Runaway (A Zayn Malik fanfict...

By exquisites

5.7M 198K 91K

"You are the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me, you bastard. I need you but I can't have you... More

Chapter 1 ♡
Chapter 2 ♡
Chapter 3 ♡
Chapter 4 ♡
Chapter 5 ♡
Chapter 6 ♡
Chapter 7 ♡
Chapter 8 ♡
Chapter 9 ♡
Chapter 10 ♡
Chapter 11 ♡
Chapter 12 ♡
Chapter 13 ♡
Chapter 14 ♡
Chapter 15 ♡
Chapter 16 ♡
Chapter 17 ♡
Chapter 18 ♡
Chapter 19 ♡
Chapter 20 ♡
Chapter 21 ♡
Chapter 22 ♡
Chapter 23 ♡
Chapter 24 ♡
Chapter 25 ♡
Chapter 26 ♡
Chapter 27 ♡
Chapter 28 ♡
Chapter 29 ♡
Chapter 30 ♡
Chapter 31 ♡
Chapter 32 ♡
Chapter 33 ♡
Chapter 34 ♡
Chapter 35 ♡
Chapter 36 ♡
Chapter 37 ♡
Chapter 38 ♡
Chapter 39 ♡
Chapter 40 ♡
Chapter 41 ♡
Chapter 42 ♡
Chapter 43 ♡
Chapter 44 ♡
Chapter 45 ♡
Chapter 46 ♡
Chapter 47 ♡
Chapter 48 ♡
Chapter 49 ♡
Chapter 50 ♡
Chapter 52 ♡
Chapter 53 ♡
Chapter 54 ♡
Chapter 55 ♡
Chapter 56 ♡
Chapter 57 ♡
Chapter 58 ♡
Chapter 59 ♡
Chapter 60 ♡
Chapter 61 ♡
Chapter 62 ♡
Chapter 63 ♡
Chapter 64 ♡
Chapter 65 ♡
Chapter 66 ♡
Chapter 67 ♡
Chapter 68 ♡
Chapter 69 ♡
Chapter 70 ♡
Chapter 71 ♡
Chapter 72 ♡
Chapter 73 ♡
Chapter 74 ♡
Chapter 75 ♡
Chapter 76 ♡
Chapter 77 ♡
Chapter 78 ♡
Chapter 79 ♡
Chapter 80 ♡
Chapter 81 ♡
Chapter 82 ♡
Chapter 83 ♡
Chapter 84 ♡
Chapter 85 ♡
Chapter 86 ♡
Chapter 87 ♡
Chapter 88 ♡
Chapter 89 ♡
Chapter 90 ♡
Chapter 91 ♡
Chapter 92 ♡
Chapter 93 ♡
Chapter 94 ♡
Chapter 95 ♡
Chapter 96 ♡
Chapter 97 ♡
Chapter 98 ♡
Chapter 99 ♡
Chapter 100 ♡
Author's Note

Chapter 51 ♡

50.2K 2.1K 645
By exquisites

Chapter 51

(Kat's POV)

"That's the last one," Zayn said, setting the last box on the ground.

I walked over and handed him a water bottle. He was sweating, even though it was freezing outside. Instantly, I felt bad for making him help me with bringing stuff from my house to my apartment.

"Sorry for making you help me," I said to him. I wiped the sweat off his forehead with a towel. He laughed it off and kissed me on the forehead before walking over and sitting down on the couch.

His attire today reminded me of when I first saw him from my window when he was at the back of a moving truck, waving them off.

I smiled big at the thought of that. h
He turned over and saw me staring at him. "What's so funny?"

I shook my head, "remember when you moved in? It was the first time we really talked to each other."

"Oh yeah," he nodded and smiled.

I walked over and sat down on the couch beside him. "What if I never talked to you?" I asked.

He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. I rested my head on his chest as he placed a kiss on my hair. "Then I probably would've been The Grumpy Guy Who Lives Across The Street."

I giggled, "no. Then you would've probably been The Hot Guy Who Doesn't Get Out Very Often."

He laughed, a laugh that made my heart melt every time.

I looked around the apartment, everywhere were boxes. Dad had already put a bed, TV, and a couch in for me. Everything else, I got from home and did a bit of shopping. Now all I had to do was unload every single box.

That's all.

I stood up off the couch and began to walk over to the boxes. I lifted up a box labeled fragile, and immediately regretted because of it's weight. I felt two arms wrap around the box and I looked up to see Zayn.

"Where do you want this?" He asked.

"Kitchen counter."

He nodded and walked over. It was heavy, but he made it look like it weighed nothing at all.

He turned to me, "don't carry the heavy stuff, I'll do that."

I nodded, placing a kiss on his cheek. I walked past him and opened the box. It was full of glasses and plates. I carefully got them out, one by one and set them in their correct places.

I opened the cabinet, trying to reach up to put the glass on the top shelf, but I was too short. I felt an hand slide up my arm and connect to the glass that was in my hand.

Zayn's breath was hot against my neck. He placed the glass on the top but didn't move once he was completed.

He wrapped both of his arms around my waist, my back pressed to his chest. He bent down and placed a soft kiss on my neck.

I shut my eyes as he whispered, "should we do this tomorrow? I've got better things planned for tonight."

I shivered at his words, my heart skipped a beat. It was mind blowing how easily he had me in his control.

But when a girl needed to unpack, she needed to unpack. No matter how tempting his offer was, I shook my head. "Maybe later Zayn," I smirked, feeling proud that I declined him.

He chuckled against me, "you must really love unpacking."

I turned to face him, he smiled down at me. I bent up and placed a delicate kiss on his lips. He smirked under the kiss and didn't hesitate while kissing me back. He slid me on top of the counter and rested his arms on either side of me.

Okay. Maybe Zayn was a bit more fun than unpacking.

The kiss was getting a bit heated until we heard a faint knock on the door. We instantly pulled apart and Zayn helped me off the counter as I walked towards it.

I looked through the peephole and opened the door after seeing who it was. Zayn stood behind me.

A woman who looked around her late twenties was standing there with a dish tray in her hands. There were two kids on either side of her, one small girl and one boy. The girl looked terrified, hiding in her mother's legs but the boy was peeking in the apartment, curious.

I smiled at them, "hello."

The woman smiled back, "hi. I heard you just moved in?"

Her statement came out more like a question, so I answered. "Yeah, just got here. Come in."

I directed her and her kids inside and I felt Zayn looking around for things that the kids could damage.

"My name is Marilyn. These are my kids, Hazel and Edmond." She introduced herself and looked down at her kids.

"Say hi," she whispered to them.

The young boy smiled and waved at us, and I waved back. But the girl didn't say anything, obviously shy.

"I'm Kat, and this is my boyfriend, Zayn." I introduced to them.

"Hi," Zayn spoke charmingly.

"Kat? You mean like the animal?" Edmond spoke.

I nodded, "yup. But it's spelled with a K instead of a C."

The boy nodded in understanding then continued to look around. Marilyn handed me the dish tray and said, "they're brownies. Hazel helped make them."

"Thank you." I smiled and took them from her hand, setting them down on the counter.

"Have a seat," I told them, pointing to the couch.

"Oh no thank you, I was on my way to the doctor's office and I just wanted to introduce myself. Also, I wanted to warn you about my kids, they can get pretty loud sometimes. So I apologize in advance." Marilyn said.

I waved her off, "oh don't worry about it. I'm sure we'll be fine."

She smiled at me, then looked at Zayn who was standing there with his arms behind him, smiling. "Well it was great meeting you two, I'll be right next door if you need anything. Alright?"

I smiled back, "thank you."

She turned to the door and I followed, walking her out. "Say bye kids," Marilyn said.

"Bye Kat! Bye Zayn!" Edmond shouted but Hazel didn't say anything.

"Goodbye," Marilyn said while walking out the door. I waved to her and her kids then shut the door.

I turned to Zayn, "they seem nice."

"They do," he agreed, "but watch out for any other people who live nearby. You never know what type of people there are here."

I shoved him back, "stop scaring me."

He chuckled as he and I both walked back to the kitchen and continued setting things in the shelves.

"But seriously," he said while stacking plates into the cabinet, "if someone is ever bothering you, call me and I'll be there. Okay?"


"And if someone's making noise, call me."


"And if someone knocks at your door at night, don't answer it unless it's your your dad or me."


"And if-"

"Okay Zayn," I giggled at him. "If anyone ever bothers me, I'll call you. Nobody else."

He smiled, "that's my girl."

When it became eight at night, Zayn and I had finished with the majority of my apartment. Clothes were hung, kitchen was set, picture frames were hung, curtains were put up, rugs were set out, and all the rooms were set.

"Finally," he took a sigh of relief.

I walked over to him and kissed him quickly, "thank you so much for helping babe."

He looked down at me and smiled, "I wasn't going to let you do it alone."

That's when I heard his stomach growl loudly and I realized neither of us had ate since breakfast.

"You hungry?" I asked him.

He nodded and turned towards the kitchen. I walked with him inside and watched as he opened the fridge. Both of us cursed when we noticed it was empty.

He turned to me, "what now?"

I shrugged, "let's go out to eat."


"Hey sugar," Margaret spoke to Zayn as he and I inside 'Bradford's Finest Diner". It was empty and she was working on repairing the jukebox that seemed to be broken

"Hey there," Zayn said to her, passing her a wink.

She smiled at me, "hey Kat, how are you?"

I smiled back. She had recognized me by the amount of times Zayn and I came into this place, but she still wasn't as familiar with me as she was with Zayn. "I'm good, and you?"

"Doing great now that my favorite customer is here," she smiled at Zayn.

Zayn gushed, "oh stop it."

She giggled as Zayn and and I sat on the stools placed in front of the counter. She jammed the jukebox, trying to start it.

"I'll be right there," she said in her honey sweet voice.

She contained to hit the jukebox, dust flying out of it. Zayn saw her struggling and said, "you need some help?"

She turned to Zayn, "oh no thank you sweetie, you came to eat."

Zayn laughed it off and walked towards her anyways. I watched as they both picked the jukebox up, rocking it back and forth. Margaret's gray hair had slipped out of the ponytail she had tied it in, showing that she had probably been working on the problem for a long time. Zayn was focused on the box as I watched his face trying to solve the problem.

"Move back just a bit," he told Margaret.

She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand and took a couple of steps back. We both watched as Zayn spotted a certain corner, tapped it with his knuckles, and after realizing it was sturdy enough, he kicked it hard.

The music immediately started playing, some old song that I couldn't recognize. But my main focus was how Zayn's face changed as he flinched. He must've hurt his foot.

"Oh thank you so much!" Margaret exclaimed.

Zayn smiled but I saw through it. I ran over to him, bending down to reach his foot. "Are you okay?"

He laughed, "I'm fine Kat."

"Zayn really, are you hurt."

He grabbed my shoulders, bringing me up to face him. He looked into my eyes while saying, "I promise, I'm okay."

"Oh I'm so sorry. See you shouldn't have helped me. I'm sorry sweet pea, do you need some ice?" Margaret spoke, concerned.

Zayn smiled and shook his head, "I'm okay. Thanks Margaret."

She didn't dismiss it though, instead she said. "Why don't I get you some food, and I'll get you some ice. The usual?"

Both Zayn and I nodded.

We watched as she danced her way into the kitchen, moving along with the music. I diverted my attention back to Zayn.

"Seriously Zayn, let me check your foot."

He took my hands in his, leaning forward and placing a kiss on my forehead. "I'm fine baby."

I shut my eyes at his touch, hearing the song behind us changing into one I had recognized. Something I need by OneRepublic started playing.

I laughed as he started to dance with me, trying to change the subject. He smiled while taking my hands and spinning me around. He sang along to the words as I giggled. He spun me under his arm, my feet moving along as we danced together. He pressed his body to mine, swaying along with me.

"And if you only die once, I wanna die with you," Zayn sang to me.

He put one hand on my waist and the other, he locked with mine. He moved happily across the restaurant with me. In no way were we dancing well, but neither of us cared. I wrapped my arms around his neck as his made their way around my waist. We moved together eagerly to the beat.

"Honey don't you be afraid, if we got nothing, we got us."

We both laughed as our bodies moved to the song. Our dancing became jumping, and our jumping became skipping, but we continued to dance like idiots. I stared at him as a giant smile was plastered on his face, a smile that you couldn't help but smile along with.

"In this world full of people, there's one killing me."

Then, as the song began to end, he pressed his body to mine once again. His hands traveled down to my forearms and locked with my hands once again.

He looked me in the eyes, "and if we only live once, I wanna live with you."

He leaned down to kiss me, but before he could, I heard Margaret's voice ringing in the kitchen.

"You're having a dance party without me?" She walked out, balancing trays on her hands. As she set them on the counter and dusted herself off, we walked over and sat down.

"Sorry about that," Zayn apologized.

She waved him off, "you're forgiven. But next time, you better invite me."

"Yes ma'am." We laughed.


To every single one of my loyal readers, I want you to know that you're the reason I haven't given up on this fanfic. It means so much that you guys read my fanfics and enjoy it. so thank you very much. I love you.

It would mean a lot for you to leave feedback, vote, and follow me. Remember, it takes hours for me to write, and seconds for you to vote. :) ily.

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