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By asterousasfrick

43.6K 1.8K 972

• #4 IN #DADDYBATS • The Young Justice team has a big problem when Robin, their youngest member of thirteen... More

→ OOPS ←
Important message


4.8K 218 108
By asterousasfrick

Author note: Third chapter!! Sorry for the wait :/ Ive been busy with school and sports, but luckily my school year is a few days from being over so I'll have more time to write (yay!).
If you want to know when my next chapters will be out, just ask.
Remember to like and/or comment if you enjoy!!


"Why is this place called Happy Harbor?" Robin asked Megan.

"I'm not sure! I'm from Mars, remember?" The Martian pointed out sweetly.

Megan, Artemis, Wally, and Connor were now walking the streets of Happy Harbor with their young friend. Rocket had begged Zatanna to stay at the mountain with her, (even though she wanted to go with them) but stayed anyways. Aqualad had also insisted staying at the mountain, considering it was extremely hot outside. Megan was burning up, but mini-Robin was too adorable; plus she wanted to have fun around town.

"So, what are we doing?" Connor asked, glancing at the other three teens for a answer.

"Hmm... Maybe- hey, where's Robin?!" Wally practically shouted. The other teenagers then glanced around the area, their eyes not finding a small black-haired boy.

Artemis sighed. "He was bound to run off eventually. He's like, nine guys. Cut him some slack. I'm sure we'll find him."

"You've got to be kidding me." The speedster complained.

"Maybe you can use your super speed to find him?" Megan suggested, and uneasy look of her face.

"No superpowers when out of uniform." Artemis teased, sending Wally an evil smirk. He pouted.

Connor crossed his arms. "Then we do this the hard way. Split up."


Artemis decided to search the local grocery store, because they were near there when he disappeared. And, she could shop while she was at it. What harm could it do?

A lot of harm.

The store was huge, and semi-crowded.

Maybe he would be in the toy section? He was a kid now, after all.

The archer walked the halls until she finally saw a sign overhead, reading "toys". She walked through the aisle, but didn't see Robin anywhere.

'Dammit. This is gonna take awhile.'

After a good five minutes of searching, she came across the food section.

Of course the little shit was sitting on the ground with three open boxes of crackers, with his hands covered in crumbs. Artemis was fuming.

"You're gonna have to pay for that, you know!" She yelled. Robin just laughed, before flipping over the shelves and disappearing from sight.

"Hey, what the hell lady?! You're paying for that!"

Of course, one of the store co workers walked by at the perfect moment.

|Four minutes later|

'Mm. Food.' Wally thought as he entered the cafe.

He was just getting a small snack... No big deal. Rob could handle himself, and the others could find him.

"I'd like three coffees, four plates of bacon, and some toast. That ought to fill me up!" He ordered at the counter. The cashier looked a bit scared, surprised by his order. She nodded, and walked off.

Wally sat at one of the tables by the large front windows, revealing the outdoors. He grinned as he saw Artemis storm out of the grocery store with a scowl on her face.


Suddenly, he caught a figure out of the corner of his eye.

Robin had his face up against the window, smirking.

"You little-"

Wally attempted to speed out of the building, but resulted in knocking down the table, and accidentally shoving the woman that had taken his order.

They both were now covered in coffee and a greasy mess.

"Uhh... Sorry?" He apologized.

The woman groaned. And of course, when Wally looked back at the window, no one was there.

|Two minutes later|

Connor growled with rage when he saw Robin casually sitting on the top of someone's car.

And no, the car was not parked.

And yes, the car was now in motion.

And yes, Connor was chasing after the car like an idiot.

Not to mention that the driver could see the muscled teen running after his car. The driver was more than a bit frightened, causing him to speed up some more.

"Robin!" Superboy screamed, still chasing after the moving car. The car was now taking jagged turns, and was moving so quickly that it had started to go in circles around the block.

Robin's cackling made the clone's ears want to bleed.

When he noticed that the car was headed to the park; where Megan had decided to search; he gave up.

'M'gann can deal with you.'

|One minute later|

Megan was searching the park intently, with focus. How did they lose him so easily?

Suddenly, she heard the screeching of tires against the asphalt road as a car came to an abrupt stop nearby. What surprised her the most was the small boy that jumped off of the hood of the car.

'I found Robin! He's at the park!' The Martian alerted, creating a mental link with the other teens.

'Trust me. We know.' Connor responded.

Megan glanced at the entrance of the park and saw three pissed off, unhappy teenagers glaring daggers at Robin who was now casually swinging on the swing set.

The four teenagers ran over, angry.

"Why would you run off like that, Robin?"
"Are you insane?!"
"You're so annoying!"
"I want you back to normal!"

Their ranting was interrupted by a small voice.

"Y'know, I think they should've named this place angry harbor. You all don't seem too happy." Robin spoke, his legs dangling off of the swing.

"Robin. You shouldn't have done that." Megan said in a firm, but soft voice.

"Yeah but I wanted to." He countered nonchalantly, continuing to rock back and forth.

"Are you serious-" Artemis began.

"Robin- you were asked to behave. If you act this way again, we will tell Batman." The Martian interrupted, her voice still soft but even firmer than before.

The youngest looked down apologetically. "I'm sorry. I just wanted to explore."

Megan's mood instantly lit up. "Well, it's almost noon! We don't have all day! Come on, let's go get some ice cream." She then grabbed his small hand, and led him to the exit of the park. Wally, Connor, and Artemis watched the duo walk off as if the three of them were invisible.

"You've got to be kidding me." Wally whined. "I wanted ice cream too!" And then he sped off to catch up with Megan and Robin.

"Ugh. So much for no superpowers when out of uniform." The archer groaned, sulking as she followed. Connor growled, and followed as well.


Fortunately, the rest of the day went well. Robin didn't run off again and the teens had a good time- even Connor had fun; as much as the kid irritated him.

The angry and shy clone had come to realize that he was a good kid. Even though he caused trouble and had no filter, he wasn't really any different from their Robin.

A bit younger (and immature) but still, not a drastic difference.

The teens had come to realize...

That it really was their Robin.

He wasn't switched. It was actually him. The DNA results weren't enough to prove anything to them. However, spending time with him today did.

The sun had gone down, and everyone was back at the mountain.

"Robin, uh- will be staying at the mountain. Batman is busy." Black Canary announced to Aqualad, Rocket, Zatanna, Megan, Artemis, Wally, and Connor. They were all in the hangar, mini-Robin by their side. He was solving a rubix-cube, trying to match the colors of the small squares.

"Very well, Canary. Inform Batman that he will be taken care of." Kaldur replied, with a kind smile. Dinah smiled back.

When she glanced at Robin, her smile vanished. "Ehem? Robin?"

"Huh?" He looked up from the cube, raising an eyebrow.

Canary took a deep breath. "Did you hear what I said?"


"Good. I'll leave you all to it." And then the heroine left.

Megan turned to the other teenagers, and Robin. "What should we do? It's only nine. We can watch a movie, play a board game, watch television, just chat, or-"

"Can we make cookies?" Robin asked out of the blue.

Raquel rolled her eyes. "Can we sleep instead? I'm tired."

"I'm tired too, Green-Cheeks. We can have some fun tomorrow." Wally suggested, with a wink.

"Alright. Night everyone." Zatanna said with a wave, heading towards her room.

The rest gave their goodbyes, heading towards their rooms. No one noticed the pained look on the youngest boy's face, and no one knew how far his heart had dropped when they left him alone.

He didn't like being alone.

Robin headed to his room quietly anyways. He shut the door carefully, locking it.

The boy dealt with the nightmares every night.

No, not nightmares- memories. Memories of his happy, cheerful family's blood splattered on the ground of the circus tent. Memories of hearing the wires snap, like his heart snapped in two as he watched them all plummet to their deaths.

Just one more night, he told himself.

It would all be gone in the morning.

To be continued...
If you're enjoying this book, be sure to check out my other books while you're waiting for a new chapter!


Survival of the Fittest

Regarding Robin (Complete)

And, both of my meme books.
Comment if you liked this chapter and want more, your feedback is appreciated! It makes me want to continue!

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