His Little Sister

By bohemianwood

545K 10K 429

He was the clubs enforcer and she was the mother charters princess. They're completely different. He was cold... More

Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Authors Note
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
The End

Chapter 21

11.1K 247 11
By bohemianwood

Third Person POV 

It always played on Happy's mind what his future would look like. Weather he would be 50 rotting in a cell. Or dead by 45. But when he looked at Valentine laying on the hospital bed getting cold blue gel on her belly he never thought that this would be his future. 

He was watching as the doctor put the cold blue gel on her belly that held his child. Happy watched as his old lady sucked in a breath when the doctor spread the gel. He watched as Val turned her head to look at the ultrasound machine and smiled. 

"You're about 7 weeks along." The doctor stated. Valentine nodded her head and kept her eyes on the machine to her left. Happy was holding her hand to the right of her, staring at the doctor making sure he doesn't do anything that he doesn't like. "Here's the bab..." 

"What's wrong?" Valentine asked as the Doctor moved the ultrasound wand around her belly. 

"Well, how do you think about two babies?" The Doctor asked. Valentine snapped her head to Happy and looked at him dumbly. "That explains why your belly is bigger than someone with only on baby." 

"Can we have some pictures please?" Val asked. Her breath a little harsh. 

"Of course." The Doc answered. Happy looked down at Val's belly than at the machine and than at her. She had tears welling up in her eyes as the doctor pointed out the first baby than the second. They talked about the vitamins and the diet Val should follow while Happy just stared at her belly. 

Seeing the baby on the machine caused him to realize that he was going to be a father. That Val and him were going to have mini humans running around with them. 

The Doctor left and a nurse came in. When he looked he realized it was Tara Knowles. Happy looked at his old lady and saw the look on her face. Every since they have been going out she changed. She isn't sweet and naive teenager anymore, but a proper old lady. 

"Why are you my nurse if you're a surgeon?" Valentine asked. Happy watched as Tara walked in and closed the door. "Can you get me a wet paper towel please babe?" Happy let go of his old lady's hand and went to the sink and got a damp paper towel. He wiped off the gel and threw the paper towel out. Tara just stared at them. 

"Um..." She stated but quietly closed her mouth from saying anything. "Because you are having twins and are so young the Doctor wanted me to check you. Plus you're Jax Tellers sister and the Doctor was nervous that if he did anything wrong Jax would have his head." 

"That's why I'm here." Happy spoke up. His deep and raspy voice made Tara swallow a little. She washed her hands and grabbed a stole from the corner of the room. She told Val to pull her shirt up and Tara started massage her belly. 

"So you're the father?" Tara asked. Valentine rolled her eyes and quietly pushed her hands off her belly and got up off the bed. She pulled down her tank top and turned around to face Tara. 

"I have no idea what you're trying to do but please stop. If you're trying to get on Jax's good graces it's not going happen through me." Valentine grabbed her purse and put all the papers the doctor gave to her in the biggest pocket. She handed Happy the keys and started for the door. 

"I didn't mean anything bad. I'm doing this because you're young and you might not know what you want and..." 

"Stop when you can. You have no right to come in here and say this stuff to me. I am keeping my babies and I'm going to raise them. I know what I want and it's going to happening the way I want it to happen." 

"Val, I'm sorry but you're to young and I know Jax doesn't want this for you." 

"You have no idea what my brother wants for me. Leave him out of this." 

Val walked out of the hospital room leaving Happy and Tara alone. Happy stepped towards her and she stepped back. 

"Next time don't come to see her." He growled at Tara. Tara continued to step back as Happy stepped forward. Soon Tara's back was against the wall. "Don't tell nobody that she's pregnant either." 

Happy walked out of the room into the hallway. He spotted Valentine at the desk. When he walked he heard her complaining about Tara. 

"I don't feel comfortable with her being around me. Please make sure that she doesn't next time." The receptionist made a note in the computer and smiled up at Val. 

"Okay hon. Your next appointment is in a month. October 20th, is that alright?" Val looked at Happy and sightly asked him if that was an ok date.

"That's fine." Happy rasped out. Val signed a couple things than grabbed Hap's handing leading him out of the hospital. 

"Babe, that's your birthday." Val stated as Happy unlocked the door to her Jeep and got in to the passenger seat. Happy started the car and started pulling out. "Happy Carlos Lowman! What's wrong with you?" 

'We're having twins." 

"I know." 

"We can't afford to new born kids, Val." 

"That's why I'm getting a job. I was going to tell you in a couple days when everything was step up but I guess now is a good time." 

"What type of job?" 

"Promise not to be mad." Valentine turned to Happy in her seat. He locked eyes with her before nodding his head. Val looked at his left hand on the steering wheel and saw that his knuckles were turning red. 

"Luann wants me to help her at the porn studio. Being assistant director and coming up with sets and different movies and stuff." 


"What, why not?" 

"Because I'm not going to have my wife and mother of my children be apart of a porn business." 

"I'm not going performing, Hap. All I would be doing is coming up for ideas and sitting there. I'll start at $35 an hour and 40 hours a week. Happy it'll good and we need the money." 

"I said no Valentine!" Happy yelled. Valentine flinched when he did. Val never heard Happy raise his voice to her or really anyone. He was a very scary man, towering over people because of his 6'3 height. But to Val, he was a lovable man that loved her and weed a little to much. 

"We need the money." 

"I'm not going to have you work at a porn studio Valentine. That's my final decision." Happy's voice was filled with rage. Val did nothing but he felt so angry. He thought it was because of the babies but he's happy that he's going to be a father. But then he thought that it was the job but it wasn't that either. 

"Give me one good reason." 

"I'm the man and I should be able to provide for you and the kids." 

"Is this what this is about? Is your ego is getting in the way from me getting a job with a person I knew my whole life?" Valentine huffed and turned away from him to look out the window. They were almost home. "Jesus Happy." 

Happy stayed quiet. He pulled into their long drive way and turned off the car. He twisted his head to Val who was already looking at him. "You really want this?" He questioned. 

"Yes babe, I do." 

"Fine. But one thing happens and I don't like you ain't working there no more." 

"Yes dad." Valentine smiled. She took off her seat belt and hugged Happy. 

"I prefer daddy." 

"Oh shut up!" Valentine said pulling away from him, gently slapping his leg. She got out of the Jeep and headed for the front door with Happy following. Happy opened the door and they were greeted by a very excited dog. 

Valentine walked into the kitchen and set down her purse on the long counter. All over the counter were wedding papers and bills. Valentine ignored the mess and let Mayhem out. She went to the sink and started doing the dishes. 

"I didn't mean to yell like that in the car." Happy stated flatly.  He sat down at the counter and started moving the papers around. Sometimes flipping them over and reading them others just putting them to the side.

"I know." Val answered as she washed a egg pan. 

"Are you happy?" 


"Are you happy that you're with me?" Happy asked once again. 

"I'm the happiest that I've ever been babe. I wasn't expecting two babies but it's going to happen." Happy nodded his head and looked down at his hands. "If someone would of told me when I was 16 that I was getting married in a month and is going to have twin babies I would of got Bubba on their asses. But I'm happy that it's happening. Happy, this isn't like you." 

"You fucking mess me up Doll." Happy said. Valentine smirked and went back to washing the dishes. "I love you Doll." 

"I love you too Babe." 

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