Digimon Tamers (Tiffany Scrip...

De jail251

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Tiffany Jane is twevele years old. Ever sinse she was a little girl she is used to getting her way. Her dad w... Mai multe

Ep 1: Daddy's little princess
Ep 2: The Mystery Continues
Ep 3: Bunny goes Wild
Ep 4: Video game errors
Ep 5: Dream a little Dream
Ep 6: Burning Fox
Ep 7: Unground Tunnel
Ep 9: The girl with purple hair
Ep 10: Return to Rookie
Ep 11: Tiffany's partner
Ep 12: Dark Warriors
Ep 13: Friendship at stake
Ep 14: Shattered
Ep 15: The blue card is key!
Ep 16: Memories return
Ep 17: Snake train
Ep 18: Robotic chicken
Contest extended
Contest Ended!
Episode 19: An Angel is born
Where have I been???
Episode 20 Beach trip
Ep 21: Bunny in Armor
Ep 22: Mystical Fox
Ep 23: Impmon is my friend!
Ep 24: Impmon is my friend part 2
Ep 25: Please Leomon!
Ep 26: War of the Ultimate (5 k read special)
Pansamon Info (So far)
Blaine's Gatomon info
Epipamon (info so far)

Ep 8: A broken mind

409 18 6
De jail251

Digimon Tamers
Digimon and the characters are owned by Toeianimation.
I only own Tiffany, and Pansamon.

A twelve year old girl sat at the end of a wooden dock. Birds chirped happily above her.

The girl had light purple hair that was held in a tight pony tail. It was held by a black scrunchie. She wore a purple dress shirt, and a black skirt. The girl held in her right hand, a D-power.

The D-power was mostly black, with a purple ring and buttons.

The girl smiled softly as she watched the panther digimon swimming around in the lake in front of her.

The panther stopped swimming and turned his head to her.

"Do you want to come in and swim?" He asked.

The purple hair girl shook her head. "No thanks. Pansamon."

The panther digimon shrughed. "Your loss."

The purple hair girl picked up the purple purse that sat next to her and pulled out a sketch book.

She pulled out a pencil case and took out a pencil.

She started to draw the river. Making sure she got every detail. Her parents said she had a wonderful gift. Art came natural to her. She was definitely not the type of person who draws stick figures.

The girl continue to smile to herself as she drawled. Drawing was almost a comfort to her. It helped her calm down, or just get out of drama.

The purple hair girl looked up from her work to see Pansamon picking himself up from the water.

The panther digimon started to shake himself off.

The girl chuckled at him.

"What?" He asked.

"You, you act like a regular cat." She giggled.

Pansamon rolled his eyes. He walked over and look down at the girl's work. "You are one great artist Julia."

Julia gave him a thumbs up. "You can say that again Pansamon."

Pansamon frown at those words.

Julia looks at him with concern. She closes her art book and stares at him. "Is something wrong Pansamon."

Pansamon shook his head quickly. "Nothing at all Julia." He said quickly.

Julia stares at him for a few more seconds. The purple hair girl didn't understand what he was hiding.

Why do I feel like Pansamon is lying to me? First I felt like he was lying to me when I woke up. And now? What did I do wrong?

Julia looks over at the trees. "Pansamon"

Pansamon looks over at her. "Yes Julia?"

She points up at a nearby tree. "The trees leaves has started to change color...some are red and yellow...but that's only during the fall. Pansamon....isn't it early summer?" She asked

Pansamon bit his lip.

I can't tell her. I still remember how she reacted when Blaine and I told her...after that day...it...it was all his fault...if he could only go back in time to change it...Julia wouldn't have to suffer...

The purple hair girl stood up and dusted her self off. She picks up her art book and puts it in her purple purse.

"Let's get going home, Pansamon. I don't want mom and dad worrying about us."

The panther digimon nods and hops into her arms.

Julia smiles as she holds the rookie digimon in her arms.

She begins to walk down the path home. The path was made of stone that her father crafted. It had taken her dad at least one year, for him to craft a pathway that was at least one mile away from their house all the way to the river.

Julia frowns as she tries to recall what Pansamon told her this morning.

"Pansamon...where did Blaine go?" She has asked.

"He...he went to summer camp. He won't be back until after summer is over."

"But why wouldn't he say goodbye to me...and why couldn't I go along?" She had asked sadly.

"You know Blaine."

Julia frowns as she gets out of her flashback. "Blaine..." She whispers.

Pansamon looks up at her sadly. "You okay?"

The purple hair girl shrugs. "I guess."

"Hey, why don't we look foward to what your mom has planned for us."

Julia grins brightly.

"Spaghetti and meatballs!" They shouted in unison. Both human and digimon seem really excited.

Julia put a hand to her cheek as she began to think about her mother's food. "My mom makes the best pasta sauce in the entire world!" She exclaims. "Spicy but not too hot." She added.

Pansamon rubbed his paws together. "I'm looking foward to the garlic bread."

Julia eyes started to water.

"I remember how my brother and I used to act like this." She wondered off.

(Six months ago)

Blaine and Julia were both at a trader maze.

People had set up booths, each booth held diffrent make shift items.

"Big bro!" Julia cried out.

Blaine turned to face his sister.

She was grinning from ear to ear. As she was wearing a large hat made of fake peacot feathers. "What do you think?" She asked.

Blaine raised an eyebrow. "Do you want to hear the truth."

Julia sticks her tongue out. "Oh come on Blaine. I make anything look good." She teased.

Blaine shook his head. "Do you really want it. Mom only gave us twenty dollars to get something." He reminded her.

Julia took off the hat. She put her hand to her chin and held the hat away from her.

"Hmm...Is this me?" She asked aloud.

She shook her head. "I may be random, but this randomness has far surpassed mine." She announced. As she placed the hat back on the booth.

Blaine sweatdropped at his sister silly remark.

Julia raced over to her brother and placed a hand on his shoulder. "Come along my dear brother. More booths await us."

"Sure, you lead the way."

Julia grins. "Naturally."

Julia walked quickly. Checking every booth she passed. A huge almost child like grin was on her face as she checked every booth.

Blaine smiled after her.

My sister is an amazing person. She sees the beauty in everything in this world. She always tries to think positive, even if the whole world is crashing around her. Blaine thought as he watched Julia continue to act like a young kid in a candy store.

Julia ooed and awed at practically every booth.

She stopped in front of a man who sat in a booth. "What does this do?" She asked

She was pointing down at a wooden box, with a small handle on the right side.

"It's a music box, I made" He informed her.

Julia stares in wonder at the box. "Can I hear it's melody?"

The man nods and turns the lever. He turns it three times and the box opens. A melody starts to play.

Julia smiles as peaceful music plays around her.

Julia sang along with the music box. Her voice match the melody of the box. She had her eyes closed, as she held her hands together.

When the melody had stopped playing. She open her eyes and smiled. "That was beautiful"

The man smiled back at her. "I am glad that you think so, young child." He holds out the box to her. "I will give it to you."

Julia eyes grew wide as she stared down at the box. "Your going to give it to me?" She asked in surprise.

The man smiled gently. "Your voice was beautiful child. It was as if this box was made for you. You have brought a smile to me, and that is payment enough for me."

Julia takes the music box from the man. "Thank you so much sir."

The man smiles. "I hope you and your brother have a nice day."

"You too." They said as the waved at him.

Julia stared happily down at the music box in her hands. "I love it, Blaine. Nothing could ever beat this treasure." She held it close to her heart. "It's my melody from my heart." She whispered.

"I'm glad."

Julia was walking towards the door of the trader maze. "I think I'm done looking Blaine." She said with a grin.

The green hair boy nodded. "Then let's get on home. Mom is making...."

"Her famous meatloaf with onion sauce" Julia and her brother said in unison.

Blaine chuckles and follows his sister to the door.

A figure walks from the front door. He wore a purple cloak. The figure bumps into Julia. And causes the purple hair girl to fall to the ground. Her music box fell to the ground.

The person in the cloak picked up the box and races off.

"My music box!" Julia cried. "Please don't take it!""

Blaine quickly helped his sister to her feet. "Come on. We can still catch up."

She nodded. The two siblings raced through the story. Trying to find the figure wearing the cloak.

Tears raced down her face. Why would that person steal my music box? Did they think it was my make ship piggy bank or something? Julia shook her head. No he probably knew what he was doing.

"This way!" Blaine shouted. As he started to run down the right corridor. Julia followed after him.

But the sad news that had run into a dead end.

Julia couldn't believe her eyes. The cloak person was nowhere to be seen. All she could was people behind booths.

"My music box..." She whispered sadly.

Blaine bit his lip. He didn't know what to say to his sister. He wanted to help her...but all he did was lose the person who took something from his little sis.

"Excuse me kids"

Blaine and Julia turned to a left to see a man sitting behind a booth. He wore a baseball cap covering his hair. The hat was dark blue. His eyes were hidden behind black sunglasses.

The man wore a white shirt with a brown jacket over it. Plus brown slacks.

"Yes?" Blaine asked.

"I want to ask you both something."

Blaine and Julia exchange looks.

Julia titled her head. "What is that?" She asked.

The man turned his head to Blaine. "Young boy, do you crave the idea of adventure. The thought of meeting new people, and being a hero of a story?" He asked.

Blaine kept quiet. He didn't know what to say.

The man turned his head to Julia.

"Young girl, do you cherish friendship, and imagination?" He asked.

"What are you getting at?" Blaine asked.

"I may have something both of you may like"

The man puts down two card readers in front of him.

"Card readers." Julia whispered.

The man also puts down ten card packages. On each package was "Digimon rare card packs!"

"Digimon" Blaine says as he looks down at each card pack. "Mom said we shouldn't waste our time with silly card games."

Julia looks up at her brother. "But Blaine...we both like the show."

Blaine noticed his sister had forgotten the music box. He sighed and smiled at her.

"Fine, you got me."

The man behind the booth smiled. "Okay, pick a pack. Any pack."

The two kids picked up a pack.

"I have another question. What do you both wish for?" He asked.

"Wish?" They asked in unison.

The man nodded.

Julia smiles as she closes her eyes. "I want to make a great friend. Someone who would always be there for me. Someone I can always rely on."

Blaine frowned. "I want to become stronger. To protect the ones I care about."

The man motioned for them to open up the decks they held. They both tore the wrapper paper up and gasped as blue light flashed from the inside.

"What's this?" Julia asked.

She pulled out a blue card.

Blaine mimic her. They both stared at the blue card in wonder.

"Those are definitely rare cards. You should check them on your card readers."

They both nodded and slashed the cards through the readers. Their eyes grew wide.

"Oh no we broke them" Julia said worriedly.

Data was zooming randomly across the screen. Suddenly both readers was covered in bright white light.

When the white light faded away.

Blaine held a white D-power with a yellow ring in the center.

While Julia held a black D-power with a purple ring in the center.

"Are these...digivices?" Julia asked.

She looks up to ask the man. But he had vanished.

Julia looks around for the man but he was gone.

"What the..." Blaine whispered to himself.

Blaine stared down at his screen. As a digital egg appeared in the center. "A digiegg"

Julia stared down at hers, and also saw a digiegg.

"The equation must carry the x...." Julia begins to hear a man whisper equations aloud.

She realized it was the man before.

She guessed that he had gotten up. But she didn't understand why he was allowing them to have their cards and readers for free.

He was whispering math expressions under his breath.

Maybe I had imagined him vanishing in thin air. Blaine didn't really seem that surprised. Maybe he saw him get up and leave.

"Let's get on home." He suggested.

Julia nodded to agree with her brother. The two of them put their D-power in their pockets and went on home.


Julia smiled as she saw her house came into view. The house was rather smile but it was still beautiful to her.

The paint was a pale blue, the windows trim was painted a bright white. And the roof the house was made up of black tile.

In front of the house was a bright garden. Filled with flowers of all kinds.

Her mother had a green thumb, and always loved planting diffrent types of flowers she found in the store.

Julia walked inside her house to see her mother at the stove. She was putting in extra seasoning to her Spaghetti sauce.

"Oh" her mother said as she turned her head. To see her and Pansamon come through the door.

"Well you two made it back just in time." She said warmly. "Julia go wash up, and I will serve the pasta." She instructed her.

Julia nods and races to go wash her hands.

Julia's mother frowned after her. "Was it the same?" She asked.

Pansamon nodded gravily. "More or less..."

"Don't blame yourself Pansamon. You can't blame yourself for something like this....the doctor said she might be able to recover...but at the moment. We have to act like nothing is going on."

Pansamon nodded. "I hope so."

Julia ran back into the room. "So mom. I have a question."

Her mom smiled as her daughter, and Pansamon got into seats at the dinning room table.

"Can we see that one movie, that came out in the beginning of the summer? You know about the boy who discovered a secret government acency that works alongside aliens?" She asked hopefully.

Her mom and Pansamon exchange looks.

"We will have to discuss that. But at the moment we just have to wait on it dear."

Julia frowns.

Her mother places the plates of pasta in front of Julia and Pansamon.

"Eat up." She said cheerfully.

"I'm so glad today is the first day of summer. No more school or teachers. I can be with the people I care about the most."

Her mother looked away as tears started to swarm in her eyes.

Pansamon quickly changed the subject. "So when is Mr. Glare coming home?" He asked.

Julia's mother stared at the clock. "He called earlier and told me that his mother had fallen and that he was going to spend the night at the hospital."

"Oh no poor grandma." Julia whispered sadly. "I hope she is okay. We should go see her tomorrow." She suggested.

"We'll see"

After dinner Julia had washed the dishes, while Pansamon dried them.

Julia's mother was putting up the leftover pasta and garlic bread.

When they were all finished her mom hugged her. "Good night Julia. Sweet dreams."

"Good night mom"

Julia walked over to the calander on the fridge. "First day of summer gone." She said as she rip off July first from the calander.

She bawled the paper up and threw it into the trash.

Julia had taken a shower, brushed her teeth and changed into her purple pajamas.

Julia yawned as she walked past Pansamon in the hallway. "Going to bed?" She asked.

Pansamon shook his head. "In a little bit. Good night Julia."

Julia smiled and walked into her room. She got into her bed, closed her eyes and went to sleep.

Thirty minutes after Julia had fallen asleep. Pansamon and Julia's mother were moving around the house.

Pansamon had taken down the whole calander from the fridge and threw it into the trash.

Julia's mother then open up a cabinet and pulled out a box filled to the brim of the same calender.

She put a calander on the fridge door and ripped off the pages until June first was shown.

Pansamon then open up the bottom cabinet and pulled out a deck of cards.

He laid them down on the table. And placed them as if someone had played a game of solitaire. But they had to put the game on pause.

Julia's mother quietly walked into her daughter's room. And picked up her purse. She open up her daughter's drawing book and carefully rip out the picture of Pansamon swimming.

She then put the art book back and left the room.

Julia's mother walked outside to the shed. And open the shed door. On the inside hanging all over the walls. Was pictures of Pansamon swimming in the lake.

She put the picture on the wall, and taped it.

Julia's mother lips started to tremble as tears appeared in her eyes.

"If only..." She sobbed. Her shoulders started to shake as she began to cry.

"Why...out of anyone in this world. Why did it happen to my Julia. She is a sweet little girl. Who doesn't deserve this." She sobbed.


Julia smiled as she slowly awoke. She stretch and yawned lightly.

She looked around her room, at the purple paint on the walls. Posters of several anime she has watched over the years. But recently she has stopped watching T.V., mostly because she wanted to spend more time with Pansamon.

She look to her right at a small make shift bed that she had made for the panther digimon. Inside the bed under the covers was Pansamon. The rookie digimon was sleeping peacefully.

Julia smiled softly at him. She got out of bed and shook him.

"Huh?" He whispered.

Julia closed her eyes and titled her head to the right as she smiled. "Happy first day of summer!" She said excitedly. "No more teachers or school for me. "

Pansamon smiled back up at her. "Happy first day of summer."

Pansamon got out of bed.

The two friends walked out into the kitchen and Julia smiled at the frigde. She saw June first posted. And her smile only grew.

Her mom was at the oven. The smell of French toast drifted in the air.

Her mom promised that for the first day of summer she would make her and Blaine french toast.

Her father sat at the table reading a newspaper. He turned the page and looked up. "Good morning you two. How are you doing with your first day of summer?" He asked.

Julia winked at him. "Awesome! Today feels like it's going to be a great day today. I have planned it all out already. Blaine and I are going to go down to lake. And then maybe fish for a while-"

Her mother turn her head to her. "Julia, your brother just left for summer camp sweetie."

Julia look over at her mother sadly. "And Blaine didn't say goodbye?" She asked confused.

"He was in a rush. We all thought the bus would leave later."

Julia frowned. She didn't understand why she couldn't have gone with him. Blaine and her were a team. They were always together for one another.

After breakfast Julia got up from the table and kissed her father on the cheek and hugged her mother.

"I'll be back for dinner!" She shouted as she grabbed Pansamon and put her purse on her shoulder.

"Be careful, if either of you get hungry. I can make you both a snack or lunch."

"Okay mom!" Julia yelled after her.

Julia raced outside.

"To the lake!" Pansamon said happily

Julia nodded. "I might even draw a picture"

Julia had started to walk down the path to the lake but stopped walking.

"Is something wrong Julia?" Pansamon asked looking up at her.

The purple haired girl turn her head to the shed. "You know...I might want to get something out of the shed."

Pansamon's eyes grew wide. "What?!" He asked.

Julia was puzzled by her Digimon partner's reaction.

"I just want to get my paint set. I haven't painted it in forever."

"I can go get it for you." Pansamon suggested. Struggling to get out of her arms.

"Pansamon you are really acting strange this morning. It's almost like you are trying to hide something from me. Is it a birthday gift?" She asked excitedly.

Julia reached for the door handle.

"Julia! Please don't go in there." He pleaded.

The purple hair girl frown. "What aren't you telling me Pansamon?" She asked.

The panther digimon bit his lip. "You wouldn't understand."

"I wouldn't understand what?" She asked confused.

Pansamon open his mouth to speak. But he couldn't say anything. He had no idea how to stop his tamer from opening the door.

Julia open the door to the shed and walked inside.

She gasped as she saw almost forty pictures hanging all over the wall. And it was of the same thing. Pansamon swimming in the river.

And to make the matters scary is that she was planning to draw something like this...and it looked like her work. What us going on?"

"Pansamon...what is going on?" She asked

Pansamon jumped out of her arms and looked at her sadly. "You...you might want to sit down for this." He suggested.

The purple hair girl sat down.

"Julia...you are suffering from short term memory loss. Today is not June, first. It's August, fifteenth."

Julia's eyes grew wide in shock. She couldn't believe what she just heard.

"Why...why didn't you guys tell me?" She asked between tears.

Pansamon bit his lip. "This isn't our first time telling you...." He whispered. "You just don't remember."

Julia gripped the side of her shorts. She shook her head. "This...this can't be true your lying!" She shouted.

Pansamon shook his head. Julia was surprised to see tears in Pansamon's eyes. "I would never lie to you. It pain me every day to relieve that same day over and over...that day that caused all of this."

Pansamon put a paw to his chest. "The reason you are suffering from all of this...is (he pauses) because of me." He cried.

"Pansamon..." She whispered. "What....what happen?" She asked.

Pansamon wipe away a few tears out of his eyes.

"You, your brother, Gatomon, and I were on our way home from the lake. It seemed all peaceful then...we all were unware...of the events that follow"

(June 1st)

Blaine and Julia stood in defensive positions. As their digimon stood in front of them.

Standing about five feet in front of them all were two Monchromon.

Gatomon was breathing slowly. The feline digimon was trying to catch her breath. "Those guys are tough...and I'm in my champion level..." She whispered in disbelief.

Pansamon barred his fangs. "We just have to be careful."

Blaine nodded as he pulled out a card. "I think I might have an idea. First you two need to split up."

Gatomon and Pansamon nodded.

"Now!" Blaine yelled. As Gatomon and Pansamon ran in two diffrent directions.

The two Monchromon split up chasing after a feline digimon.

The one Monchromon raced towards Gatomon. He slammed his foot to the ground causing it to shake. "Volcanic strike!" He roared.

A large ball of fire appeared above him and soared towards Gatomon.

"Digi-modify! " Blaine shouted.

"Speed activate!"

Gatomon seem to disappear in thin air. The ball of flame slammed into the ground without hitting a target.

Gatomon reappeared in the air and did a front flip. "Electric paw!" She growled as she struck the champion digimon in the middle of his forehead.

The Monchromon Burst into data and flew off in thin air.

Blaine threw his fist in the air. "One down, one more to go!" He cheered.

Pansamon dashed towards the last Monchromon. "I got this one!" He snarled. Darkness started to surround the panther digimon.

"Shadow frenzy!"

The panther digimon started to slash out in the air. The attack struck the champion digimon causing smoke to fill the air.

Pansamon landed on the ground and snickered. "Easy as pie!"

Julia smiled and cheered for Pansamon. "Great job!"

The smoke quickly parted as Monchromon raced out of it with his horn lowered. Pansamon was caught off guard and was thrown in the air.

"Pansamon!" Julia screamed as she watched the panther digimon slam into the ground roughly.

"Julia get out of there!" Blaine yelled. As he and Gatomon raced in her direction.

Julia watched in terror as the Monchromon faced her. She had started to run.

The Monchromon slammed his foot into the ground. "Earth tremble!"

The ground started to shake violently. Until Julia was launched into the air.

The purple haired girl scream until her head collided into a tree.

A loud crunch sound was soon heard afterword.

"Julia!" Pansamon shouted in anger.

Julia's digivice started to glow.

"Digivoultion" A women's voice was heard.

Black data started to appear from Julia's digivice.

The black data started to form an egg around the panther digimon.

The panther digimon slashed out in front of him as he narrowed his eyes.

"Pansamon digivolve too...!"

Pansamon's fur started to get deleted away by black data.

A bright white flash was seen around the black egg. And the egg turn purple.

Black fur started to grow on the new figure in the egg. His eyes was narrowed. And his fangs were barred.

The purple egg hatched an a humanoid panther appeared from the egg.

The humanoid had black fur. The figure wore a black vast. With a gold outline, the online formed together to a power on symbol that is on computers. He wore digital black paints, that was held by a black belt, the belt buckle was a gold panther head. Silver boots that was covered by a silver shoe cover. He wore a gold cloak. His arms was free of sleeves, his wrist has gray ancient rings on either wrist. On his tail was his gray tail ring. On his right paw was a gold fingerless gloves.

"Gamimon!" He roared as he slashed out with his large claws.

Gamimon dashed foward. Anger burned in his eyes.

"How dare you" He roared.

"Hellfire Blossom!" Gamimon pounced in the air as darkness surrounded his razor sharp claws.

He slashed across the Monchromon chest.

Monchromon cried out in pain as he skidded backwards.

"Quoth the Raven" Blast mist started to form in the panther's paws. He roared as he suddenly let out the blast of energy.

The darkness blast caused the Monchromon to burst into data. When the fight was done. Gamimon frowned.

The panther digimon raced over to where Julia lay. A large cut was on the left side of her forehead. A large pool of blood covered her face.

"Julia..." Gamimon whispered in shocked.

Blaine ran over with Gatomon by his side.

"Sis..." He whispered. He put his fingers to her neck. "We need to get her home." He instructed.

Gamimon nodded and carefully picked up Julia in his arms. He held her close.

"Let's go."

The three of them dashed off in the direction of the house.


Julia put a hand over the left side of her forehead. "I...I don't remember any of that."

Pansamon bit his lip. "I have said this before Julia...but I'm so sorry." He cried.

Julia picks up the panther digimon and hugs him. "It okay, I...I forgive you." She cried.

Pansamon hugs Julia back.

When the two stop hugging. The girl stared down at the panther digimon. "Where is my brother...truly."

Panther looked like he didn't know what to say. But he finally answered. "He went to stay with your aunt and uncle, while he goes to school over there. He told you once after we told you this story before. That he would be back next summer."

Julia frowned. That isn't until a couple of months. And by tomorrow. She would forget all of this again.

Julia walks to the door of the shed, and opens it. She walks through and closes the door behind her.

She walks to her house and walks inside. Her parents were still standing where they were last were.

"Your both hungry already. " her mother laughed.

Julia shook her head. "No...Pansamon told me everything again...I want to go to my aunt and uncle's. So I can be with Blaine."

Her father and mother's eyes grew wide.

"But Julia...." her mother started. "Once your over there...you would freak out...you wouldn't wake up in your own bed."

Julia shook her head. "Don't worry about that mom. Blaine and Pansamon could tell me the story again..." She reassured her.

Her father grimaced. "But why?" He asked.

"Because I have a feeling my brother is going to need my help."

End of episode 8

Note: Yes another chapter. And this is of course Fan made!

Okay time for voice actors

Julia...let me see. I feel like Julia's voice actress would be Veronica Taylor. She played May from pokemon (Hoenn)

Pansamon would be voiced by the actor who played Simba from lion king.

While Gamimon and all his evos past the champion level would be voice by Rick Keeling the actor who played. Pantherlily from Fairy tail

Okay and now for my inspiration for Julia. Of course Julia is based off the chef from digimon dusk the video game.

But her short term memory loss idea came from the movie fifty first dates. It's a romantic comedy. And it was a great movie to draw inspiration from.

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