Omerta ||ʙᴏᴏᴋ 1||

By DelightfulLiz

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{Book 1 out of 3 in the Omertà series} Mafia: An orgnaized international body of criminals ,operating in Sici... More

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15.4K 411 218
By DelightfulLiz

   Being in the mafia is complicated...If you were told to not do something you better listen, you don't want a bullet between your eyes, but would you still do it and take that risk?

I'm Skylar and this is my life; To sum it up its a complete mess.


   I woke up to the sound of my step brothers talking as they walked past my bedroom door. I heard one of the footsteps stop as my door flew open.

"Skylar, get your ass up, if we make dad late again he will be pissed." Hunter said as he ran his fingers through his brown hair leaning on the frame of the door.

   I groaned and rolled myself out of my massive bed. I quickly did my makeup, By quickly I mean in like 20 minutes but still I think thats the record for how fast I've done my makeup. I threw on my moms old Harvard sweatshirt with a pair of leggings. While sprinting out of my room and to the staircase  i tossed my long blonde hair into a messy bun.

My father stood at the end of the staircase in a dark blue suit glancing at his expensive watch then looked up at me and glared.

"You were supposed to be here 2 minutes ago! I have to be at the warehouse," he glanced at me before he could finish the rest of his lecture that I knew was coming on. I crossed my arms and looked him dead in the eye

"Can we just go there even though I'll just wait in the car because your over protective of me.Dad nothing is gonna happen to me if I get out of the car and meet everyone with you." I said while rolling my eyes. 

"Sweetheart you know I do that for your protection. What if the guys did something to you? You're my princess and I don't want those men to hurt you or even know you its better like this. It'll be quick today I promise I just gotta tell them what happened with Andrews case."

   I looked at him and than walked to the garage. I jumped in the Rolls Royce,of course, I had to sit in the back because Hunter took the passenger  seat.  My dad doesn't like to bring my little brother to these things or Cheryl. I would much rather prefer to go to the Mall like a normal teenager and hang out with her friends but that's a fantasy.

Thats not my life.

I glared at Hunter as he buckled himself in giving me that stupid taunting smirk.

"Whats got your panties in a twist sky? Has your little fuck buddy not put out enough? " he chuckled out.

My dad looked at him and gave him the death glare and then Max and Hunter started busting out in laughter.

"You sound like dying hyenas when you laugh. Can you guys just shut up I want to be in silence"

   I starred out the window and watched as the trees passed us. I wonder what it would've been like if my dad never met Cheryl. The plus of that is that I wouldn't of had to deal with Hunter and Max's annoying ass but than my little Jack wouldn't of happened.

Would Jack choose the mafia life like my brothers?
god i hope not he's too good for it all.

   I heard the car stop and there we were at the warehouse. it was a two-story grey building in the middle of nowhere with a grand staircase that lead to the doors that had guards standing outside them.

My dad and my brothers got of the car swiftly finally leaving me alone. I jumped in the drivers seat and started blasting music. I saw a shadow from the corner of my eye and Hunter popped up by the window. I fell back in my seat screaming.

" WHAT THE HELL HUNTER YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A FUCKING HEART ATTACK YOU PIECE OF SHIT" I yelled out. My heart still racing at the speed of light from that scare.

He just started laughing as he opened the door.

"Sadly your presence has been requested by the boss. He convinced dad to let him meet you but you look like a slob...  there should be something presentable things in the trunk take a look, Dad always has stuff back there. Be inside in 10 minutes or else ." Hunter said seriously as he tucked his hands into his dark jeans.

"Tell the boss I said to fuck off I'm comfy" I said while raising the music volume up.

"I'm serious Skylar and you better not cuss around him like that,act like a lady for once." he said and I could tell from his tone he was annoyed so for once I took it easy on him and got up from the seat and starting looking through a bag my dad had in the trunk.

   I picked the only dress that was in there and I swear its the dress that Cheryl always wears every single time my dad takes her out. Which is only when he's home and that is hardly ever but recently he's been back for about two weeks straight,it has to be a record.

  I slipped on the little black dress and quickly threw my hair in a high ponytail pulling out a couple strands to frame my face. I was about to lock the car when I realized I was wearing my Gucci slides. Gucci slides and dresses aren't a cute combination so back to looking in the trunk I go.

   My dad had so many ties, papers, clothes,  and this medium size black bag, which I didn't feel like looking at. Why doesn't he clean up his car though?

   There were a pair of flats in the back thankfully the evil step mom and i shared the same size. i slipped them on before slamming the trunk. I looked back up at the giant warehouse in-front of me.

Why the hell does  the boss of the mafia want to meet me? Are they all killers? Why does he want to meet me I'm irrelevant to the mafia and am only associated because of my dad?

I looked up at the huge door admiring it before I actually walked into it. the gaurds outside gave me only a single look but did nothing.

   I followed the sound of voices until I ended up in what looked like a bar area. I felt like I had a million pairs of eyes on me. It made me uncomfortable. Many were men maybe in there twenties and thirties where checking me out. I didn't even want to think about what was running through their minds. I saw my dad and walked towards him and grabbed his arm. He gave me that everything-is-ok look.

How do Hunter and Max come here everyday? Yeah Max is younger than me and I'm still mad at him for joining the mafia at 14, but it was his choice.

"Ahh finally your daughter has shown her face. I will admit she is very beautiful just like her mother. Shame she's not apart of the mafia she would have been great." the tall man with black hair deeply spoke.

   It took everything in me not to scream at that guy. His little complement made me uncomfortable. Does he not realize I'm only 17?

"T..thank you s..sir" I stuttered as i held on tighter to my fathers arm keeping my head down.

"Tanner why haven't you brought your daughter around here before the guys would be all over her," he said while licking his lips and looking at me.

I slowly grabbed my dads arm harder.

" you know why so drop it" my dad growls back at the intimidating man.

"I'm joking, chill the fuck out Tanner. Remember your place in this,"he looked at my dad then looked down at me "Whats you're name sweetheart?"

  I was terrified in front of me was a man who had probably killed people more then I could count. 

"It's Skylar sir, well Skylar Ann Hayes if you wanted to know my middle name too and I'm rambling at this point I'm sorry. " I said. I was extremely nervous. I kept looking down at the floor not wanting to make eye contact at the man.

   I heard someone walking down a staircase heavily and my eyes darted to this god of a man. His hands were tucked into the jacket of his black suit and he was coming right towards the boss.

He had Emerald green eyes with dark dirty blonde hair that almost looked brown.He looked down at me smirking as his eyes traveled down my body.
I gulped letting go of my dads arm as I look into his eyes.

"Dad,when the hell can I go i have shit to do and girls to fuck," he said with annoyance but not once taking his eyes from mine. I didn't know what to do, I bit my bottom lip little and he laughed slightly.

"My boy this is Tanner's daughter. Her name is Skylar and I thought you would like to meet her" he said and waving his hand for whatever this mysterious guys name was.

"Give the pretty lady a hug Cole be nice and not a dick for once."

Cole... Even his name was hot

  He gave me an awkward side hug and whispered into my ear.  Goosebumps raced through my body.

"Skylar you're gonna wish you never met me I can't wait until I hear you screaming my name while we..."

   I interrupted him before he could finish I knew where he was going with that.

"Nice to meet you too Cole" I said while looking at him.

"Pleasure is all mine. literally" he said than walked towards his dad.

  The boss and his son were both so intimidating they towered over me like mountains. The boss terrified me the most though, just knowing that I was standing infront of a murderer made me want to run in fear. Meanwhile Cole had this charisma that made him seem less scary and more sexy.

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