Orange is the new gucci (in p...

By TherealestVC

12.8K 272 64

What happens when Max agrees to go on a shopping trip with Victoria?...hilarity ensures, fluff, a bet, and ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Caesar salad and cheeseburgers
Food fight!!!!....and mall jail
Mall jail
Lets go to the movies
I like you okay?
Friday the 13th (special chapter)
Community service
Valentine's Day
I still get jealous
Fix you
Victoria's Secret
Sister Sister
Sisterly love....sisterly blackmail
Max's hometown visit part 1
Max's hometown visit part 2
Finals and Graduation


377 9 2
By TherealestVC

Chapter 17

Victoria was raging...Hell! she was beyond raging. She couldn't believe that her own sister was threatening to out her relationship with Max to her parents. Being outed to the school was one thing, But with the Chase parents she couldn't even imagine what would happened or what they would do to her. Her mind was racing many many different scenarios in her head.

Ones where they would kick her out, Ones where they would take her to the nearest church and throw her in the holy water, Even ones where they would turn into the devil's little helpers and drag her and Max down to hell. She had to admit that last one was a bit ridiculous, but the nonetheless she was enraged at her sister and was hatching up a plan for revenge.

First, she with a reluctant Max would subtly bring up anything about parties at her sister's college whenever her parents would be around them. Heidi would just give her the usual glare and scoff and mumble words under her breath like "Dumbass" or "I don't party, I have classes to focus on". Their parents just shrugged and continued on with the usual conversation.

Next part of her plan was tracking down Heidi's friend who she was discussing about with the party incident. That was easy. Victoria somehow found out that her friend was her roommate, She called the office at Yale the next day.

"Excuse me, Is there an Olivia Rotifer that goes here?" Victoria said a mature older voice.

She turned the phone a little bit before turning to Max giggling like a 4 year old.

Max just rolled her eyes and gave the other girl a light shove telling her to continue the call.

"Why yes there is...May I ask who is speaking?" The office lady at Yale spoke back in questioning tone.

Victoria quickly looked around for any excuse, she stopped when she saw a film contest flyer. 'Thank god for sis's blabbering about her roommate'.

Victoria indicated for Max to hand her the flyer, "This is the Oregon Film contest and we saw her film and would like to speak with her. If you could give us her number, we can go further with the details" she looked back at Max for confirmation, Max smiled and nodded.

The office lady at Yale took a few minutes and gave them Olivia's number and fawned on about Olivia winning. After a few more minutes of chit chatter, Victoria hung up the phone with a thumbs up at Max who smiled warily.

"Phase two...Complete". Victoria smiled mischievously.

They just had to figure out how to approach Heidi's roommate...But little did they know, that Heidi was plotting to expose Victoria's relationship with Max. What's a better place to do that than at their parents annual charity fundraiser at the Chasespace gallery on Saturday. Victoria would be there also and would bring Max. The chase sisters had to attend either way to keep up appearances.

Heidi had a few days left before the big event and had to think quick of how to get the picture on a big scene for her parents and everyone to see. 'Hmm who is nerdy enough around here to help me?', She scanned around the campus and her eyes brought to a girl with black hair with different color highlights flying a drone.

She approached the girl, who was too entranced in flying her drone to she didn't see Heidi standing in front of her.

Heidi cleared her throat "Ahem", the girl didn't look at her...she tried again but was met with no avail, She started to get impatient and grabbed the drone remote from the girl's hands. She was met with a glare and a nasally voice, "Hey! What was that for?".

Heidi rolled her eyes "I was trying to get your attention...Duh".

The girl tried to size Heidi up by looking at her up and down with a semi intimidating glare. "So what do you want Blondie?" The girl retorted.

"I was hoping for-You know never mind I have to deal with an annoying little sister enough...I don't have to deal with you Gothica" Heidi stated then began walking away quietly talking to herself about how she would get the picture of Max and Victoria on the wide screen. The mention of Max's name got the girl's attention.

The girl called back to Heidi "Yo! Did you say Max? Whatever you are planning I want in...She's the reason why Warren stays in his room singing "all my myself" to a picture of Max. So what's the plan Blondie?" The girl chirped up.

Heidi looked at the girl with such admiration 'What is this geek's deal?...Eh whatever she could be helpful'..."Well as you know, Victoria and Max are together and I caught them kissing at a party recently. Victoria is my baby sister and She knows my real reason for coming into town..I want to expose her in front of the entire committee at this charity fundraiser our parents are having on saturday before she exposes me" She finished off.

The girl spoke up "Yeah sure, seems legit...Just meet me by the av room on Friday, I can use technology for anything" The girl explained to her.

Heidi smiled quaintly at the shorter darker hair girl "I'm sure you can...umm-"

"Brooke!" The girl answered for her.

"Yes of course, Brooke it will be a pleasure doing business with you...Here's my number text me, I'm Heidi by the way" She handed Brooke a card with her information on it.

Brooke took the card and smiled "of course Heidi wellup see you then" she walked back to her abandoned stuff.

Heidi looked back at her before walking away "This better work" she whispered to herself and walked to her car.

The day of the charity event came sooner than ever and the girls were scheming back and forth, it went from little things such as embarrassing one another to a prank war. Things were getting intense, one of the prank in instance almost had Max calling it quits because Heidi was starting to mess with her things. But a kiss and some alone time with Victoria changed her mind.

Victoria and Max met up with Olivia Rotifer on Thursday and found that she wasn't as high class as Heidi spoke of her as, She was more wild and hype and spoke of all the parties she and Heidi attended. Her attire was say the least. Victoria didn't think Heidi would be friends with someone like her.

Olivia was an art student who was just looking for fun, it was actually Heidi's idea to attend the parties. They would drink and experiment with drugs, but the last party that they attended got out of hand. The frat house was raided by police and they were still looking to question everyone at the party. That's why Heidi fled and made an abrupt trip to her parent's home.

They...well Victoria invited the girl to the charity event on Saturday to "See her roommate/friend", Olivia seemed unsure of the idea since Heidi didn't tell her about it. Victoria just concluded with a "It will be a nice surprise for my big sis, She's been so sad lately she will be charmed to see you" she ended with an adoring smile.

Olivia agreed. She was excited to see her roomie and discuss about more parties, they could attend when Heidi got home.

Heidi's plan was completed also...She had met up with Brooke on Friday in the AV room, It would be simple...Brooke would have to secretly attend the event, Heidi knew of all the secret entrances. So in the middle of the event, Heidi would let Brooke in one of those entrance and give Brooke a signal to switch the footage on the projector to show the picture of Victoria and Max kissing.

The time came for the event and the scheming and plotting were done. All that was left was the outcome.

Guests were arriving dressed in their finest evening wear for such events, Margaret and Charles were already there as it was their gallery. They were greeting guests and waiting for their dutiful daughters to come, so they could start the fundraiser. Victoria and Max and their guest arrived 20 minutes later the couple were dressed in evening gowns which Victoria called a stylist for and had their makeup and hair done. Olivia was dressed in her artsy dress which had an assortment of loud colors.

Victoria told her to dress in whatever she wanted.

Heidi arrived shortly after but not before telling Brooke what the signal was when she wanted her to switch out the footage on the big screen. Heidi hadn't noticed her sister or her guest. When she did, she would be in for a surprise. She mingled with guests and kept up appearances as her sister too.

A loud clang of glass brought everyone's attention to the front of the main stage where Margaret was standing next to Charles. "It is time for the charity auction".

Everyone crowded around the stage with their numbers in hand, she called out a few numbers for a lovely painting where the money would go to one of the many charities that they sponsored. That was the perfect time for Victoria's plan to take action.

However...She had managed to lose Olivia, 'Damn college students'. She and Max scanned the area for bright colors, Max spotted Olivia by the bar. They walked over to her and saw her arguing with the bartender in a slightly loud voice.

"LISTEN HERE...I CANT-WAIT UMM DAMNIT WHAT IS THAT WORD AGAIN-" "Don't?" "RIGHT DONT CARE WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT TOO MUCH DRINKS...I ONLY HAD THREE MARTINIS!" She shouted to the confused bartender and it was starting to draw some attention from the guests.

Heidi noticed her roommate with her baby sister and Max. Her eyes grew wide, 'Oh my fucking god! what is she doing here?...Time to speed up the plan even more'. She texted Brooke and told her it was go time. Next, she made a beeline towards the bar where the spectacle of her drunken roommate was drawing even more attention.

"Move out the way Baby sister!, Hey Liv...What are you doing here?" She said pushing Victoria out of the way which resulted in a scoff.

Olivia spotted her friend and let out a big squeal...She was now drawing the attention of the Heidi's parents, "OMG! Girl where have you been! Well now, I guess I know where since your sister over here tracked me down...Isn't she the best?" She squealed at Heidi hugging her who in turn was glaring daggers at Victoria.

"Yes...Sure...May I speak with my little sister and her friend?" Heidi hugged her back and pulled her off of her.

Olivia nodded and went back to arguing with the bartender but about art this time.

Heidi grabbed Victoria's arm and roughly pulled her to the side of all the chaos, Both not knowing that the monitor pictures were changing and now showing a different picture. Heidi smirked at this.

"What the fuck is your problem? Bringing her here will do nothing but ruin mother and father's event...You have to make her leave!" Heidi glared at Victoria who was looking at the screen with a short laugh.

'Why is she laughing? And isn't running towards the screen? ' Heidi looked at her confused.

Mad spoke up "Umm a little too late for that...Your parents called security and are looking pretty pissed at the both of you" Max winced.

The sisters both looked over at their parents and gulped. They had knew in that moment they had fucked up.

The Chase parents marched over to their daughters...Charles surprised everyone and spoke first "Girls it's time to go home and discuss this". "But dad!" "But daddy!".

"No buts go to our car and wait...NOW!" Charles yelled at his daughters who jumped.

Charles was usually quiet...But when you got him mad, he was mad.

Heidi and Victoria both did the walk of shame to their parents cars. Max stood there baffled.

"I'm sorry Maxine but our daughters have been ruining events for years...Some vampire looking girl was brought out by security told us that Heidi said to change the monitors to what looks like a picture of herself at a party in her college and that girl in the colorful dress told us Victoria brought her here. I already arranged a cab for you" Margaret finished off apologizing and made a formal apology to her guests and walked out of the gallery.

Max stood bewildered. 'Years?'.

The drive from the gallery to their house was grueling. Nothing but silence. It was so quiet that one could hear a tree fall in the forest. Charles had Victoria walk with him and Heidi walk with Margaret. They all sat in the dining room, the sisters sat away from each other.

Charles was fuming, he knew Margaret's past attempts for punishment weren't effective since the girls have been pulling these stunts for years. He called for Winston to get him something that would seize his anger.

Once some of his anger was gone, he walked to the dining room where the girls and Margaret were waiting. Both of his daughters had their heads down.

"Okay...I've had it with all the scheming and fighting and ruining events. You two are grounded for the rest of the weekend and Monday and Tuesday since you don't have school those days Victoria. But as for punishment you will both be cleaning this house from top to bottom. No electronics and no friends over. Don't even try to plead your case! I've had enough! Have I made myself clear?"

"But Daddy!" "But Dad!" They both whined.

"What did I just say?!", He yelled back at them.

"Fine" They both said pouting.

"Perfect, Winston and Dorothea will be taking a short vacation while me and Margaret will settle some things at the gallery. You will not argue or fight, Perhaps this little punishment will teach you girls to get along. Also, we will be going to family therapy every Thursday. I've stayed quiet enough but not anymore". He said at them glaring. Yeah he was still pissed.

Charles called for Winston and Dorothea and told them of his plan. The two highfived and went to pack for their short vacation. Charles also collected his daughters electronic devices and left with Margaret to settle the incident at the gallery and to continue on with the event.

The girls were left with cleaning supplies and takeout menus since neither wouldn't bother to cook. They silently agreed on Chinese and ate in silence. Both agreed on starting the next day with the basement. They quietly went to their rooms and went to sleep since there wasn't anything they could do. Victoria sending a silent good night to Max.

Sunday came around sooner than ever, the sisters got up around 8ish and ate whatever breakfast they could find that didn't involve cooking. After breakfast, they set out to start cleaning the basement. Victoria wore some old overalls that she didn't mind getting dirty with a long sleeve shirt, Heidi found a pair of old jeans and an old sweater. They both walked down the stairs Victoria jumped when a cobweb touched her which caused Heidi to snicker. Victoria giving her the finger in return.

They both pushed each other but then remembered what their father said. They decided to avoid further conflict they would work at separate ends of the basement. They worked on their spots for about two hours with no fights, there would be the occasional laugh at finding things their parents packed away from their childhoods. Lunch time came and Victoria called a Chinese food restaurant for lunch, the pair ate in silence again.

After lunch, they continued on with the basement. "Hey! Look it's your ugly Halloween costume" Heidi snickered holding up a bumblebee dress with the headband and matching shoes. Victoria gave her the finger and threw an old blanket her way missing her.

"Nice throw NOT loser!" Heidi continue to reel up Victoria.

"Shut up Drunkie Von Druggie!" Victoria threw a retort back at her.

The two started walking towards each other ready to pounce, then stopped when they heard their father's words. "No fighting". They both sized each other up then back to their respective areas of the basement but not before shooting a glare towards the other. The rest of the cleaning went by without any fights from them. Dinner was pizza from another takeout place, but this time they ate in their rooms to avoid confrontation.

'Please let this nightmare be over' Victoria groaned as she got ready for bed. She closed her eyes with sweet dreams of her and Max.

In Heidi's room, she was getting ready for bed when she found her old diary. She opened it and laughed at the memories of her and Victoria before everything got messed up. She thought 'If I'm going to have to spend the rest of my weekend with her, then We are going to have to find some common ground'. It was her role as older sister and she was doing a sucky job at it...She was going to have to call some truce, she walked by her sister's room and cracked the door a bit seeing her sister sleeping so peaceful. She sighed then walked back to her room and climbed into her bed. 'Two more days...Just two more days' She thought closing her eyes.

Monday started off pretty much the same except for Heidi called a truce with Victoria who seemed skeptical of the offer, but accepted it with a handshake. They ate breakfast in silence once again just because they called a truce doesn't mean they have to talk to each other.

Today, they would be doing the upstairs and their rooms since their parents didn't want them messing up the main floor. That job was for Dorothea and the other maids. They settled on dusting and cleaning walls then cleaning their own bedrooms and bathrooms but leaving their parents' room alone.

They cleaned and cleaned until lunch time then ate whatever they could find, eating takeout was getting tiring. After lunch they continued to clean, their bedrooms were spotless you couldn't even see a hint of dust. Their bathrooms looked to be new and the hallways and stairs made the house looked new. They had been working so hard they almost skipped dinner.

Victoria had Thai food and Heidi had Italian, they ate with some actual conversation well most of the talk was about what areas of the attic that they would clean the next day but it was a start. They gave each other a friendly smile before descending to their rooms and going to sleep.

It was the last day of cleaning, the last day of being subjected to being away from the outside world. Today was different, they ate breakfast with the atmosphere feeling slightly warmer and nicer, it was a weird feeling that the both of them hadn't felt in a long time. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing but it was just different.

The attic was the place where all their memories were held, Some was stored in the basement but the attic was where everything went. Neither had been up there in a long time so walking up there felt almost spooky.

They started looking to see what could be rearranged to make it look cleaner and set out to work. It was becoming a fun little journey, they would find old knickknacks from their childhood that they thought had gone missing. When it seemed like actual fun was taking place, they remembered why they were up there and the fun feeling would be gone. They continued on working, but stopped for lunch. Heidi brought up conversation for once which Victoria was gladly to oblige.

"I found an old jump rope up there" Heidi started.

"Oh yeah! I remember that jump rope...We used to play that game where we would tie the jump rope to the door then we each would take turns jumping and making up songs" Victoria added smiling at the fond memory of it.

Heidi smiled too remembering when she was 9 and Victoria was 6. "Yeah what happened to playing with that?" Heidi asked.

Victoria frowned suddenly "Seriously? You got "cool" and decided jump roping was for babies when you were 13...Why did you bring that up anyways? To hurt my feelings?" Victoria spat out glaring at Heidi.

Heidi had a look of hurt on her face "No I swear I didn't. I wanted to just have some conversation for once, Not to hurt you".

Victoria rolled her eyes "Yeah whatever, Let's just finish up the attic so I won't be forced to spend time with you...Other than family events of course" she finished off walking upstairs.

Heidi silently followed sighing. They continued on working, the atmosphere feeling not so nice and warm this time. They were working a few hours when Victoria found a box that read 'Memories' inside were her baby shoes and hospital bracelet along with some of Heidi's baby stuff. At the bottom of the box was a book that read 'Sisters Forever' in silly letters with a picture of baby her and a 3 year old Heidi. She gasped and her eyes started tearing up. This caught Heidi's attention. "What is it?" Heidi questioned pausing from the task she was doing.

Victoria gestured for her to come over. Heidi walked over and gasped as well when she saw the book.

"Should we open it?" Victoria asked in an innocent voice.

Heidi took the book from her and nodded "Let's look at our memories, baby sister!".

She opened the book and a wave of nostalgia was brought over both of them.

The first picture was of her age 3 with a baby Victoria kissing her on the forehead. The caption read 'A New Beginning'. She heard distant sniffling and saw Victoria with tears in her eyes. She smiled at her and gave her a hug as they continued to look at the book.

They flipped through the pages of them at their first dance classes and recitals, times at the beach, their firsts of things, tea parties, sleepovers, and being best friends. The book stopped at ages 12 and 9 when things started to change. They looked at each other and knew it was time to talk about things. Victoria started off first "I miss you...Not the you right now but the you in those pictures. We were best friends but you left me for fashion and boys and friends. I always said it was mom who started this between us but it was you and me..I think" she finished off looking at her hands with tears coming out of her eyes.

Heidi looked at her in realization, at age 12 she did start to spend more time with her friends and less time with her sister...Any time Victoria would want to do something, she would be shooed away or sent to one of her many activities. Heidi reached over and grabbed her sister and hugged her close to her allowing her cry her frustrations. "Aww Tori, I'm sorry...I was 12 and thought hanging out with my little sister was dumb, I miss you too. I wish we were young again so we could have sleepovers and play pretend but we weren't. I am willing to try and start fresh with you if you are?" Heidi placed her hand under the girl's chin getting her attention.

" might take some time but yes I want to start fresh with you, Please just don't tell mother and daddy about me and Max. I want to be ready to tell them myself, it's been ruined once so I don't want to ruin it again. And I'll lay off what happened at your college, Just try and stay away from the insane parties, okay?" Victoria slightly smiled wiping the tears from her cheeks.

Heidi smiled and nodded hugging her sister close, "Alright, Max's good for you. She makes you smile and I'm glad you two found each other and I'll stay away from the crazy parties, But don't think I'm laying off on the teasing...It's kinda my job. Why don't we look at more stuff after dinner? We pretty much cleaned the entire attic...Pizza for dinner?" She stood up stretching and reached out a hand for Victoria to take who smiled in return and took her hand.

They ate dinner with talking and laughing this time, They were almost back to being how they were before society and social media happened. They spent the rest of the night in the attic laughing and looking at more memories. When the Chase parents arrived back from the Chasespace. They were surprised to find the house in one piece. They looked around for the girls fearing they had both snapped and killed each other but were met with a beautiful sight.

In the attic were the girls cuddled up to one another sleeping with a memory in hand, They didn't want to wake the girls just yet they wanted to capture this beautiful moment for the memory book. When they woke them up, both Heidi and Victoria said good night and I love you to the other when they went to bed. They both had thought the weekend would be hell, but they both found their best friend again.

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