
By Fen_harel123

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Just some damirae oneshots I'm a huge fan of damirae The picture in the title is not mine all pictures a... More

Damian Training
Raven Meditating
A/N: 200+ read!!
Someone unexpected
Injustice AU idea
A/N + Injustice AU
The Children
A/N other ideas
Unconditional Love
New Team?
It Was Real
Just Fun and Games
Death of Superman
Old Yet New

Injustice AU Prolugue

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By Fen_harel123

22 February,  2020, Gotham PD 

It had started off a normal day, everything was normal 

And that's why it felt off 

Everyone could feel it today 

Today it just.......felt off 

Everything was too calm 

Even Gotham was peaceful, Gotham? PEACEFUL? Those are two words no one ever expected to hear together 


Then it came all falling apart 

The JL had gotten word from Superman that his wife, Lois Lane, had been kidnapped......by the Joker. Everyone was on edge now, Joker had kidnapped Supermans wife. Batman was scouring the streets of Gotham endlessly searching for his friends wife. The rest of the JL was searching everywhere they could think of, but Superman? Clark was flying everywhere looking for her, he had flown across the globe for hours looking for his wife, the mother of his son Jon. 

About Jon........Jon was panicking searching every single major city he could possibly think of. The rest of the Titans were doing likewise: Red X had gone back to Gotham to help his father in the search, Starfire (who had recently joined the JL) was helping Raven search, Quickspeed (Wally West) was speeding through the American Midwest, Beast (Beast boy, he changed his name after he turned 19 to just Beast) was with Terra looking through Metropolis in their search, Nightwing was in Bludháven with his wife Oracle (Barbara Grayson) searching. 

Everyone was searching for what felt like forever......and then it happened 

It happened so fast that some people couldn't even comprehend it at first 

Metropolis gone....blown up in a nuclear explosion 

Terra and Garfield......dead...

Lois Lane.....dead 

The 2.3 million people in Metropolis....all dead 

And all because of him 

The Joker 


"WHO GAVE YOU THE NUKE!" Batman screamed at Joker as he punched the desk, eyes filled with rage. 

Joker laughed as he simply treated the situation, everything he had just done as a big hilarious joke. 

"Ah ah  ahhhh Batsy! revealing that would just spoil everything and that's no fun" Joker said with his devious smile as he began to cackle again. 

Batman growled as he punched the Joker breaking his nose 

"I'm losing my patience Joker tell me now! Cause if you don't I'll-" before he could finish the Joker interrupted him 

"Or what Batman? You'll beat me unmercifully extra hard this time?" He said with barely contained laughter 

Batman grabbed the jokers head and slammed it onto the table, deep down however he knew the Joker was right: what could Batman do? He'd already succeeded, there was nothing Batman could do even with all his rage. 


Red X stood outside the room where the Joker was being interrogated in, he could hear the sounds of his father beating on the Joker, the laughter the Joker gave off from each punch, and his father screaming in frustration and anger. 

Damian wondered in his head,

How could of this happened, all of these people just....dead. Jon's mother is dead and so are Garfield and Terra. 

Damian's sadness grew as he remembered nights eating at the Kent ranch with Jon and his family, all the times Garfield would make a bad joke or quip about the situation they were in and how Terra would just roll her eyes and smirk about how lame the jokes were. 

Terra and Garfield.....I'll never see them again......they're.....they're dead. 

Damian just was hoping that this was all just some bad dream and that he'd wake up soon but he knew that it was real this had really happened and he needed to get used to it. 

Before Damian could continue thinking he heard someone walking fast towards him, he looked up to see Jon, eyes glowing red as he furiously walked towards Damian. Damian didn't even have time to ask Jon why he was here before Jon spoke to him 

"Let me inside Damian" Jon said as his brow furrowed and eyes glowed blood red

"You know I can't let you do that Jon" Damian said calmly as he stood in front of the door. Jons eyes glowed even more red--which Damian thought was impossible--and spoke with even more anger 

"I wasn't asking Damian, now let me in. Now. I won't ask again" Jon walked right up to Damian and stood face to face with him their eyes locking with each other 

"I won't do it Jon" Damian said unphased by Jon's attempt to intimidate him

"And why not!" Jon yelled as he looked directly into Damian's eyes as his eyes glowed red with hatred 

"You know damn well why!" Damian yelled back 

"I'm going in Damian and you can't stop me" Jon said as he tried to move past Damian, but Damian simply pulled out a Kryptonite batarang as he glared at Jon 

"You think that will stop me?" Jon said as he clenched his fists 

"Have to try" Damian said as he got ready to fight 

But before either of them could do anything they both heard a loud noise from the interrogation room. Both Superboy and Red X looked at each other and nodded, this problem that had with each other could wait. They ran into the interoprogation room and were surprised by what they saw. A giant hole was in the wall and Superman was in front of it. 

"Superman I have this interrogation" Batman said as he looked at Superman with concern 

Superman didn't respond as he walked over to the Joker and flipped the table in front of him

"Ahhh the Man of Steel" Joker said cackling, "didn't expect to see you again so soon" Joker said laughing maniacally 

Superman picked up the Joker by his coat 

"You- you tricked me into- into-"  Superman struggled to say the words 

"Go on, I'm sure you can say it Supes" Joker saint taunting Superman 

Superman threw Joker at the wall in a fit of rage, Batman walked up to his friend and put his hand on his shoulder 

"That's enough Clark" Batman said sternly but Superman wasn't hearing any of it he pushed Batman back into another wall and walked up to the Joker grabbing him by the throat. Joker preceded to taunt him again. 

"I know it's too soon, but you think you'll ever love again? Maybe you won't kill your next wife" Joker said with a devilish smile 

Superman screamed in anger as his eyes started to glow red

No one saw this coming, this was Superman, Man of Steel, Symbol of hope, truth, and justice, and the man who inspired many to do good and fight evil. 

And he had his arm thorugh the jokers chest and covered in blood. 

No one could believe it, Batman and his son Red X sat there speechless and Jon Supermans son went over to his father to console him for their shared loss. Eventually Damian broke the silence as he leaned over to his father 

"what do we do? I'm not exactly torn up that the clown is dead but still we don't kill and Superman just broke that rule, so what do we do?" He asked looking at his hoping for some guidance but all Batman said was "I don't know Damian, I don't know" 

Eventually both Clark and Jon flew off, Damian and his father eventually left and went home 

No one knew it yet 

But Clark had just started a chain of events that would leave many superheroes, supervillains, and innocent people dead. 

This is how it happened 

This is how Superman...


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