Finding Love with the Heir

By thebookenchantress

9.3K 217 23

[ON HIATUS](Previously named Finding Love)Seventeen year old Stella Miller is an ordinary girl whose family d... More

Finding Love with the Heir
[2] Welcome to this Filthy Rich School that You'll be Attending
[3] Ewww the first day of school
[4]Skateboarding Tryouts
[5] Carnival Fun!..or not
[6]Getting Ready For the Auction
[7] Being Bidded by an Ass
[8:Prt. 1] Being Kidnapped by a Black Masked Freak
[8: Prt. 2] Date Night with Him
[9] The Tickle Monster
[10] The Very Eventful Pool Party
Author's Note
[11] Damn These Late Night Raves
[12: Prt. 1]Hangovers Aren't the Only Annoying Things
[12: Prt. 2] Damn you, Wesley Richardson!
[13] A Girls' Sleepover Disaster
[14] Excuse Me, You Have the Nerve to Call me Cute!
[15] Hooray! It's the Beginning of Spirit Week!
Author's Note & Character Cast
[16] Scavenger Hunts and Surprises
Valentine's Day Special: Cupcake Wars!

[1] How the Heck did I Get into this School?!

690 16 2
By thebookenchantress

[1] How the Heck did I Get into this School?!


Stella Miller's POV


No I do not have anger issues.


Why am I still confused and angry simultaneously?!

Let me write down the only people I know. I began writing a list of people that actually knew me.

Mom, Melissa and....Frank.

Okay having those three names made me think 'wow, I really don't have friends.'

*Cries internally*

I already knew that Melissa wouldn't have sent the application. Like come on! She's six years old. Then mom is at the hospital doing her chemotherapy and that leaves the only single adult that practically lives here and the person left on my significantly small group of friends is.


This seems so like him!

Frank has always been spoiling me with many things I really don't need and could probably use the money for my mother.

I made another list on my head with the actual possibilities of joining one of the prestigious schools in America.

Amazing opportunity for a better life

Could probably get a good job in the future

Help Melissa have the best she deserves

To help mom

Those were the top four things urging me to go.

Before I start anything, I decided to call Frank. Tiredly, I reached inside my pocket and dialed the order of numbers I've memorized for years now.

"Hello?" Frank's deep voice came through the receiver.

"Haha, hello Frank Jennifer Vargas. I just wanted to ask you WHAT IS THIS LETTER FROM WEST VILLE ACADEMY DOING IN MY DWELLING!?" I shouted hoping to break his eardrums.

"Hey! Don't bring my middle name into this! And the letter came today!? That's wonderful! I'm going to come over in a sec, I'll bring balloons, cake, chocolates, ice-" Frank rambled before I interrupted him with my not-in-the-mood tone.

"Frank! Don't you dare buy any of those." I threatened then took a breath trying to process the information in my brain. "Why did you send a letter without telling me? You know what condition mom is right now. I can't just leave."

"Stella, I wanted it to be a surprise!" He always says that. "Also I can take care of Victoria, she used to help out my family before. It's my turn to help her out. With the grades you have currently, I'm sure you will pass the academy with flying colors. Don't worry about Jefferson High (Stella's school now) I'll take care of it. Who knows? Maybe you'll meet a certain person who will be your future husband." Frank spoke in a falsetto voice in the word 'husband.'

"Okay you can quit it now! Anyways, thanks Frank. My family is honestly lucky to have a friend like you." I told him in my most earnest voice.

"No prob, bob!" This guy is almost twenty six years old and he literally is a teenager. Maybe we should switch ages? Hahaha, no. "I left a present for you at your front door! You've always been raving about it since you started the job."

"Again with the gifts Frank." I strolled closer to my screen door. "Bye, see you later." Then I hung up.

I unlocked the door and it revealed a blue wrapped box sitting in front of the steps of my house.

There was a message written on top of the box and it read:


This is my present for you for working hard, please do well in this school and have a regular student life. I bought you this since you need time for yourself too.



I rolled my eyes while smiling at the paper with very messy handwriting. I dropped to my knees and wrapped my hands around the large box. I furrowed my eyebrows surprised that the box was much heavier than I expected. I brought the box inside and ripped the wrapping paper off the perimeter of the present. From the logo plastered on the front I could tell he spent more than twenty dollars.

Oh Frank.

The logo was a circle that said "Penny Board Australia." I widened my eyes shocked that I finally had one. I took a pair of scissors and cut through the tap and there it laid.

A blue board with red wheels.

Just like I wanted.

My heart warmed up to the thought of having the most loyal friend in the planet.

The tag said it was $120.00 and I automatically gasped. I almost phoned Frank again but I knew it was pointless because he wouldn't listen to me.

Frank is my best friend, and even though he is twenty-five years old. He runs a very successful diner in town named 'Frank's Diner' and he helps me out when I'm at a time of need. He is one of the people I trust, and has been there ever since I started my job. When I told home my situation, he never judged me. He just gave me a hug and told me it was alright. That's what I always needed. I always needed comfort and I received that from him. I'm glad that I call him my best friend. He spoils me too much and I hate that. The thought of not paying him back someday angers me. He takes good care of Melissa when I'm at school.

I sighed and placed the letter on the island of my kitchen. I still can't believe Frank did this. I'm really nervous about how the students in the school will think about me. I really shouldn't worry about what they think, but it still comes to mind.

Since the Orientation will be on August 22, which is the day after tomorrow. Well great, this will be awesome. But I guess this is what happens when you received the letter today.

I still couldn't believe Frank bought me a skateboard. I used to have a skateboard when I was ten years old, but my father broke it when he was drunk. That was the day I never expected better of my father.

I strolled down the hallway of Melissa's and I's rooms. I knocked on Melissa's door lightly. Her door held numerous amounts of stickers from television shows which surrounded a paper that said 'Princess Melissa' in bright pink colors. I entered her room and saw my gorgeous sister fast asleep.

"Are you alright, Melissa?" I whispered.

I heard groans come from her body while shuffling around her bed.. I saw her beautiful green eyes flutter up, and she sat up with her hair in knots.

"Hi Stella, " she rubbed her eyes and she checked her clock next it her. "Why are you still up? It's almost 12 in the morning." Melissa's eyes averted to the digital clock on her nightstand.

"Sorry I woke you up," I walked over to her bed and sat down next to her body and ruffled her hair with my hand. "I wanted to check up on you that's all."

"You don't always have to check up on me anymore, Stella. I'm seven years old." Melissa complained with a grin gracing her lips.

I smiled and gave her a hug. I always wanted a little sister, I saw how my other friends played with their siblings when I was an only child. I was really envious so I begged my mother for a little sister. I remember my pigtails jumping up and down in delight finding out that I was getting one.


Nine months later, my mother was going into labor. I swung my legs back and forth waiting anxiously for the nurse to allow us to go in mom's room. When a nurse called 'anyone for Victoria Miller?' My father and I jumped from the gray, uncomfortable seats and walked to my mother's room hand and hand. My mother was still wearing her hospital gown looking beautiful as ever while holding a little baby on her arms, which was wrapped around a pink blanket and had a white hat on her head. My eyes held gleaming stars when I saw a baby sleeping on her arms. I still remember my mother whispering to me, "Do you want to hold her?"

I gasped and nodded excitedly, "I would love to mom!"

She slowly handed the little creature and advised me where to hold my arms, and I finally held her.

"Hi baby," I whispered, "welcome to the world." I moved my eyes over to my mom, "what's her name?"

"Her name is Melissa, Melissa Miller." I smiled at that.

"What a beautiful name." I spoke in awe. "Melissa," I kissed her forehead.

Melissa's eyes slowly opened revealing her beautiful mesmerizing eyes. The amber eyes we both inherited from my father. I always believed she would attract a group of boys.

I saw a hint of a grin on Baby Melissa's face, revealing two dimples on the edges of her cheeks. I lifted my finger to hold her hand, instead she held my finger using her whole entire hand. How adorable! I knew ever since, I would strive to be the best older sister in the history of older sisters. I played with her, taught her how to swim, and taught her the basics of math. I practically did everything with her. I always protected her when other kids hurt her in the playground.

I remembered that I was that type of kid, that had no matter what held a genuine smile on her face all the time. I played with boy figurines instead of Barbie dolls. I was a tomboy from the start. Although I only played them when I was with Melissa. That genuine smile disappeared when my father left us for another woman. That coward, when mom began having signs of breast cancer he immediately ran away with another woman along with all the money we earned. Ever since I saw the tears fall from my mother's cheeks on that day, the hatred of my father increased. The little girl in me was dead.

"Good night Mel, I need to tell you some news tomorrow. It's pretty big so good night," I kissed the top of her forehead, and fixed her blanket to keep her warm. I closed her door and sighed for the second time today. I went to my room while holding my penny board. I shut the door and sat on my desk to begin the revising notes for the lessons I had today. I adjusted my nerdy square glasses, grabbed a pencil, and began writing notes. I studied for two hours then changed to my pajamas which consisted an oversized t-shirt and some sporty shorts. I laid on my bed and stared at my ceiling.

I can't believe this much happened in one day. I sighed and fell into my deep slumber.

~Tomorrow Morning~

The next day greeted me with the sound of my iPhone 5. The sound was Pink Floyd. His voice always tends to wake me up. I listened to him since I was a kid and I continue to do so. I groaned and sat up from my bed. I stretched my arms out, and opened the curtains, Why did I even do that? Bad choice Stella. When the sun's rays burst throughout my room, I closed the curtains again knowing that I'll being moving around like a vampire.

I stood up from my bed, and grabbed my square glasses. Everyone used to be our friends, until my father gave our family an image. That made the Miller family outcasts of the town. Everyone shunned Melissa and I and began bullying us, but I knew how to defend myself using self-defense and my good comebacks. But what worries me the most is when Melissa gets bullied. She is too sweet and kind she doesn't like hurting anyone. Melissa's super smart for a person her age. She is in the first grade, and does six grade math. That makes me the proudest sister in the family.

I knocked on Melissa's door and hollered on her door sounding like a freak show. After that, I went into the bathroom stripped from my clothes, turned on the water tested if it was cold enough. I do that so Melissa gets the warm water. I went into the tub and turned the dial. I shivered when the water hit my skin, but I'm used to it. I scrubbed a vanilla body wash on my skin, and after squeezed a bottle of shampoo on my hair making my hair silky smooth. I finally finished and wrapped a towel on my body and hair. I ran quickly in room because the cold air hit me like a pancake. I went into my sliding closet and picked out some skinny ripped out denim jeans and topped it with a gray t-shirt. I looked in my mirror and saw my frizzy, wavy hair. I want to style my hair a bit but not too much.

Girls in school say, "Stella stop acting like boys, boys are disgusting." But I reply with, "then count me disgusting." I pulled down a baseball cap on my hair and brushed my hair. I lotioned my face and grimaced at the sight of my eyes knowing they come from my father.

I shuffled to my desk and put my books into my backpack and placing my 10-pound backpack on my back. Grabbing my phone and plugged in the pairing earphones and played my playlist and pressed the shuffle button Then I shoved the earphones into my earbuds. I opened my door bumped into my little sister. She was holding two hair ties and a brush. I squatted to her level, took off my earbuds and placed them on my back pocket.

"Melissa, what do you want?" I asked sweetly

"Stell, I want you to put up my hair like you had a long time ago," she meant my pigtails I had when I was her age.

"Okay, well I'll put them on when we go to the bus, okay?" I gave her a smile. and ruffled her hair.

"Okay!" she skipped up and down and went into the kitchen. I usually cook, but I couldn't today since we don't have the ingredients for any breakfast meal, reminding me to go to the grocery store today, our local grocer just mailed us some coupons. Today I think we'll just have just cereal.

I poured the milk in Melissa's favorite princess bowl that consisted of frosted flakes, our favorite cereal.We dug in our cereal and smiled when hearing the satisfying crunch. When we finished I quickly washed the two spoons and bowls and placed them on the drying rack. We were thirty minutes early until Melissa's school bus came, so I have enough time to tell her about West Ville Academy.

"Melissa, let's go early okay? I need to tell you something really important," I insisted while slipping on my ragged converse high tops.

"Okay, let's go I want you tell me already," she beamed showing her dimples and grabbed my hand dragging me to the front door.

"Wait, one minute Melissa," I stopped and a crown clip I used before and got the hair ties Melissa gave me then slid them around my wrist.

"Come on!Stell Stell," she screamed since she was far away from me.

"Melissa! Calm down you could wake up the neighbors!!" I scolded and locked the door and adjusted my backpack and grunted when all the weight went in my back.

I ran over I her even though my back really hurt. I finally caught to her, and we sat on the bus stop bench.

"Okay, Mel I'm going to tell you the news while I put up your hair," I looked into her blue eyes.

"Okay!" then I sat beside her and got her hair ready.

"Mel, you know about West Ville Academy right?" I questioned her while slipping the hair tie on the finished braided section of hair.

"Yeah I do, they are for rich people or for really smart people," she answered.

"Well, I got in," I whispered at the end.

"WHAT! YOU GOT IN!! THAT'S AMAZING! I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!" she screamed giving me a hug around the waist squeezing the life out of me.

"That means that I have to move into one of the dorms, and you need to live with Frank," I described what would happen.

"Oh okay, I'll miss you." Her eyes lowered. "I'll have fun with Uncle Frank," she smiled.

"You better behave while you are over there, and be the responsible one there," I pointed out causing her to chuckle.

"Okay Stell Stell, have fun there okay, and be responsible too," Melissa imitated my tone and pointed and at me, and made me laugh.

"Just to let you know Mel," I braided the other section of hair and inserted the crown clip. "The first day of school is the day after tomorrow, and Uncle Frank told me that I need to move in tomorrow," I looked at her sadly.

"Oh okay," she surprised me by hugging me tightly. "When I go home I'll pack for Uncle Frank's," she let go of me and I saw her beautiful amber eyes tear up.

"Melissa don't cry," I wiped her tears with her eyes. I heard the bus a few blocks away.

"Mel, it's okay, we'll go to Baskin Robbins for ice cream later to help you feel better," I suggested.

"Okay, let's watch a Disney movie before you leave," she added with a sob and I nodded in approval. The bus finally reached the stop, Melissa ran up the steps, and sat on her regular seat, she opened her window and waved to me.

"BYE STELL, STELL!" she exclaimed.

I grinned, "BYE MEL, MEL!"

I stayed there until the bus wasn't seen anymore. I turned around and saw Frank inside his convertible waving at me.

"Oh what a touching moment Stella!" he cooed.

I rolled my eyes, "shut up." I walked to the way where my school was and plugged my earphones in my earbuds until.

"Wait Stella! You're not going to school today, I already signed your resignation letter!"

"What already?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Pack your stuff today, you're going to move into the academy tomorrow, I'll drive you tomorrow at seven in the morning."

"Okay, whatever, I need to test out my skateboard you gave me, stop spoiling me Frank!"

"I'm not spoiling you okay, you deserve all these things, just because of your dad you're like this," he argued.

I frowned to hear the word dad, "Frank come over later to help me pack my things."

"Okay see you later!" He waved at drove down the street.

I made a quick stop to my house to get my skateboard and all the knee pads. Then I headed towards the skatepark.

I finally reached the skatepark, I had my skateboard, helmet, and skate pads, in another separate bag. I slipped on the kneepads and the elbow pads, and buckled my helmet together. I walked up to the ramp and put my left foot forward and balanced myself, I glided down the curve of the ramp, I felt the wind go through my hair and tickled my neck. I went through the ramp a few times, and went down. I did a few of my flipping tricks , I felt my hair go around and around, I smiled. I never smiled like that in a long time, and I laughed and glided through the sidewalk. I was satisfied when I heard the wheels rolling. I was in my own bliss until this guy suddenly clapped. I turned around and he clapped even louder, he walked towards me and a skated towards this guy who stopped my happiness.

"Man, you're good at this, you are better then me, and I've done it for a long time," he praised.

"Thanks," I replied nonchalantly, and unbuckled my helmet and put my left hand through my fringe and my brown wavy hair.

"You know, you should really tell me your name, I'll tell me yours," he suggested.

I turned around and looked at the guy who was 6 foot tall, and he smirked at me thinking I would tell him my name. I could still take him on with my self-defense moves.

"Why should I tell you my name? You could be a perverted stalker, and would try to get in my pants," I theorized.

"What no?" he denied.

"Okay, bye perverted stalker," I turned my heels around and grabbed my skateboard and bag, and waved by raising my hand up

"Wait no!" he grabbed my shoulder turning me around, "my name is Terrence," he smiled showing his pearly whites, and showed his hand so I could shake it.

"I bet you want to ask me out right now."

I scrunched my eyebrows in disgust and kicked him where no man wants to be kicked.

"Next time Terrence," I emphasized on his name. "Don't ever touch me or speak to me. The consequences will be much worse," he groaned when I turned around and stepped on my skateboard and rolled away, so he won't catch up to me.

I went back home, and started to get random boxes, and placed my stuff inside the boxes. I took out a duffel bag and put all my clothes inside. It didn't take a long time to place my clothes in the bag, I didn't have that much clothes. I placed my pictures, my chargers, which were my laptop's and my phone's, I packed my own belongings inside of each box and labeled them. I was finished with my fifth box, and I heard the doorbell ring. I checked my phone time it read 5:30. Woah! I took that long!

I saw Melissa and Frank when I opened the door. Frank was holding three ice cream tubs.

"I knew you wouldn't have time to go to Baskin Robbins, so I brought Baskin Robbins to you," he smiled giving me the tubs. I glanced at Melissa, and I saw her smiling, I gave her a big hug.

"Melissa do you have homework?" I asked.

"No, I finished it during recess, so we could eat ice cream and watch the princess movie," she beamed.

"Okay, let's go inside I prepared dinner, then we'll eat the ice cream and watch the movie," I suggested.

"Okay Stell!" she release her backpack on the couch and ran to the dinner table, her pigtails were down a bit, maybe it's because of her running. I saw her munch on the dinner I made, and witnessed her eating it quicker than a lion eating it's prey.

"Come on Stell and Uncle Frank!! Let's watch the movie!" she cheered while holding her ice cream tub and a spoon.

"Okay," I cherished spending time with my sister, then we ended up passing out on the couch.


Author's Note:

This is the first chapter! I hope you enjoyed it! I know it's a bit boring right now, but it'll get better. Remember to vote, comment, and share!

I apologize for any proofreading mistakes.

I'll try to update as much as I can!


Signing out!!


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