
Oleh insandoutsofcastiel

4.4K 120 97

The reader sacrifices herself to Lucifer in order to stop the apocalypse. Lebih Banyak

Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14

Part 1

908 15 21
Oleh insandoutsofcastiel

Request:Could you do a fic where the reader has tosacrifice herself to lucifer to stop the apocalypse (or something) and at first she's mad about it but then she starts to fall for him. Ends in smut??? Thanks! AND hey! saw your 666 followers post and it put me in the mood to read some lucifer...i dont rly care about the plot it could be anything, but a female reader please? thank you!! (Also because I haven't written anything about Lucifer yet and I wanted to try it out.)

Reader Gender: Female

Pairing: Lucifer x Reader

Word Count: 4,444

Warnings: Smut, fluff, wing!kink, virgin!Reader, virgin!Lucifer, biting, unprotected sex (everything is consensual)

A/N: This got to be a lot longer than I had intended ... I'm not sorry. Also, I have no clue how the word count happened, but I think it's pretty funny.


"We won't let you do this," Dean shouts at you.

"I have to," you say, "it's the only way we can buy more time."

"Sacrificing yourself to Lucifer is not the answer," Sam says. True enough, sacrificing yourself to Lucifer wouldn't end the apocalypse, but it would allow the boys more time to find the real answer.

"Do you have a better plan?" you ask, "because unless you can pull something out of thin air, I don't see any other choices." Lucifer had promised to postpone the events of the apocalypse if you gave yourself to him. You weren't sure what 'giving yourself' entailed exactly, but if you could help prevent the apocalypse from happening, you sure as Hell were going to do it.

"I've been in Hell Y/N," Dean says, "I know what it can do to you. This is Lucifer we're talking about, the Devil himself; he'll corrupt you, destroy everything that you are until you become someone you can't even recognize."

"Don't do this Y/N, please," Sam pleads.

"It's too late," you say quietly, "I've already made up my mind." You walk to your motel room, tears streaming down your face as you pack your small bag of essentials. As you leave your room, you pass by the boys' room. Your knuckles hover over the door, prepared to knock, but then you think better of it. Maybe you should've said goodbye, but you hated those. You continue to walk down the road, praying for Lucifer to find you; something you never imagined you'd do, not even in your wildest dreams.

"Like a lamb to the slaughter," a voice sounds from behind you. You spin quickly to find Lucifer leaning against a tree, examining his fingernails and acting as if he's uninterested in you.

"Well, I'm here, just like you wanted, so now what?" you ask.

"Someone's eager," he teases, "Do I have your consent?" You're not sure why he needs your consent, but you give it. He raises his hand and snaps his fingers, you close your eyes, expecting to be killed; but you're not. When you open your eyes you find yourself in a living room. "Where are we?" you ask.

"My home," he responds, "feel free to explore, but don't leave the grounds; if you do, I'll know. There are several demons working here, if you need anything, ask them. I have a few matters to attend to." He snaps his fingers and leaves.

What the Hell was that? Have I just been kidnapped by the Devil? You look around and find the doorway. As you walk down a long hallway, you discover room after room. He had called this a home, but it was more of a mansion. You found bedroom upon bedroom, each styled differently. There were bathrooms of all shapes and sizes, each with different styles of showers and tubs. There was a large kitchen with an even larger dining area. You found a game room, a room with a theater sized movie screen, a music room; and then you found the library. It was gorgeous. It spanned two floors, bookshelves from floor to ceiling on each floor. The bottom floor had a small fireplace with some overstuffed chairs sitting next to it. In the middle of the room were desks and chairs. Stairways framed the desks, curving out towards the walls as they went up and coming back together to form a landing on the second floor. You dropped your bag to the floor and began exploring. All of your favorite books were there alongside one's you've never heard of. You grab one off the shelf, intending to pass the time until Lucifer got back.

Passing the time hadn't been as easy as you thought it would be. Three weeks had passed and he still hadn't come back. Maybe it was a good thing, you were still wary of him; even though he hadn't hurt you before, it didn't mean he wouldn't later.

During this time, you did almost everything for yourself. You refused to let the demons cook for you, afraid that they might poison you. You had claimed one of the bedrooms for your own. It was decorated in your favorite colors and had the perfect bed, almost as if it were made for you. There was a small bookcase in the room and you had begun taking books from the library and moving them to your own shelves.

You sat down to eat yet another meal alone and open your latest book, until the sound of wings stops you. Your heart skips a beat, as you turn around, you almost expect to see Cas come to rescue you, but it's not. Your face falls as you see the blonde haired, blue eyed man standing behind you. "Were you expecting to see someone else?" he asks.

"Well, no, not really," you respond as you look back down to your plate of food.

"May I join you?" he asks and you're not sure why he does.

"Um, sure, it is your house after all," you say.

"It may be my house, but it's your presence I'm requesting," he says as he sits down across from you.

"That's an odd sentiment coming from the Devil," you say out loud, though you never meant for the words to pass your lips.

"You know, if you took the time to get to know me, I might not be half as bad as you think I am."

"Excuse me, I'm sorry, but you're Satan."

He leans his elbows on the table and rests his head on his hands. "Yes, well, being Satan, I have a reputation to uphold." He winks at you and gives you a smirk; you narrow your eyes at him.

The more you talked with him, the less you cared if you pissed him off. "Reputation? And what's that? Kidnapping women and holding them hostage until you get bored with them and decide to kill them? If that's what it is then just do it, I don't want to be here anyway, not with you," you shout at him. The smirk falls from his face and he sits back in his chair.

"I don't want to kill you," he says quietly.

"What then? Torture me? Get information out of me? Use me against the Winchesters? What?" you shout as you push yourself away from the table and stand up.

He looks up at you with what you'd almost say is sadness in his blue eyes. "I don't want to hurt you either. I just want someone to talk to," he says. You scoff at him, turn on your heel, and walk off to your bedroom, slamming the door behind you once you've reached it.

Get to know me? What possible reason could he have for wanting that? That night, as you drift off to sleep, you realize what you'd done probably wasn't the smartest move. He could've killed you with a thought if he wanted to; and yet he hadn't.

When you wake up in the morning, after you've gotten yourself ready for the day, you head out of your room in search of Lucifer. As you walk down the hall, you smell the scent of food; you follow the smell to the kitchen where you find Lucifer cooking. "Good morning," he says weakly with his back turned to you.

"Good morning," you respond softly as you sit at the small table in corner of the kitchen. You pull your legs up and cross them on the seat, trying to make yourself comfortable before apologizing to Satan; there was another thing you never thought you'd do. "About last night," you begin, "I shouldn't have acted the way I did. I didn't even give you a chance to tell me why you really brought me here. I just assumed that you either wanted to torture me, kill me, or use me. I'm sorry."

He turns to look at you over his shoulder, "I appreciate the sentiment, but you're right. I brought you here without telling you why, you have every reason to suspect the worst of me." For being the Devil, he was surprisingly kind; then again, that could've just been him trying to manipulate you.

When he'd finished cooking, he made two plates and placed one in front of you before placing his own plate on the table and sitting across from you. "Is it ok if I stay here?" he asks and you nod your head and give him a weak smile. "The real reason I brought you here is to have someone to talk with," he says, "I spent so long in that cage, alone. The whole time I longed for a companion. Someone to share my thoughts with, but I only had myself; that can drive a man crazy."

"What's it like? If you don't mind me asking," you say, "the cage I mean."

"Like I said, lonely," he responds, "It's like a giant maze made out of stone. You can wonder around for days and never see the same spot twice. There are some torches so you can see, but that's about it. Not very interesting if you ask me, what I find more interesting is you."

"Oh," is the only sound you can seem to form. Why me?

"Because I find you intriguing," he responds before his eyes go wide as he realizes what he's done, "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have invaded your privacy like that. It just sort of happens sometimes."

"The Devil is sorry for something he's done? Well isn't that refreshing," you tease.

"I'm sorry for a lot of things actually. I just don't show it."

Weeks go on like this; the two of you sharing meals and stories. You tell him about your life with the Winchesters and the life you had had before that. He tells you about the things he saw when he was young, the creation of the earth and humans. He tells you about his brothers and sisters and the games they used to play, the tricks they used to play on each other. The more time you spent with him, the more you began to see him as a person rather than just as Satan or the Devil. The more you saw him as a person, the more comfortable you became around him; and the more comfortable you became around him, the more you began to have feelings for him. It was a strange feeling, to be attracted to Lucifer, but those feelings were there, even if you'd never admit them to anyone but yourself.

You sit across from him one evening, eating the meal he had cooked for you. You're telling him about the latest book you'd read when you hear a soft whisper cross his lips, "I love you." Your thoughts and words come to a crashing halt.

"Wait, you ... did you just say..." try as you might, you can't seem to complete a sentence. You weren't sure if you should be flattered or terrified.

"Shit, did I say that out loud?" he asks and you laugh. It never seemed possible to fall in love with Lucifer and it seemed even less possible that he'd feel the same way about you. His face turns red and he looks away from you.

"Lucifer, I'm not laughing at you," you say.

"My name," he says quietly, causing you to be confused.

"What?" you ask.

"My name," he says looking you in the eyes, "You've never called me by my actual name before."

"Yes I have."

"Not to me you haven't."

You think it through in your head, trying to find an instance where you called him Lucifer instead of Satan or the Devil, but you can't, not out loud anyway. "What were you laughing at?" he asks, pulling you out of your thoughts.

"Nothing," you say, rubbing the back of your neck nervously, "I just didn't think you felt that way about me."

"How could I not?" he asks.

"Because I'm a lowly human and you're –"

"Satan, I know."

"Actually, I was going to say an angel."

He tilts his head to the side, examining you with those blue eyes of his. "I'd be your angel if you let me," he says slowly. It's like his words spark something in you. Heat floods your body as you push yourself away from the table. You walk around to where he sits, grab his hand and pull him up from the chair. His hand is colder than you expected it would be. The chair topples over as he stands up and pulls you towards him. His arms wrap around your waist and yours wrap around his neck. You pull him down and crash your lips into his, they're just as cold as his hands are.

He spins you around, pushing you up against a wall. Your hands begin tugging at his clothes. "Mmm," he hums against your mouth, "not here." His large hands wrap around your thighs and pull them to wrap around his waist. His arms wrap around you as he pulls you away from the wall and carries you off towards his bedroom. Your lips break from his and you begin kissing along his jaw and neck, nipping at the skin lightly.

When he finally reaches his room, he closes the door and pushes you up against it. He wraps one arm underneath you to hold you up, his other hand pulls one of yours loose from his hair and intertwines his fingers with yours before pushing the back of your hand against the door. He pulls back, his eyes searching yours. "You have to give me consent before I can go any further," he says.

"You have it," you tell him, "I love you."

A smile spreads across his face before he moves to kiss you again. He parts your lips with his and teases the tip of his tongue into your mouth. You draw him in with your own tongue. The two halves of his tongue part and circle your own tongue. The strange feeling causes you to gasp. He just chuckles and pushes himself closer to you.

Suddenly, he pushes your legs away from him, dropping your feet to the floor before he begins tugging at your clothes. Somehow, you manage to pull each other's clothes off while simultaneously making your way to the bed. You crawl to the top of the bed and he follows after you. He hovers above you, taking in the image before him. Every bit of him is perfect. It makes you feel self-conscious and you wrap your arms around your breasts and pull your knees up towards you.

"Don't," he says, pulling your legs so that they lay flat on the bed again. He takes both of your wrists in one hand and pulls them above your head. His other hand traces down your side, causing you to shiver. "Sorry, I run cold," he says.

"Don't be sorry, I actually kind of like it," you tell him as he smiles down at you. "Before we do this," you begin, "there's something I need to tell you. I've never actually done this before, had sex I mean." You look away from him, face turning pink in embarrassment.

"Really?" he asks and you nod your head. "Hmm," he says as if he's considering something, "I like it." He pauses before continuing to speak. "There's something I should tell you too," he says and you nod, encouraging him to continue, "When angels mate, they mate for life. If we do this, you'll be bonded to me, forever." You just lie there for a moment, taking in his words and trying to process them. If you slept with him once, you would be 'bonded to him forever'; that was a huge commitment. What would Sam and Dean think? Did you even care? Lucifer moves away from you, thinking you're rejecting him.

You sit up on your knees, placing your hands on his shoulders. "I want this," you say looking straight into his eyes.

"You're sure? It's not something that can be undone. I'll be the only one you can ever sleep with after this," he says in a warning tone.

"Good," you respond before wrapping your fingers in his hair and pulling him in for another kiss. Wait, if angels mated for life and he was asking you to be his mate, did that mean ...?

"Yes, you're my first," he says, reading your mind once again. For some reason, the thought of taking Lucifer's virginity turned you on.

"Are you saying I get to corrupt Satan?" you ask playfully.

"Y/N, there's no way you can corrupt me as much as I'll corrupt you," he says with a light chuckle.

One of your hands moves down his back, causing him to shift as if he's uncomfortable. "What's wrong?" you question him.

"Nothing, it's just my wings," he responds against your lips.

The thought of Lucifer's wings wrapped around you while he fucked you into oblivion seemed like something you wanted to explore. "May I see them?" your words are barely audible to your own ears.

"I, um, I haven't groomed in a while," he says, pulling away from you slightly.

"That's ok," you say, "I don't mind."

"It's just ... they're not what they used to be, before I fell I mean," he says, running his fingers through his hair. He almost seems as self-conscious about his wings as you were about your body.

"Please?" you ask, "If I'm your mate, shouldn't I be able to see you; all of you?" He sighs, closing his eyes in concentration before shifting his shoulders. A bright light shines around him; it's so bright that you have to close your eyes to keep them from hurting.

When the light finally dims down to a slight glow, you open your eyes to see Lucifer with six beautiful white wings spread out behind him. The wings are so large they brush the walls. The feathers are imperfect, some out of place, some turned black from what you assumed was his fall from Heaven, yet even their imperfection held a form of beauty you'd never seen before. Color shifts across his wings as he moves them slightly, like an opal when the light hits it just the right way.

"They're beautiful," you whisper, barely able to tear your eyes from his wings to look into his eyes. He rubs the back of his neck as if he's still nervous about showing you his wings. It makes sense, they're the most intimate part of him, angels didn't show their wings to just anyone after all. "May I touch them?" you ask and he nods, watching your hand as you caress the feathers lightly. His wings flutter slightly, causing your fingers to slip in between the feathers.

He groans loudly, eyes shut tightly. You pull your wrist away quickly, afraid that you've hurt him. He grabs hold of your wrist. "Don't stop," he nearly growls. His pupils are completely dilated, only a small ring of blue visible in his eyes. Your breathing becomes shallow and quick as you thrust your fingers between his feathers, caressing and tugging. The noises you draw from him send heat coursing through your veins. Your hands move to the top of his bottommost pair of wings. Your fingers trace the ridge of his wings before squeezing lightly. He lets out a low hissing noise before he wraps his arms around you and pulls you into his lap.

He pulls your hips down against his, grinding his hard cock against you. "Lucifer," you moan in his ear as his hands trail up and down your body, kneading the flesh. His lips connect with your neck and suck the skin between his teeth with enough force to leave a bruise. You continue to rock your hips against him, trying desperately to create any friction you can. "Need you inside me, please," you whisper before you take the lobe of his ear between your teeth and tug lightly.

"Already begging," he chuckles against your skin. He shifts to lay you down, your head hitting the pillows. His cold lips leave kisses down your neck and along your collarbone, between the valley of your breasts before wrapping around one of your nipples. His strange tongue licks and flicks the nipple. One of his hands moves up to grope your other breast and pinch the nipple, sending equal amounts of pleasure and pain through your body to your core. You moan and writhe beneath him and try to lift your hips, but his other hand holds your hip tightly against the bed.

His lips continue their journey down your body, tongue dipping into your navel on his way down to your thighs. He presses your thighs apart, kissing down one and up the other. His tongue flicks your clit, causing you to buck your hips towards him. He looks up at you through his lashes as his lips attach themselves to your clit. Your head falls back to the pillows and you can feel him smile against your skin. He flicks your clit one last time before licking a stripe along your folds.

Lucifer's strong hands hold your hips tightly, callused fingertips pressing into the skin. He kisses your entrance before his tongue delves into you. His tongue scissors, actually scissors, inside you. "Fuck, Lucifer," you moan loudly as his nose nudges your clit and your back arches off the bed. Your hands reach down and your fingers thread through his blonde hair as you try to pull him closer to you. He rocks his hips against the bed, trying to create some friction for himself as he eats you out. You moan his name and tug on his hair, begging him to continue. He hums and moans against you, sending vibrations through your body that cause the knot in your stomach pull tight.

"Lucifer, I'm close," you moan, "I'm gonna ..." You don't even get to finish your sentence before your walls clench down around his tongue. "Lucifer," you cry out as waves of pleasure crash over your body. He looks up at you, grinning smugly, chin glistening with your juices. You fall limply against the bed, panting as you come down from you high. Lucifer's lips trail up your body; teeth nipping at the skin here and there. His wings wrap around to caress your sides and you run your fingers through them, causing him to shudder.

He kisses you when his lips finally reach yours. You can taste yourself on him. He drags his teeth along your bottom lip and you squirm beneath him. You lift your hips towards his and you can feel how hard he is. "Lucifer, I want you," you mumble against his lips.

"You're absolutely sure about this?" he asks one last time and you respond with a simple 'yes.' He gives you a genuine smile before he presses his lips to yours roughly. "I'll try to be gentle," he says as he presses the head of his cock against your entrance. He places his fore arm beside your head, using it to prop himself up as he wraps his other hand around your hip. His lips stay attached to yours as he begins to push himself into you inch by inch. Your walls stretch to accommodate his size and there's a slight pain, but it's quickly smothered by pleasure.

"Y/N," he moans when he's completely sheathed inside of you, "Fuck, you're tight." He presses his forehead against yours, waiting for you to adjust and become comfortable. When you're ready, you wrap your legs around his waist and lift your hips slightly, encouraging him to move. He takes the hint and begins to thrust in and out of you slowly. The pace is so slow it's torturous.

"Please," you moan, "faster." His face nestles into the crook of your neck and his hips pick up speed. One of your hands tangles in his hair, the other reaches around to his back and finds the spot where his wings meet his skin. You run your fingers through the soft feathers and his breath hitches. His grip on your hip tightens and you know there will be bruises. You take hold of a handful of feathers and tug lightly. His hips snap forward in a particularly sharp thrust as his teeth bite down on the spot where your neck meets you shoulder.

The room is filled with the sounds of your moans, accompanied by Lucifer's and the slap of skin hitting skin. The feeling of him sliding in and out of you is enough to drive you crazy. His thrusts are becoming more and more erratic. Your toes curl as the knot in your stomach reforms and threatens to break. Your walls begin to flutter around his cock. "Lucifer!" you scream as you cum hard around him. Your back arches off the bed, pressing your chest to his.

You tug at his feathers again and he loses control. "Y/N," he moans loudly as he spills his seed inside you. His wings shudder above you as he cums.

Slowly, his thrusts come to an end. He pulls himself out of you, leaving you with a throbbing, empty feeling. He rolls to the side, pulling you with him so that he lies on his back with his wings stretched out beneath him; half of your body is draped over his and your legs are tangled together. His arms wrap around you, holding you snuggly to him. The chill of his skin helps to cool your overheated body.

"You're really ok with spending the rest of forever with me?" he asks.

"Well it's too late to change my mind now isn't it?" you ask playfully. He gives you a serious look that makes you reword your answer. "Yes Lucifer, I'm more than ok with it," you say as relief washes over his face.

"Just know, I won't be that gentle next time," he says, brushing the bruises he's left on your body with his thumb.

"Is that a threat?" you ask, reaching up to caress his cheek with your hand.

"Oh no, sweetheart, that's a promise," he says with a smirk. His wings drape over you, covering your naked body and pressing you closer to him. His fingers trace mindless patterns on your arm and back.

"I wouldn't expect any less," you say with a yawn as you nuzzle in closer to him and begin to drift off to sleep.

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