You, And Only You(BWWM)✔

By LouiseC13

252K 12.9K 2K

"So, you don't care that we are so different?" I ask him, his face inches apart from mine. "Does it bother yo... More

1~A leap of faith
2~New beginnings
3~Its MY life
4~What's my name??
5~Don't judge a book by its cover.
6~ Family👪👪
8~ Honesty is the best policy
9~Why can't you just accept it?
11~Marie or Marie-Anne?
12~Fine you're right!!
13~Let's give it a go.
14~Maybe I really do...
15~I surely will...
16~My type of people?
18~Let's make a deal...
19~Don't leave
20~What's life without you?
21~No longer welcomed.
Bonus Chapter
23~Me too
24~x-mas day
25~Meet the fam.
26~This is NOT your world.
27~Hit me and RUN
29~old friends
30~You weren't, you just liked the idea.
33~The truth hurts
35~We got her.
36~Love enough to let go.
37~A girl needs her mother
38~Hating The Argents
39~Love requires sacrifice.
40~Pain is inevitable- LAST CHAPTER

17~I love her....

4.4K 303 51
By LouiseC13

"What do you mean her type of people?" Dylan asks.

Everyone at the table stares at her waiting for an answer. They probably don't know what she means, but I already do. She means black people.


•Dylan's POV

I stare at my mother waiting for an answer. She scratches her throat and wipes her mouth before saying anything.

At this moment all eyes are already on her. I knew it was a bad idea bringing Marie-Anne here, my mom just had to say something to ruin it.

As she said her type of people multiple things are already through my mind, I just hope that's not what she means. I hope I am wrong for a change.

"I meant people like you," she says staring at Marie-Anne.

"You mean humans?" Marie-Anne asks with a hint of sarcasm in her voice.

"No honey, people with your skin color, I just never really met one of you," she says without even hesitating.

My sister gasps and everyone at the table looks at her with a death glare. My father wants to say something, but I cut him off before he has a chance. I will not let my mother sit there and disrespect my girlfriend like that.

"Mother, her skin color doesn't define her. Just because she's black doesn't mean she's different so please stop with the stereotypes. Before I met her I probably would have thought the same thing, but Marie-Anne is smart, talented, and beautiful. In fact, she's one of the top students at the school, just because she's black doesn't mean she's dumb or a worker for people like you," I say raising my voice causing everyone in the room to look at me.

I stare at Marie-Anne and I can see the glint of joy in her eyes when because I just stood up for her. Everyone in the room stares at me, and after they applaud me.

I grab Marie-Anne's arm, "let's go," I whisper to her and we walk out the room.

"I'm so sorry," I say when we reach outside the house, "I knew this was a bad idea bringing you here, I should have trusted my instincts," I walk around to the parking lot opening the car door for her.

"Wait, you knew your family wouldn't accept me?" She asks as I start the car.

"Not really, but I knew my mother would have something to say about you."

"Because I'm black?" She asks. I hate that she has to think that way. I honestly thought my mom would hate her because she was from a small town and that her family wasn't rich or whatever, but I didn't know she would hate her because of her skin color.

"No, because you're not from the same class as us. My mother is really picky about these things, but I didn't know she was racist," I say trying to see if I could make her feel better.

When we reach the front gate, I see my dad standing there, hands crossed looking really mad.

I stop the car and I sigh getting ready to deal with him, "sorry, I have to go talk to my dad," I tell Marie-Anne exiting the car.

"Father, I am sorry I ruined your dinner, but I am not apologizing for what I said or to mother," I say before he says a word.

"I wasn't going to ask you too," He says still keeping his face firm.

"Then, what are you going to ask me?" I ask knowing that he wants something if he stepped out the house just to see me.

"I came to apologize to Marie-Anne and you," well, that's new. I thought he was going to ask me to make peace with mother as usual.

"Dyl, I'm so proud of you for standing up for your girlfriend. And I am so sorry that your mother behaved like that. It is not like her, I will definitely talk to her about it," I nod my head and father finally uncross his hands fixing his tuxedo.

"Thank you."

"Now, may I apologize to Marie-Anne?" He asks pointing towards the car. I nod my head yes and he walks towards the car. I keep my distance waiting for them to finish talking.

I'm so glad that he came out apologizing to us, but mother should have been the one to do that. The woman doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut and her thoughts to herself. All my life, she's taught us not to treat anyone badly, but she just did so. I guess she meant as long as they are not dating your son or as long as they are not a different race than you.

I'm so stupid, I went to an all-white private school with a few Hispanics and I've never had a black friend. My parents have never had black friends, I should have known she wouldn't like Marie-Anne. I feel like such a bad person.

My father pulls away from the car window and he waves me goodbye. I stand there looking at the stars for a minute or two before I go back to the car.

"Are you okay?" Marie-Anne asks as I exit my house and get on the road.

"Yeah, I'm fine," I say not having the courage to even look at her. I feel like I betrayed her or something. She's my girlfriend, I'm supposed to protect her against monsters like my mother.

"It's okay, you didn't know. You couldn't have known," Marie-Anne says as if reading my thoughts.

"But, I should have," I say touching her hands with my free hand.

"No. buts, what were you gonna do, hide me from your family forever? They would have met me eventually."

"I know, it's just," before I could finish up my sentence Marie-Anne puts her index finger over my lips shushing me.

I laugh and bite her finger so she can move it off my lips.

"Ouch," she says moving her finger. She takes off her seatbelt leaning over and biting my neck and ear.

"Ouch," I also say, I move the car on the side of the road and put it on park.

I take her hand again biting her harder than before, she does the same thing to me and starts laughing again. Her teeth are so strong.

"Okay, now you're just bullying me," I say pouting my lips.

"You started it," She says between her laughs.

I lean over kissing her lips, she grabs the back of my neck pulling me closer to her.

"Gosh, I love you," I say after I pull away from her lips. She looks at me dumbfounded and I immediately regret repeating that out loud.


Um.. Dylan shouldn't have told Marie-Anne that he loved her that early. They just met, anyways, that is only my opinion, tell me what you think. Also, what do you think of Dylan's mother?

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Au revoir...

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