A Spark In Winter


226 18 14

(Credit to: ZaherGodOfArts for the EPIC title!) Matt is pretty much your average school kid. 17 year old Arct... Еще

Late For School
New Kid (Oh No, He's Hot!)
A Shocking Reveal!
An Unexpected Romance!
Close Quarters Loving
Sometimes Being There Is All You Need
Meet The Parents!
Felix Has A Brother (And He's Beautiful Like Felix!)
A Shocking Reveal, Part 2!
A Life Or Death Matter
There Is A Heaven, Believe Me, I See It

Hardships, With A Side Of Disgrace and Pain

11 2 0

(Felix's P.O.V)

*At Matt's House*

       We pulled into Matt's driveway, and the clock just struck 11 PM. I knocked on the door, as Matt stood behind me. I could tell he was terrified. I saw as Matt's Mom answered the door, and she looked fuming mad. "Who the fuck are you?!" She yelled at my face. I had to suppress a punch at her face. Just now met her, and already hate her. "I'm Matt's boyfriend, and what's your problem?" I forced a smooth tone in my voice. "I want to talk to Matt. You leave." Matt stepped over to his mom, his tail tucked as he gulped. "M-mom?" He looked at her in fear.

       "You're gay?!" She yelled at him, which made him cower a little. "Y-yes! I...mom, please." He seemed already defeated, as I stepped back in. "Hey...Mrs..." "Fischer!" She yelled, as I growled. "You should just let him talk. Barking at him isn't helping." I glared at her, as she pointed at me. "Last time I checked, I'm his mother, and I can do what I want with him!" She growled back at me. "And last time I checked, I actually love Matt. Seems like you don't. If you even cared for and loved him, you'd support his choice!" I bared my claws out at her, keeping them to my sides.

       We stepped in her house, as we sat at the table. "Matt...explain. Why the hell are you with this creep?" She glared at me, which made me ready to nail her down. "I love him Mom. Please, just stop." He sighed, looking down. I saw him start tearing up, as I took over for him. "You think he's a disgrace because he's gay?" I tried to have a calm tone. "Yes! His father would beat the gay out of him if he heard this!" She growled, as I stood over the table, my claws digging into it. "I'd beat the bitch out of you, if you ever hurt him!" I looked at her with malice and hatred.

       Just as I said that, Matt's Dad stepped out. "Matt's gay?" He growled. "Son...you're a disappointment." He sighed, shaking his head. "I'm not dealing with this shit. You leave this house. I don't want you staining our family name." He sighed, walking back to his room with two beers in his paws. "Speak of the devil. I've been cursed with this fuck of a son." I glared at Matt's dad, as Matt yiped, still sullen at the table. "Matt...I-I'm sorry. I just love you. I don't mean to get all rude around your parents. I just care...okay?" I consoled him, rubbing his back as he whimpered.

       His Mom barked in, blabbering, "I want the both of you out. By tomorrow. Matt...get packing. Like your dad said, you are not staining our family name with your faggotry." She growled at him as he ran off to his room, crying as he slammed the door. I glared at his Mom, my eyes wide and enraged at her. "Do you really love your son, Mrs. Fischer?" I looked at her, as he reeled back with a comeback, "I do, but this is the end of it." She growled. "Last time I checked, parents would be supportive of their kids lives. Let them be happy. Apparently...you don't want that!" I yelled at her face, as I stood over the table.

       She growled again, as I could tell her claws were out at me as well. "I'm not letting you parent my son...much less date him. You're just going to hurt him, like the rest have hurt him! We're watching out for him!" I growled again, throwing a coffee cup at the wall. "You don't understand, I care about him! You're just clouded in this delirium that you know best! You don't know shit! You know nothing of love! Look at your husband over there. The very thing you two had, and you treat him worse than the shit off your own shoes!" I glared at her, fuming as she stood over. "You guys never loved him." I growled, as she stopped, with what seemed her last words. "We do love him." I ran around the table, grabbing her and pinning her against the wall.

       "Bullshit! Look at what you did to him! You're sending him out of your house because of a sexuality!" I growled, holding her against the wall. She began to whimper a bit, but she returned to her anger. "Let go of me, or I'll call the police on your sorry ass!" "Oh, is that so? For defending the one I love from abusive, shitty parents?! You deserve what you get." I'd had enough. I grabbed her and threw a hit at her face, ripping her face open, as I ran to Matt's room. "Matt, hurry. Lets go." I said to him, as we ran off. Matt turned a quick second, looking at his mom in terror. "Felix...what did you do?" He sighed, as we ran to his car. "I did what I had to. I think we're going to live together for a while." I sighed, as he started his car. "Lets go." He sighed, looking terrified still, as we pulled out of the driveway, back to my place.

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