Steve Rogers Imagines

By TaylorHearted

940K 17.7K 6.4K

List of Steve Rogers imagines. I suck at descriptions, but Enjoy!!! More

Fluffy Surprise.
Fair is Foul
Stop talking about love for a minute and help me with this bullet wound.
No Arguing
No Arguing Part 2
No one else but me
Captain's Little Secret
Cooking Catastrophe
Never Noticed
Make Out or Take Out
Don't Forget
Good for You
Drunk In Love
Late Night
Santa Baby!!!
Jealous Steve would include...
Soft Kisses
15 facts about Me!
Eyes Up Here
A Very Merry Christmas #1
A Very Merry Christmas #2
A Very Merry Christmas #3
Live and Die #1
Dating Steve Rogers would include...
"Sparring" with Chris Evams would include...
Steve getting tinder would include...
It's a date.
Dating Steve Rogers would include...(pt 2)
Steve Rogers adapting to the 21st century would include...
Team Cap Carpool Headcanons
Oops I actually forgot to name this one
Steve's bucket list would include...
The Big One
Valentine's Day
Meme War.
Who's this Wattpad.
Ever Since New York.
Ever Since New York #2
Ever Since New York #3
Steve Rogers learning about periods would include
Author's Note.
Couldn't talk yourself out of it?
The thick one.
New Year's Day
M'just Jealous
Steve's Night Out
M'half your size
Okay. Go.
Request #1
Why would I ever leave you?


10.4K 216 49
By TaylorHearted

Okay, I'm sorry but I have to say this: All I can picture is that scene from the Kardashians where Kim loses her earrings in the ocean and she's in tears and Kourtney just deadpans, "Kim, there are people who are dying."

Anywayyyyyy, moving on..., I hope you guys know that you can talk to me right? I promise am not scary, if u need someone to talk to please private message me and I'd love to talk! Also, what do guys wanna read next? Am running out of ideas so.....comment maybe??


You couldn't stop staring at your ring.

Growing up, you had always dreamt about how you thought your future husband would propose to you, but Chris had gone above and beyond all of your wildest fantasies. Everything from the location, to the ambiance, to the ring he had chosen and the words he had used had been absolutely perfect, and you had been a right, blubbering mess for hours afterward.

You weren't usually one to be superficial about things like jewellery; in the entire time you had been dating Chris, he learned very quickly that the way to your heart was not through shiny diamonds and precious jewels. You preferred the more personal gifts, something that you knew he had spent a lot of time planning and picking out because it reminded him or you or it meant something special to both of you.

But this ring...oh man, this ring. It was beyond every expectation and vision that you could had ever dreamt up. He had done well; very, very well.

You were scared to even think about how much it had cost him, and he wasn't about to tell you. Chris had been known to go overboard on spending from time to time, especially on you. You always told him that it wasn't necessary and you wouldn't love him any less if he didn't spoil you, but Chris was generally so frugal with his money – even though he had it in spades – that the idea of spending a little extra on his girl every once in a while didn't faze him too much. The one thing you did know about the ring was that it had definitely cost and arm and a leg. You didn't know too much about jewellery, but you were able to do a bit of research and come up with a ballpark figure of how much it may have been.

For that reason, you guarded that ring with your life. Not that you wouldn't have if it were less expensive, but the idea of potentially losing something like that terrified you. Chris didn't typically freak out over stuff, but one time you had seen him completely lose his mind when he thought he had lost one of his watches. He practically tore the hotel room apart until he found it; you had never seen him so flustered.

You knew how much that watch had cost – you were the one who had bought it for him. The ring had likely cost more; you were not about to lose it.

You and Chris hadn't really planned on having an engagement party of sorts, but you ended up having a get together with about a dozen family and friends a few weeks after you got engaged. It was a fairly simple affair; a barbecue, some drinks and snacks, a pool for people to swim in if they so desired, and just an all-around good time with friends, relaxing and enjoying each other's company.

Since the engagement was still pretty new, you noticed that Chris was having a hard time keeping his eyes (and hands) off of you. Even when the two of you were deep in conversations with other people, you would never be too far from each other. Every so often, when there was a lull, you would glance over to see Chris looking back at you; the smile in his eyes soft and loving, as if he still couldn't believe that you had actually said yes.

His co-stars had come to the party as well. They also seemed to be the only ones over the age of 12 that had chosen to use the pool. Despite their best efforts, they couldn't convince Chris to join them and you wondered if that was Chris's subtle way of trying to appear more mature now that he was an engaged man.

You, on the other hand, were being a brat. You refused to actually go in the water but you were more than happy to mess around and splash them anytime they came out of the pool. You would wait until they were just about dry before you would make your move, prompting a glare from whichever one was your victim at the moment, and then a sigh as they dropped their towel and went back into the water since they were already wet again.

It was bound to catch up to you sooner or later, especially considering who you were dealing with. It was Sebastian who finally had enough of your shenanigans and decided to take action. He waited until Chris was far enough away from you that he wouldn't be able to help and then ran over, grabbing you by the arm and dragging you over to the pool. You shrieked with laughter because you had seen something like this coming, and tried to pull away but Sebastian was stronger. The next thing you knew, you were being thrown into the rather cold water, clothes and all.

When you emerged from under the water, you saw Chris standing at the edge of the pool looking horrified. But you were enjoying yourself, laughing as you swam to the ladder and slowly eased yourself out, clothes wet and heavy and weighing you down. Chris rushed to your side, extending a hand to help you out.

"Are you okay?" He asked, very concerned.

You laughed again. "I'm fine. I suppose I should have seen that coming."

As you walked past Seb, who was killing himself laughing, you shook your hair so it sprayed all over his face.

"Sorry love, but you brought that on yourself." He said, pulling you into a playful hug.

It was when you reached around to hug him back that you noticed something was missing from your hand. The giant stone that was supposed to be sitting on your ring finger was no longer there.

Your heart dropped and panic immediately filled your eyes. Seb noticed the change in demeanor immediately and frowned.

"What's wrong? I didn't hurt you, did I?"

You glanced up at him, eyes still filled with fear. "No, no, it's not...that. I just..."

You quickly turned, seeing Chris who was still on your other side, and moved close to him so you could whisper.

" ring."

He frowned. "What about it?"

"I think's in the pool somewhere."

You saw the flash of panic cross over Chris's face as well, but he did a good job trying to hide it from you.

"Okay, well we'll just...have a look or something." He turned to look at the pool and frowned again.

The other boys had surrounded you as well by that point and could tell something was up.

"What's going on?" Jeff asked.

"(Y/N) lost her ring in the pool." Chris mumbled, not really looking any of them in the eye.

You cast a glance over at Seb and could tell that he felt terrible.

"Christ, I'm sorry babe." He said. "I didn't realize...I wouldn't have thrown you in if...."

You put a hand on his shoulder. "No, it's okay. It's not your fault. It's gotta be in there somewhere; pool's not that big, right?"

"We'll go in and find it." Jeff said, immediately tossing his shirt to the side and jumping back into the pool.

"Careful not to stir up the water too much." Chris warned. "Don't want it to get pushed into the drain or somethin'."

At this point, both you and Chris were crouched down by the side of the pull and all three boys were wading around slowly, staring down at the bottom trying to spot anything that looked shiny. It probably looked absolutely ridiculous to the other guests, but most of them weren't even paying attention at this point.

"Oh, I see something!" Jeff said, diving under suddenly and grabbing at the bottom. He emerged seconds later with a disappointed look on his face. "Sorry, it's just a coin. But ask anyone if they've lost a dollar."

Jeff was met with an unimpressed expression from Chris, and then wisely continued looking.

The search went on for what seemed like forever. The wet clothes you were in had half dried and you were starting to get chilled, but you couldn't bring yourself to go in and change until someone found that ring.

The longer the search went on, the more devastated you became. You could tell that Chris was tense beside you, and you were near tears yourself. The idea that a stupid bit of immature fun could possibly cost you the most beautiful ring in existence didn't sit well with you. You managed to hold back your tears for a while, but soon found yourself sniffling and wiping your eyes.

Chris looked over and saw the state you were in. He gently put an arm around your shoulder and squeezed.

"Don't cry, my love. They'll find it."

His words were comforting, but not helpful. You knew he was freaking out inside as well, but was trying so hard not to show it. The idea of disappointing him made you cry even more. Chris sighed, pulling you up into a standing position and turning you toward the house.

"Let's go get you dry, love. You're shivering."

"No, but the – "

"They'll keep looking." He insisted. "I don't want you to get sick, baby. C'mon."

You finally nodded, allowing him to lead you from the pool to the house. He got you inside, grabbing a dry towel from the bathroom and taking you into the bedroom to get changed.

"Get those clothes off, c'mon now."

In any normal circumstance, this request would have likely led to something a little more cheeky happening, but in the moment this was strictly business.

You sniffled as you pulled your wet shirt over your head. You caught a glimpse of your bare finger again and the tears started pouring down your cheeks.

"Oh, love." Chris murmured, coming over to you and pulling you into his chest. Your skin was still damp and cold, but the heat of his body started to warm you up.

"Chris, I'm sorry." You sputtered. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to lose it."

Chris pulled back, taking your cheeks in both hands and forcing you to look at him.

"(Y/N), I'm not upset with you. Honest baby, you don't have to cry."

You continued to blubber into his chest, so Chris took you by the hands and led you over to the bed. He sat you down, helping you pull your wet shorts off and unhooking your bra so it fell loosely down your arms. He took the towel he had gotten from the bathroom and wrapped you up in it, running his hands over your arms to warm you up as you continued to cry.

"Chris, what if we don't find it?" You sniffed, leaning your head against his shoulder.

"Then I buy you another one." He shrugged.

"But...I know how much this one cost. I mean, I don't specifically know, but I have a pretty good idea. I could see it in your eyes when we were outside."

Chris wrinkled his nose. "Babe, I don't care about how much it cost. That's not why I had that look."

"But that time, with the watch, you freaked out when you thought you'd lost that."

To your surprise, Chris chuckled a bit. "Yeah, because you gave it to me. Not because it was expensive. I freaked out because I thought I had lost somethin' incredibly special. And it's the same with the ring. Of course, it cost money, but that doesn't matter. It matters because that ring is somethin' that means so much to me and to you." He placed a kiss to your forehead. "But I promise you that even if we didn't have that ring, I would still love you just as much. I'm more worried because I know you'll be upset if it gets lost."

"It's a beautiful ring." You whispered, the tears ebbing off finally.

"Not beautiful enough fo' you." Chris replied. "I don't think they make a ring that beautiful."

You smirked, kissing his cheek. "I'm marrying such a cheeseball."

"But you're still marrying me. It's binding now; I've already proposed and you said yes." He joked.

You held up your hand. "I dunno. I don't see a ring anywhere."

Chris gave you a silly, shocked expression and quickly pinned you down on the bed beneath him.

"Well then, future Mrs. Evans, perhaps we'll have to make it binding in another way."

You giggled as his lips worked their magic over your jaw and neck, his fingers pulling open the sides of your towel. Before you could get anywhere, you heard Jeff's voice from outside the bedroom door.

"Chris? (Y/N)? Where are ya? We found the ring!"

Both of you shot up and ran to the door. You didn't even care that you were only wearing a towel and not much underneath, you simply pulled the two ends closely together in your hands so nothing would slip and opened the door.

Jeff was standing outside with a huge, satisfied grin on his face. He held out his hand when he saw you and revealed your ring.

"It's a little wet, but it seems okay."

You thanked him, breathlessly, and took the ring from him. You were about to put it back on your finger, when Chris stopped you.

"Ah, ah, allow me."

You handed him the ring and laughed as he got down on one knee in front of you and took your hand in his.

"(Y/N), will you please accept this chlorine covered ring and marry me?"

You rolled your eyes, laughing. "Honestly, Chris?"

"C'mon now, don't leave a man hangin' like this!"

"Yes, Chris. I will marry you."

Chris grinned and slipped the ring back on your finger, standing up to give you a kiss. You totally forgot about Jeff being behind you until you heard his voice.

"Bloody hell, you guys are weird."

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