Personal Book II (BWWM)

By afroafrican

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Personal 9

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By afroafrican


Personal 9

Afia P.O.V.

Friday (After the Game)

I could not believe that he would have said that, granted I would have not understood, because I did not play the stupid sport, but he would have not understood how it is to be a girlfriend to a football player. Having to know you come second to something that is not tangible, sucks and can be annoying. To know that the person you love could die, also sucks to.

"Are you fu-" I started, but interrupted by the football team.

"What's up man?" Jackson said dapping Benjamin.

Benjamin not breaking my stare said, "Nothing man."

"How are you holding up?" Jontavian said also dapping Benjamin.

Not wanting to be around him anymore I got up and left the room. I went back to the waiting room and that's when I saw Benjamin's parents.

"Afia how is Benjamin." Charlotte said getting up, I could see worry in her eyes.

"Why don't you go see him for yourself." I said nodding towards the door.

She nodded but stayed in front of me, and then she did something that shocked the hell out of me, she hugged me. The cold-hearted bitch, also known as Charlotte Waters, hugged me. Shocked I didn't hug her back.

She then whispered, "I am so sorry Afia, for everything, I truly am."

"I-it's fine." I stuttered.

She pulled away and then walked back to the room.

"Afia I would like to have that talk now." Jonathan said not moving from his spot.

"Don't you want to go see your son?"

"He can wait." He shrugged.

This man had no care for anyone, not even his own son. The balls on this man was impeccable.

Sighing I sat down and stared straight ahead.

"I am going to cut to the point, I don't want you to be with my son."

I wasn't shock, he hasn't wanted me to be with Benjamin since I was first introduced to him.

"What about your grandchild?" I said not breaking my stare down with the wall.

"What about it?"



"That it, is a her, your first grandchild is a girl."

"I will keep the two of you comfortable."

"I don't want your money."

"Well then you can leave, and very quietly."

"And I won't do that either."

"Excuse me."

"See you might control everyone else around you, But I refuse for you to break us up, granted he can be the biggest pain in the ass, but he is my pain in the ass and I once again refuse to leave him. Amara, your grandchild, and I are going to be in your 'son's' life now with that being said you can kiss my proud black ass and watch it walk on the way out." I said and then got up and walked out of the hospital.


Wednesday (One Week Later)

It had been one week, and Benjamin's parents left the day after the game, as promised. I had not spoken to Benjamin also since the game, and vice versa. The house had been eerily quiet and uncomfortable, I was still pissed at the backwards statement he made, and he was still pissed at the fact that he thought I didn't understand.

"See there you go again, with that dazing out shit." Justice said pointing at me.

"I'm sorry." I said picking at the grass.

"Girl you might as well as talk to that boy."

"No I won't talk to him until he apologizes, the shit he said was insensitive."

"It was, but at the end of the day guess what, you love-"

"Oh whatever." I said flicking her words away.

"You love him-"

"Of course, I do, but that doesn't excuse him for what the hell he said."

"No, it doesn't but guess what you're in a relationship and he is going to make mistakes."

"But if you make a mistake, don't you apologize for it."

"Yes-oh bitch here they come." She said and then began to fluff her hair and straighten her clothes out.

"Ugh, why don't you tell Jackson you like him already?"

"The same reason why you won't talk to Ben."

"Touché." I muttered.

She smirked and then pretended to do her work.

"What's up ma'?" Jackson said bending down to her level.

"This ma' has a name." Justice scoffed.

She was a damn good actress, if she didn't tell me she liked him, I would have never known.

"My bad Justice." He said emphasizing her name.

I rubbed little circles around my stomach as I watch them two do their little bicker, they already look like a couple.

Smiling at the two of them I looked down at my phone and saw that I had a few minutes to get to my class. I looked up and made intense eye contact with Benjamin, his eyes had dark circles around them, this was the first time me noticing it, he had begun sleeping on the couch, so I rarely saw him. It took all of me not to go up to him and kiss him, what can I say I missed him. I guess that's what Justice meant even after what he said my heart would always forgive him before my pride did.

"I have to go I'll talk to you later." I said looking down and biting my lip.

"You gon' leave me with these two knuckle-heads." She said flicking Jackson's head.

"You will be fine." I smiled and proceeded to get up, but Benjamin grabbed my hand and helped me up.

"Thank you." I said staring at him and walked away.


"Angelo you're beginning to sound like Justice." I groaned.

"Well Justice has a point, don't let your pride get in the way."

"My pride is not getting in the way."

"Just admit it Afia you're a prideful person."

I sighed and put my chin in my hand and thought about it, maybe I am a prideful person, I never liked to be the one to apologize first or break the silence first.

"You might as well go home and tell him what's on your mind."

"Ugh fine." I groaned crossing my arms.

"Don't be a baby Afodile." Angelo said shushing me.

Amara then began to move around and kick, I guess she also missed his voice as much as I did.

Smacking my teeth, I grabbed my bag and hugged Angelo.
"I will talk to you later."

"Ok Afodile." Angelo laughed.

I left his home and got into my car and proceeded to go home.

It took me ten minutes to arrive, and when I did it took me thirty minutes to get out of the car. I didn't know how to approach him, or the first thing I would say.

"Come on Afia you can do this girl all you have to do is go in there and say something, or anything, this is not high school anymore." I said to myself.

After another couple of minutes of mustering up the courage to go in there, I finally decided to, getting out of the car I walked to the door in a slow pace. My hand lingered on the door knob for some minutes, before turning it and opening.

My jaw dropped slightly at the sight before me, Benjamin dripping wet in nothing but a towel. If I didn't know what to say then I damn sure don't know what to say now. He then turned around and faced me, his mouth said nothing but his eyes said everything, I guess his pride wouldn't let him say anything to me either.

Looking down I walked to the bedroom in defeat, why couldn't I get over my stupid pride and why couldn't he get over his to. It was like we were spinning around in a circle and neither of us were prospering from it. Just as I was about to go into the bedroom, Benjamin's firm hand wrapped around my wrist pulled me back to his chest.

"I'm so sorry baby." He said before smashing his lips to mine.

Our lips molded into one another and I found myself just melting into him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer.

"I'm so sorry." He said in between kisses.

Surprising the hell out of me he picked me up and wrapped my legs around his waist and walked into the room and sitting on the bed, and I was position of straddling him.

"Ben." I moaned as he began kissing down my neck.

"Tell me what you want baby." He said taking off my shirt.


A few hours later.

Ben P.O.V.

Sleep was an alien to me, for many reasons, the number one was Afia. It was complete hell, I didn't ever want to go that long without being around her, it drained me. The second one was my absence from football, having people everywhere say that there is no way I can come back and that I would never be the same after that type of hit. My teammates told me to ignore it but how could you ignore it when you hear it everywhere you go.

"You okay baby." Afia said kissing my chest, staring at me with those wide brown eyes, that I adore.

"Yeah just thinking." I said rubbing her bare lower back.


"How sorry I am."

"It's ok, we were both wrong. But what you said hurt Benjamin. I understand I will never know how it is to be a football player, or understand the sport but what I do understand is that I cannot stand seeing you in pain. I don't think my heart could take seeing you in that condition anymore, those few seconds felt like years." She said as she was staring off into space, most likely reliving the memory again.

Heart shattering, I finally saw the raw Afia, that she covered up so well. The once light look in her eyes was replaced by dread and worry. She was scared for me, I have never heard about this from her. I wish I would have known so I could've told her that I am going to be alright.

"I am sorry." I said while pulling her to me.

"It's ok I am just happy you are ok." She smiled kissing my jaw.

We sat in silence for a moment before she sighed and said, "I have something to tell you."

"Did you cheat?" I joked

"Hahaha," She laughed humorlessly and slapped my chest and continued, "very funny, but your father and I had a little conversation."

I tensed up immediately and my tempered flared up soon after.

"What was it about?" I said keeping my tone in check.


"When was this?"

"When you were in the hospital-" She was explaining, but was cut off by the door bell ringing.

I frowned at the interruption and got up slipping on some pajama bottoms and went to the door.

I looked through the peephole and my fist clenched and I swung open the door.

"What the hell do you want?"




Hi, I am sorry it has taken me so long to update but I made sure I made it extra long for you guys.

I also want to say thank you for the love last chapter and I am happy you guys are enjoying the book so far.

So tell me what do you guys think about Justice and Jackson?

Would you want for them to have a spin off from this book?

Also what would be good days for me to update I am trying to come up with a schedule?

Another thing don't forget to follow me, I will be posting messages on my timeline about when I will update exactly, and I also want to interact with my followers more so whoever stays active with the story will be getting sneak peaks into the next chapter ;)

One last thing if you guys have any books you would like for me to read please message me or leave it in the comment section.

Bye you guys!


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