RED: Welcome To Fayetteville...

By WesleyBryant6

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[Highest Ranks] ***2018 Watty's Shortlist*** ***FEATURED STORY*** #1 in Novels #5 in Murder Mysteries #6 in M... More

Character List
Chapter 1: Genni
Chapter 2: Evelyn
Chapter 3: Sheriff Mullins
Chapter 4: Kathrine
Chapter 5: Derrick
Chapter 7: The Rat
Chapter 8: The Trigger
Chapter 9: The Blood
Chapter 10: The Crowbar
Chapter 11: Jasper
Chapter 12: The Yellow Light
Chapter 13: The Photo
-Questions & Predictions-
Chapter 14: The Call
Chapter 15: Natalie
Chapter 16: The Interrogation Room
Chapter 17: The River
Chapter 18: The Suspects
Chapter 19: The Secrets
Chapter 20: The Gun
Chapter 21: The Post
Chapter 22: The Confession
Chapter 23: The Fear
Chapter 24: The Scene
Chapter 25: The Shock
Chapter 26: The Camera
- Questions & Predictions Pt. 2 -
Chapter 27: RED
Chapter 28: The Butterflies
Chapter 29: The Buzz
Chapter 30: The Death
Chapter 31: The Knock
Chapter 32: The Past
Chapter 33: The Darkness
Chapter 34: Deputy Evans
Chapter 35: The Choice
Chapter 36: The Gift
Chapter 37: The Shot
Chapter 38: The Open Book
Chapter 39: The Return
- Questions & Predictions Pt. 3-
Chapter 40: The Cabin
Chapter 41: The Search
Chapter 42: The Truck
Chapter 43: The Cat
Chapter 44: The Mouse
Chapter 45: The Lonely
Chapter 46: The Fog
Chapter 47: The Sleep
Chapter 48: The Watched
Chapter 49: Danny
Chapter 50: The Classroom
Chapter 51: The Act
Chapter 52: The Ashes
- Questions & Predictions Pt. 4 -
Chapter 53: The Hunting
Chapter 54: The Invited
Chapter 55: The Code Word
Chapter 56: The Bag
Chapter 57: The Arrival
Chapter 58: Asleep
Chapter 59: Awake
Chapter 60: The Four
Chapter 61: No Time
Chapter 62: The Duo
Chapter 63: The Breaking Point
Chapter 64: The Breath
Chapter 65: THE END

Chapter 6: The Bridge

8K 656 92
By WesleyBryant6

The next day, Kathrine was sitting at Stone Bridge Park waiting to meet up with Jasper. He was wanting to take a few photos for his collection he is working on, and Kathrine was wanting a new profile picture for Instagram. She was using a large rock as a bench that could really fit about three different people. The sun was shining above her, with the breeze making the fountain sprinkle water in her direction.

Most of the time, when there is someone looking over your shoulder... you know it. You can tell that someone is just around the corner with their focus on you. Sometimes we feel like someone is watching when there is no one near. It's strange... to feel like you're not alone. We let the mystery drive us crazy. But this time, Kathrine had no idea that there was someone behind her. Not directly behind her... but under the bridge in the distance. A red hoodie hiding their face and identity. Even if Kathrine turned around, she may not see them. They were watching her... waiting and hoping she would walk towards the bridge. Kathrine stood up from her rock and dusted herself off. A smirk emerged from the shadow of the red hoodie.

Fayetteville was still new to Kathrine, and she hadn't been to Stone Bridge Park yet. She looked around and noticed the bridge the cars would drive over. The sound of cars rippling over the concrete. She looked around the park, noticing that she was alone... or so she thought. She stepped closer to the bridge, peeking around at the graffiti on the side. She stepped closer, letting her toes hit the shadow cast by the bridge.

On the other side of the concrete column supporting the bridge where it meets the hill, there they were. Just waiting for her to walk under the bridge into the dark area.

Kathrine's phone started to vibrate in her pocket. She answered, "Hello?" as she turned around, letting her back face the bridge. She stood still, not realizing the person now standing behind her.

She stepped away and back towards the parking lot to meet Jasper. As she passed the rock she was sitting on earlier, she looked back to the bridge. No one.

"Cool place," she whispered to herself.


"Why'd you have to be like that?!" Derrick yelled at Kathrine.

After her photo shoot with Jasper, she met up with Derrick in the Zaxby's parking lot.

"You were cheating on Natalie with me. You have issues, you know that?"

"Shut your mouth," he points at her. "She isn't perfect, and I wanted a night with a little more."

"You're disgusting. And you know what, you shouldn't be mad at me. I knew before last night. I wasn't expecting to see you there... but people know and people talk."

"Who?" he asked.

Kathrine knew what she was doing. Genni told her that night, but she wanted to mess up Derrick. She wanted his brain to spiral as if it wasn't already.

"Who!?" he screamed.

"Don't you dare raise your voice at me," she said as she swung the car door open. Kathrine jumped out of his vehicle. "You'll get what's coming to you. Don't play games, Derrick." She slammed his door.

"Zach," he whispered to himself. He hit his steering wheel thinking it would make him feel better.

"He knew. He invited that rat on purpose." Derrick slammed his keys into the ignition. He pulled out of Zaxby's parking lot and was headed straight for Zach's house.

***If you liked this chapter, please hit the star! This would really help me out. Thanks!

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