Creepypasta X Reader Scenarios

By Riverssenpai

63.6K 678 883

My first Creepypasta X Reader. Includes: Jeff, BEN, Masky, Hoodie, Bloody Painter, Eyeless Jack, Ticci T... More

How You Met
When You Meet Again/Becoming Friends
When You Both Grow Feelings For Each Other
When You Both Confess Your Love + First Kiss
When He Introduces You To His "Family"
When You're In The Shower / When He Hears You Singing
AN: Back From Being On Hiatus?
When He's Jealous
SURPRISE!!! NEW CHARACTER!!! Jason The Toymaker!!!

When You're Jealous

4.3K 44 120
By Riverssenpai


Walking through the forest, you let a smile lace onto your lips. Slenderman asked you to take a evening stroll with him. Honestly it was one of the only times your could spend time with him without any interruptions. Your peaceful stroll came to a halt when you and Slender heard the sounds of 2 people. Getting closer the sounds you heard turned into moans. Confused, you and Slender walked through the trees only to find a couple fucking. You both froze at the god awful sight.

"AHHHHH" The guy let out a scream of terror while his girl smirked.

"(Girls name) hurry, run! It's the faceless monster!" He guy yelled. Instead of doing what the boy suggested, the girl just smirked and crossed her arms.

"Why run when it can join us?" She said.

"Wha-what?" The boy asked.

"Those tentacles of his will only add to the pleasure." The slut licked her lips.

Slenderman was taken back at her comment while you just stood there, hiding in the bushes with a fuming red face. Before Slenderman could do anything you pushed pass the bushed you were standing behind, walked up to the girl and smacked her on the face. The boy and girl stood in shock.

"You better run and get your slutty ass out of here now!" You yelled.

Before the slut could even say anything the boy grabbed her hand and fled the scene. A low chuckle came from your boyfriend.

"Jealous that she invited me to join them?"

"No." You crossed your arms over your chest.

Again he chuckled. Placing a hand on the back of your shoulder you both continued on with your stroll.

"You know I love you right?" He said.

"Yeah. I love you too."

Jeff The Killer:

You didn't want to say your were possessive, but, you kinda were. You obviously knew Jeff could handle himself, but when it came to girls you stepped in and took control. No one touches your man but you. Sadly, Jane didn't understand the term, "No touch." You were sitting on the couch with BEN watching him play video games when you decided to go take a nap.

'I'll ask Jeff if he want's to join.' You thought.

As you got closer to the top of the first flight of stairs you heard voices. Once you reached the top you noticed that Jeff's door was slightly open and to make it worse there was a female voice coming from it. Silently, you creeped up and peered through the crack only to see Jane trying to seduce your lover.

'OH HELL NO!' You yelled mentally. You slammed open the door making Jane and Jeff jump slightly. Walking up to her you bitch slapped her in the face and dragged her out by her hair.

Once in the hallway you continued to hit her as hard as you could.

"HE'S MINE YOU GOT THAT BITCH? MINE! EVER TRY THIS AGAIN AND I WILL KILL YOU!" You screamed. A pair of hands gently grabbed your shoulders and pulled you off Jane. It was Jeff. He then proceeded to pull you into his room and closed the door.

You latched onto him and mumbled 'mine'. He chuckled.

"Jealous are we?" He grinned

"Shut up." You said as you laid on his bed. Jeff climbed into bed with you, wrapping his arms around you.

"You're so cute." He kissed you head as you blushed. You feel asleep in his arms.


You sat on the couch with your head on your boyfriends lap as he played LoZ. Eyes closed, you enjoyed the warmth of your boyfriend and the nice cooling breeze that came from an opened window in the living room. Your peace-of-thought was interrupted by high pitched giggles.

"BEEEEEEEEN!" You heard. The next thing you know you were laying on the ground. You groaned and looked up to see Sally hugging BEN from behind. You figured the impact of her chest hitting his back was the cause of you being shoved onto the ground.

BEN laughed and paused the game. "Hey Sally! What's up?"

Sally jumped over the couch, landing on BEN's lap.

'Hey that was my seat.' You pouted mentally. You glanced at Sally. She was really pretty. Long wavy brown hair. Big green eyes. Who wouldn't love her? You looked over at BEN. He looked....Happy? Like he was enjoying Sally's company more than yours. He never looked at you that way before.

Jealousy knotted in your stomach. Standing you started walking away.

"Huh? Babe, where are you going?" BEN asked.

"To my room." You said coldly. You marched up the stairs. Once in you room you sat on your bed with a pillow in between your legs. You huffed air before letting out a few sniffles.

A few minutes later a knock was heard.

"(YN)....It's BEN....Can I come in?" His muffled voice called through the door. You didn't reply. With a sigh he opened the door, entered your room, and shut the door behind him.

"Babe are you okay? Whats wrong?" He asked sitting in front of you. You looked away, refusing to make eye contact. "(YN) I know somthing is bothering you." He said.

"Why don't you ever look at me that way."


"The way you look at her....You never look at me that way."

BEN laughed. "(YN)....Are you....Jealous of Sally? (YN), I love you not her. Besides she's to young. And I do look at you 'that way'. You just don't see it because you're always looking away when I'm doing it."

Your face turned red. "I'm not jealous." You muffled into the pillow. BEN laughed again before reaching out to you and pulling you into his embrace.

"I love you. That won't ever change." BEN said

"I love you too."

Eyeless Jack:

The moment you started living in the Creepypasta household you took a liking to everyone.....except for one. Nina The Killer. That bitch though she was so sly flirting with EJ. You watched from a distance how she trailed her index finger up his covered chest. Flames appeared in your eyes. Getting up from your spot at the dinner table, you grabbed the untouched steak knife. Jeff and BEN snickered, Jane and Clockwork giggled.

You walked behind the two. "Get up." You gritted though your teeth.

Nina turned to face you. "Hm? Oh I'm sorry did you say something?" She turned to face EJ. "Did she say something EJ? I don't think she did." Nina smirked. Before anything else was said you stabbed the table between her finders, She yelped.

"EJ help! She's tried hurting me!" Nina cried clinging onto your man. EJ pushed her off.

"I said...Get up!" You grabbed her by the ponytail. She cried in pain. You dragged her into the living room.

"EJ you should go make sure (YN) doesn't kill her. Slender would be pissed off." Toby said. EJ sighed and got up.

Walking into the living room he saw you beating on Nina. He managed to pull you off and dragged you outside. Once the cool night air hit your face you relaxed.

"Why do you let her do that?" You asked. "Why do you let her touch you when you're mine?"

"I guess I'm just use to it." He replied. Tears dropped from your eyes causing EJ to look at you. He pulled you into a hug.

"No need to be jealous or upset my love. I'm not attracted to her. I never was and never will be. I have you. You're all that I want in life." He whispered.

"Just please don't let her touch you. Only I can do that." You whimpered. EJ lifted up his mask revealing a toothy smile.

"I love you (YN)."

"I love you too EJ." You shared a passionate kiss with a fuming Nina watching you two from a distance.

(P.S. : I absolutely hate Nina The Killer. She's a total rip-off of Jeff. I'd never bring her into my stories but for the sake of drama I will.)


You and Masky were sitting outside in the grass enjoying the nice warm sunny day. His left hand was placed on top of your right hand. Masky lifted his mask, revealing the smile he had on his lips. You giggled after Masky kissed your lips. It was peaceful spending time with him...that is until Hoodie decided to interrupt.

"MASKY I MADE CHEESECAKE!" Hoodie called out from the back door to the backyard. Before you knew it, Masky jumped up and ran inside leaving you all alone.

Your mouth curved down, unhappy from your boyfriends sudden action. You stood up, dusted yourself off and walked inside. Once inside you could see Masky and Hoodie bonding over the cake Hoodie made. Sometimes you felt like Hoodie pulled Masky away purposely. You knew of the strong bond they held together, you had no problem with it, but Hoodie knows how much Masky meant to you yet just scoops him away whenever you and him were getting close, always ruining the moment.

Your eyes saddened. All you wanted was to spend time with him. You decided to take a walk thinking it would help but it didn't it just made you angry.

"Stupid Hoodie, trying to steal my boyfriend." You talked to yourself. "I'd like to smack you in the face. How'd you like that?"

"(YN)?" A familiar voice called. You turned to see your boyfriend.

"Tim..." You whispered. Masky was not Masky but Tim. His mask was off. His brown eyes bored into your (EC) ones.

"What - what are you doing here?" You asked.

"I knew something was wrong so I followed you." He said. "(YN) you honestly think that Hoodie is trying to take me away from you?" You staid silent, looking down at the dirt floor.

"(YN) please look at me." You did what he asked. Tears spilt from your eyes.

"I'm sorry" You cried. Tim pulled you into a hug. You inhaled his sent of cigarettes and his natural musky sent.

"You have nothing to be sorry for" He said

"Yes I do. For being jealous." You replied. Tim chuckled.

"It's okay to be jealous sometimes. Hoodie is my best friend, he's been there since the beginning."

"I know"

"I promise nothing will come in between us (YN). I love you."

"I love you too Tim." You both smiled and headed back to the mansion hand in hand.


You sat in one of the many arm chairs in the living room reading one of your favorite books. A nice breeze flew threw the window. Before you could read any further some cp's came chattering in, turning on the t.v. You noticed your hooded boyfriend.

"Hoodie!" You chimed. Right after you called for him another voice called out.

"Hoodie! Common, lets go into town and get cheesecake before the shop closes." Masky yelled. Hoodie nodded and started to head out the door when you grabbed him by the wrist. He turned to face you.

"Oh (YN) me and Masky are just going into town to get cheesecake. I should be back soon." You could hear the smile in his tone. Your hand left his wrist and slipped into his hand.

"Can I come?" You smiled.

"HOODIE HURRY! COMMON!" Masky yelled from a distance. Hoodie turned to look at his best friend then back at you.

"Sorry (YN) maybe next time, besides the forest can be dangerous at night. We really need to go before the store closes. Love you!" He let go of your hand and ran to catch up to Masky. You could hear them laughing in the distance.

Not only were you sad but you were also angry. Hoodie always chooses Masky over you. You know that Masky is Hoodie's best friend, you respected their close friendship but you couldn't help but feel jealous. You wanted to spend time with your boyfriend. Feeling lonely now you went against your boyfriends wishes at took a stroll through the forest.

Everything was fine until you heard strange noises. You decided to head back to the mansion. The next thing you knew a creature with rake like claws jumped out of the bushes. You screamed and turned away, running from the creature.

"HOODIE!!" You cried out for you boyfriend. Even though you knew he wouldn't be able to hear you, you wanted to feel like he would. You tripped over a branch. Hearing leaves and twigs snap behind you, you turned your head to meet your fate.

Your fate.....was your boyfriend. Your tear stained face stared in shock. You were expecting that creature not your boyfriend.

"(YN)" he panted. "What were you thinking. I told you it's dangerous." He pulled you into a hug.

"I'm sorry I got upset and just wanted to blow off steam and.....and...." You cried in his arms. He held you.

"Shhhh it's okay. Why were you so upset?" He asked.

"You're going to think it's dumb." You said quietly. "I....I got jealous that you spend a lot of time with Masky. All I want is to spend time with you Brian..."

With one hand, Hoodie pulled off his hood and mask revealing his gorgeous features.

"(YN) you know Masky is my friend.....I'm sorry, I know I've been neglecting you lately. Please forgive me." Brian stared into you (EC) orbs. They twinkled bright.

"I forgive you if you can forgive me." You said. Brian smiled and nodded.

"Lets get out of here before that thing comes back." Brian said.

You both stood up and ran back to the house laughing, hopping you wouldn't run into the creature.

Ticci Toby:

You just got out of the shower. After drying off you put your pj's on and headed downstairs only to find Clockwork laying her head on YOUR boyfriends shoulder. You didn't like Clockwork that much. She gave you dirty looks especially when you were with Toby. You noticed her arms were wrapped around his. Your blood boiled. Trying to calm down you were going to call for Toby until you saw Clockwork say something that made him laugh. She then proceeded by kissing his cheek making him blush.

Tears formed in your eyes. You couldn't deal with the sight so you sprinted up stairs. Toby and Clockwork turned to see your form disappearing up the stairs. You got ran into your room and slammed the door shut followed by laying on your bed and crying. After a few minutes you heard a soft knocked.

"(YN) I come in?" Toby's voice laced threw the door and into your ears.

"Yes" You said loud enough for him to ear. The door opened, letting the light from the hallway flood your bedroom until he closed the door behind him.

Toby slowly walked towards you. "(YN) are you okay? Whats wrong?" He asked

"I saw you with her." You said looking away from him.

"Who love?"

"You and Clockwork. I saw her kiss you." Tears dropped from your face onto your sheets. Toby's eyes softened.

"You like her don't you?" Now Toby's eyes widened.

"No you have it all wrong. Clockwork is a dear friend of mine. She was the first to except me when I first became a Creepypasta." He explained. When you looked up as saw that your face was read he chuckled.

"You're so cute when you're jealous." He poked your arm.

"I am not!" You argued back.

"Are too!" Toby tackled you, giving you kisses everywhere. "That kiss on the cheek was nothing (YN) I promise you that. You're the only girl I love and that won't change." Toby firmly pressed his lips against yours.

Pulling away for breath you placed your forehead against his. "I love you."

Bloody Painter:

Walking down the small path to the cp mansion you only had one thing on your mind....Helen X Judge Angels. You over heard one of the pasta's talking about how cute the 2 would be together. JA was very beautiful in your eyes and you had to admit they would make a cute couple. Worry and jealousy filled your body. What if Helen left you for her?

You entered the home being greeted by Sally.

"(YN)! You're here!" She hugged you.

"Hi Sally!" You hugged back.

"Helen is up in his room with JA if you were wondering." She said and ran back to BEN on the couch.

You made your way to the 3rd floor, eyes locked on the door knob that lead to Helen's room. You knocked softly and opened the door. There you saw Helen on top of JA.

"(YN)!?" Helen called out in shock. Their eyes widened.

"I knew it was to good to be true! I hope you both are happy!" You yelled and ran out. You ran all the way back home crying over what you just saw.

After hours of crying you decided it was for the best to clean yourself up and shower. You then did your homework and went to sleep. The next day you got dressed and left for school. All day you ignored Helen. When it was time for last period you decided to get a drink before going to class. After you got your drink a hand grabbed you and snatched you, pulling you into the boys bathroom.

You looked up to see a sad looking Helen.

"(YN) you need to listen to what I have to say. About yesterday-"

"I don't want to hear it Helen!" You shouted.

"Dammit just listen! What you saw wasn't what you were thinking!"

You breathed furiously but staid put.

"I was getting ready to paint and I tripped over a can of paint. I landed on top of JA."

Your face turned red from embarrassment. "Oh." Was all you said

Helen took a step forward. "(YN) I would never cheat on you. I swear."

"I over heard that you and JA would look good together." You whispered.

Helen's eyes softened. "The only person I'd ever look good with is you (YN)."

You looked into his eyes. "I'm sorry for giving you the silent treatment."

Helen chuckled, pulling you into a hug. "It okay. Why don't we skip 6th period and head back to the mansion?"

"Okay" You smiled. When you got back to the mansion you apologized to JA. She laughed it off. Later that night Helen painted the sight of you and JA cuddling and sleeping next to each other.

Homicidal Liu:

You were hanging out in the dining room with Jeff, Toby, and BEN. Toby was eating waffles, BEN was on his Nintendo, and Jeff and you were having a conversation about the most random things. Towards the middle of the conversation, Liu came walking in with Suicide Sadie, with her arm linked with his. Your eyebrows raised in curiosity and you wanted to know why some ghost bitch was linking on to your man.

Sadie let out a loud, obnoxious laugh. "Oh Liu you're so funny."

Your cheeks burned red as they puffed up. Jeff snickered as you did that. Jeff leaned in closer to you.

"Jealous (YN)?"

"EH?" You yelled. Liu let out a soft chuckle making Sadie's face red.

"Liu your laugh is so cute." She chimed, but he ignored her and walked over to you.

Liu crested your cheek. "You're super cute when you're jealous my love."

You blushed more and looked down at your shoes. Jeff smirked in amusement as Sadie's jaw hit the ground from jealousy.

"But....but....but Liu what about me?" Sadie complained. "Aren't I cute?"

"No." Jeff and BEN said, then high fived each other.

Liu paid no attention to the others around you and him. He bent down and pecked your lips.

"Common my jealous little cutie, let's go and snuggle in your room and watch Prison Break."

Smiling, you took your hand in his, got up and walked away leaving behind your worries. You knew Liu would never cheat on you but its only human to doubt.

Red Angel:

Ray could be flirtatious but never when it came to sluts and whores. You were convinced by your boyfriend to go with him to stalk a small forest party some teens were having. When you arrived you could see though the bushes that there was drinking and sex happening.

You turned your head to see Ray staring at a topless whore riding on some drunk guy while their friends either watched or partied around the fire. Anger and jealousy shivers though your spin.

"Ray!" You slapped his head. He turned and looked at you with a sheep smile.

"Hehe's" He said turning his attention back to the drunk couple.

Tears welted in your eyes. "Oh....I see...." You turned to walk away.

Ray snapped his head in your direction and ran to catch up to you. Pulling you in a hug he apologized.

"I'm sorry (YN). It was wrong of me to get caught up in starting at other girls. Please forgive me."

"I know you have a high sex drive Ray but it's hard not to feel jealous of someone your boyfriend finds attractive." You pulled your arms up to cover your chest.

Ray leaned in, kissing the tip of your ear. "I find your very attractive mein liebling (my love). I think you'd be even more attractive with those clothes off."

Your face burned red. You shoved Ray off you and ran back to the mansion yelling. The thought of you and Ray getting it on gave you a nose bleed. Ray followed you laughing his ass off. Boy he loved to tease you.

Laughing Jack:

You loved LJ with all your heart, but you couldn't help but get jealous whenever he hung around Laughing Jill. At first, when you met Jill, you thought her and LJ were siblings, but no, you were sadly mistaken. You sat in the living room on the reclining chair watching Jill try and feed your boyfriend a piece of candy, specifically a lolli pop.

JL kinda refused the candy which made you smirk. Jill noticed this and scowled until an idea popped into her head.

"Well then I guess you won't mind if I have it then." With that, she unwrapped the candy and put it in her mouth. She let out a soft moan as her tongue swirled around the favored ball. Your eyes narrowed as LJ's face turned red from watching Jill.

'That bitch, trying to seduce my man.' You thought.

Jill pulled the lolli pop out of her mouth. "Are you sure you don't want any LJ?" She batted her eyelashes.

"I - Well - I - I -I -"

"No he doesn't!" You said jumping off the chair. You walked up to LJ, yanked him up and stormed off upstairs with him in your grasp leaving a wide eyed Jill.

Once you got to your room, you tossed LJ in and closed the door behind you.

"Call me jealous but you're mine and only I can do that to you!" You crossed your arms over your chest.

LJ laughed and hugged you from behind, "So cute, I love you my sweet."

Turning to face him, you smiled. "I love you too."

You both then shared a passionate kiss.

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