London Fever

By ThisIsUnderland

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Alex Cross has just left America, moving to London to go to a University that she's been wishing to go to for... More

London Fever
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Authors Note
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five

Chapter Fourteen

119 10 0
By ThisIsUnderland

Harry's POV (still)

I slam the door shut to the car, and make sure everyone's in. I see DJ, and she's looking at Louis, who has his hand in her knee. For comfort, I suppose. She looks really nervous, this is a high profile, and he could be dangerous. That scares all of us, especially her, she always goes in first when the suspect is male. Usually, she would do it no problem, but today seems different. Scary, almost.

DJ shift unconsciously, and Louis wraps his arm around her waist, and hugs her to him. I start the car up and

Niall sits beside me, not even looking remotely intimidating. Mostly because he didn't have a facial piercing an his hair was blonde. I chuckled silently to Myself and drove.

"Louis," I hear DJ say. "I think I'm scared. For the first time, I'm actually scared." She said. I turned the mirror on the ceiling so I could see their faces. Niall stayed silent. Louis looked like a million bad things happened, and DJ sniffled.

I didn't look to see what Louis did, but DJ gasped and got quiet. The one thing I know he didn't do was hurt her. Because DJ was his, and he would so anything to keep her safe and protected. And that's what I want. I am sick of no having someone to fight with, to cuddle with, to hug and to kiss. I just need someone, and I'm going to find her.

While still driving, I keep thinking of Alex.

Is she okay? I wonder what she's doing right now. If she's sleeping at home, or still out with Harmony and Mira.

Harmony. She's pretty, but not my type. Too responsible, and I'm sure her parents wouldn't let a guy like me anywhere near a girl like her. Especially since we're cousins. She looks a lot like me, must come from my moms side of the family. Unlike me, she has caramel brown eyes. But the rest, wavy brown hair, red lips, dimples, that makes us look like siblings. When we were little, we got mistaken for twins alot. But we just said we're cousins and went off on our merry way.

The name Alex keeps popping up in my mind. I just need it to stop, I'm trying to drive. I'm trying to get a job done.

"Harry, we have to take a right." Niall says, snapping me out of my daze. I nod and turn to thr right, sharper than I intended to. Niall mutters something under his breath, and I can hear the hiss of air between Louis's teeth. He didn't like that.

When we get there, we all set up quietly and quickly, in case this guy's got any cameras set up. I set up a audio recorder myself, to record everything said between ourselves, and a mic under the sleeve of Dj's dress, so we can hear the suspect a bit. Niall gets out and stands on the wall of the building, then pulls out a cigarette. He takes a long drag and flicks the cherry off.

DJ knocks on the door, hard. I set up all of our earpeices and turn them on, including the mic on DJ's sleeve, and the feed settles through. Some muffled voices is the first thing we all hear, then some clarity. Dj must've adjusted the mic.

"You the entertainment?" A gruff voice asked. I heard feet shuffling.

"Yeah," DJ said. She sounded annoyed, and chewed loudly on her gum. Let me say, she is quite the actor.

"Alright, this way." The guard stated. We could hear feet again, and the door start to close. I watched as DJ quietly place a card in between the latch on the door. So Lou could get in. The guard couldn't have seen her, she did it so quickly and with so much ease.

Lou got up. "I need to go in, now. She can't, she wont get hurt." He started to get out of the vehicle.

"Don't you dare let your feelings botch this mission. If one of us gets killed, the boss with torture you. I can't have my best friend get hurt, alright? Calm down, please. For all of us." I tell Louis.

I saw Niall nod from the side of the building. He had another cig out, and was working on that one too. "I dont want DJ being the one that gets hurt because of a foolish boyfriend's actions, ya know? Ya got ta let it go sometimes, mate. She's like a little sis, and I don't want her hurt either, but I know that she knows what she's doing." Niall's voice is clear through the earpiece, even though he's speaking barely above a whisper.

"Alright guys enough of the sob story. I'm in the bathroom now, Harbringer is so nasty. I've found out by analizing his actions. He's allergic to peanuts and coconuts. There's coconut oil in alot of things, so maybe if I can just get some, or maybe I'll just knock him outright. Lou, I need you to..." There's a pause as a clatter of a bathroom door opens. Someone must've just walked in. Thier voice is picked up.

"What a party, right?" An annoying girl says.

"Yeah, totally." DJ replies.

"It's sad that we're all forced to do things. I think the bathroom is the only place that's not monitored. So, be careful." The girl must be from the North Division of our group. She's saying all the right things and the way she says it seems like the Boss.

"When the subject cries," DJ starts. I know what she's doing. This is the communication between the North and East Division.

"Time to die." The girl finishes. "You the entertainment?"

"Yeah, Three is outside, Zero is coming in, and Two is driving."

"This place is full of them, be careful. Us North girls are only here to distract. Please, be careful. In fact, here's my number. My name's Mallory, text me at 6:05 say 'the early bird' I'll know it's you, and you're all right." I heard the crinkling of paper, and the clicking of heels, then the bathroom door shut again.

Louis was already entering the building, and DJ didn't reply. I mean she did, but it was quiet. The only thing she said was "In the back." Which is where the goods were.

Louis went in and I opened up his glasses cam on my dash. He's wearing sunglasses with a camera implanted into them. I have a laptop on my dashboard, and I watch.

Inside the building, Louis easily darts two guards near a door before they have time to alert anyone. The tranquilizer was enough for a moose, and their eyes role back as they fell. I chuckled to myself and Lou's voice came in through the reciever.

"Two down, I have no clue how many more." He said.

We heard Niall bust out laughing, the kid could never keep quiet when something funny happened. "Shut up you lug, you'll blow out cover."

I watched Louis's actions as he opened the door. Behind it was at least seven boxes of goods. He opened them to check, and picked three up. They said fragile, but Lou never cared. He bursted out of the room and out of the building, placing the three boxes in the trunk of the van.

"Three boxes in, four more to go." He said, running back inside. We still haven't gotten much feed from DJ's end

"One, come in." I said.

"One reporting," DJ replied.

"How are things holding up?"

"I've got him, but we're going to need Niall to get Harbringer. I can't carry him out on my own."

"Three, go in. Follow One's directions. Make it snappy." I say to Three, Niall. We each have a number. Lou is Zero, DJ is One, I am Two and Niall is Three.

"Copy," he said.

Louis ran out with the last four boxes, and I watched as Niall skunk inside, and they brought out Harbringer. He looked dead, but he was only sedated.

We brought Harbringer to The Boss's warehouse, and the big guy in the front took him. Two others got the boxes.

A call came in on DJ's phone. He put it on speaker.

"Good job East Division. I hope nothing is too damaged, yeah? You'll find the money in your accounts, have a nice week or two." He hung up.

Well, at least I'll have some cash. And by some, I mean plenty.


So that's Harry's job!

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