MPAM (Under Major Editing)

By CookieMonsteer97

745K 19.2K 1.2K

Tomorrow is the day Abby's twin brother Aiden finds his mate. Abby has always been jealous of her brother bec... More

My Possessive Alpha Mate
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 - Rated R
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - R Rated
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24 - R Rated
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37 - bonus chapter
Chapter 38

Chapter 7

31.2K 755 94
By CookieMonsteer97



Chapter 7

It's been a few days since I found out about Jay and Gabe being twins and to be honest I didn't know how to feel about it, I didn't felt the pull with Jay but there was this small feeling about Gabe. Obviously I'd have more feelings towards Jay because he was the alpha of my pack but Gabe was an alpha too. They each possessed leadership qualities and the drive to succeed but two mates, the thought alone was beginning to unsettle me

Jay was everything I wanted in a mate, he set a fire within me that had my toes curling and knees weak whereas Gabe sparked me when we touched, a physical attraction, but with Jay all it takes is to look at me. I have to move back to my parents house, I need help and being here with Carson amd his family is not fair to them, my uncle would understand because he knows the position i'm in with being human. I haven't spoke to Aiden since his birthday and I felt a little selfish, over a week and no contact. But he has a mate, he should be fine. Jay on the other hand has been checking on me every second making sure I'm still fine - and lying to him was the only way to bring peace to his mind. He knew I wasn't telling the truth but he didn't press the matter further. Jay has been doing everything he can to keep Gabe away from me and it was barely working, I listened to everything Jay told me to do on how to avoid him but there was a nagging feeling in my stomach telling me what I was doing is wrong but when Jay leaves to tend to pack business, Gabe comes along

My life has been more indifferent in the last week than it has in my entire life. Jay is my mate and so is Gabe, Aiden and I haven't spoken and Riley has become more considerate towards me. The situation with Jay and Gabe is complicated. Apparently if twins have the same mate, an individual is able to reject him or her, allowing the other sibling to mate with them alone. Jay is trying to get Gabe reject me which he isn't and it's  causing conflict between the boys and the pack since Gabe re-appeared after his disapperance. I meant to ask Jay about that but everytime I mention Gabe he becomes all closed up on me. Jay has secrets about his personal life and aiai intend to find out later, if we're to be together he has to open up

Leaving my uncle's house was hard, especially since ai oonly got ther but my uncle, Rachel and Carson said it was for the best. Things change all the time

Knocking on the door of Aiden's room there was no answer so after a moments of hesitaion I began to walk away

"Come in" a gruff voice yelled

I turned around slowly creeping up to the door, turning the knob slowly my head was bowed and I walked in shamelessly, I stumbled back when I felt a pair of arms around my body

"I missed you" I smiled sadly

"I missed you too"

He released me slowly before indicating at his bed, I walked over relieved that he wasn't angry, which I would of thought but he was more happy to see me than anything

"How's everything?" Aiden asked slipping on a shirt

"Complicated" I sighed

"Tell me Abby, you know you can" His voice was soft and I felt bad about myself knowing how pathetic I looked, he should be with his mate but instead he's here talking to me

"Well I moved in the first place to be better for everyone, but as soon as I did I found out Gabe was my mate and now the whole pack is confused about him returning because Jay is refusing to tell them why he's back and I haven't really been on good speaking terms with you" I started to ramble when it slowly turned to sobs, I looked out to the window before speaking again. "Riley has been great but I can tell he hates the position everyone is putting me through, I don't know what to do, I just don't" I cried

Aiden wrapped me up in a hug and let me, I missed him so much and not talking to him for over a week was killing me. Maybe that's how he was feeling about tthe sibling connection. What kind of sister am I? What kind of person does that, no wonder why the pack and almost everyone in it hates me, I'm selfish

"Shhh Abby it's ok" Aiden said comfortingly

"I don't know what to do" I sobbed

"Everything works out in the end, it always does" he spoke softly looking at me with his chocolate brown eyes "You just have to think of life as a card game but you have to deal the cards" he smiled encouragingly

"I'm hopeless at card games" I laughed wiping away my dry tears

There was a knock at the door and I jumped slightly. The door creeked open revealing Jay, he stood there in a pair of black chino's and a red Bull's singlet. He smiled at me until he saw my tears, he came rushing to me kneeling in between my legs where he cupped my face. His hands where warm in my cold face and his touch warmed me. His touch was what I needed but because I didn't want him to see my teary face I put my head on his shoulder

"I'll take her now" Jay said before carrying me out of the room

I didn't care where we were going but being in his arms felt like safety and I wanted to break down and tell Jay everything. I looked at Aiden briefly before his bedroom door closed leaving a sad Aiden, my heart ached for my brother but all I wanted was Jay in this moment and nothing was going to stop me from being with him. He needed to let mme grow uup but I wasn't letting him, I need to grow up

He carried me up stairs with ease, his strengh always amazed me and I always wondered why he didn't find me so heavy, I mean I'm not all that skinny. I closed my eyes momentarily before hearing the sound of the door open, the scent hit me hard and it smelled like Jay, coconut and caramel. I was put softly on his bed and I relaxed instantly getting the scent of caramel on the sheets

"What's wrong love" Jay pressed taking my shoes off. It felt weird someone taking my shoes off but it also felt nice in a way, he was mine, all mine and I loved it


"Tell me" he said softly making my heart melt, moments like this with Jay is the reason I'm falling hard for him that's why I don't want to get my heart broken because when I do love him he might rip my heart out and I won't be able to handle it. I'm just waiting for the day he'll stuff up so I know I didn't make a mistake giving him a chance

"Gabe, Aiden, Riley, you" I turned and faced Jay who was getting comfortable

"What has Riley got to do with this" he growled grabbing my waist protectively

"I don't want my heart broken and Riley's just being a good friend" He pulled me closer against his chest

I loved the warm feeling I get when I'm with him and the butterflies that erupt in my stomach when he looks at me, he's all I want but there's always that small posibility that it'll backfire on me. I like Riley and he's a great friend, he listens to me, understands me because he's been there my whole life. I have a mate who happens to be his alpha so if Jay, he wouldn't try anything, he's too kind

Even though recently Jay has only found out that I'm his mate I've always seen him as good looking but now that he's my mate it's overwhelming. I mean I only use to like him for his good looks but now that I've actually gotton to know him, slightly he's beginning to be alot better, even though he's a player I believe he's willing to change it for me but if not then there's always the possibility of rejection

You can't just change in am instant, it takes time. Not even a mate can change who you are

"I would never purposely hurt you Abby" he said defendingly

"Can you promise me that?" my heart flipped but my brain questioned him

There was a moment of silence before I shut my eyes, I felt the bed dip and a door open and close. When I opened my eyes Jay was gone. He left me because he can't commit, at least ai found out now but before anythung else happened the door opened again. Sitting up Jay and Gabe walked in, both boys had small smiles on their face. I sat their confused before Jay went and sat beside me on my left and Gabe on my right

"We talked yesterday and we both agreed that we want you happy" Jay smiled at me but when his eyes landed on Gabe they turned bitter

"And we only want what's comfortable with you" Gabe said cheerfully. I looked at him uncertainly and back to Jay confused

"What are you talking about ?" I questioned them turning my attention between them

There was a moment of silence, we all just staring at each other

"Considering both of us as mates" Jay said

Having Jay and Gabe as my mate scared me and I sat there awe-struck. I can't even love one of them, yet alone two. My eyes would of popped out of my head if it was possible, someome put an arm on my shoulders and my body shot up with tingles, having both of them touch me at the same time felt really intimate

I shifted uncomfortably as they made me feel like doing things I'd never done. When I looked at Jay his eyes were dark and he stared differently at me so I shifted to Gabe and his eyes were just as dark as Jays

"Your eyes" I said looking at Jay "Why are they so dark?"

He didn't respond only growled so I went to sit up but I when I went to step passed Gabe I tripped and landed on his legs

I groaned and went and tried to get up I accidently brushed my palms over Gabe's pants and my face flushed red, Jay growled behind me. I was ripped off Gabe and placed between Jay's legs. I looked down embarrassed and felt a pair of lips on the nape of my neck. I moaned softly but covered my mouth quickly,  my hands were pulled away and suddenly I was laying down on the bed facing Jay, he had the same look pooling his eyes and I covered my face in the sheets

"Shy" he whispered huskily

"Very" Gabe added

I heard another growl rumbling in front of me and Jay got off me and let me sit up again. I didn't know what to do with both boys here with me and to be honest I didn't know how to control myself when I'm with both of them. I wanted Jay and something inside of me was saying I needed Gabe. This was all ssickness to me but I wasn't naive, I thought about what it would be like but not like this, I didn't want to lose myself this way

"Can we try something"

"What" Jay snapped while I sat there quietly

"Why don't we both try being with our mate" Gabe said but I sat there dumb folded, No. But nothing came out

"Huh?" I said, cursing internally

"You could see what it's like being with both of us" Gabe said hovering over to the bed

"I am not sharing Abby" Jay growled

"She is my mate too!" Gabe shot back

Their bickering was starting to give me a headache and I rubbed my temples, when they continued arguing I decided to stop them because the idea although sounded quite disturbing it was the only way to get Gabe to shut up but Jay wouldn't like the idea so much. From what I can see he hates it but if it will get them to stop their arguing I'll try anything and who knows maybe they'll become closer. Deciding to go through with it, it might get Gabe off me and finally Jay and I can be together

"I'll do it" I shouted

I could at least try Gabe's sake and my sanity but if anything feels wrong, we stop

Both boys snapped their head towards me and I immediately felt like cowering into a hole and dying, I knew my idea was bad but since it caused it to silence both boys I though about slowly creeping away

"Are you sure love?" Jay cooed, he brushed my check softly and I nestled my face against his large hand

"Anything for you" I smiled

He smiled back and kissed my cheek "I should tell you something though" Jay said to me, giving a look at Gabe

I sat there for a few seconds thinking of the possible outcomes of what he was about to tell me, at first I thought maybe he was kidding and he want actually going to go through with it but that changed when he said that. Then I thought maybe he was going to say this was all a lie but again he nodded no so I just shut up and let him talk

"Me and Gabe have both been with a girl at the same time"

My mouth literally fell to the bed and Jay had to put his hand under my chin and close my mouth. He and Gabe have been with the same girl together, well I supposed that's not that strange for them. There are a few menage realtionships

"Well thanks for telling me I guess" I mumbled shrugging my shoulders awkwardly

"Can I kiss you now?" Gabe yelled exaggerated . Jay and I both snapped our heads towards him and he shrugged

"What I didn't get my first kiss since this idiot over here pulled me away then we had a fight" he smiled, his smile was contagious and I smiled back at him at the memory. He seemed so childish

While I was distrated Gabe's lips brushed mine barely and his lips were soft and warm and without warning Gabe pulled me to him and his arms stayed securely around my shoulders and his lips brushed kissed mine fiercely nothing like Jay's kisses. His tongue swiped my bottom lip and I grinned cheekily when I heard him growl and lowered one of his hands to my lower back and the other around my neck. This felt wrong but so right, he kissed and touched me in a way Jay didn't. He tried deepening the kiss once again but after I was pulled back he groaned and I was met with another set of lips, this time it tasted of caramel and not chocolate. I knew instantly it was Jay and I smiled into the kiss

His hands roamed my body leaving a firery trail wherever he touched, I moaned when his hand touched my breast and starting grabbing it to the point of when it turned to pain. He layed me down without breaking the kiss and another pair of hands began run up my legs. Jay's lips left mine and starting sucking on my neck kissing along my jaw line on the way making me arch my back in response. They were both touching me, kissing me, it was futile to escape, especially the way my skin startes to heat up. My lips where met with another and this time Gabe didn't try deepening the kiss he just slid his tongue into my mouth, feeling his tongue against my own felt like my own drug, it was sweet and my own. He left my mouth and left a trail of wet kisses along my jawline. I could feel both sets of lips on either side of my neck, my body ached for more and then suddenly I felt something sharp on my neck slowly grazing my skin

Someone's teeth, a mark

"You'll feel pain but I promise it goes away soon love" Jay cooed breathlessly

He's going to mark me, a sign to other showing them that I belong to another. He was serious aabout marking me and showing the world that I'm claimed. That's a huge step but I trust him enough, he would have to be better now

"I trust you"

"I won't mark you until you say princess and until you say so" Gabe said huskily and continued kissing slowly down my neck

Suddenly I felt  a set of teeth pierce through my skin and my neck throbbed with pain, feeling the blood ooze down my skin a tongue swiped the gash and it sent to me heaven. My body at that moment shook with pleasure sending me to could nine, my eyes started to feel drowsy

"I love you Abby" I head Jay say before I blacked out

I was losing to much blood, I'm human this can't be good

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