Who you used to be - [p.jm]

By Yoonginyaan

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"I'll do anything it takes to bring him back to his old self again. I know he's still in there, even if he's... More

1. "I missed you so much"
2. "Crying won't help"
3. "I'm Park Jimin"
4. "Welcome to the family"
5. "Say what you have to say and die"
7. "I was too weak"
8. "Do you really still love me?"
9. "I don't think we can get him back"
10. "Fire"
11. "Jagiya"
12. "You killed them"
13. "I don't want to leave him"
14. "I'll save you"
15. Begin
16. "I hate you."
17. "Leave Jimin behind?"
18. "I love you"
19. Stigma
20. "I want you" [r15]
22. "We have to kill him"
23. "Teamwork makes the dream work"
24. "Our contract is over"
25. "I can't do this anymore"
26. "They're running"
27. "Promise you won't ever leave me"
28. "I'm sorry"
29. "I hope they make it"
30. "We'll figure this out together"
31. Lie
32. "Let your mistakes remain in the past"
33 - "It's not the right time yet."
34 - "Hyung"
35 - "Because I love them"
36. - "Why him of all people?"
37. - "You left me with no other choice."
38. - "I want him dead"
39. - "How can I believe you?"
40. - "We're leaving"
41. "Kill me"
42. Reflection
43. "We'll avenge him"
44. "Rest well"
45. "This feels like a family reunion"
46. "You'll just have to trust me"
47. "He'll catch up"
48. "You chose your fate, boy."
49. "Such cold eyes"

6. "I want to meet him"

1K 45 15
By Yoonginyaan

"It's a trap", Namjoon stressed once again while tracing through the room like a maniac.

Clutching the note you had received from Jimin, he didn't stop to face neither Bangtan, nor you throughout his thinking-phase.

"I know, but this could be the chance...", you initiated, but he cut you off.

"I don't care. I won't put your life on the line."

You raised an eyebrow. As much as you appreciated his concern, you really didn't care about it being a trap. All you wanted was to see Jimin again and make sure to get him back to Bangtan.

"Namjoon, he won't hurt me", you sighed.

"How would you know?", he almost yelled.

Namjoon was just as confused and shocked about this sudden message from Jimin as you and the other members were.
Obviously, Jimin had known that you would come to the warehouse and gave that man the note for you. It had been his plan all along.

It was uncomfortable knowing that Jimin knew so much about you, but that was kind of obvious, being a past member of this group.

"I agree with Y/N", Jin stated. "He wouldn't hurt Y/N, he still has feelings for her."

"How do you know he wasn't just pretending?", Namjoon argued, making you angry.

"You don't know Jimin at all, do you?", you suddenly blurted out.
It was a little disrespectful towards your leader, but your anger had gotten the best of you.

Namjoon stayed silent.

"We need to think about this. It could be a good chance for Y/N to talk to him", Jin calmed the situation.

The others hummed in agreement.

"What if he locks her up and she can't contact us anymore?", Namjoon continued. "What if he uses her to get to us? Or hurts her to lure us into a trap?"

He was out of control and had started coming up with the most unreasonable scenarios.
Jin was the only one who could do something about it, and so he did.

He got up and punched Namjoon right in the face, causing him to collapse on the floor. Namjoon let out a surprised gasp as his body sacked to the ground.
The whole room went silent, everyone being paralyzed by the sudden action of the usually calm mother of the group.

Jin backed off, rubbing his knuckle.

"Thanks", Namjoon muttered and got up with the help of his blonde friend.

Jungkook's eyes had gotten as wide as they could get, seeming scared of Jin.
You had seen this kind of behavior occur often between the Namjoon and him.
It was the true power of friendship.

"Sorry for overreacting", Namjoon apologized, more to you than the others.
"We'll come up with a plan, but let's think about it. We have a month to do so."

You nodded nervously, having to imagine what Jimin wanted from you. Did he even still have feelings for you? Or had they disappeared just like the friendship and love for his brothers?
Whatever it was he wanted, it certainly had to do something with killing the others.

You had to persuade him to not do it. Whatever he was feeling, it couldn't be real. The old Jimin never would have wanted to hurt the members. He had always looked up to them and respected them.

"At least we know that we'll be safe for a month", Yoongi muttered, leaning back in his chair.

"But we also might be in danger when Y/N leaves. He could try and ambush this place", Taehyung pointed out.

There was silent muttering. You saw that Taehyung's cheek bones were pulsating occasionally. He kept glancing over to you nervously, probably afraid that you would get offended if he refused to help you meet Jimin.
But you wouldn't get mad at Taehyung. He was your best friend after all.

"Namjoon, would it be possible for us to move base in one month's time?", Jin questioned.
"We're in danger since Jimin knows where this hideout- and all the entries and exits are."

Namjoon nodded absently.
"Our security system is in danger. Jimin has always been a talented hacker, especially when it comes to systems he knows well."

You gulped. It was actually a miracle that he hadn't already hacked into the system if he wanted to kill the members so badly.

"Now that I think of it, have you asked Bang PD-nim where he got the information of that last mission from?", Yoongi pointed out.

If you thought about it, that mission had clearly been an intentional set-up for you to get the note. Those bandits hadn't been very strong and were probably only a distraction.

"Yeah, but he just said that he received it from the higher ups and that it was classified information", Namjoon explained.
"Bang PD-nim is starting to worry too."

Could it be that Jimin had already found a way to hack into the system?

Namjoon looked over to you.
"Y/N, I want you to think about this carefully for a few days and then tell me whether you want to see him again or not."

You agreed hesitantly. Actually, you already knew that you wanted to meet him...

"I'm tired, can we postpone this meeting to another day?", Yoongi muttered, seeming to put everyone's thoughts into words.

And so the meeting was ended.
You still had to think about the note from Jimin. What if the others didn't let you go after all?


"How does it feel to be back in school again Y/N?", Taehyung grinned as he leaned against the locker next to yours.

It was your first day back after almost a week and you didn't really feel motivated for studying at all. But then again, when had you ever felt motivated for school?
Especially after finding a much more exciting life as an assassin.

You just scoffed at him and closed the locker.

Taehyung was always a much brighter person in school than he was at home or on missions. It was like he had a split personality or something. But exactly that was what had always helped you survive those dark times.
Taehyung had instantly become your best friend after getting to know him.

You were the one that had introduced him to Bangtan. But that's another story...

Miraculously, Jungkook, Taehyung and you had managed to stay in the same class for three years and were finally seniors now.
Sadly, it was only you three since the others had finished school a while ago.

Jungkook was a little shy at school, but then again, you all needed to have some kind of personalities to fit into society. Nobody could know what you actually did for a living.

You walked into your classroom and sat down on your desk. Taehyung sat next to you, Jungkook behind you.

"Hyung, can I copy your homework?", Jungkook asked tiredly.

"Tsk tsk tsk", Taehyung teased as he threw his notebook at Jungkook's sleepy head.
"You can't just use your "job" as an excuse not to do homework."

The younger boy shrugged when the notebook hit him, muttering a soft "thank you". Taehyung turned to him and started nagging about not getting enough sleep.

You just stopped listening to the both of them after a while and stared out of the window.
You couldn't keep Jimin off your mind anymore.

The burning feeling of maybe seeing him again soon was causing your heart to race.
It felt so wrong but you were happy and relieved that he was back now. You had realized that after being depressed for days after that mission.

His smell, the warm feeling of embracing him... it was all still there. Only, he felt like a completely different person. The icy-cold look in his eyes would not leave your memories.

You loved him even though he changed, even though he wanted to kill your friends. What if he wanted to get you on his side? Would you go against Bangtan for him? Could you do that?

"Y/N?", Taehyung interrupted your thoughts.

You looked over to see his worried face. It looked like he had been trying to get your attention several times now.

"You okay? You've been staring at that window for some time now."

"Yes, sorry", you fake-smiled.

Of course you couldn't turn against Bangtan. They were more than just comrades and collegues. They were your brothers.
But Jimin was the one you had always loved. What would happen if you were forced to choose between those two?

"I want to see him again", you confessed to Taehyung and Jungkook after checking that no one was in earshot.
"Even if it means being at risk, I just have to."

They both stayed silent.

"I know it's hard to understand, but I just still love him, even though he might be against us now. He's just lost and I have to get him back."

"I can understand that Y/N, you're not crazy", Taehyung assured you.
"But you have to think about us as well. You can go and live a happily ever after with him, but he won't stop until he's killed us all."

"I just hope he'll listen to you", Jungkook muttered.

You hoped so too.


Back at the dorm you met a bunch of hardworking, sweaty guys on the training ground.
You walked up to Namjoon who was practicing his sniping, not waiting for him to finish.

"I want to do it, I want to meet him", you said firmly.

He missed his target. Rambling about it, he put his gun down.

"Are you sure?", he questioned with a saddened gaze.

"Yes. I just have to."

Namjoon sighed.
"He still means that much to you, doesn't he?"

"Of course."
You gave him a weak smile which he returned. But you knew well how much fear was hidden beneath that smile. Outsmarting Namjoon was rare, but Jimin was one of the people that could pull that off. That was probably what made your leader so nervous.

"Okay...we'll start planning first thing tomorrow", he said with a slightly unsatisfied facial expression.

Maybe it was because Namjoon felt guilty for losing Jimin most out of everyone, since he was the leader. He also had the right to feel guilty, that was your opinion. You didn't blame Namjoon, but you'd have been lying if you said that your relationship hadn't changed since then.

He knew that you stopped fully trusting him after leaving Jimin behind 2 years ago. You were still disappointed in him as a leader.
That was probably why he was willing to listen to you now.

"Try to forget about Jimin for now, or else it will influence your results on missions", Namjoon pointed out, sounding like a true leader.

He placed the rifle again, fired, and missed for the second time.
It wasn't like him at all.

His hand was shaking after he put the weapon back in its case..

"What's up with Namjoon?", you asked Jin and Yoongi who were sitting in the kitchen.

Yoongi had a minor leg injury from the mission and was resting while Jin was making food for everyone.
You and the others were still training outside, but you wanted to go in for some water.

"I don't know, he's been acting weird ever since the thing with Jiminie happened", Yoongi sighed, crossing his arms.

You couldn't help but smile over the fact that he still used that nickname for him.

"Same goes for Taehyung", Jin added.

Right, Taehyung was slightly more worried than the others since he had been Jimin's first target for some reason.
You sat down next to Yoongi and drank some water.

"They'll both be fine. They just need time, like you did", Jin said to you, referring to your depression phase after meeting Jimin.

Maybe he was right and that was their way of dealing with the whole situation.

"That note, though. It made Namjoon lose it", Yoongi muttered quietly.
"He didn't even have time to think of a plan and Jimin is already ahead of us."

You gulped. Jimin definitely had a plan concerning you and that note, but you couldn't know what exactly he was thinking.
Not anymore, at least.

"Jimin has a good head. He's always had potential for a leader", Jin shared, taking the food out of the oven.

You nodded. There was even talk that he could have surpassed Namjoon one day. Your leader had said that himself at the time.

"He has potential to lead, but not to kill", Yoongi added.
"Y/N, what do you think about all this?"

"I-I don't know... I'm aware that this sounds stupid, but I don't care. Even if he changed and even if he is out to kill you, I still care about him and want to save him", you repeated what you had told Taehyung and Jungkook the other day.
"I just know he can be saved."

Yoongi nodded.
"I see... I feel similar to you."

You faced his worried expression.

"Jiminie was always the one who had the purest heart. Killing is a dark business, but he always managed to keep us all sane from the blood we had to spill every night. Ever since he left, the mood has been different. We turned into cold-hearted killers in 2 years", Yoongi sadly spoke.

You were surprised by his talkative side and agreed.
Not only had Jimin listened to everyone's problems, but he also held you all together as a team.
There had been many fights amongst team members since he left.

"He was also always the one who started eating before everyone was at the table", Jin threw in, lightening the dark conversation you had.

"Ah right, Jiminie wasn't the only funny guy on the team", Yoongi joked.

The oldest member gave out an ironic laugh and continued to tend to your lunch as you left to train again.


You all sat together in the conference room after dinner, the mood tensing up again.

"Y/N has come to the decision that she wants to meet Jimin in a month", Namjoon broke the news to those who didn't know yet.

"I personally don't know what to expect from this meeting and I can't say I really support it", Namjoon stated. "But the note was adressed to you, so it's your decision."

You nodded thankfully. The other members seemed okay with the decision, apart from Taehyung.

"You do know that this might put us in danger as well? Without you here, he can freely order an attack on the base, not caring who's inside anymore", he spoke.

You looked down, completely aware of this. But Bangtan were strong, they would surely manage to defend themselves until you persuaded Jimin to come back.

"Tae... I know. But what other plan do you have to get him back?", you questioned.

He was taken aback by this question and stayed silent, his form tensing up again. Taehyung glanced over at Namjoon for support, but didn't get any.

"You don't have to worry about him attacking the base. I already contacted the boss about it and he said he'll find us another dorm", Namjoon informed.

You shrugged a little. Of course you were happy that the risk could be reduced, but the fact that you would be leaving the home you had spent years in - and had made so many memories in...

The other members felt similar, but everyone knew it was for the best.

"What exactly is the plan then?", Hoseok interrupted your thoughts.

"Right", Namjoon coughed.
"The plan is..."


Sorry for dragging this out a bit, I've had a writer's block for a while:) Finally meeting Jimin in the next chapter!

Thank you for supporting and reading!💜

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