His Blue Eyes (Sequel to Kidn...

By _lexiiiixo

18.2K 573 139

You might've thought that was the end for Chantelle and Louis. But after they get married a lot more happen... More

His Blue Eyes (Sequel to Kidnapped By One Direction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15

Chapter 5

1.1K 34 6
By _lexiiiixo

My eyes widened, hearing the familiar voice that I dreaded, wishing I could never hear it again. I turned around and saw Jack, at one of the tables, sitting down and smirking at me. His crutches leaning against the table. All of it came back, the memories of him getting hit by the car, thinking it was Harry. I gulped nervously and just stared at him.

He licked his lips and crossed his arms, shaking his head. "Remember me? The one who got ran over by that truck, trying to save your little ass from that bloke out there." He smirked and chuckled. I scoffed and crossed my arms.

"Are you talking about Louis? For your information I'm happy. He wouldn't do anything to hurt me." I smirked and rolled my eyes, paying for the croissants and grabbed the bag, heading for the door. He limped and wobbled over on his crutches, chuckling and shaking his head.

"Mmmm yeah? Look around Chantelle. The world is fucked and so is he. All you keep remembering is the Louis who, proposed to you the day after you left him. The Louis who booked this fabulous trip known as your honey moon. The Louis that you have fallen in love with." He smirked evilly and shook his head again, crossing his arms "When you don't realize somewhere behind those blue eyes, the old Louis is watching. Waiting to reappear again. You don't even know what's coming for you don't you? Of course you don't, silly girl. Should've ran from this a long time ago. Remember the Louis Tomlinson who bullied you all throughout school? Of course not, because you don't want to remember that side of him but you can't help it." I bit my lip, tearing up a little as old memories came back, I squinted my eyes trying to block them out but they just kept replaying in my mind.

"Your lying. You're a liar, a sick twisted liar." I choked out and walked out the door. He followed behind and chuckled, standing infront of me.

"I'm not liar Chantelle. He is." He said calmly, shaking his head continuing to smirk. "He kidnapped you Chantelle. Saying he wanted to apologize. What happened to the good old mobile eh?" He chuckled and looked around, sighing. "You know I'm right Chantelle, you know you believe me. You just don't want to. Behind his eyes are lies. Lies waiting to be told." He turned around and starting to wobble away on his crutches. I looked down and sniffled, shaking my head. "Oh and Chantelle." He called, turning around and smirking. "Remember, I'm always watching. And im always around. One way or another, I am." He winked and turned back around, wobbling away.

I whimpered and looked away, walking back towards where I left Louis before, not noticing that Jack had dropped his crutches onto a bush, walking away perfectly fine, and stable on both two legs.


Louis smiled once he saw me, walking over and kissing my cheek. "Hey beautiful haven't seen you in /ages/." He chuckled and took the bag, looking inside. I smiled and laughed softly, looking away, trying to hide my concern and confusion. I really do love Louis. I honestly do. I wasn't sure how he felt about me.

He must've noticed my strange behavior on the way back to the hotel, because once we got back into our room he took my hand and kissed it looking into my eyes, a frown across his lips.

"What's wrong baby? Did I do something wrong? What is it?" He asked and squeezed my hands three times, lovingly. I smiled sadly at him and kissed his cheek, sitting down on the bed "Nothing handsome." I said and kissed his cheek.

He sighed and smiled, caressing my back before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead, walking to the bathroom "Good lovely." I bit my lip and played with my fingers, replaying in my mind what had happened earlier, mixed with a bunch of memories of Louis.

After a few minutes of awkward silence I decided to speak up, hesitating a little. "Do you love me?" I asked quietly and hearing the water shut off.

"Hmm?" He hummed and walked out, looking at me while leaning against the wall. I bit my lip and stopped playing with my fingers, simply just placing my hands in my lap, and glancing at him a few times.

"D-Do you love me?" I croaked out again, seeing his face expression change instantly. He gasped quietly and nodded quickly, rushing over to me, pecking my lips repeatedly.

"Do I love you? What kind of question is that love. Of course I love you! I am so in love with you I don't love anybody else on the face of the /earth/ I love you! My love for you is infinite. So infinite there's not enough characters on a Twitter tweet to explain my love for you!" I cupped my jaw in his hand, looking into my eyes. I smiled and tested up a little, staring back into his gorgeous eyes.

"You really mean it?" I breathed and bit my lip. He smiled softly and pressed his lips to mine in a loving, sweet kiss.

"Didn't that explain enough?" He giggled and caressed my chin and jaw, nodding again, pecking my lips and putting our forehead together. "I love you, so so so much Chantelle. I am so in love with you. You and me, every day. Forever. Okay?" He whispered and I nodded blushing as tears fell.

"Okay." I breathed and sniffled as he wiped my tears away with his thumb, pressing a loving kiss to my wet cheeks.

"Happy tears gorgeous happy tears. I love you more than anything in the universe." He breathed and closed his eyes. I giggled softly and nodded, feeling him hold me close in his strong arms.

"Happy tears I promise. I love you too. More than anything in the universe. It's just that.." I stopped myself, biting my lip hoping he wouldn't ask.

He frowned a little and looked into my eyes "It's just what, lovely?" He asked quietly, stroking my cheek with his thumb.

I shook my head and looked away, then back at him and smiled widely pecking his lips repeatedly. "It's just that I love hearing you say it." I lied completely and giggled, kissing his forehead. His frown changed to the smile that I love. That I was so in love with.

"Good my baby." He said and pressed a kiss to my forehead, getting up. "I'll be right back okay? Wanna go downstairs and find out about room service and stuff around. Hopefully they aren't too French to not understand what I'm saying." He winked jokingly and giggled, walking out the door. I bit my lip and giggled quietly, wiping my eyes and shaking my head, looking at the window, disappointed in myself.

I hated lying to him.


About twenty minutes later I heard a knock at the door. I was currently in the middle of watching some kind of weird French guy talk on the television, too busy to get up and open the door. But the knocking kept on erupting at the door.

I groaned and laughed, getting up and shaking my head, walking to the door. "Lou you have a room key you know-" I opened the door and my eyes widened, stopping completely in the spot I was in. Jack was leaning in the doorway, smirking at me.

"Didn't leave him yet huh? I was hoping I had a shot." He chuckled and shook his head. I gulped nervously and watched him. "You better get out of here before Louis sees you." I mumbled and gnawed at my bottom lip, he disgusted me. Everything about him. An average person who was casually walking down the street would think Jack is a complete hottie. But his personality and everything made me cringe. Frightened me.

"Oh come on, he can barely throw a punch and um, you really didn't reevaluate what I told you to think about did you?" He scoffed and smirked, rolling his eyes.

"Think about what?-" I heard Louis" voice, seeing him stop dead in his tracks, staring at Jack and I. I watched him drop the room key and glare at Jack. My body shivering and tensing up a little, noticing Louis tense up as well. But not with fear, with anger. The look in his eyes set off a bad message. He looked as if he was going to kill Jack. He balled his fists and took a step forward. I just stood there, watching in fear.

"Mmmm Louis, Louis Tomlinson. So nice to see..you again."

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