Who you used to be - [p.jm]

By Yoonginyaan

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"I'll do anything it takes to bring him back to his old self again. I know he's still in there, even if he's... More

1. "I missed you so much"
2. "Crying won't help"
3. "I'm Park Jimin"
4. "Welcome to the family"
5. "Say what you have to say and die"
6. "I want to meet him"
7. "I was too weak"
8. "Do you really still love me?"
10. "Fire"
11. "Jagiya"
12. "You killed them"
13. "I don't want to leave him"
14. "I'll save you"
15. Begin
16. "I hate you."
17. "Leave Jimin behind?"
18. "I love you"
19. Stigma
20. "I want you" [r15]
22. "We have to kill him"
23. "Teamwork makes the dream work"
24. "Our contract is over"
25. "I can't do this anymore"
26. "They're running"
27. "Promise you won't ever leave me"
28. "I'm sorry"
29. "I hope they make it"
30. "We'll figure this out together"
31. Lie
32. "Let your mistakes remain in the past"
33 - "It's not the right time yet."
34 - "Hyung"
35 - "Because I love them"
36. - "Why him of all people?"
37. - "You left me with no other choice."
38. - "I want him dead"
39. - "How can I believe you?"
40. - "We're leaving"
41. "Kill me"
42. Reflection
43. "We'll avenge him"
44. "Rest well"
45. "This feels like a family reunion"
46. "You'll just have to trust me"
47. "He'll catch up"
48. "You chose your fate, boy."
49. "Such cold eyes"

9. "I don't think we can get him back"

818 40 30
By Yoonginyaan

The next days, Jimin was constantly around you, looking at whatever you did and was asking questions.

He was being overly nice all the time, acting like a perfect guy who was willing to do anything for you.
Maybe he was just doing it to make it up for slapping you.

You didn't really know how to ask him about himself, since he always ended up switching the topic.
Bangtan was still tabu for him, causing him to become angry and nervous, but never again violent.

Your progress for the next few days hadn't been very good. He wouldn't let you in at all.

Every evening you talked to Bangtan over the earpiece, causing them to get more nervous the longer you took to fulfill your mission.
You had warned them that it wouldn't be easy, since it was a lot more complicated than you had thought it would be.

"Y/N... time is running out. We can't keep Jimin hushed up forever. The higher ups will find out soon and send an order to get rid of him", Namjoon explained impatiently.
"His gang has been causing us enough trouble."

"I know... just please let me do this, I'll manage", you pleaded, the same way you had been doing for over a week.

"We know you can manage", Hoseok assured you.

Everyone spoke some words of support as well.
Everyone but Taehyung.

You hadn't really talked to him ever since you had left the dorm, which made you sad.
He was one of your best friends after all.

"Right... good night guys", you greeted them and cut off the signal.

Sighing, you threw yourself on the bed. Could the situation be any more complicated?

There was still the danger that Jimin could have attacked Bangtan at any moment since they hadn't moved base yet. You really felt responsible for their safery along with this mission.

But now you felt even more pressured. How were you supposed to get Jimin to tell you anything?


"Night guys, I'm off to bed", Yoongi yawned as soon as the connection had been broken again.

"No you're not. You're just trying to get out of helping us pack stuff", his roommate - Hoseok argued, catching Yoongi in his deed.

His mouth angles just twitched, showing that he had been caught.

"Yoongi-hyung, you can go sleep. We'll take care of everything", Namjoon insisted, knowing that Yoongi was worn out from all the additional training he had been undergoing.

"Uh okay", Yoongi mumbled and then disappeared through the door.

"What's up with you leader? Gone soft, have you?", Taehyung muttered in a more sassy tone than appropriate.

He was obviously angry again after having listened to your conversation with the others, regretting to have agreed on sending you to Jimin.

"Watch it Tae", Hoseok warned, making the younger friend shrug a little.

Namjoon escaped his gaze and went off to his and Jin's room with a big cardboard box for moving without saying a word.
They had finally secured themselves a new base and were in the midst of packing their things, but hadn't told you yet as a safety measure.

"What's wrong with you?", Hoseok asked Taehyung a little nervously, placing a hand on his friend's shoulder.
Hoseok had noticed his awkward behavior ever since you had been gone.

Taehyung shoved off Hoseok's hand and walked off to his and Junkook's room, leaving Hoseok perplexed.

"Weird guy", Hoseok just muttered, grabbing a cardboard box to head off to his and Yoongi's room.


You were sitting at dinner again.
It had been weird with him all day even though he always started some kind of small talk.
You didn't really respond much apart from yes, no, okay, mhm...

He always had that fake smile on his face, which made you sad.
Also, he never let you go anywhere alone, as if he was afraid you'd run away.

You played along, knowing that that was the deal you had with Bangtan. Only, they gave you a deadline of two months to try and persuade him.

If you didn't make it until then, they would probably have to step in themselves and kill him.

"What's wrong?", Jimin asked again.

You just shook your head.

Jimin got up from his seat and came over to you, stretching out his hand.
You looked at it questionably.

"Do you want to dance with me?"

You almost laughed out loud. This was so cliché.
"Uh... you know I hate dancing, don't you? Plus, isn't that kind of cheesy?"

He had a confused look for a little bit, but then focused on your face again.
"Well, it will be fun if it's with me, right?"

There he went again, building his own imaginary relationship.
"I guess...", you gave in and took his hand.

You smiled to yourself at the feeling of his hand touching yours.
That was one thing that stayed the same about him - his small, soft hands.

The music was soms kind of classical piano music, which normally wasn't either of your tastes, but you guessed he put it on just for the sake of the moment.

Jimin pulled you closer by your waist, taking your one hand in his and the other on his shoulder
Even though you didn't know much about dancing, you knew this. Your whole body tingled under his touch.

"See? Not that hard", he chuckled as you took your first steps.

You felt guilty for enjoying the dance with him. He was so sweet and soft, almost like he used to be...
But you were always reminded of the words he had said to the others that day.
"I just can't wait to blow your heads off..."

He led you through the dance carefully and reminded you of how good of a dancer he had always been.
You yourself weren't that good, but you somehow managed.
Maybe he would have been better off in life if he had never met Bangtan and had just gone off to become a dancer.

You danced for a while even when the music went off, just going through your thoughts in silence until he broke it.
"I missed you."

His other hand also travelled around your waist to pull you closer into an embrace.

"I missed you too", you thought, but couldn't say it.

His smell was the same, his chest rising and sinking beneath your head as he breathed, his voice... everything about him made you love him as the old Jimin, even though you knew it wasn't him.

You hugged him back, almost more desperately than he did to you, letting all your feelings go for a moment.
Simply imagining it really was the old Jimin, you held onto him, all the memories rushing through your head again.

You missed his old self so god damn much, it hurt you even more being here with him. Everything about him was so similar but still clouded.

"Don't cry princess", he worried, stroking your head.
"I'm here."

"No you're not...", you internally wept.

You cried even more on the inside, knowing it wasn't true, unsure whether it would ever be possible to bring him back.


Hoseok entered Namjoon's and Jin's room to find the both of them folding their clothes and packing them in their bags and cardboard boxes.

"I swear to god Namjoon, I'll kill you for this."

"It wasn't my fault, Yoongi-hyung said he knows how the washing machine works!", Namjoon countered while chewing on his sandwich.

"Look at my beautiful pink shirts! They're fucking bleached!"

Jin furiously held up his huge shirt which used to be pink but was now a washed out white. Namjoon looked at the shirt, seeming to not really know what the fuss was about.

"You have enough of other pink shirts, don't you?", Namjoon argued back.


Hoseok cleared his throat to let the two know he was there.

"Oh Hoseok-ssi?", Jin noticed first, seeming curious as to what their friend wanted.
Namjoon gave the ginger hair a thankful nod for interrupting.

Hoseok entered the room, closing the door behind him. This was also a signal for the others that this was supposed to be a private conversation.

"What's the matter with Taehyung?", Hoseok bluntly asked.
He had noticed the strange behavior and felt uneasy about his friend.

"What about him?", Namjoon coldly said while not sparing a glance.

"He's been acting weird since Y/N left. He wasn't really concentrated during training and is constantly in a bad mood", Hoseok explained.

Jin nodded as he had noticed as well. Namjoon on the other hand, just continued doing what he had been doing.
"We have time off from missions now anyways, so it doesn't matter as long as it doesn't effect his work."

Hoseok raised an eyebrow.
"Don't you care about him? He seems depressed to me."

Namjoon threw a tshirt in the box with more force than needed.
"He should stop being selfish. It's not like he's the only one that cares for Y/N's wellbeing."

Hoseok's mouth formed an "o".
"So it's because of Y/N's mission? He's worried?"

"Obviously", Namjoon stated, rolling his eyes.
"He's angry at me for letting her go."

"But she was the one who decided, it was her choice to make. Besides, we took a vote and he agreed to get Jimin back as well", Hoseok remembered.

Jin decided to join the conversation.
"Taehyung doesn't make a lot of sense, that's his usual way. He's just worried, that's all. We need to trust Y/N to do this."

Hoseok nodded in agreement. He felt worried for his friend as well, especially knowing that he had a special connection with you and that you were very good friends.

Hoseok gulped, wanting to use the chance to ask the two main brains of the team what they thought.
"Do you guys really think we can get Jimin back?"

There was silence for a bit. Hoseok started doubting a positive outcome of your mission after all.

"I don't know", Namjoon finally muttered, shocking both Hoseok and Jin.
Their leader had never been uncertain of something before and it scared them.

"She might make it, or might not. It depends on how smart she is with words and feelings", Namjoon thought out loud.

That sounded wrong to Hoseok.
"I think it depends on the strength of her feelings for Jimin and vice versa. He seemed really corrupted to us, but he might have a weak side for her."

"I raised you well", Jin joked, holding onto his heart dramatically.

Namjoon laughed a little.
"Right. We'll see, okay? Let's try and give her as much time as possible."

The leader's calming words seemed to have left Hoseok happy, so he decided to leave the two to their packing.

"Is that really what you think?", Jin asked sceptically as soon as Hoseok had left.

The atmostphere turned very dark all of a sudden, due to Jin noticing Namjoon's lies.

"No", Namjoon just said.
"I don't think we can get him back."

"Why not?"

Namjoon sighed as he accidentally dropped the cardboard box to the floor, allowing his perfectly folded clothes in there to get messy again.
His clumsiness always confronted him in the most inconvenient moments.

Jin tried not looking at it to not get more angry about Namjoon ruining the clothes he had taken hours to iron by himself.

"From what I saw, there is no way to talk to him. Before Y/N arrived that day, he seemed so determined to kill us that we actually felt the rage and pain within him emerge and touch us as well."
Namjoon's eyes widened at the memory.
"Even Yoongi-hyung and Hoseok were afraid. The guy is scary."

It was true. Everyone was so shocked seeing him alive. However, the first words he had spoken to his former comrades were: "Finally I get to meet you again... to make you suffer a painful death like I did."

Everyone had just been frozen at that point, not being able to react. Most of all, they hadn't been mentally prepared for the situation of Jimin returning.
Especially not as an enemy.

Jin interrupted Namjoon's thoughts.
"I trust Y/N. I believe that he will listen to her", Jin assured, trying to brighten the mood.
He placed a hand on Namjoon's shoulder.

"Yeah... I don't know", Namjoon just muttered, continuing to pack his things.

What Jin and the others didn't know, was that Namjoon knew exactly what had happened to Jimin and what Taehyung had to do with it...
There was no way he would ever let the others find out about it.

However, now that Jimin was alive, you were all bound to find out somehow.

This was what Namjoon and Taehyung feared the most.


Highlight Reel left me like


I'm starting to lose my shit with BigHit, seriously


I always have to watch BTS' performances and Bangtan Bombs after the MVs and Highlight Reel so I can reassure myself that they're actually different people than in the story and that they're all doing okay and aren't in wheelchairs, smoking (Yoongi being daddy af tho), getting hit by cars, buses, nails on the ground or being affected by any other kind of potential harm possible to them 0-0

K bye💜

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