn't win, she couldn't let them. Not this time, not ever again.

She hated how puffy and red her eyes looked now but Krista reassured her that they would clear up before it was time to head out and no one would be the wiser.

"I wanna see you in the black dress again" Krista said, effectively changing the subject and getting Ivy back on track.

Smiling through what was left of the tears, Ivy pulled the black dress on and was amazed at how well it fit and how flawless it made her figure look.

Krista motioned with her finger for Ivy to turn so she could get the full effect of the little black dress. "I want to know what YOU think Bells, which do you like better?"

Ivy was picturing in her mind what she looked like in the first outfit, and then she looked at herself in the mirror again and knew exactly what she wanted to wear. She didn't need to give it another thought.

"I really love the jeans K, I love how they make me look, and I definitely love how they make me feel. The red blouse just gives it that little extra hot and I think it would be perfect for a club setting. I can wear the dress next time. I want the jeans!" Ivy said excitedly.

Krista clapped her hands. "Great choice Bestie! I know just what to do with your makeup and hair. While I'm doing that I want you to pay attention that way you can do it by yourself and look amazing for work or going out."

She told Ivy she would keep the jean theme going and chose her black skinny jeans with an off-the-shoulder red blouse and her black heels. Krista could wear a flour sack and she'd still have every man in the room killing each other for her attention.

The surprising thing about Krista is that she has never had a steady boyfriend, or even had sex. This was something that both she and Ivy had in common. They had made a pact to never give it up unless they were 100% sure that the guy was THE one. Neither of them fell for those age old and tired lines of "If you love me baby you'll let me do this." Really? Did we, the female sex, come off as that naive?

For lunch Ivy made them both a fresh Caprese salad. She used all fresh ingredients; Roma tomatoes, mozzarella, basil, thinly sliced purple onion and a tad of Balsamic vinegar. It was low calorie, filling, and refreshing. Ivy was bound and determined to stick with her lifestyle change, food included, and she would resist the call of a fresh, hot, steaming container of Wendy's French fries!

The rest of their day consisted of watching reruns of "Housewives of New Jersey," laughing, and just talking about everything under the sun. Everything except what had happened in Ivy's bathroom earlier.

Ivy knew that her friend would bring it up again eventually, so she dove in and started the conversation herself.

"The nightmares are nowhere near as frequent as they used to be," Ivy started. "I don't know if it's because of my mom and the move, or the stress of starting a new job and knowing everything that's expected of me but I've had two back-to-back and the last one was so vivid I could have sworn that he was standing at the foot of my bed."

That man was her father. The one person in the world, besides her mother, that was supposed to protect her from everything that went bump in the night. But they didn't. Her mother was weak and allowed all those bad things to transpire under their roof.

"Bells he can't hurt you anymore and if you ask me he got off light with cancer taking his miserable life. The pain he was in towards the end was nothing compared to the suffering and hurt he put you through. Please don't ever let me catch you crying over him again or I will spank your butt!" Krista loved her, there was no doubt and Ivy knew what she said was right and true. He didn't deserve her tears.

"Really? You'd spank me? Aren't you afraid I might like it?" Ivy joked with her. Krista scoffed as they went back to watching the last episode of their show so they could get ready for their night out on the town.

Krista certainly had a talent for hair and makeup. They had both taken Cosmetology in high school but Ivy chose to get her degrees in Media Advertising; she held a Bachelor's and Master's and had graduated Magna Cum Laude. She was no dummy that's for sure.

Krista had straightened Ivy's hair until it shimmered like silky glass. Her makeup was natural and beautiful, except her eyes and lips and she had made them pop with dark, smoky color and blood red lip stain.

Ivy had never felt so beautiful and desirable as she did now. She picked up her favorite perfume, Victoria's Secret's Very Sexy, and gave it a few squirts before going to see how her friend was coming along with her look.

And of course she was drop dead gorgeous! She had done her hair exactly as she had done Ivy's, the makeup was the same as well.

They had opted for small wallets they could push into their back pockets so they didn't have to keep up with purses.

Just as they were about to walk out of the apartment, the phone on the wall rang, it was probably the taxi they ordered. Ivy didn't know how the night would go so she didn't want to drive.

"Hello?" Ivy responded. "Oh Davis good evening" she said politely. "Okay that's what we thought. Thank you, we're on our way down now." "Taxi?" Krista asked. Ivy nodded as she locked her door. They walked quietly to the elevator and watched the numbers on the display descend until the the doors opened.

Ivy and Krista both could feel the eyes of the male security staff on them the moment they left the elevator. Out of the corner of her eye she watched Krista lick her lips and hold her head back a little higher, confidence oozing from every pour. She wanted that too so she emulated her friend's actions and nothing felt as good as it did in that moment, to sashay through the buildings doors and into the waiting taxi.

As the cab pulled away from the curb Ivy turned to Krista and they both broke into a fit of giggles! "Oh my God that was so life affirming!" Ivy claimed and her friend agreed. "Gurl they were mackin on you so hard Bells!" Krista howled. Ivy elbowed her in the side causing her to gasp and laugh again.

Fifteen minutes later the cab pulled up outside of the most interesting club either girl had ever seen. A two story building, very sleek with an almost foggy, mirrored glass exterior. Once the girls entered the club they realized that they could see outside but no one could see in, it's was almost voyeuristic. As their eyes slowly scanned the area Ivy and Krista both realized that this was not a normal night club. The interior was very modern and masculine with clean lines and bold colors. The room they were in was intimate; the bar was black painted wood with a lit frosted glass top and chrome accents, the booths were circular in shape and very private with plush dark red and deep purple seating.

They could hear Bruno Mars thumping and pumping as they entered the club, and after receiving their wristbands, they headed straight for the bar to get a drink and loosen up. As they sat there Krista noticed the large arched doorway on one side, she pointed it out to Ivy and both girls were curious as to where it led.

Ivy couldn't help but feel like the moment they stepped inside someone was watching her. She could sense a gaze on her back and while it should have freaked her out, it didn't. She couldn't explain the warm sensation she was experiencing instead.

"Are you okay?" Krista yelled while handing Ivy her drink. Ivy shook her head and shouted back to Krista "I just feel like someone's been watching us since the minute we walked in."

She watched Krista look around the club and then back to where Ivy was standing. "I don't see anyone at the moment. Maybe it's just being in a new place." Ivy just shook it off as Katy Perry's Alien came on and Krista was ready to hit the dance floor.

What neither girl realized was through the archway, upstairs, was the VIP area. A whole world that Ivy was too innocent to even know existed.

After just one vodka sour Ivy was losing her inhibitions and gaining confidence. So much so that she wanted to dance. Standing in front of Krista she lifted both hands above her head, leaned her head back slightly and closed her eyes, allowing the beat to take her away.

Dark, brooding eyes continued to slowly rake up and down the girl's body. He wanted her, and he would have her. Her ass was begging to be spanked and her beautiful lips needed his cock. He would take his time with this one. He could already imagine what she sounded like as she screamed in pleasurable pain.

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