By missg08

383K 15K 557

A MC Romance Anastasia struggles to find herself after the cruelty her father has put her through. When she... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50


7.2K 271 12
By missg08


Waking up in a cold sweat with filth all over me,  I'm shaking and need a shower, all I can smell is the last night at my father's house and death, I can't believe Nana Sally is dead..... I need to vomit, I rush to the toilet to heave up everything, I'm still dry retching when I feel Drew comes up behind me, he pulls my hair out of my hand and rubs my back, he is  squatted behind me now , his knees are by my sides, with me in between his legs. He has a face washer that he's wiping my forehead with.

"I got you Beauty lean back." I lean back expecting him to hold me there but he picks me up then takes me over to the shower,  then he turns it on and puts me down. 
He starts undressing me, then he does the same.
He puts me in the shower and gives me my toothbrush with toothpaste on it, I brush my teeth.

God I love how he takes care of me, then when I'm finished brushing, he takes my toothbrush and puts it in the holder then tells me to talk about what woke me..... Shit, I don't want to, I got to find a way to get away, I don't know if My father will hurt the ones that I  love... like Sophie, ohh god what if Keata gets hurt I couldn't live with that.

Shaking my head I tell him "just memories.... Some old, some new and what's to come.... Drew how do I fight this, I can't help but feel guilty, this is all me, and if anything else happens to..... oh god Keata what if he goes for Keata....."

"Beauty he won't be able to get near Keata everyone in this club has a soft spot for her and Bullet will kill anyone who comes 10 feet near her,  trust me, girl, you girls are covered. And I won't let anything happen to you... Neither will Dad or Bloody Krip.
I might not like him here,  but he's on my side when it comes to protecting you so Beauty your safe!!!"

I take comfort in his arms, I always feel much better in Drew's arms... After a while, he starts to rub my back it feels good,  I start to relax, I lean more into him and he rubs at my neck it relaxes me even more , then he kisses the top of my head , I move my head to the side and he takes my invitation and comes to my ear with his lips, he nibbles along the top of my ear then down to the bottom lobe then says softly,

" Beauty you are tempting me here, I can't keep this up, you're pushing my limits ." with that I moan out, god he feels so good...  The hot water running over our bodies and Drew touching me....  god he doesn't know what he does to me. His hands start to descend down my shoulder blades, to the dip of my Back his thumbs do a circle just above my butt cheeks then he does an outwards circle with both hands that massages my whole butt, at the same time he takes advantage of my lips, he kisses me deep and his hands are massaging my butt. I can't help myself I moan in his mouth, with that his hands reach under my butt to my thighs and picks me up, then my legs are wrapped around him and so do my arms,  they go around his neck with my hands going into his hair. Then I feel his erection rubbing my lower belly and the bottom part of my..... "ohh god" I start moving my hips  then realize... shit,  skin on skin he pulls back and looks me in the eyes, I make a decision that maybe I need this maybe it's time,
I've never been here willingly,  so I tell him
"I can't promise I won't freak.... But I want to try....  please Drew"
he pecks my lips, still taking me in... he's thinking,  I can tell, then he sighs,
"Beauty we have our whole life, you don't need to rush this... Don't think I don't want too... Fuck I'm lacking control at the moment"
he comes in for another kiss and I take it.
Then I feel my back up against the wall and I feel something break in Drew,  in a good way he takes over..... He's kissing me hard..... Then he's at my neck,  he's sucking on it and before I know it because my brain is somewhere between Cloud nine and omg....... He is entering me.... Once he's all the way in he just stares at me.... I think he's giving me time to back out.
I nod at him giving him my silent approval and he whispers,
"I'll take it slow Beauty but you gotta say if it's too much"
He's panting hard this can't be easy holding back like this, god I just want him to move so I start rolling my hips. He hisses in my ear.
"Jesus babe I'm gonna lose it,  stay still."

"Drew I can't, just move....  god just move."
He's looking at me to see if I want a way out.

Maybe he thinks I'll change my mind but I can't,  I can feel something building I'm not sure what,  but it's in my lower belly.....  Stronger than before "fuck" words start slipping from my mouth I don't know what I'm saying.
I move with him in a rhythm that is so deep it tare's  at my soul like it might unchain me.
He's talking to me but I'm oblivious now....... nothing's making sense
"shit, shit fffuuuuuccckkkkk..."
Floating into some sort of bliss I'm barely aware of anything before I blank out....

I don't know what happened after that but it's bliss cause I'm feeling drugged out,  but I'm lying on his bed how the fuck did I get here!

"Are you ok Stasia you practically passed out"

Shit did I...... I smile at him feeling lazy as but I have no words yet... he gets it.

"Beauty you look drunk, I think I like this look on you!"

He rubs the back of his fingers down my cheek softly, "mmmm" that feels good,  but I'm starting to fall asleep again..... "Drew"

"Yeah babe"

"We need to do that again.... I liked it.... but not now I'm tired"
I smile at the last thing I say, so does Drew....he snuggles into my neck and then sucks hard, I scream then pull away giggling... he smiles big then says "night babe get some rest we will pick this up in the morning"
Then he pulls me in close and we both fall asleep.

That wasn't the last time that night or this morning.
We replayed and added some more delicious memories for me to keep.
I'm in the shower right now, when I hear him "Beauty I want to come in there with you, but you need to get ready,  Prez has been waiting all morning. come on."
He says this while holding out the towel I step into the towel while he wraps me in it, I shiver in a good way from the memories of last night and this morning,  god I love being with him,  he kisses the mark he left on my body,  on my neck, then he slaps my butt and tells me to hurry up, I hurry into the room where he left some clothes,  which Sophie must have brought here for me, cause there my clothes.

Once I'm dressed we head out together with his arms around me, pulling me in tight.
Once out in the main area, I see everyone is up including Soph and Keata, even Cobra and Krip.
I run to Keata and give her a big hug, she cuddles me like a koala bear so tight I look at Sophie she has tears in her eye so I pull her into me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't know that would happen, Soph, I'll move I promise....."
she hugs me back and tells me.
"Don't be stupid Stasia you're not going anywhere I trust these guys to keep us safe"
I'm looking at her because she relies on no one....  I'm not sure what has brought this change but she's trusting these guys.

She then says
"Bullet won't let us leave this club house till it's safe so get used to it if I've got to deal so do you!"
Now that's the Soph I know and she's thinking of ways to leave I can see it.
Which I smile at, then go and hug Cobra who kisses my head then Krip who wraps me in a bear hug, which causes Drew to walk over to us and says
"Get your hands off her Krip...."
As he's saying that Krip is looking at my hickey on my neck and seems lost in thought he's lost in thought.... What's he doing we've always been close but he's like my brother.
Drew grabs me and wraps me in his arms,  then stares at Krip and says
"Off fucken limits!"

Bloody hell he must be playing with Drew.....? I'll talk to him later, we're close but not like that!

"Beauty you want something to eat you must be hungry."

"I'm starving yes please."

He chuckles then pulls me to the kitchen, where there are masses of food... bacon, eggs, baked beans with onions yummy toast, I'm drooling at the sight of food then he starts to make me coffee while I do my food. Prez looks into the kitchen and says 30 minutes, my office.
I nod thinking he means me and Drew must think the same.

I scoff down my food, god I was hungry, Drew just laughs saying,

 "babe, did I give you a big appetite" smirking at me I slap his arm and blush
"Don't say that"!

"What that we had the best sex ever and that I made you hungry"

"OMG SHUT UP.... I can't believe you said that what if someone hears you... how embarrassing..."
Jesus, he can't say that out loud. He just smiles this sexy ass smile that makes me smile bigger the bastard,  I put my finger in my coffee and flick it at him.. take that.

"Oh, you want to play Beauty!"
he says closing the distance between us but I think quick on my feet, I side step him and god knows how I make it but run to safety,  but I end up running into that old guy from the other night the creepy one's arms, shit, I try to pull away but he holds me close and tight, shit...
"Spud take your hands off her!"
With that  Krip steps up too,
" You better let her go old man..."
thank god he lets me go,  but he shoves me and  I trip,  but Drew catches me and says
"You ok Beauty?"
I nod, but that guy scares the shit out of me then Drew tells Spud.
"Touch her again Spud and I will shoot you!"
Spud just laughs and says
"Bros before hoes broth....."
before he can finish his sentence both Krip and Drew start laying into him.
He hits the ground,  I pull back And squeal as Cobra grabs me and pulls my head to his chest walking me to what I think is the office...

I see Prez and he pulls a seat out for me
"Have a seat Stasia we got a bit to go through."

I sit down, Cobra stands behind me, Bullet comes in not far behind is Krip. After a bit,  Drew walks in and takes Cobras place behind me, putting his hands on my shoulders. The others sit and stand around the office then Prez grabs our attention.
"Right Stasia did you know the guys that grabbed you?"
shaking my head I say,
"No, I never saw anyone. But I do think my father had something to do with it I heard one of them say my surname."
Drew's rubbing my shoulders giving me some inner strength,   then Prez answers.
"Who  is your father honey?"

"Everyone  calls him Frazer but his first name is John!"

Cobra adds, " Not sure if you guys have encountered him. But he's a piece of work I found Stasia  about 5 years ago and saved her, Stasia's so called father...."

"Don't, please don't I don't need people to know Cobra please."
I start to shake,  memories are coming in and I can't seem to stop them.
Cobra gets in front of me and squats down
"little bird I'm not going into detail but they need to know how bad, yeah."

I can't, I shake my head then look at Prez
" I can't....  ask me my questions,  then I'll go. I don't   want to hear it,  it's too much for me."
Drew has me out of the chair and in his lap before Prez can speak. I bury my head in his shoulder and Krip is there for support as well holding my shoulder.

"Ok so have you seen your dad since being here!"


"Any of the men that grabbed you, have you seen them."

"No." their heads were covered but I kept it short, I want out of here.

"What about the guy who held up the café ."


With that Drew says
" Prez that's it ... you got what you need from her the rest you can get from us."

"Hold on,  Stasia the men who work with your dad any names..."

I nod but look at Cobra, he winks and says
"I've got that Sam, let her go."

I'm wondering who the hell Sam is but then I realize it must be Prez's name.  Drew takes me and asks where I want to go our room or...

"Take me to your room but tell Sophie to come and bring Keata I need company please"
he just nods and yells at Cory,
  "Get all the girls to my room. Oh and Cory stand watch till  I come back ok!"
I don't hear the rest we head to his room and he hugs me till my new friends get there. Then he kisses me on the lips and tells me he'll be back soon....

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