The Nanny

By ELBeth76

226K 2.4K 299

Bella Rydges, young free spirit lands a job as a nanny in another country. Only problem is she isn't a nanny... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5

Chapter 4

25.2K 516 93
By ELBeth76

Chapter 4

Bella was beside herself with anger, how dare her make her do this. She had no issue showing her body, but for it to be used against her will wasn't something she tolereated. Even though he was sexy as hell, she still didn't like this one bit. She heard him stand and come toward her. He was standing directly behind her. She felt his breathe on her neck and despite herself felt a stirring in her loins.

"Who's been a bad girl?" he said sounding like a creep. Still it was hot "I expect an answer Bella" Oh now he knew her name

"I have sir" she replied drawing in a breathe.

"what happens to naughty girls?" her heart was actually beating very fast from fear.

"They get punished?..." she asked hoping she got the answer right

"They get punished." he traced her lacy underpants with his fingers and she gasped.

"I don't..." he grabbed her hair in a painful grip and pulled. She winced from the pain.

"You speak when I say you speak?" he said pulling even harder "Understood?"

"Yes sir" she cried hoping he would ease the pain. He let her hair go.

"Oh Bella, Bella, Bella you have a lot to learn" he said walking away from her. "come here" This guy was not playing, he was dead serious. She turned around and walked over to him. "I want you to get down on your hands and knees and crawl over to the door for me" she couldn't believe how he was degrading her.

Knowing she really has no choice, Bella got down on her hands and kness. She started crawling "Slow down, lift up your nightie." he said just to add to her humiliation. Again she did as he ordered. He was such a creep it was scary. When she reached the door he told her to stay like that. After about five minutes he called her over again. He told her to stand and she did so grateful to get off her knees. He was behind his desk, his phone rang and he picked it up. "Yes Carl, ah ha.. yep...Hold on, just give me a second" he gestured for her to come to him using his index finger. She went over to him and he grabbed her arm painfully forcing her down onto the table. He bent her so her elbows rested onto the table. He lifted her nightie, her ass was in view and in his reach. "Carl. Yes I suggest you bring it down, no I won't have any loose ends," he continued to talk about god knows what, Bella felt so humiliated, she was bent over his table and he was tracing her lace underpants with his pen. He continued to talk like it was nothing in the world to do that to somebody you hardly know.

He bought her underpants further into her cheeks. He palmed her ass and squeezed, she gave an involuntary gasp, this was the worst thing that had ever happened to Bella in her entire life. Finally he got off his phone, "You have the most delicious looking ass I have ever seen" he said using two hands to palm her backside. She gasped as he continued to knead her ass, he became a little rough and she cried out. He bought his head down and kissed each cheek, she jumped at his touch. He laughed.

"Turn around" he ordered her quietly. She did so slowly "Take it off" She drew in a breathe and slowly took off her nightie.

"I can't do..." he stood up and grabbed her jaw in a painful grip.

"Did I ask you a question?" he said really hurting her

"No sir" she winced. Man this guy was brutal

"Don't fucking talk unless I tell you..Understood?" He forced her to nod her head in agreement.

"Yes sir" He let her go abruptly.

"Now take off your nightie" she inhaled a shaky breathe. Doing as he wanted she slowly removed her nighie. "On the table" He ordered her. Bella was beyond humiliated. She sat on the table and he pushed her so her back was flat. Oh god what was he going to do with her now?

He leisurely removed her underpants and forced her knees apart she heard him hiss in a breathe as he stared into her womanhood. "You have a very beautiful little pussy here" he said stroking her with his pen, opening her folds to gain better access. Bella closed her eyes hoping to hide from his intrusion. "Tell me Bella, how many have had access to this pussy, it looks very accommodating"

"I...I don't know sir" she replied hating him. How the hell did she know how many guys she's been with? What a jerk to even ask

"Oh no Bella, I require and answer" she bit her lip to stop her swearing at him.

"three sir" he tsked.

"You like using your pussy to pleasure them Bella?" he asked

"Well I wouldn't be fucking them if I didn't" she said fed up with his taunting, That outburst landed her a pinch on her clit which made her jump from the pain. He wouldn't relent.

"I don't do sass" he said calmly. "Repeat your answer" she was in agony

"Yes sir, I like using my pussy to pleasure them" he let go of her clit and she moaned. It felt extremely sensative.

"See Bella, your mouth has a habit of running itself off." she just wanted this to end. Just then the door knocked. Bella's heart started pounding.

"Mr Braxter, Mr Smith is here tot see you"

"Okay Harold I'll be out shortly" he said.

"Very well sir" Harold answered. Bella had no ideas what he was going to with her now.

"Up" he ordered her. She did not need to be told twice. She waited for his instructions. "Get dressed. I want you to go upstairs change and report back to me" he said dismissing her. He left her alone in the office to dress and leave. At this point Bella wanted to cry, She hurried upstairs and went straight in for a shower, she felt so dirty, how dare he treat her like this, how dare he touch her. She needed to find out just how much in trouble she would be if he called the police. Anything was better than being at the mercy of her creepy ass boss.


Caine had a fucking hard on, the little spitfire was something else. Her body was amazing and had Mr Smith not disturbed him, he would have his dick so far up her hot little pussy. Down boy, he said to himself, he wanted this visit to go well. "Hey Charles," he moved over to him and shook his hand. Charles was a forty year old something, very rich and very powerful. He and Caine owned half of the countries machinery exports. He was a colleague, they had been in business together for over ten years.

Charles saw potential in a young twenty five year old Caine. He took him on board and they headed straight to the top. He even introduced him to Chloe his ex wife. Now ten years on and Caine holds as much power as Charles. "Caine, how are you?" they got the formalities over and done with and started on business.

Caine was not as interested as he once was with making money, he made more than enough to live off for five life times. They had a scotch and finished up talk of business. Just then Bella walked into formal room where they were seated. She looked sexy as hell in her faded denim jeans that had tears throughout. She complimented the look by wearing an off the shoulder black top. She had flip flops on and her wet hair was tied atop her head. She smelt fantastic.

Charles stood up as she entered. "Charles this is my children's nanny Ms Rydges" He looked her up and down and raised an eyebrow at Caine, he knew he was shocked to see somebody like her working for him.

"Pleasure to meet you Ms Rydges" he kissed her hand and she smiled.

"Bella, please call me Bella" she said ignoring Caine. He smiled to himself, she was pissed.

"Please join us" Charles said to her. She looked over at Caine who nodded his head. She took the single arm chair beside the chair that Charles was sitting on" Caine was opposite her and staring directly into her big blue eyes. "The kids haven't run you off yet?" he asked smiling.

"No, they are angels" she said seriously, earning a laugh from both of them. wasn't meant as a joke.

"My dear, I have known these kids almost all their lives. They are anything but angels" he said said smiling.

"Seriously, they are awesome. Bart is probably the smartest kid I know. He has the best sense of humor, it's dry, so if you don't pick up on it you'll never know he was taking the piss...the mickey out of you...and Sarah she is such a little personality. She can hold her breathe for like a really long time. She laughs at everything and she can confuse you when she wants to. Very smart little cookie." they both stared at her like she was daft.

"I'll take your word for it. I'm surprised your not running out of the house screaming to get away."

"Hey Charles my kids do not run nanny's out" he said smiling. "They are the most well behaved kids in the world...around me that is" Charles laughed. Bella let it go.

"So where is that adorable accent from?" he asked her

"Australia, I live in Sydney a little suburb out west" she said smiling.

"Long way from home?"

"Year I know, but change is good...sometimes" she said as an afterthought.

This went on for an hour, Caine watched Bella trying to stay on her best behavior. Caine heard the kids, they were finally awake, they had no idea he was home, they had already missed their coaching session and their swimming session. He was not amused. They waltzed in and froze when they saw him. Standing straight they looked at Bella as if for help. He was furious, they were in the sleepware, Sarah had a hair cut, her long pretty locks gone, and Bart's hair was spiky a little too long at the front leaning to the side.

Caine stood up and went to them. "Good morning" he said to his nervous looking brats.

"Good morning father" they replied in unison. "Good morning Charles" they continued.

"Well good morning there, my god you have grown." They waited patiently for him to speak. Bella surprised him by standing beside them.

"Hey guys, how about you go upstairs and change and come back down. Breakfast should should be ready"

"More like lunch" Caine corrected her. She smiled and looked at him.

"Call it Brunch, same diff really" they looked at their father and he nodded for them to do as she instructed.

"Ms Rydges, they have missed all their morning activities. I don't appreciate them lazing around" he said starting to get pissed at the lack of routine.

"I know. I have given them friday, saturday and sunday off. Kids need to rest, they need enjoy themselves. You will run them down if you continue their routine. I've worked out a way where they are not missing any training sessions and are able to get study in." he didn't like this one bit.

"I have to be going. It was a pleasure to meet you Bella" he kissed her hand again. He shook Caine's hand. Charles understood that Caine was pissed, he knew him well enough to know that it was time to go. As soon as he left he looked at Bella in her jeans and his dick jolted to life.

"You gave my kids three days off?" he said stalking toward her.

"Yes I did, they're kids, they need a life" she said sounding brave. Had he not seen her hands shake he would have assumed she was very brave indeed.

"You dare to tell me about my children, you dare to tell me how to deal with my children" she glared up at him.

"My routine seems to be working fine. You could at least give it a go" she said with hope in her eyes

"I don't tolerate disobedience Ms Rydges" he said standing directly down into her big blue eyes. He grabbed the bridge of his nose, not knowing what to do.

"They are doing all the hours you require, I just did it in a way where it's not all over the place. They go to school they come home do their training, shower do some homework and have their dinner. That's it, I don't understand why you can't see it as a positive thing"

"Oh the kids will be punished, make no mistake" he saw her face drop, she was afraid for the kids.

"Listen, how about you punish me and leave the kids out of this. I threatened them that you gave me full authority to do what I wanted. I'm to blame" she said biting her lips. He raised an eyebrow, this could work in his favor.

"Okay I will play along. I will leave this new routine for the time being" he saw her look of relief.

"Thank you" she said thinking that was the end of it.

"Oh don't thank me yet, you have yet to receive the punishment you so gallantly volunteered for" he saw her beautiful face drop.

"You know how sick this is?" he smiled

"Yes I do" he touched her face and she flinched. He shook his head "Don't do that" he warned her. Now was not the time nor the place to do this, he would wait, he didn't want to be interrupted again. He let her go. "Go and do your job" he said turning away from her. He heard her leave the room in a hurry, he had the biggest hard on, Fuck this kid was going to kill him, his dick was aching to fuck her.


How in gods name was she going to get out of this? He was an absolute freak, he was going to fuck her and she could do nothing but take it. He was so determined to put her under his control. She admitted that it was wrong to pose as something she's not, but to go to this extent that was just way to extreme. She would do his bidding and hopefully in time he would be over it. She could use a little bit of fun in the sex department, she hadn't really had any sex in over three months. She was done pleasuring herself, it was never the same.

Guys her age were just not cutting it for her, they were too unexperienced. She didn't mind it most of the time but sometimes she just wanted raw uninhibited sex. Bella needed somebody who was willing to give as she gave. She was sick of directing the boys to get to what she liked. It was too much work. So she was on hiatus for while. Promising herself that she wouldn't have intercourse with anymore guys from clubs or beaches or what not. She wanted to get to know somebody before she fucked him. At least she would get an insight of what his character was and maybe the sex would be a little more urgent.

When the kids came down they were looking very nervous "Hey" she said calling them over. "Breakfast is served" she said and took a seat outside.

"Bella father won't like this,, we are already in trouble" Bart said looking around

"No your not, it's all good. I will deal with eating outside don't worry. I mean look how gorgeous he weather is" They hesitantly made their way to her and took a seat. "And you'll be staying in school" their faces lit up

"Are you fired?" she shook her head smiling

"Nope" she said grabbing a toast and taking a chunk out of it. "I'm like starving" she said to them. Just then Mr dickhead decided to walk out and take joined them.

"Outside...Is this another one of your changes Ms Rydges" she smiled sweetly

"It's a nice day, you don't get many of those in England. Might as well make the most of the sunshine."

"Yes. I see the kids have a new wardrobe" Bella was starting to think he was counting the punishments. Add they kept adding on

"Yes don't they look great?" she said stuffing her toast in her mouth. He smiled darkly at her.

"I also hear that we had a few parties here, is that correct Bart" poor Bart looked nervous.

"Yes father" he answered looking up

"Did you clear that with me?" he asked.

"No father"

"But he cleared it with me, after all I was in total control remember?" she jumped in earning herself another addition to her punishment list.

"Yes, yes, of course. And Sarah here with the new hair cut, I hear you went to Irene's birthday, is that correct?"

"Yes father" she said looking down.

"Again my bad" Bella was in so much trouble. She really did kill his routine.

"Yes that's right, because I gave you total authority, is that right Ms Rydes?"

"Yes Father...I mean Mr Braxter" the kids chuckled and after receiving a simple look from their father they shut them up.

"Ms Rydges, what do you suppose will be happening today. I mean are the kids to do nothing at all?" Bella thought about it.

"Well usually, kids go and do stuff with other kids. I mean I used to hang out of the library, it was great, we would all meet up and we used to..."

"Ms Rydges, answer my question please" he said holding the bridge of his nose. She crinkled her nose, okay so she was a little lost as to what to do with them.

"I'm not sure sir" she said honestly. "I wanted them do just take time to unwind" he nodded his head.

"Very well Ms Rydges thinks it's best if you do nothing at all for the whole day, let's see how that works out." Okay he was a scary freak. When breakfast was finished Bella told the kids to help Carol take in the empty plates. She noticed the look on Mr Braxter's face. He seemed impressed.

"Okay guys your good to go" she said to them. They quickly pecked her on the cheek and hurried off. Bella chanced a look at her boss and he seemed a little taken aback by his children's show of emotion to her. "So I gather I'm in a lot of trouble?" she said trying to get it over and done with.

"Oh a lot of trouble" he said with promise in his voice.

"Will it change anything if I say I'm sorry?" she said biting her lip hoping he would take pity on her. He laughed and leaned back in his chair.

"I'm very intrigued to know how you thought to pull this off" he said to her.

"Well I never thought I would get the job, and when you said I got it, I just went along with it." She shrugged. "If you really think about it, it's quite funny."

"You think it's funny to play me a fool? I'm sorry Ms Rygdes, I don't take too kindly to being lied to" she drew in a breathe

"I didn't really lie to you, I just didn't tell you the truth, there is a difference" she said nodding at him.

"Don't be cute...I don't fall for the act" she pouted.

"I am cute...that's what they say anyway, so really I'm not trying to be cute, I am cute" the look he gave her was one of disbelief. He shook his head.

"Cute...yes. You know where cute gets you with me?" he asked seriously

"Into trouble?" she answered still trying to get him to lighten up.

"Spot on" she bit her lip. It was sick but she was actually getting very aroused by his way of talking to her. Yep she needed to get laid bad, maybe James was up for it.

"Okay so, I'm off for the day, I mean its Sunday, that's my day off right?" she said standing up

"Sit down" he said quietly. She sort of feared his tone and sat back down

"Is there something you wanted now?" she asked stupidly

"I'm not sure you quite grasp the concept of being under my total control. There will be no going anywhere, you think I'm that stupid to let you go?" she opened her eyes wide.

"You can't keep me locked up in here" she said not believing her ears.

"The hell I can't. I think you still think this is some sort of game, believe you me, I don't play games. You made your choice, you will honor it" Bella was shocked dumb.

"I don't understand why you are being so cruel. At least what I did was in your children's best interest. I have not really done anything wrong." He nodded

"Your right, except for the fact that Betty saw you stealing from my room. I too saw it, so add that to fraud, I would say your charges will be pretty extreme" Bella shook her head. No this was not a joke, this guy just turned up the volume.

"Fine Mr Braxter, what would would you have me do? I'm thinking you want a fuck, fine, let's get it over with" she didn't want him to think he frightened her, which he did servelely.

"Make no mistake Ms Rydges, I will fuck you, just not now. I think I have other tasks for you first. Its your day off you say?" she nodded biting her lips. "Good, go up to your room and remain there until I tell you othewise" she huffed and walked away. "What do you say?" she stopped short and turned glaring at him.

"Yes sir" he smiled.

"Better" Bella couldn't believe her luck, actually she could, never been one to have any why should this be any different?

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