Locem Ac Tenebras

By Raven-Knight

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"Zane," he spoke quietly. I looked at him questioningly, noticing that he was watching me intensely. I almost... More

Locem Ac Tenebras
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 pt.1
Chapter 9 pt.2
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 4

858 8 1
By Raven-Knight

I was still screaming when I woke from that horrifying dream. I couldn't keep myself from thinking how close to dying I felt in that dream. And that man, he had so much power over me. I had never been so frightened in my life.

I felt strong hands tighten around me and I was blinded by the overwhelming light above me. I began to flail helplessly, hoping I could fight off my captor with panic. I felt the persons rough fingers attempt to comfort me and a warm husky voice spoke with gentle force, "calm down."

I took a deep breath and ventured the length of the man's body. He was very firm and muscular, his skin was fair, and his shoulders were broad. When I finally reached his eyes I gasped in fascination. His eyes were such a delicate blue that they reminded me of the sky when it was a clear day. His hair was a sandy blonde, short, but a little unkempt. He was showing off a bright smile that was cocky, but also kind of goofy.

"Better, now that you've seen me?" He asked with a little humor leaking into his husky voice. I felt a little anger build inside my chest, I was so fed up with men lately. So, naturally, I spit into his eyes. I didn't feel a bit of remorse, in fact I felt satisfied. "Actually, that's much better," I replied smartly.

I watched him closely and he barely even flinched at the spitting, or my harsh reply. He slid his toned arm across his eyes quickly.

"You know you should be lucky that I saved your life, that demon was going to dispose of you."

"Demon?" I asked curiously.

The man snorted, "yea, the one with the emo look you were hanging around. By the way, what attracted you to that kind of crowd?"

Was he talking about Zane? If he was, he was absolutely fucking insane! Zane was not a demon, nor was he "emo". I felt the anger flow through my body and was ready to hit the guy.

"First of all, you don't even know me so how in the world would you know MY crowd? Second, Zane is definitely NOT emo nor is he demon! And if you're so good at judging, why haven't you crowned yourself the king of jackass land?!" I practically spat at him.

He fidgeted with his hands before he decided to shove them into the pockets of his dark blue jeans.

His eyebrow raised and he spoke carefully, "you haven't trafficked with demons, have you?"

My memory struggled to pull something to the front of my mind, but it only hurt to continue to try to remember it. I swallowed a lump that had formed in my throat unexpectedly, "what are you talking about?" I asked softly.

He nervously slid his hand through his hair. He kind of looked cute and a little vulnerable with my lack of knowledge. I could almost imagine- No! I don't have enough room in my head to think about another guy, I scolded myself.

"Listen to me carefully- With an open mind. Please. Your friend, Zane, is a demon, you are a Witch, and I am an angel."

He tried to look at me, but I could tell it wasn't easy since he kept glancing past me. Honestly, even though this all sounded like nonsense, it felt like the truth. It's almost as if I've heard it before. But I wasn't willing to play happy-go-lucky with this guy.

"Who are you anyway?" I snapped.

He smiled a little, "I'm Luke, your guardian angel."

I stood up quickly, realizing he was still embracing me, and wiped the sand off my white dress. I blushed when I realized you could see my panties by the way my dress rode up my legs. I turned from him, "I can take care of myself."

He smirked and followed me as I turned to walk. That's when I realized that I had no idea where I was at. I felt a little panicked, but I controlled my composure. I didn't need his help. Before me was a total wasteland. The sun was beating down on us heavily and we were surrounded by a vast desert.

"So, which way Sophie?" He asked.

"My name is Azaila," I snapped at him. A playful grin came across his face and he casually shrugged. I groaned, ashamed that I had just given him what he wanted.

"You could have just asked," I said, annoyed. I glared at him.

"No, actually, I couldn't have."

I shook my head and began to walk forward. I guess he is right, I would have never told him my name.

After a couple of hours of walking I began to grow tired. I was also very thirsty from the hot sun and the dry desert air. Sand was starting to stick to my pale skin from the light sand that seemed to be blowing all around me. It was becoming hard to think.

"So, can I call you Sophie?" Luke asked nonchalantly after the long silence. I whipped my head toward him and glared at him for a long moment. The smile on his face widened and his amusement was pushing to the edge of my anger. "Do you enjoy teasing me while we're beginning to die in this damn wasteland?!" I shouted him.

His delicate blue eyes softened, "if this is the only way I can take up your mind, then so be it."

I drew in a deep breath, surprised by his gentleness and sincerity. Maybe there was more to this man than what I thought.

"Listen, Azaila, we're going the wrong way. Zane cast you into hell after he wiped your memory and knocked you unconscious. My job is to help you get out. I am willing to put my life on the line for you," he said in a serious tone.

The features on his beautiful face tightened and it seemed as if he were holding his breath as he awaited my reaction.

I took in a deep breath and spoke in a calm tone, "then, show me the way."

He smiled at me as if he had just won the lottery. I rolled my eyes in annoyance. Me swallowing my pride was for the fear of my own life, it had nothing to do with him. I didn't quite trust him either, but he was my only chance so I followed him without question.


After miles upon miles of desert, we came upon a heavily forested area. Upon entering the forest, there was a swarm of beautiful blue butterflies surrounding me. I stopped, unnoticed by Luke, to observe them. They fluttered slowly and gracefully. They were so unusual, yet beautiful. I let one land on me and my hand began to burn. I screeched in pain as I swatted the butterfly away from me. Sand began to swirl around me in a light blue haze. I heard Luke turn my way and a small gasp of panic escape his light pink lips, "Azaila, don't move," he said sternly, "those are demons."

The panic in my chest grew and an intense heat settled around me. I could not see past the blue haze that gathered around me like a sand storm. I was paralyzed by fear, but Luke's voice was slowly bringing me to my senses. "Azaila!" He shouted in a strong voice. His voice was so smooth, if it were tangible I imagined it could protect me all on it's own. A strange feeling of desire was washing over me. I wanted to hold Luke's strong body against me and kiss his beautiful, full lips. I imagine his hand running up the length of my thigh and-

"Azaila! Don't let it taint you with desire!"

His voice almost sounded hysterical this time. It was enough to bring the sound of battle rushing to my ears. I could finally see the horrible scene unfolding in front of me. Luke was battling these horrible human-like creatures. They were beautiful, but their features seemed seemed to twist into cruel, distorted expressions as they attacked Luke. Luke was dodging their blows skillfully until snake-like tendrils sprouted from their heads. As the tendrils touched his skin, dark purple rashes started to line his body in circles.

"Luke!" I screamed. I felt helpless as I watched. I'm not sure how I did it, my mind was a little muggy when I shouted out some kind of poem.

The demons turned their attention to me instantly and looked pissed that I ha awoken from their spell. They all began to make their way toward me and I felt a burst of relief that they had turned their attention away from Luke. He could make it out alive.


A/N: I don't know when I'll be able to update again, but my next chapter will be in Luke's POV. Also, if you're reading please comment opinions and ideas, thank you!

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