Lamia Blood 2 BWWM ( Complete...

By LBKeen

24.8K 2.2K 125

"Mhmm, he loves me. Especially when I'm covered in the blood of the innocent lives I've taken."--- Serin Yori... More

Author Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 prt 1
Chapter 2 prt 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter Twenty-six
Chapter 27

Chapter 28

645 49 16
By LBKeen


Standing outside Lesley townhouse, Gavril knew something was wrong with him. It hadn't been as hard as it should've been to find out where she lived. The buzzing of bug against the streetlamp was the only sound the broke up the silence of the streets, aside from the sound of rushing traffic in the back ground.

He didn't know what he sought standing outside, hidden in the shadows of the trees. He pressed the flat of his hand against the tree, the buzz in his blood growing to a pitch that caused him to grit his teeth.

Closing his eyes against it, he felt restlessness but closed his at his left, a visible sign as for how he tried to control his urge to fight, and conquer. This curse blood that flowed through his veins, had damned him as surely as anything else could have.

Lifting his gaze, he found the upper floor window open. And stiffened when he saw Lesley, she sat on the windowsill. Her eyes staring at the sky above, her expression was despondent yet filled with longing, as she slowly lifted her he watched as she stroked it slowly as her eyes drifted down from the sky to the palm she touched. She slowly rubbed in circles, her brow creasing seeming to be lost in thought. She swung her legs back over, giving him her back as she stood inside her room and disappeared from sight.

After a few moments, the door to the townhouse open and Lesley stepped out, with now purse or keys in sight she shut the door behind her and skipping down the stairs she started walking. Curious, and fearing for her safety he followed her keeping a good distance.

She shoved her hands into her pockets, as she continued arriving at the end of the block, she turned the corner and he realized she was going to take the train. Keeping his distance, he wondered where she was going so late.

She didn't once look behind her, as she waited for the train to come. She stared at the tips of her shoes as if contemplating something, he had to tell himself several times not to simply approached her. He was curious about her and wanted to know everything about her.

As she jerked her head up when the train came, he quickly followed keeping a distance in the crowd of night goers and partiers. He was surprised seemed to notice her, Lesly held an air around her that constantly pulled his eyes, yet he never noticed others seeing her. Most seemed to avoid her, when the train stopped she stood. Glancing only once over to the loud teens in the corner, their laughter having drawn her attention.

He saw the dark look that came to her eyes, before she forced herself to look away and unboard. Quickly pushing through the crowd, he continued following her until he realized where they were headed as she started walking across the Brooklyn bridge.

Feeling weariness, he paused and when she did.


"How long are you going to follow me?"

Serin turned, and faced Gavril who seemed to have thought she hadn't noticed him during the long trek to arrive at the bridge.

His green eyes were as bright as ever, it felt like even night could reach them. "You knew?"

She nodded, how could she notice him. Everything about him she could almost feel, turning away from him she stared out over the long river, "It was hard not to," she gave a small smile, "I kind of expected after your performance this morning."

Stepping towards her, he stopped by her side. "...I didn't mean to fight your family."

Glancing at him, she scoffed, "Right, because you've suddenly found a love for vampires." Turning around she fully faced him, her dark brown eyes searched his face, "What if...what if I were a vampire, how would you treat me then?" Her voice had grown soft, and now her eyes avoided his eyes. "Would you reject me?"

"You're not," He said his tone sure, lifting a hand he cupped her cheek. Forcing her sad eyes to meet his, he searched her face, "So, there is nothing to worry over. Just think that this was meant, that we are meant to be."

She lifted a hand to cover his, hers darker and smaller, she shook her head. "Words like "meant to be" I've lost belief in those words if you're promising forever, don't. I never wanted forever, all I ever wanted was now, can you give me all your now?" Her eyes silently begged him for something, and only knowing he had himself to give.

Gavril bent forward, drawing her close to him. His arm wrapping around he finally could feel her trembling, he couldn't figure out just what to say.

Serin couldn't fault him, she closed her briefly at the feeling of his arms and body pressed against hers. Her lips parted voicing her thoughts before she knew she would speak them aloud.

"Take me."

He drew back, his eyes staring into hers, their green color pulling her in. "...Are you sure? There is no going would be—!"

She jerked her hand up, pressing two fingers against his lips. She slowly shook her head, her eyes squinted as she smiled, "What did I say? All I ask of you it now, nothing more and nothing less."

He searched her gaze, did she really think he'd let her go after one night? Gavril couldn't imagine being away from her calming presence for more than a second. Even now he felt reluctant to release her, so he nodded. Knowing she'd leave him here on the bridge if he didn't agree. He would give her one night, and then he'd spend all the rest making her realize that there was no other place to be.

Seeing his agreement, Serin pulled back and took his hand in hers. Her lips stretching into a bright smile.

Seeing this, Gavril could hold back from capturing her lips once more.

*** Sex Scene will be added's too saucy for y'all lol***

The sun was just peaking over the clouds when Serin, shifted away from Gavril. Her body moved silently as she stood, letting the silken sheets fall away from her body. She walked towards the large window of the penthouse apartment he'd brought her too. She watched as the sun rose, and the city below came awake. She shifted her gaze over to the bed, a wealth of words stuck in her throat.

Gavril was a masterpiece, a destructive all male entity who'd she hadn't thought would ever come to into her life. She smiled sadly, and he would be the last man she ever let touch her. Promises of a future were wasted on her, their lovemaking had been a haze of pleasure and she'd almost lost fully control and bit his strong, broad shoulders. Even now her teeth to have taste, she licked his skin enough but nothing would satisfy her need to feed on him.

Turning her eyes away from him, she moved towards her clothes and started retracing her steps as she put one each piece of clothing. When she was done, she looked over her shoulder at him.

It was odd, that he'd been sent to her just when she'd given up on bonds and love, even life itself. Feeling pain in her stomach, she turned away from him and hurriedly left his apartment. There was nothing left for her there, Gavril wanted something from her that she couldn't give as a vampire, he would reject her, she knew his hate and something in her didn't wish to see them same hate focused on her.

Pressing the button for the elevator, she entered and turned, dropping her eyes away from the closing doors.


Jerking her head up, she found the doors being forced the doors apart, and he slipped in. She stared at him in silent shock, as she angrily stared at her, "Did you think you could just leave?!" He demanded.

Avoiding his gaze, she frowned at her toes, "...You don't understand," she jerked her gaze to his face, "It is better that you just accept that I must go."

He grabbed her hand, his eyes intent upon hers, "I don't have to understand. This hand, can't—won't leave my side, I won't let it."

She attempted to pull her hand from his, "Gavril, it's not up to you. I can't stay!"

"Why can't you!" He growled, encroaching on her space, "Do you think I'll let you leave."

"I'm a vampire!"

She screamed, her eyes turning red as she glared at him, and tears started to fill her eyes. Her voice shaky, she felt her eyes widen as she realized what she'd said.

The two of them stared at each other in shocked silence, before Gavril, his eyes fluttering spoke stiltedly, "W-what did you just say?" He slowly started to shake his head disbelieving, "Y-your not a leech! YOUR NOT!" He shouted grabbing her shoulders, searching her face for a sign she was lying. "You not," he whispered harshly.

Her breathing her shaky, and unable to lie, Serin could only shake her head as she pleaded with her eyes. "I-I'm sorry," but the words meant nothing when he released her abruptly with no words.

"Gavril, I'm sorry. I didn't..." she reached out towards him, her hand trembling, "I-!"

"DON'T!" Gavril jerked his hand up, shaking his head, he nodded his head, "Just...leave..." He soft words caused her to retract her hand, and as the ding resounded in the elevator, Serin watched as he walked off it, each step short and weak.

Slowly following him out, Serin watched as he continued down the hallway. Pressing a button, and not looking he once he re-boarded the elevator going up. Turning her eyes away, she cleared her throat not bothering to brush the falling tears away.

As she listlessly made her way towards the exit, her hands loosely by her side. At first she giggled, but as she continued past the doorman she started laughing as more tears fell. Exiting the apartment building, she covered her stomach with her arms at her gut wrenching laughter.

Gasping, she slapped her chest, as she took in the passing traffic. She could cover her mouth to stop the laughter, once again she stood alone, empty and broken.

She was no one, so...she would die as no one.

Turning, she started her way towards the house she knew neither Gaius or Chloe would be at, she would rent a car and return to North Carolina to end it. She was so tired, she didn't want to continue, all she wanted was peace...and she seemed the only one willing to give it to herself.

The End part 3 coming in April/18

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