
Galing kay youngdeviant

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'with great power comes great responsibility'. Starting a new school where you have no clue what's going on... Higit pa

Chapter 1~New Year
Chapter 2~Meet and Greet
Chapter 3~ The heist
Chapter 4~ First day
Chapter 5~ Drama in Drama
Chapter 6~ The proposal
Chapter 7~ Fly's boyfriend
Chapter 8~ Cheerleading
Chapter 10~ Costa
Chapter 11~ Taylor and Nash
Chapter 12~ Motionless
Chapter 13~ Awake
Chapter 14~ Tell me!
Chapter 15~ A nice walk
Chapter 16~ THE Taylor Canniff!?
Chapter 17~ Why are we awake?
Chapter 18~ secrets and tours (part 1)
Chapter 18~ secrets and tours (part 2)

Chapter 9~ The secret

582 17 4
Galing kay youngdeviant

~~Chantelle’s POV~~

"H-hi." I managed to get out. His face was literally five centimetres from mine and I could feel his breathing on my skin. I it was a little heavy but I bet it's because he was moving around a lot on the field. I took a step back because I knew that if we got any closer our faces would smush together.

"Hey. I saw you had joined the cheer leading team?" He said more like a question than a statement. I was confused. I looked at him waiting for further words but since nothing came I decided to speak up.

"Yeah, and?" I asked quite rudely causing myself to curse myself out a little inside my head. He opened his mouth slightly and closed it before opening it again to speak.

"Nothing, I err, just didn't think it was err... you." He replied and I looked at him sceptically.

"Well sorry, but it is. Is that a problem?" I asked getting my sass on. Who does he think he is? There was that like 90% of regret inside of me for saying that and I have no idea how, but I pushed it along with the help of three elephants into the back of my mind. He looked slightly taken back by my words but then composed himself slightly before going back to nervous. He reached his hand and placed it behind his neck.

I raised my eyebrows in wait of an answer while he stood there looking like he was thinking of an answer.

"Well?" I asked impatiently while I folded my arms across my belly. I may be being hard on him and that regret was really trying to push past my herd of elephants in my head and make it to my mouth to apologize.

"No. There is no problem with that. It just took me by surprise that you would want to do cheer leading, that's all. I didn't mean to upset you in any way." He explained scratching the back of his neck. The regret had now won because it was now accompanied with guilt. He looked so innocent and apologetic and I couldn't help but feel sorry.

"I'm sorry. I just get a little harsh sometimes." I explained, slowly unfolding my arms.

"I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to upset you." He told me and I smiled at him unsure what to say.

"It’s okay." I said gazing up into his green orbs as soon as my eyes latched onto them. I just couldn’t seem to look away and it's like every time I do this, this happens.

What is he doing to me? What am I feeling?

It's a mix of happiness and excitedness and sweatiness when I'm around him or near him and my heart goes a lot faster.

Is it love?

Probably not. It may just be that time of month again and my hormones are going crazy...

Before I knew it, he was inching closer and closer to me. Slowly, ever so slowly. It was like he was testing me to see what I was going to do. I could feel his warm breath near my lips now and I wasn't sure whether to rank this as a good thing or a bad thing. He was tempting me. Is he really going to do what I think he is?

I caught myself closing my eyes and waiting for the touch. What am I doing!? It's happening anyway Chantelle just go with it! My conscious told me.

But I’ve just met him! I’m not gonna go kissing guys I’ve just met! I’m not a whore. No, I’m not doing this. Just back awa-

"Sooo, what are we talking about!" A loud voice said right next to my ear shouted causing me to jump away from Tristan abruptly. Both of our heads snapped into the voice's direction and surprise surprise, Devlin was standing there with a fake smile plastered across her face.

"Nothing!" I shouted a little too quickly. I composed myself and carried on speaking. "Nothing. I was just...leaving." I said with a sad smile as I turned and walked away in the direction of the changing rooms. Tristan's face when I said that looked quite sad and the usual happy and fuzzy Tristan was now nonexistent and I bet I'm the reason why.

I walked into the changing rooms and slumped my bag over my shoulder before slowly walking out of the room in the direction of our dorm. Luckily I remembered the way back because the places looked familiar.

The awkwardness that would be in that small space between us three would be unbearable and I did them a favour by leaving. It's not right to be crushing on a guy that's taken.

Yep, there I said it. I'm crushing on him. Let the whole world know if they want to but that would be a bad idea because then people will not like me because he is dating someone and that is just wrong. It's the written rule in the un written girls rule book! I can't and I won't like a guy that's taken. But I can't help it either! UUUUUGGGGHHHHH! Why is life so hard!?

Speaking of life what is the meaning of it? Oh my god! Now I'm going into philosophy. I should just tell someone about this crush. I mean everyone says you will feel better if you let it out and let it go. Huh...let it go...let it go...can't hold it back any more!

See, now I'm going into Disney! I should just tell someone. But what if they tell someone. And then they would tell someone. And then they would tell someone. This is a bad idea but I really need to tell someone before I go crazy. Who do you tell this sort of stuff to?

A friend. And I have made a few friends I guess. Who should I tell?

How about Fly? She looks trustworthy. Nahh, the short ones are the ones you need to look out for... (A/N JK)

How about Alaska? No. Her boyfriend is his best friend and they would probably tell each other a lot...

How about Hazel? Yeah, why not. She looks trustworthy. I will tell the other girls in my own time but for now, I will just stick with one.

I was like only 10 metres away from our dorm door and I was hesitating to tell her. What if she told someone and she is not trustworthy like I thought of her. I kept debating and found myself pacing around in front of our door. Should I? Should I not?

Before I knew it, I was walking into the room and walking straight up to Hazel taking in account that four other girls were in the room.

~~Hazel’s POV~~

“Hazel, can I speak to you for a sec? Please?” Chantelle pleaded in front of me. I was sitting comfortably on my bed and I really didn’t want to get up. I was too busy playing candy crush. She dumped her bags on the floor next to me and kept looking at me pleadingly. I wanted to help her because she was new and I liked her.

"Yeah, sure. Do you want to speak in private?" I asked her while motioning to the other girls who were listening into our conversation. She nodded and she followed me to our private bathroom. We are one of the only dorms in the school to have our own bathroom because we are top in power training. Our powers are just the best!

I closed the door quietly behind me and stepped onto the tiled floor. The lights were off and it was kinda scary when the lights were off in here so I mentally thought about switching the lights on. I closed my eyes and concentrated for like a second and before I knew it, the lights were on and I stepped in with Chantelle right behind me.

“Wow.” I heard her whisper as I sat on the edge of the bath. I smiled at her and she sat on the random stool we had in the bathroom. No-one knows why it’s there, it’s just there.

 “Okay, I have a secret and I have decided to tell you.” She started and I smiled because she trusted me. I’ve only known her for a day and we are already telling each other secrets! YAY!

I nodded for her to carry on before I heard some whispering. It was coming from somewhere near us and it sounded muffled.

I looked in the direction of the noise and found myself looking towards the door. I held my finger up at Chantelle who seemed to not have noticed the disruption. Oh, I know what it is. I walked over to the door and opened it abruptly causing four girls to tumble onto the cold, tile floor.

“Eavesdrop much?” I asked in a sarcastic tone holding the door handle tightly. All of their heads snapped up to face me and I just laughed at their state. This was too funny. I heard Chantelle laughing from behind me too. She had gotten out of her seat and had walked closer to the door to see what I could.

Fly flew up from her position on the top of the dog pile and landed carefully and lightly on her feet. The rest just sort of got up with some struggle as I watched them; waiting for them to move so I could close the door.

“Come on Fly, let’s go. It seems as we are not wanted here.” Alaska said dramatically; flicking her scruffy red hair while she did so.

“Yeah! Let’s go!” Fly said equally as dramatic and fake as Alaska did while she followed Alaska out of our dorm.

“Where are you guys going?” Treacherous asked before saying: “Costa?” (A/N Just in case I have any american readers, Costa is just like Starbucks)

She probably read their minds again but who cares. Alaska nodded while she tied up her hair and got her little handbag.

“I’m coming!” Ella yelled as she ran over to her draw and brought out her little purse that I got her for christmas from Claire's.

“Me too!” Treacherous said as she grabbed her side purse and a jacket that went with it and put it on. They all walked out of the room with Treacherous closing the door behind her. I waited until they left before I closed the door and went back to Chantelle.

“You were saying?” I asked taking my seat back onto the edge of our bath.

“How did you know they were going to be there?” She asked me inquisitively.

“I have lived with them long enough to know their shenanigans.” I replied smiling. She just nodded then sighed.

“Okay um, I think I might have a little… tiny… miniature… incy… wincy… minuscule… microscopic… bitsy… midget… minute… micro-”

“Oh just get on with it.” I pestered laughing lightly at how much she was trying to stall the secret. I just want to know and this waiting and suspense is killing me.

“Fine.” She huffed. “I have a crush on Tristan.” She whispered so quietly that even I struggled to hear it.

Oh my gosh! I always knew it! I knew it! And I was right! I took the deepest breath I possibly could because I didn’t want to start having a happy attack. I was smiling as brightly as possible and waving my hands around all over the place. I could tell I had started glowing slightly because I was just so happy for her. (It's something I do when I get really happy). It's her first crush at this school and she couldn't have picked a better guy.

“You can’t tell anyone.” She told me and 40% my happiness died down.

“Not even our friends?” I asked referring to our roommates. She shook her head.

“They do count as anyone. I’m trusting you Hazel, don’t let me down. Please. I promise you I will tell them but not now.” She informed me and I huffed in defeat.

“Fine, your secret’ safe with me.” I smiled at her as she looked a little unsure back.

“Pinky promise?” She asked holding her little finger up to me. I nodded still smiling and interlocked my pinky with hers. Her face lit up with a smile and that trust that she was handing to me was evident too.

“Pinky promise.” I promised. "So tell me how you figured this out then." I asked intrigued.

"Well err he maybe...possibly...perhaps...-"

"Are you really doing this again." I asked her sarcastically. She just smiled but sighed again before speaking.

"I think he tried to kiss me." She answered quickly.

Wait what!? He tried to kiss her. Oh. My. God. She is kidding. She has got to be kidding.

"Tell me your kidding." I pleaded while she shook her head.

"Nope. This actually happened, about ten minutes ago actually." She said glancing at her bare wrist as if there was a watch there. "And I don't even have a watch." She said putting down her arm while I started laughing. She joined me a little after a few seconds.

 "So, wow. Oh my gosh. But you say this like it's a bad thing." I said realising how troubled she sounded when she told me. She just shrugged.

"The problem is, is that he has a girlfriend and I don't wanna be that girl that's hitting on a guy that is taken. It's just not right an plus I wouldn't want that happening to me so... yeah." She answered and I nodded. It did make sense and no girl would want that.

"True." I said before my head snapped up. His girlfriend. "Wait. His girlfriend is Devlin."

She just nodded a slow and sarcastic nod like that was the most obvious fact ever. "I know." She said still nodding.

"She is like the biggest" I leaned closer to her a little more before whispering "Female dog" I leaned back to my usual position to see a smile spread across Chantelle's face. "In the whole school." I finished in my normal voice volume.

"Not much of a curser are you?" She asked smiling and I shook my head. "Okay, so what does that have to do with anything?" She asked going back to the topic we were on. "Plus, this just shows that he was about to kiss me when he was dating someone else. That isn't right either so I shouldn't be liking him in the first place."

"A. Everyone hates her. She is so fake that she could actually be a barbie doll. Her and her fake posse literally think they rule the school. It's like the mean girls from the film mean girls but here they can't be bothered to even spare us a second glance and people don't treat them like queens. We tolerate them and try not to get on their bad side; especially Devlin's. She is just evil but with the powers we have, we can fight her off easily. B. Apparently Tristan isn't that bad. He obviously likes you and sees what a witch Devlin is and has attempted to move on. If he does like you then he has made a way better choice than his last one." I lectured making her giggle at the last sentence. "I wouldn't ponder over it too much except the bit about him supposedly trying to kiss you which by the way I want to know if you kissed him back." I asked curious again as always. She shook her head rapidly looking shocked at the question.

"No, of course not! I've only just met him and I haven't even properly met him. It was just that one breakfast... and the breakfast before that. I'm not going to just kiss a guy I've just met." She back fired and I just nodded my head understandably.

"True, you're not. Definately not." I agreed. "Can you like ignore this crush or something?" I asked. She just looked at me like I was crazy before bursting into fits of laughter.

I just sat there wondering if I should be laughing too or if it was something I said. She calmed down a little before speaking.

"Hazel, I have no idea if you've had a crush on anyone before but you just can't ignore it. Maybe if you're a guy you can but we're girls. So that ain't happening" She explained.

"Actually no, I've never had a crush on a person I've actually met before..." I confessed. Her eyes grew large and her mouth dropped.

"You're kidding! Like never!?" She asked me in shock. I nodded my head. "There is no guy to like. They are all annoying and stupid." I explained sadly.

"Don't worry, you'll find that guy and when you do, I dibs being the maid of honour!" She exclaimed making me chuckle.

"Yeah sure." I said sarcastically. "So back to the topic, I don't think that there is anything that you can do about the crush but I had two other options that could work.

A. You could try and find another guy to like

or B. Try to not like him. Like point out his flaws or something." I suggested and she paused and looked at me in thought. Whatever was going through her little head of hers was in the top of my thoughts.

"Yeah, considering what you said about the guys in this school I don't think that will work very well for me." She giggled. I smiled at her knowingly. "Thanks anyways for listening to my never ending problem."

"No problem." I said getting up. She copied me and leaned in for a hug. I sort of hesitantly hugged back. She smelt like that new impulse deodorant and it smelt good. The hug ended and there was a sort of awkward silence just sitting there. "How about we go to Costa? You know, to meet up with Alaska, Treacherous, Fly and Ella?" I suggested and she nodded her head happily as we walked out of the bathroom.

We did not expect to see what we had just seen.

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