
By insandoutsofcastiel

4.4K 120 97

The reader sacrifices herself to Lucifer in order to stop the apocalypse. More

Part 1
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 2

571 10 3
By insandoutsofcastiel

Request: Omg can you pllleeeeaaassseee do a part 2 for sacrifice? Maybe when the reader goes back and sees Dean and Sam with Lucifer? AND Sacrifice part two: It starts out with a wing massage maybe and then gets really smutty?

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Lucifer x Reader

Summary: After having been Lucifer's mate for several months, the reader decides she wants to go on a hunt with Sam and Dean. The reader is confronted by Sam and Dean when they learn that the reader is Lucifer's mate. This conversation doesn't go very well and Lucifer tries to make it up to the reader in the end.

Word Count: 3,583

Warnings: Fighting vampires, reader injury, mentions of pain and blood, cursing, angst, not a happy ending in regards to the reader's relationship with the Winchesters, fluff, smut, rough sex, unprotected sex, multiple orgasms, wing!kink, possessiveness

A/N: I tried to combine both of the suggestions for what happened in the second part, I hope you enjoy!


"You really want to go hunting with them, don't you?" Lucifer asks you.

"Luci, it's the only life I know. I feel useless just sitting here, but I don't have to go if you really don't want me to," you respond.

"It's not that I don't want you to go, it's that I want you to be safe," he says.

"Do you realize how crazy it sounds for the Devil to be worried about me?" you ask.

"Y/N, please," Lucifer begs, he rarely ever says please, "You're my mate. I want you to be happy, but I also want you to be safe. I can't lose you."

"Luci," you sigh.

"Would hunting with them make you happy?" he asks and you nod in response, "Then you can go hunting with them, but you have to promise me something. Promise me you won't do anything stupid to protect them. Promise me you won't get yourself killed."

"I promise I'll try," you respond, knowing that it's the best response you could give him.

Lucifer wraps his arms around you and leans in to kiss your lips. "Those idiots better keep you safe," he mumbles against your lips.

"I trust them," you mumble back. Lucifer breaks away from you and rolls his eyes.

"Pray for me to come get you when you get bored of them," Lucifer says with a smirk, "Have fun!" He snaps his fingers and the world shifts around you. When your surroundings stop spinning, you find yourself in the middle of a crappy motel room. Sam and Dean look up at you in surprise. It had been months since you had seen them.

"Y/N?" Sam questions.

"Hey Sam, Dean," you say with a smile, nodding at each of them in turn, "Miss me?" Dean stands and quickly approaches you, wrapping his arms around you tightly.

"Do you have any clue how worried we were about you? We've been looking for you but not even Cas could figure where that son of a bitch took you. How are you here?" Dean asks, "Did Lucifer let you go?"

"I'm not exactly free," you say, not wanting to let them know that you've become Lucifer's mate, "He said I could go hunting with you guys, but I have to go back to him when we're done."

"I hate that you did this Y/N," Sam says as he takes his turn to give you a hug. He wraps you up in his large arms and holds you tightly to him.

"It's ok Sam," you say trying to pacify both of them, "He treats me well and I'm keeping him from advancing the events of the apocalypse. To me, the sacrifice was worth it."

"It's not worth giving up your life for," Dean says.

"I didn't give up my life. I'm still alive and like I said, he treats me well. I'm keeping people safe Dean, it makes me happy," you tell them.

Dean shakes his head at you as if he's disappointed. "I came here to hunt," you tell them, "So what are we hunting?"

"Vampires," Sam replies. The boys fill you in on their hunt, showing you the floor plans of the building you'll be breaking in to later that night, and telling you how many vamps you'll be facing. The sun sets and the three of you prepare to head out for the hunt.

The three of you pull up to the warehouse and Dean picks the lock. In the beginning, things go off without a hitch. It felt good to be a part of the team again, to be hunting with two of your best friends. The further you get into the maze of the warehouse, however, the harder things get. You get split up from Dean and five vamps surround you and Sam.

You press your back against Sam's as the vampires circle the two of you. Each of you holds a machete, but each of the vampires is equipped with a knife or some other weapon. The first vamp charges. You duck and Sam swings around, knocking the vamps head clean off. The other four decide it's not a good idea to take turns attacking you. Instead, they all charge at the same time.

Working with Sam, you're able to hold them off for a while, but you soon become worn out. You take out two and Sam is currently fighting a particularly nasty one. The other remaining vampire has worked her way between you and Sam and she's preparing to attack Sam while his back is turned. The vampire raises her knife and moves closer to Sam.

You know you promised Lucifer that you wouldn't do anything stupid, but seeing Sam in danger like this makes you spring into action. You throw yourself at the vampire and knock her to the side before she can harm Sam. You hear the thud of a falling body as Sam knocks the head off the vampire he's fighting.

Somewhere in your fight with the vampire you'd knocked to the floor, you'd lost track of your machete. You fight her empty handed, but she's able to sneak her knife past your hands and lodges it into your stomach. You scream at the pain as the knife cuts through your skin and blood comes welling out of the wound. The vampire gives you an evil grin as you fall off to her side. Sam shouts your name before he rushes towards you and chops the vampire's head off.

Sam falls down to his knees beside you and presses his hand to your stomach. He begins praying to Cas for help, but he doesn't appear. Moments later, Dean rushes into the room and drops to his knees on your other side. He pulls off his shirt and balls it up before pressing it to your wound. Dean asks Sam what happened before shouting at the empty air, begging Cas to show up. You begin to realize that Cas isn't coming and you're losing blood fast.

You really didn't want Lucifer to find out about this, but if you didn't get healed soon, you would die. "Luci," you whisper through your haze. Sam and Dean look down at you in confusion until the flap of wings draws their attention elsewhere.

"What happened?" you hear Lucifer ask.

"What the Hell are you doing here?" Dean spits at him. Lucifer doesn't respond, he simply pushes Dean to the side and tells the boys to get away from you. He scoops you up in his arms and runs his hands over your body.

When he finds the wound on your stomach, he presses his hand to the wound and shuts his eyes in concentration. A glow emanates from his hand and warmth spreads into you, healing your wound.

"You promised me," Lucifer says as he leans down to kiss you, "You're not allowed to die, remember?"

"I'm sorry," you mumble against his lips.

"What the fuck?" you hear Dean shout from off to the side.

"Y/N, what's going on?" Sam asks.

"You didn't tell them?" Lucifer asks you. You shake your head. "Y/N is my mate," Lucifer says looking up at Sam and Dean.

"No," Sam whispers.

"Are you telling me what I think you're telling me?" Dean asks, "Y/N, you can't possibly have mated with this ass-hat."

"Dean, please," you plead, "You don't know anything about it."

"No, I don't, and I don't want to. What I want is for you to get away from him. You're coming back with us and we're keeping you safe from him," Dean responds. Sam just stands by, dumbfounded that you could do something like this.

"She's not going anywhere with you," Lucifer says, his arms tightening around you, "The two of you almost got her killed."Dean moves closer, preparing to attack even though he knows he can't really do any damage.

"Stop, please," you yell. You push Lucifer's arms from you and place yourself between the two men. "Dean, this was my choice. He didn't force me into doing anything I didn't want to do. I fell in love with him, I chose to be with him. You can't blame him for any of this," you say.

"How could you Y/N," Sam says with the saddest look you've ever seen on his face, "You know what he wants to do to me and you still fell in love with him. How could you let him manipulate you like this?"

"I'm sorry Sam," you respond, "but he didn't manipulate me." You feel like you've betrayed him.

"So you're choosing him over us?" Dean asks.

"Dean, please, it doesn't have to be like that," you say.

"Yes it does," Lucifer says from behind you. He turns you to face him before he continues, "Because that's the way Dean is going to make it. Sam too. They're going to make you choose. If you want to stay with them, tell me and I'll let you go. I'll understand." His hands run down your arms.

You turn back to face Sam and Dean. "Please don't make me choose," you beg, "because I'll choose him. Not only do I love him, I'm bonded to him. I'm his mate and I won't leave him."

Sam and Dean gawk at you before Sam speaks. "Then leave," Sam says, hurt invading his voice, "We trusted you, we thought you were our friend, apparently we were wrong."

Lucifer puffs himself up as if he's about to attack. You press your hand against his chest and shake your head. "Let's go," you say as tears well in your eyes. Lucifer wraps his arms around you and you press your face against his chest, trying your best to hold back tears.

The world shifts around you and you find yourself in Lucifer's bedroom. You can't hold the tears back anymore. You hadn't expected the boys to be happy about your relationship with Lucifer, but you had hoped that they would at least try to accept it. Instead, they had completely shut you out without even trying to understand.

"I'll kill them," Lucifer says angrily as he moves to the dresser and knocks the items from it.

"Lucifer, please don't be angry," you choke through your tears as you reach out to place a hand on his shoulder. He shakes your hand from him before moving to the other side of the room.

"How could I not be angry?" he asks, "They almost got you killed; and the way they treated you. Who do they think they are?"

"I'm sorry," you whisper, tears streaming down your face.

"Why are you sorry?" Lucifer asks, "None of this was your fault, it was theirs. I should've smote them where they stood." Your tears turn into sobs and you sit on the bed. Lucifer turns around to see the state you're in. He quickly closes the distance between you and takes your face between his hands. "I'm sorry," he says in a softer tone, "I won't kill them, I promise, but I don't want you around them if they're going to treat you like that. Is there anything I can do to make this better?" He wipes the tears from your cheeks with his thumbs.

"Wings?" you ask. He smiles and nods before pulling his shirt over his head. Ever since the first time you'd seen them, you loved his wings. There was something comforting about their imperfection and you love the way colors shift across them when the light hit them just right. You shut your eyes tight as a bright light emanates from him. The light fades and you reopen your eyes to see six beautiful opal wings spread out behind Lucifer's back.

Lucifer shifts to sit on the bed and you move to sit behind him. From this angle, the access to his bottom two sets of wings is limited because the topmost set of wings hides them from you. You run your hands along the ridge of his topmost set of wings. Using your thumbs, you rub small circles along the bones in his wings before moving to straighten his feathers. The task helps to calm you and it seems to calm Lucifer as well. You work wing by wing, massaging the flesh that covers his bones and straightening the feathers. Each time you finish working on a wing, he folds it in, revealing the next wing beneath.

You draw soft moans from his lips, despite his efforts to hold them back. He had let you massage his wings before and you knew what touching his wings did to him. When you've finished massaging and grooming each wing, you move your hands to the spot where his wings meet his back. You press your thumbs into the flesh, rubbing small circles against him. Your fingers snake into the delicate feathers at his back and you tug at them lightly.

Lucifer groans loudly and you can only imagine how hard you've made him. Your hands slide up to his shoulders and knead at the flesh there. You lean forward and press your lips to the nape of his neck. Lucifer inhales sharply. Your hands slide down his bare chest and your kiss the spot behind his ear. "Y/N," he groans as he reaches up and turns his face towards you. He crashes his lips against yours roughly. "I'm glad you chose me over them," he mumbles against your lips. You're about to respond, but he thrusts his tongue into your mouth, preventing you from speaking. He turns his body so that he's facing you and he wraps his arms around you, pulling you tightly to him. His forked tongue splits and circles your own tongue. Lucifer's hands press against the small of your back and the nape of your neck, the coolness of him raising goose bumps on your skin.

Lucifer lifts you and carries you to the top of the bed, dropping you down on your back. He snaps his fingers and your clothing disappears along with the rest of his. "So beautiful," he growls, "and you're mine." He leans down and covers your body with his own, his wings spreading out above you. His lips connect with the skin of your shoulder. He bites and sucks at the skin there. His lips move down your collarbone and to your breasts. He sucks one of your nipples between his lips and tugs it between his teeth. One of his hands moves up to knead your neglected breast. His calloused fingers press into your skin and he rolls and plucks your nipple between them. He kisses down your abdomen, growling 'mine, all mine' between kisses.

"All yours," you moan back, agreeing with him. You loved Lucifer and if Sam and Dean couldn't accept that, then it was their loss. There was no way you were going to leave Lucifer, you were his mate, and he was yours.

Lucifer pushes your legs apart and settles between them, kissing down one leg and up the other. Propping himself up on one elbow, he watches as you writhe on the bed when he presses his thumb against your clit and rubs harsh circles around it. He runs two fingers along your folds and slicks them in your juices. He dips his fingers into you and pulls them back out quickly, teasing you. He does this several times before you start to beg.

"Please, Lucifer," you beg over and over again. He rewards you by pressing two fingers into you as far as they'll go. He scissors and curls them, rubbing his calloused fingertips against your g-spot. Your hips buck up towards his hand. His fingers pump in and out of you and his thumb rubs harshly against your clit. You moan and writhe on the bed as he coaxes you towards the edge of climax. He slides a third finger to you and curls them all against your g-spot. That's all it takes to send you tumbling over the edge. Your back arches off the bed and your walls flutter around his fingers.

Lucifer pulls his fingers out of you and licks them clean of your juices. "You taste so good," he moans before leaning down and licking a stripe up your folds with the flat of his tongue. Your breath is still uneven when he presses his tongue into you. You moan as he draws you back to the edge of orgasm once again. His tongue scissors inside you and his nose nudges your over stimulated clit. He grabs your ass cheeks and lifts you towards his face to give him a better angle. He holds you tightly to him as his tongue swirls around inside you. The knot in your stomach reforms and you can feel it getting tighter and tighter. Your walls grow tighter around this tongue and he growls, sending vibrations straight to your sex.

"Lucifer," you cry out as you cum around his tongue. Your walls clench down and your back arches off the bed once again. You fall back down on the bed and attempt to catch your breath as he licks you clean. He kisses his way back up your body; his cool lips help to relieve you of some of the heat that has accumulated within you. His hands slide up your body and he takes your wrists in his hands, moving them above your head and pressing them against the bed. He sucks the skin of your neck between his teeth. He rocks his hips down towards you and you can feel his hard cock pressing against your clit. He's already made you cum twice, but you still wanted him. "Please, Lucifer, I need you," you moan, you knew he liked it when you begged for him, "Please, I need you inside me."

Lucifer smiles against your skin as he easily slides into you. The familiar feeling of him stretching and filling you washes over you. He lets go of your wrists and one of his hands wraps in your hair and tugs your head to the side, giving him better access to your neck. His other hand wraps around your hip and grips you tightly as he fucks you into the mattress. His thrusts are hard and fast, the headboard hits the wall with every thrust. His wings wrap around and caress your sides; the softness of them is a stark contrast to the strength of his thrusts. One of your hands twines into his blonde hair and the other grips his shoulder. You try to hold on and wait for him to cum at the same time as you, but with the way he hits every spot inside you perfectly it's impossible.

"I want you to cum Y/N," Lucifer growls in your ear, "Don't hold back." You do as he asks and stop holding back. You cry out as your walls clench down around him violently, your body exhausted from the pleasure Lucifer has given you. You fall back against the bed but Lucifer keeps thrusting into you. "I want you to cum for me again Y/N" Lucifer growls against your skin, "One more time."

"I don't think I can," you say breathlessly.

"We'll see about that," he responds. He pulls your hands away from him and slips out of you before turning you over on the bed. He grabs a pillow and places it under your hips as he lays you down so that your stomach is flat on the bed. You turn your head, pressing one cheek against the bed and watching Lucifer over your shoulder. He grabs your wrists and presses them down against the bed on either side of your head before he thrusts back into you. He pulls halfway out of you before thrusting back in, allowing him to continuously drag his length against your g-spot. The angle of his thrusts combined with the way he holds you down quickly causes the knot in your stomach to reform

Lucifer's thrusts become sporadic and his grip on your wrists tightens. His wings shudder around you and he bites down on your shoulder as he spills his seed inside you. Your toes curl as the knot in your stomach snaps. You cry out as your walls slam down around him and your body shakes from the intensity of your orgasm.

"That's my girl," Lucifer whispers, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. You lay boneless on the bed and you feel like putty. The chill of Lucifer's body offers relief from the heat of your own. He lies above you, kissing the marks he's left along your shoulders and neck before capturing your lips with his. He pulls out of you slowly and rolls to his back.

He wraps his arms around you and pulls you tightly against him so that your cheek rests against his chest and your legs tangle with his. He caresses the bruises he's left across your body "Thank you," he says as he places a kiss on the top of your head.

"What for?" you ask

"For choosing to stay with me," he says. You look up at him and caress his face.

"Of course I'd choose to stay with you, I love you Lucifer," you say as you press your lips against his.

"I love you too Y/N," he mumbles against your lips. He pulls the sheets up around you both and wraps his wings around you as you drift off to sleep in his arms.

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