Little Black Dress (A Harry S...

By t4cosandnandos

3K 52 3

Audrina Foster is a nineteen year old brunette bomb shell who is proclaimed as the ideal 'It Girl' everywhere... More

Little Black Dress (A Harry Styles Fanfiction)
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

Chapter 2

220 5 0
By t4cosandnandos

Chapter Two : Photography and Cigarettes 

I nervously reach for my keys and unlock the door and to my surprise the dorm is already set up. It's fairly large, and the walls are painted a nice creme color, there was one twin bed on each side of the room pressed up against a wall. Between the two beds was a white dresser and on the other corner of the room there was a small little TV, a glass desk and a mini fridge. One wall of the room was plastered with candids of a beautiful thin and tall girl with bright pink hair posing with her friends. Was the girl in the photographs my new roommate? I think it was safe to assume so. I noticed two drawers in the dresser were empty so I decided to start unpacking and if my roommate wanted me to move my stuff elsewhere later, I would. Thankfully almost all of my clothes fitted in the dresser, I only had about five shirts and a couple bottoms that didn't fit so I just left them in my suite case underneath my bed. This semester didn't start for another three days so I didn't have anything planned for today, I wanted to go out and explore the city but my throbbing headache told me not to leave the dorm. I listened to my self conscience and threw myself onto my bed and began to flip through the journal my dad got me and searched for a number to a pizza place. Just as I was about to dial in the number a tall and skinny girl with choppy brown hair to her collarbones barged in. She was wearing a plain white crop top that stopped just above her belly button showing off her amazingly toned stomach and hip bones. For bottoms she was wearing light blue denim short shorts that barely covered her butt. 

"Fucking hell it's hot outside" the stranger boasted as I awkwardly sat up on the bed and smiled at her waiting for her to notice me. "Oh my God, Gatlin she's here" the stranger exclaimed as she threw her hands up into the air, and ran towards me. A cigarette was gripped between her thumb and index finger and she brought the cigarette to her lips and took a puff before blowing the smoke and then leaned into me and wrapped her arms around me. 

"Who babe?" A man's voice boomed from the front door of the dorm, causing me to cock my head towards the direction the voice was coming from. A tall male wearing a white collared polo shirt and knee length khaki shorts and chunky rimmed black glasses walked in with a large Canon camera dangling from around his neck. "Oh, hi" he piped as I awkwardly waved in his direction. His eyes wandered from my face down to my feet, inspecting every square inch of my body.  "You're gorgeous doll" the boy named Gatlin announced as I propped myself off of the bed and walked towards him and examined his glasses.

"Thanks, and those are Oliver Peoples glasses, right?" I questioned as my eyes scanned his face once again, his cheek bones were amazing and his face structure made my heart throb. 

"Yeah they are, impressive." Gatlin gasped as he circled me and nodded and then turned to face the brunette girl. "Did you pick her out yourself? I love her" Gatlin chuckled as the stranger laughed along as she took another puff from the cigarette. 

"Nope we just got lucky I guess" she beamed as she took a seat on her bed and then brought the smoke once again to her lips. Before inhaling she stopped and stared at me for a moment, "wait, are you okay with me smoking in here? I can go smoke outside if you want?"

"No no!" I exclaimed as I began to wave my arms in the air. "I mean, I smoke to so it's cool" I quickly correct myself, as the stranger nods and smiles once more. 

"Great. I'm Payton by the way, the office told me I was getting a roommate but they never told me your name." 

"Audrina Foster" I say proudly as she gets back up off the bed and reaches into the back pocket of her shorts and tosses me a pack of Melbourne cigarette. I clumsily open the lid and sit back down on the bed and flick the lighter on and ignite the cigarette. "Thanks" I chime as  I throw the lighter and pack back to Payton, taking a small puff of the smoke.  

"I'm Gatlin Myers, boys here are going to go crazy for you" Gatlin announces as he strides towards my bed and sits a few inches away from me. People here were sure welcoming, in California people refused to talk to me until a week after my enrolment at UCLA. However, I wasn't complaining, I loved the warm and welcoming atmosphere everyone had already created for me. 

“Yeah you’re practically perfect” Payton compliments as i feel my cheeks flush. 

“You guys are quite the stunners as well” I say.

“I wish, but thanks” she mutters as she giggles and Gatlin gets up and snaps a photo of me. I’m a little thrown off guard by the flash of the camera and everything, I wasn’t really used to people randomly taking photos of me.

“I’m sorry” Gatlin exclaims as I peer up at him once more and take another drag of my cigarette. “The lighting was perfect and the smoke was like drifting perfectly around you.”

“It’s fine, really.” I chuckle and get up and began to rummage through the drawers of the dresser. I ended up pulling out a white tank top and some dark wash denim skinny jeans. I felt so under dressed in my airport clothes around Gatlin and Payton, I didn’t want them to think I was some slob who camps out in Victoria Secret yoga wear all day . “I’m just going to get changed” I announce as I peer around the room in search of the bathroom. “Uh... Where’s the bathroom?” I question as both of them smile and laugh loudly. 

“Welcome to community college sweetheart where you gotta use a community shower room.” Payton says as I sigh and role my eyes and slump back onto my elbows. This is exactly why I begged my mom to send me a school close to home or for my sake at least buy me my own place near the campus. “I’ll show you where it is” she offers as I warmly smile at her and follow her out the door. The community showers aren’t too far from our dorm, they’re in the same building and are just down the wall. I squeeze my eyes shut, not wanting to see all of the nude women in the change room as we enter. Payton wanders off to a blond girl and begins to converse. I navigated my way past the naked females and found a vacant stall to get changed in, I locked the door behind me and started to get changed into my new trendier clothes. I couldn’t help but be thankful for having an at least normal and friendly roommate. I walked out of the stall and searched for Payton but to my surprise she was in the dorm hallway with Gatlin,. "Hey um Audrina?” Payton chimed as I turned my head and began to walk with her and Gatlin back to our dorm. “Gatlin and I will be staying the night at his apartment, I’m dying my hair back to pink, it’ll be rad.” She beamed cupping her hands as I smiled at her, I loved her brown hair although the photos I saw of her with pink hair were astonishingly beautiful. I was excited to see her new hair although as bad as it sounded I was happy to have the dorm to myself for the night. “You can come with us if you want?” She suggested as I unlocked our dorm and padded over to my bed and sat down. 

“Thanks for the offer guys but I think I’m just going to stay the night here, I’m a bit hungover.” I admit as she began to throw a bunch of her clothes into a beach bag. Gatlin shot a brow at me and smiled warmly. 

“Yeah hunny we’ll get along just fine” he assured as I smiled and flopped onto my back and stared at the ceiling. 

“Here’s my number, you know just in case the dorm lights on fire or something, bye,” Payton chimes as she throws a piece of paper onto the dresser and just like that her and Gatlin are gone. It was only eight but I was exhausted and my headache and poor eyesight told me not to turn on the TV. I crawled underneath the comfortable white covers of my bed and slowly began to drift to sleep. 

Authors Note: Double Update! Woo! Side note, Gatlin looks like Tyler Oakley! 

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