Vic Fuentes and the Boy from...

By OXkellicOX

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Kellic based in the world of Harry Potter. Love both so why not. Vic is your average wizard in Gryffindor, w... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30

Chapter 29

62 1 0
By OXkellicOX

[Kellin's pov]

Having to say to goodbye to Vic for the summer is going to suck, so much. I hate having to think about it because he's going to the muggle world and I have to deal with my narrow minded pure blood parents. I really hope that their ok with Vic, it'll kill inside if they don't like him, because I love this boy. I look up at him. I'm just laying my head in his lap. On the train going back to London.

But I fell asleep for like a few minutes then Chris knocked my legs off almost making me fall off the bench, but if it wasn't for Vic holding me I would have fell. I was awake now, and I saw Vic glare daggers at Chris for that. It's cute how much he cares. But I lean up and kiss his cheek anyway. But Vic went back to his conversation with Jaime. And I noticed that Jack was talking with Lynn, and they looked like they were having a good time. I do remember Jack briefly mentioning that he thought Lynn was cute.

But we're now pulling up to the London station and the moments I've been dreading are getting more and more real. My anxiety about him meeting my parents is very high. I really don't want them to be rude to him.

We pulled in and now we walking onto platform 9 3/4, and I immediately noticed my parents, how could I not, they are very stand-out-ish, to say the least. I would have to say that we are pretty wealthy, father is very high up in the ministry like right next to the minister for magic. We do have a house elf, I don't like to order her around, I usually do things myself, but my mother commands her around, while father is at work, and I'm at school. My parents also hate that I spend a lot of the summer reading and learning. They haven't met any of my friends, they only met Oli back at Christmas time. But they didn't know anything he did to me. I'll tell them eventually, I'm sure it'll come up when they see Vic. I hope for his sake that their in good moods.

"Vic my parents are right over there" I tell him quietly.

"Well lets go" he says. But I stop him.

"Hold on, you remember what I told you about them right? That they could be a little. . ." I trail off.

"Shh, they're your parents I'm sure it'll be fine. Come on lead the way" he says.

"Ok then" I sigh.

"Hey Mike, I'll meet you in the car later I'm going with Kellin for a few ok" he says to Mike.

"Ok, I'll go say hi to Jaime's parents with him see ya later" he says. Vic just nods and we walk towards my parents.

Please let this be good and that they like him. Please.

"Mother, father" I say and I go and hug them. I love them and their great parents they just have a few old fashioned thoughts is all.

They hug back excited to hear about the last half of the year, but I have to introduce Vic first. I noticed he was standing a good distance away and just watching.

"Mom, dad, I went you to meet Vic, he's my boyfriend" I say to them, pulling him closer. My nerves are all over the place.

"Hi" he says nervously. I don't blame him though.

"Kellin what happened to-"

"We broke up, I don't want to talk about him" I say quickly and loud and cutting off my mother.

I looked at them, and they looked at Vic. I can tell that he's nervous. My parents are staring at him. I can see why he would be uncomfortable.

"Well Vic, what house are you in" my father asks him.

"Gryffindor" he states.

"Gryffindor? Really Kellin, or are you just messing with us" father says.

"No he's a Gryffindor" I say to them.

"Really, the only thing probably worse is he'd have to be a mud blood" dad jokes.

"Well, actually he is muggle born" I say to them.

"You've got to be kidding me, Kellin!" Dad scolds.

"Yeah you couldn't stay with that nice pure blood Slytherin boy from before huh" mother says that stabbed me.

"Look I love Vic, Oliver was an abusive asshole that hit me constantly and he bloody raped me! you really think I was going to stay with that dick, no I wasn't, Vic is nice to me and he loves me and helps me and we, we get each other" I yell at them. With tears rolling down my face.

I felt Vic come up to me and hold me. I let the tears fall. This is what I feared most them not accepting Vic and I.

"Kellin I don't care, who you think you love, but we can't accept this, this, mud blood Gryffindor, you shouldn't be associated with him or his kind" father says to me.

"I can't believe you! You're going to put your petty beliefs before my happiness?! And I don't think I love him. I know I love him!" I yelled. And ran through the brick wall.

"Kellin!" I hear Vic call. I stop in my tracks, and let him catch up to me.

"Vic, I'm so sorry my parents were like that to you, you don't deserve that after all you did for me, this year-"

"Shh, Kells, its fine, it doesn't lessen the love I have for you one bit. I love you Kellin" Vic says.

He's to sweet and nice to me, how did I get so lucky to have a guy like Vic. He makes me so happy, why can't my parents see that and accept that.

"Hey Kellin, why don't you stay with me and Mike and our parents for a couple weeks, I'm sure they'd love to meet you" Vic asks me.

"I'd love too Vic but I don't think my parents would like that, you saw what happened" I say.

"Do you always do what they say?" He asks with a smile. I just smile at him.

"Come on tell them and don't even give them a chance to say anything against it" he says.

He does have a point.

"Ok, I'll wait for you right here my parents aren't to far away" he says. I nod, and left him there.

I go back through the brick wall and and my parents were still there I quickly tell them and then I go back through the wall. And the look on their faces were priceless. Vic was where he said he would be. As we went to his parents car. Now I have no idea what to expect with the muggle world, I've never been associated with it. But this could be a cool experience. No magic, but just Vic, and Mike of course.

We got to his parents car and Mike was already sitting in the back seat. He looked at me confused. But Vic opens the car door and I got in and ended up siting between them.

"Mama, papa this is Kellin, he's my boyfriend" Vic says to them.

"Hello sweetie, how are you?" His mother says to me.

"I'm fine" I say.

"Is it alright if Kellin stays with us for a couple of weeks?" He asks them.

"Sure, of course it is" she says answering Vic. He smiles at me and then leans in to kiss my cheek. I blush and I heard Mike fake a gag.

Then the car started, this is so unusual. My parents usually just disapperate home and then yeah that would be it. Then I spend the whole summer with my books, until the next year. But this is different this is the muggle world and my parents are going to be furious about this but I don't care, I want to experience everything that Vic is going to show me in the next couple of weeks. I can't wait to see where he lives. This is so exciting.

At least his parents are nice to me unlike my parents were to him. I almost feel guilty about it. I lay my head on Vic's shoulder and I stare out the window and watch the car go by all these interesting places and things. I know we have a muggles studies class but it's nothing like experiencing the real muggle world.

He wraps his arms around me and I lean in to kiss his cheek again. It was a sweet moment. Mike wasn't paying attention he had these things in his ears and some little thing that it was plugged into. He must be listening to something. I'll ask him about it later. 
I see that we're pulling up to a a house and then I follow Vic.

"Come on love, I'll show you my room" he say to me.

"Ok" I say and we go up stairs and into a room. It's cool, this is nothing like my room, his is a little on the messy side and it feels homey, mine although I love it, it's just that it's very cold and like a show palace.

I think I'm going to like these next couple of weeks with my lovely and beautiful Vic. I can't ask for anything thing better. And what's to come for us over the next couple of weeks.


Ok this is the second to last chapter of the story. Next it's the last that that's it. I'm done with it after. No sequels, no nothing else. I have a plan for the next chapter and I like the way it's going to end. Back to Vic's pov for the last chapter. Anyway stay awesome =)

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